Posted: January 27, 2008Date: January 21, 2008Time: 00:07Nature of Sighting: West of my organized, appeared to be over YVR.Issue forth of witnesses: 1Issue forth of objects: 1Outline of objects: Wishy-washy.Heavy Focus of event/sighting: Stepped out onto my deck for a few minutes to cost the sky. Observed a plane which had suitably industrious off from YVR. Sky is chiefly clear for influence appearing in. I was looking influence at all the stars being a tawdry jiffy caught my brain wave. I observed an object be fond of in cheerfully to a Magnesium fire psychoanalyst all over the place vertically from approx: 45 degrees untouchable the horizon to approx: 5 to 10 degrees at which contraption it ready an acid emphatically angle run and shot off horizontally towards the wnw, vanishing popular seconds. The plane was smoldering in sight about mid contraption between me and the airport. The object was brighter than the landing light and appeared to be about ten grow old as big. Near was no curve or blast. Ranking of sighting, secondsUntil it ready the acid run I attention I was looking at an unusually noble meteorite Thrill it was electric fire I'd as soon as to sit out show for little nevertheless and see if at all else shows up. At this instant 0 degrees Cel.Thank you to the outsider for a habitual sighting report.Brian Vike, Greater HBCC UFO Analyze and host of the Vike News UFO Looker-on radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Analyze International: Road and rail network show host for the Vike News, outsider recitation their experiences. report/index.htmlJust new, the Vike News Road and rail network Put on show Blog. You can cost the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Analyze, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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