A Skeptic At The 2012 International Ufo Congress Part 5 Of 5
On Friday evening I watched "The Montauk Chronicles", a documentary on supposed sinister paranormal experiments carried out on innocent boys by the U.S. military at Montauk, Long Island, NY. (See p. 124-126 of my book "Pyschic Vibrations"). Supposedly tens of thousands of young boys, if not hundreds of thousands, were taken off the streets, imprisoned, tortured and molested, all for the purpose of unleashing hidden paranormal powers. The project ended when one of the youngsters was able to manifest a Big Scary Monster that ran amuck attacking people. By some accounts, the monster still runs amuck at night, when the moon is full and the fog sits upon the moor - wooo. The movie is quite well made. I met the writer and director, Christopher P. Garetano, who seems like a nice fellow but apparently lacks the gene for critical thinking. He cannot decide whether this huge, bloated, absurd tale is true or not. Good Lord!

David Sereda and Stan Romanek test that the laws of electromagnetism are still working

The Saturday sessions began with Ben Hansen, host of the SyFy channel's FACT OR FAKED, on the INTERPLAY OF MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY, HOLLYWOOD, AND VALIDATING EVIDENCE OF ET CONTACT. He raised the question of how to tell, given all this technology, which photos and videos are genuine, and which faked. Technology, he said, is our best friend, but also our worst enemy. It seemed to be more "enemy" that morning as many of his video excerpts were unable to be played. The genre of "found footage," he said is now so popular that if real footage of ETs is ever found, it might not be believed. He decried the "wolves" who damage the credibility of UFO research by making sensational claims for their own fun and profit. Unfortunately, he did not name any names.

Whitley and Anne Strieber

When I first saw the celebrated mega-best selling author Whitley Strieber and his wife Anne seated on a panel, I remarked to myself how their demeanor reminded me of the couple in the famous painting "American Gothic". I had not seen Anne before; however I had written up an account of Strieber's very odd behavior during my previous Close Encounter with the Great Confabulator. For his talk, Strieber promised he would be SOLVING THE COMMUNION ENIGMA, but somehow never quite did. He did promote his website The Unknown Country, especially the paid subscribers' pages. Anne read some letters they had received, telling of peoples' highly-emotional experiences with "the visitors." In mankind's struggle for political and personal freedom, he said, we CE-ers are on the cutting edge.However, it is common for CE people to have a "tragic background." A wave of "strange sounds" around the world, mentioned earlier by Maussan, were discussed.

I got out of my seat to get photos of the speakers, without flash so as not to disturb the video being made. I was looking at the photos as I returned to my seat. The fellow next to me asked "were there any orbs above them?" No, not this time. Streiber returned to the theme of contact with the dead that he first began to promote in his book "The Key" (see my Review, "He Sees Dead People," in the "Skeptical Inquirer", July/August, 2011). Dead people, he says, dress in a brown monk's cowl, "Jesuit clothing." Some of the visitors think it is possible for mankind ro Evolve, while others apparently are not so optimistic. That is why the visitors are so cautious and stealthy. Afterward, mankind will be changed completely, and come face-to-face with the dead. Strieber still says he does not know exactly who "the visitors" are, but he knows that The Dead play a large role.

Whitley Strieber signing autographs

General Ricardo Bermudez spoke about CHILE'S OFFICIAL UFO AGENCY. I didn't hear much of his talk. He was having serious Audio-Visual problems. He spoke about UFO reports that were being received in Chile.

Next the celebrated Steven Greer of CSETI (not to be confused with "real "SETI) spoke on CONTACT: COUNTDOWN TO TRANSFORMATION to his largely-credulous and adoring crowd. "Disclosure has already happened," said Greer unexpectedly, borrowing a line from John Alexander, who Greer normally disagrees with about everything. Greer didn't explain that remark. Greer showed a photo of Bijou, an ambassador from the Andromeda Galaxy whose acquaintance was made in one of CSETI's desert Skywatches at Joshua Tree, CA. Bijou has now become like a sort of pet alien for Greer, often playing peek-a-boo when it's least expected. It takes a great deal of imagination to see Bijou in the original photo at left, even after they have helpfully cut away his outline (right) - more imagination than I have, I'm afraid. Greer also has equally-fuzzy photos of blips that he says are alien spaceships, many of them only partially materialized in our dimension. Every time they go out, says Greer, they spot UFOs. Every time. This confirms my suspicion that no matter what light they see in the sky, they think it's a UFO.

Greer says there's an alien hiding out in this photo

Voila! It's Bijou, Greer's alien familiar

Greer claims that electro-gravitic devices were built by as long ago as the 1950s. Alien technology, he says, offers us free energy so that we won't need oil or coal any more. However, this is being opposed by the greedy oil companies, and the military-industrial complex. Greer said that he was offered a bribe of 2 BILLION by the conspirators to stop investigating UFOs, which he bravely and selflessly declined. (Me, I'd sell out for a mere two "million", but then I don't make as much money as doctors do). He said the only reason the conspirators had not yet killed him is because he is too well-known. He accused the conspirators of "murder" in the cancer death of his friend Sheri Adamiak, and in the non-fatal cancers of other researchers, including his own. Apparently they have some sort of 'cancer ray' that they use against UFOlogists who get too close to the truth. Which brings us to this Rambo guy that I saw with Greer Friday night when Greer first arrived. He was dressed in black combat fatigues, and appeared to be wearing a bullet-proof vest. I thought this was odd, but I didn't pay much attention to him. Arizona is a state where people carry around guns the way people in other states carry umbrellas, although there are "no weapons" signs posted all around the facility. I heard later that Greer has taken to traveling with bodyguards, undoubtedly for the theatrical effect. Rambo, however, was not to be seen on Saturday when Greer spoke, and especially when he went into the hallway to sign autographs, which is when Greer would need protection the most. I heard an unconfirmed rumor that Rambo may have gotten himself into trouble bringing guns onto the Indian Reservation. For whatever reason, Rambo wasn't there, leaving poor Steven Greer defenseless. I am happy to report that Greer survived his stint at the UFO Congress.

Steven Greer is embraced by one of his many admiring fans. But where is Rambo?

Colin Andrews, the world authority on CROP CIRCLES, spoke on that subject.He said that it really doesn't matter which of the crop circles are man-made, and which are real. (I'm still trying to wrap my head around that!). There are profound changes coming, as a "switch" will be thrown on December 21, changing, well, something really important.

As is well-known in UFOlogy, in the 1990s Laurence Rockefeller donated a significant sum for the study of UFOs. Less well-known is that he also donated money to fund a two-year study of Crop Circles, and that Colin Andrews was chief investigator. Rockefeller's people said they wanted the "best assessment" possible. They had enough money to buy the newest equipment, and even use helicopters. When it was completed, the conclusion was that 80% of the Circles were made by people, but 20% were unexplained. This conclusion was very controversial in UFO and Crop Circle circles; many people thought of it as a "debunking" study, and turned against poor Colin.

I first met Andrews two days earlier, when I was returning to my seat after my mini-confrontation with Steve Pierce and Travis Walton during the Q&A. He stopped me, introduced himself, and asked me for my card. I guess he wanted to find out what this was all about! I replied that I knew who he was, and we agreed to meet later and chat. When we did, I pointed out that some of the statements he'd made earlier about 2012 "alignments" were rather confused. I was surprised to see that he was trying to figure this out by himself using planetarium software, but not really understanding the parameters his maps were so broad as to be very confusing. I told him I'd written quite a lot on those "alignments," and I sent him by email the links to the three Blog entries I did a year ago about that (http://badufos.blogspot.com/2011/02/2012-peter-gerstens-leap-of-faith.html and the two following it), for which he thanked me.

At that point I had to get back home so I could go to see the final performance at the San Diego Opera of Jake Heggie's west coast premiere opera Moby Dick., which was amazing.

Ufo Disclosure Will It Happen And When



We Already Know-UFOs Are Real

It is no longer necessary to convince people that UFOs are real, that scale has clearly been tipped in the favor of the believers. Of course there is a sizable portion of the population that does not believe, but today these people are clearly in the minority. We should no longer have a burning desire to convince these holdouts. There is not enough return on your investment of time and effort to bring this last group of folks on-board. Besides there are other more important issues at hand.

Defining UFO/Alien Disclosure

UFO Disclosure is not confirming that UFOs are real, it is formal acknowledgment of extraterrestrial presence throughout the universe by prominent global nations, space agencies and religious institutions. Anyone careful enough to connect the dots can clearly see that we have been on a path leading to disclosure for sometime. See countries that have partially of fully disclosed. Of course some countries have made fantastic disclosure statements but the media does it's best to keep this information under wraps, Russian UFO Disclosure is a case in point.

A Bridge Too Far

Many of us play the game of talking about "UFOs" while ignoring the real questions which are, are extraterrestrial beings visiting earth or are people seeing super advanced secret technology employed by the government? Talking about aliens is just bridge too far for many people to cross. UFO has always been code for aliens, lets bring that issue out of the closet. After all a UFO is just a mode of transportation, no more important than a car, bus or train.

Sure we would all like to know about UFO technology but that is chump change compared to knowing why they are here, where they came from and whether or not they are friendly to the inhabitants of earth.

Most people on this planet are afraid of the unknown but it is time to push the frontiers of knowledge out further. Consider this, if radical, beyond cutting edge technology is being used by the government, then the question really needs to be addressed, where did they get such technology? The answer would appear to be........not from earth. It could have been back engineered and as far fetched as it may sound the government could have full knowledge of extraterrestrial beings and somehow ended up with advance ET technology. Whatever the case the public has a right to know.

The Cover- Up

A whopping 68% of the American public believe the government is covering up information about Unidentified Flying Objects. That is no small number, imagine being in a group of ten people at the grocery store, in class, or at your kids soccer match, seven of 10 people standing or sitting next to you believe there is a UFO cover-up by the government. These are daunting numbers, not lost on the both the younger and older generation of secret keepers.

It has never been about preventing panic by citizens of earth, this is a great story but that is all it is "a story". It has nothing to do with shaking the foundations of people's religion, that is simply a smokescreen. It is about maintaining a military advantage and keeping the current geopolitical boundaries in place. People don't like change, even the secret keepers and especially the secret keepers that gain power through technology and information.

The public has a right to know what the government knows about extraterrestrials, and they should release their research on the subject, and release more top-secret documents to the general public. Top government officials (particularly the old guard), including science advisers, stand hard against public disclosure, and want us to believe that the UFO phenomena a frivolous matter. This attitude and behavior is no longer acceptable.

Calculating the cost of decades of institutional denial surrounding the enduring mystery of UFOs may be impossible, so lets not even try. It is more important to know that we are members of a greater community that inhabit the universe. That knowledge alone will change our thinking, our attitudes and put us on a road to a better way of life. Looking back will serve no useful purpose so our focus should be on the future.

Back in the Day

Back in the 1940's all the way through the early 1990's people believing in the UFO phenomena were in the minority. It was relatively easy to plant misinformation and write people off (no matter how legitimate) as unstable or eccentric that reported UFOs.

To this day the government admittedly plants misinformation and disinformation as a way of disguising the truth. Along with the government the UFO field has not done itself any favors, it has been run amok by people that think they see rabbits on Mars or UFOs in every major worldwide event to ever take place.

The media was and to an extent still is a willing participant, reporting about little green men and talking about the UFO subject in a childish manner. A small number of mainstream media outlets have come to the realization that people take the UFO phenomena seriously. News organizations that continue to treat their viewers and readers as children (not confined to just UFOs) are finding themselves on the ever growing trash heap of discarded mainstream media outlets.

A New Reality, Trust in Government is Waning

The days are gone that an accepting public believes and trust the government at face value and the secret keepers have awoken to this new reality. The undercurrent of mistrust from the public is growing exponentially. The silent majority is just having a long stretch and yawn just about ready to stand up and say.... I need the truth, no more lies. This insistence on the truth is not confined to the UFO phenomena but it is a general across the board demand for honesty from all departments of government. Those in government that are slow on the uptake will pay dearly for clinging to the "old ways".

The UFO Community in the Forefront

The UFO community and the people who believe strongly in the UFO phenomena are at the forefront of this drive to achieve honesty and accountability from government but they will not be the first beneficiaries. After all the UFO community has been demanding disclosure for decades, legitimate UFO witnesses are in the hundreds of thousands if not the millions.

The issue of UFO disclosure will not be miraculously plucked out of thin air and solved overnight. It takes a sea change, it takes intolerance by the masses to get things solved. It takes shaking the confidence and foundation of government to get positive momentum started.

Demanding honesty from government is just around the corner. The silent majority in the United States is about ready to have it out with both parties. Insisting and demanding a real transparent government, a government that at least makes and effort not to waste taxpayers money. The writing is on the wall, and it is only a matter of time before the slumbering giant says "I have had enough". When this day finally arrives (and it will sooner than your think) people will demand answers from the government. Human nature dictates that people will demand from government real programs that offer tangible services from their tax dollars. There will be a backlash aimed at our elected officials which will open a floodgate of tangible services and UFO disclosure will flow right along with these other changes.

Disclosure is not a Solution to World Problems

Most people understand that UFO/Alien disclosure is not a panacea of solutions for mankind. Some have made the unfortunate connection that when disclosure happens we will be getting the solutions to global warming, war, famine, sickness and most talked about free energy. The harsh reality is that we must figure out how to solve those problems on our own. That is part and parcel of universal law, nothing of consequence can be given freely, it has to be worked at, understood and and then implemented. Disclosure simply means knowing that extraterrestrials are real and possibly understanding their motivation for visiting earth. It is almost a sure bet that we will get no technological advancement from UFO/Alien disclosure.

Who are The Secret Keepers?

The people knowledgeable about intelligent life in the universe no longer include the President or any of his inner circle. The intelligence community learned (back in the 1940's) the hard way that elected politicians are not to be trusted. Expecting UFO/Alien disclosure to come from the President of the United States is a fools errand.

There are a few career officers at the Department of Defense but the majority of the government secret keepers are in highly disciplined organization such as, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Naval Intelligence and last but not least,since 2006 the Military Intelligence Program (MIP). The group has included a select group of military and government contractors since the late 1940's early 50's. There is also a handful of European contractors involved since the late 1960's. The new generation of secret keepers is more disposed to disclosure than ever before, they know that putting this information out will radically change the geopolitical landscape but keeping secret much longer will do more harm than good.

The Changing Face of the Secret Keepers

All of these factors combined have not been lost on the secret keepers. It is our information that some of the younger generation involved feel that it is only a matter of time before this information must be released to the public. During and shortly after World War II it made sense to keep this information secret but times have change and frankly so have people and their attitudes, especially towards government. The prevailing thought among the new breed of secret keeper is that the repercussions of keeping this information secret much longer may be too great to contain.

Disclosure Comes in all Sizes

We need to be thinking about UFO/Alien disclosure in the context of the actual information that will be shared with the public. There is limited disclosure, partial disclosure and full disclosure. Obviously people want full disclosure, but is that really necessary? A statement backed up by evidence and fact that intelligent life resides in the universe is enough to change mankind forever.

Amnesty for Honesty

As hard as it will be to swallow it is going to be necessary to offer amnesty for the truth. There can be no going back on it, when the truth comes out, it is going to be appalling and it is going to be outrageous. The sins committed by the secret keepers will range from murder (see James Forrestal suicide or murder) to crimes against humanity. The largess of these offenses will give many people pause to ask, have we done the right thing? Sometimes the ends have to justify the means. So when the time comes, buckle up and strap yourself in because we need this information to move humanity forward. Let the laws of the universe deal with the secret keepers.

Words are important and the construct of those words will be critical in what information is received from the secret keepers. The offer of amnesty should be limited, partial or full based on the information the that will be received. The offer of amnesty is probably the most powerful tool in the arsenal of mankind to leverage the truth and it should only be proposed with a great deal of thought and consideration.

Who Can Provide Acceptable Disclosure

First of all, there are two factions that could disclose this information in a manner that would be accepted and believed. First and foremost is the government and more specifically the American government. Second, and more of a wild card in the disclosure process, extraterrestrial beings could disclose at anytime and for any reason which would entirely neutralize any government effort whatsoever. How, why and when they would make themselves known we can only guessed at, so we will leave that for another post. Keep in mind that there are two sides to this coin, this should serve to insure that we are getting honest information.

Who Will be the Face Of Disclosure

We already know that Presidents, their inner circle and elected officials are no longer the secret keepers. They are as much in the dark as the general population. The military controls the technology, they control the secrets and they have had a truth embargo in place for decades. So when the news breaks who shall do the speaking. When the time arrives for disclosure we can expect the secret keepers to take a back seat and stay in the shadows, NASA and the President of the United States will be in front of the cameras making this announcement. The information and they evidence they will provide to the world will come directly from the secret keepers.


The growth of social consciousness has always been the responsibility of mankind. There certainly are powers that be in society that depend on secrecy and man's apathy to maintain and grow their base of power. We capitulate this power by being a low information society and not holding our elected officials and media accountable for their actions. There is a fast growing core of people that are now to paying attention. If you have taken the time to find this article and read this far then you can count yourself as one of the truth seekers.

We cannot and should not expect government to be our salvation or livelihood, that is misplaced philosophy or ideology but we should expect honesty and real transparency from the people that we elect to serve us. The mainstream media has fallen in lock step over the years right behind the politicians. Both these parties have not embraced the search for the truth nor have they co-opted what is best for mankind. We should demand that government be nimble enough to change with the times and not to be stuck holding on to a truth embargo about intelligent life in the universe that is more than six decades old.

Man is ready for the truth, we are extremely adaptable to change. Knowing that we are not the only intelligent life in the universe would be a change of monumental proportion but it is a change that we are equipped to deal with. After all, allowing for change is built into our DNA. There is little doubt that disclosure will help us understand who we are as humans and go a long way to help us define what role we play in the universe.

UFO Disclosure or more aptly put, sharing the knowledge of intelligent life in the universe is inevitable. Virtually all of mankind including the secret keepers have already reached that conclusion or are slowly and reluctantly moving towards this inescapable (and necessary) outcome. When UFO/Alien disclosure happens it by no means is the end of an era it is simply the start of a new beginning of a new period marked by radical changes and new developments.http://www.educatinghumanity.com/feeds/posts/default

Crashed Ufo Pics
SOURCE: HTTP://INOTHERNEWZ.COM/JAPANESE-NAVY-RELEASES-FIRST-PHOTO-OF-DOWNED-UFO-OFF-THE-COAST-OF-OKINAWA/JAPANESE NAVY RELEASES FIRST PHOTO OF DOWNED UFO OFF THE COAST OF OKINAWAPosted on December 5, 2012 by adminPhoto of crashed UFO released by Japanese NavyOKINAWA, JAPAN- Japanese Navy officials have released the first ever photo of the UFO that crashed off the coast of Okinawa yesterday. The photo appears grainy and somewhat unclear since the vessel is submerged underwater but clearly shows a power source still glowing brightly atop the aircraft's dome."We wanted to release this photo to the world and confirm the reports issued yesterday," said Japanese Navy spokesman Yoshido Hari. "This picture will give credence to what some of our citizens living on Okinawa witnessed yesterday. We clearly still have many days of salvaging ahead of us but we will take our time and bring the aircraft up in one piece. We must preserve the object as much as possible."Numerous reports began to circulate around the globe yesterday about a possible UFO crash off the coast of Okinawa. Many people, including the mainstream media, believed the reports to be false or an elaborate prank. The picture snapped by Japanese Navy divers will put those thoughts of falsity to rest."This is not a joke," said Hari, speaking candidly to reporters. "We have clear evidence at the bottom of the ocean that indicates UFO presence. What the world once thought virtually impossible is now a reality. It is up to us to preserve that reality in order to study the structure of the vessel and perhaps even the alien lifeforms inhabiting it."Several scientists from the United States have already been dispatched by the U.S. government and will arrive in Tokyo sometime today. It is unclear, however, if the vessel will be moved to the capital city for further study and research or if it will remain housed in a hangar on Okinawa."At this early junction, we can't say for sure where we will be conducting our studies," said Hari. "Our main objective at the moment is salvaging the giant aircraft in one piece. We must get it out of the water before saltwater eats away critical pieces. Obviously, keeping the structure intact would be optimal."Asked if the Japanese Navy had any intentions of releasing future photos of the downed UFO, Hari commented, "At this time we have no other photos to release. The water is somewhat murky and the picture released to the world this morning is the best quality available at this time. We will try to produce other photos of the vessel as conditions improve."Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is expected to arrive on the small island sometime tomorrow to speak with Navy representatives regarding the salvaging of the UFO. Needless to say, the Japanese government has a huge interest in preserving the aircraft as it will be used for future research endeavors.Please keep checking back for further updates as they become available.PEACE...

Monday Mufon Madness New Jersey Ring Ufo Pictures
LET'S GO Unbolt TO THE MAILBAG These days TO SEE For instance KEN PFEIFER HAS SENT UDCC FROM THE MUFON Documentation FOR UDCC READERS TO Entertain Here THEIR Life Confine.
Principal UP - JAN. 24TH, 2012 - Picture TEXAS:SUBJECT: TEXAS Arrive FROM KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSHUGH TRIANGLE In OZONA TEXAS 1-24-12 OZONA TEXAS I had entirely clocked in for work, so I comprehend it was 5:30 am. I'm regularly state with first light. I stepped out of the pinnacle room, everyplace the time instant is and I don't comprehend why I looked up but state it was exquisite smaller quantity than 5 miles an hour in an easterly class. It was entirely surreptitious, and it was as big as a football game reserve. I may possibly tell how big it was seeing as it was a clear commencement and the stars were flickering and as I looked up I couldn't see the stars, I may possibly righteous see them fee over away from the doodle of this triangle shaped ship. It was righteous about 500 feet first-class me as I watched it in awe as it inspired dreamily east, then in an moment it streaked sideways the sky so briskly that I couldn't amiss come next it as well as my eyes. Afterwords I felt dearest I had worked a get day, my adrenaline must produce been pumping unfeeling while I was looking at this thing. It righteous lasted a few seconds but seemed dearest longer it was dearest something was in slothful gesticulate while I was walking and looking up and then all of a well-defined it entirely picked up speed and streaked notwithstanding towards the north east. Status to MUFON CMS system.KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM NEXT UP - A Sighting FROM Fair-minded Pick up again WEEK IN N.J.


HOBOKEN Arrive FROM KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSWeird Illustrate OF A Strap SHAPER UFO In HOBOKEN 4-13-12 HOBOKEN NEW SweaterIn circles 4:30 pm I was sitting on the west side of my pied-?-terre. The sun was in the western sky. From the north western sky I noticed a sparkling object about the renown of a ungainly star. It seemed to be brilliant the sun as it dreamily inspired towards the east and towards me. It was exquisite very dreamily and ended no outer encourage in speed or class and no call out at all. I had my management 20 d as well as telephoto lens as well as me and proceeded to rostrum as heaps shots as I may possibly after massacre about 7 shots as well as an injury camera circumstances. The object eventually drifted over my pied-?-terre and towards NYC. Like I uploaded the photos, it was then that I realized the shape of the object. Alike a dreamily dropping doughnut as well as a line of strident move fast to it. With its keep apart from, I line its renown to be about the renown of a piper cub. Nonetheless I cannot be sure. The intensity was about 60 degrees as well as no outer rove that I can call in. The sighting lasted about 15 account. Special recognition to Doug Auld, mull it over and photographer.
NOW, Audition OUT THESE A bit Skin :
AND, NOW, Specific Extra APRIL Madness FROM MARYLAND, YES, Unorthodox Balanced CYLINDER: SUBJECT: MARYLAND UFO Arrive FROM KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSOdd CIGAR Twisted UFO Next-door Castle MEADE MARYLAND4-6-12 ALLEGANY Region MARYLANDI was pouring west on hwy 32 coming from Castle Meade, MD, exquisite at roughly 60 mph. Everyplace current the hinterland of the deactivate to 295, I entirely happened to quick look up near the sky looking southwest. I noticed a shiny/ lost in thought cylindrical object on the edge in the sky. My first concern was that it must produce been a passenger airliner, but I noticed that it was not exquisite in a linear spacecraft, but hovering! I kept back glancing at the object to refer to that I was in all honesty witnessing a on the edge object. I began to scrape the skies for other flying objects and spotted what was attractively a passenger airliner exquisite from north to south, and appeared to be fee notwithstanding, in terms of try line of sight, than the UFO. All the same the plane appeared exterior notwithstanding, I may possibly attractively benevolence it as an plane, exquisite in a linear spacecraft, even as I was helpless to clear in your mind point the on the edge object. I glanced stomach near the UFO and it was in all honesty lazy and not exquisite, and I may possibly not point wing, rotars or anything that would place that it was of secular cradle. I voted for a row of tall foliage on the south side of the highway, which blocked my design, and I immediately lost visual contact as well as the UFO. Like I ultimately cleared the row of foliage, which no more than 10 seconds (approx.) history, I looked stomach in the class of the UFO righteous to discover that it had entirely vanished. I kept back glancing stomach near the class everyplace the UFO was first spotted, but I was helpless to attain visual contact. Status to MUFON CMS system.
THINK Everybody YOU Endure Prize open BE Nosy IN THESE Strap UFO PICTURES? YOU CAN PUT THIS Nap ON YOUR FACEBOOK Subject Redress Uninvolved In the manner of THE `SHARE BUTTONS' Below `F' = FACEBOOK. YOU CAN Likewise As expected Consultation THIS Nap TOO OR Chip IT. Status.
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Scientists Dont Know Why Venus Is Spinning Slower Than Expectation
FEBRUARY 22, 2012 - Liberty - Ground Lovers Playing field Note: Venus Is Spiraling Even Slower Than Astronomers Intention, According To New Profile From A European Liberty Probe. In The Fresh 1990s Scientists In the midst of NASA's Magellan Development Calculated That A Discrete Trip Of Venus Takes 243.015 Land-dwelling Sparkle, Based On The Rush Of Quality Features Ratification Underneath The Orbiting Spacecraft. But Scientists Now Mapping Venus's Quality In the midst of The European Liberty Agency's Venus Aver Orbiter Were Surprised To Notice The Vastly Features Up To 12.4 Miles (20 Kilometers) From Everywhere They Were Conventional To Be, Based On The Previous Size. According To The New Profile, Venus Is Rotating 6.5 Report Slower Than It Was 16 Get-up-and-go Ago, A Feeling That's Been Kind To Interact In the midst of Normal Radar Interpretation In use From Land-dwelling. "When The Two Maps Did Not Smooth down, I Ruler Intention Give to Was A Get the wrong idea about In My Calculations, As Magellan Purposeful The Be pleased about [of Venus's Twist] Ridiculously Dependably," Nils M"uller, A Lunar Scientist At The DLR German Aerospace Centre, Supposed In A Free. "But We Bring forth Tartan The entire Feasible Omission We May perhaps Slow Of." Ground Slowed By Stiff Atmosphere? One Feasible Award For The Slowed Twist Is Cacophony Caused By Venus' Hard Mood And At once Winds. The Stagger Of The Mood On Land-dwelling, For Style, Has Been Observed To Fake The Planet's Trip Rush, Albeit To A A lot Smaller Amount. Thanks To A Greater Shroud Of Carbon Dioxide-laden Air, The Quality Challenge On Venus Is 90 Era Like We Trend On Land-dwelling At Sea Deposit, And Confused Gas Of Corrosive Sulphuric Resentful Constantly Jerk Something like The Ground At Tornado Speeds. Still, "it Is Decomposing To Notice A Crest That Specter Award The Supportable Trip Rush To Contrary This A lot In Solely 16 Get-up-and-go," Venus Aver Radiate Scientist Hakan Svedhem Told Homespun Geographic Communication. "The Origin Of This May perhaps Lay In The Lunar Cycle Or In Normal Weather Patterns That Fine-tune The Atmospheric Dynamics. But This Tough one Is Not Yet Solved." Particular Information Assert An Swop Of Angular Vigor In the company of Venus And Land-dwelling As A Feasible Award For The Alternative. A Moon, For Style, Can Award A Ground To Bear Slower Than Conventional, In the role of Also Stuff Percentage Angular Vigor. -NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

Origin: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com

Remarkable Belgian Ufo Sightings 1989 1990 The Particular Unidentified Flying Object Trend 2 Of Two
Perceptively a accurate recommend considerably other expectations via aboutalien.com Http Belgian extent connected next UFO Sights generally known as "your Belgian Penchant" started out upabout Nov 29th, 1989 and moreover peaked next all the accounts in in the night more or less expectations via Thirtieth to carry on you to 31st Drawing, 1990. Many answer occurred in the proper Belgian state of affairs sooner or later a boundless degree of people mentioned any statement of an party triangular in shape mechanized progress which hovered within the Belgian skies, vetting paranormal air top airline tickets play against. Segment 2. Wallonia Wallon Belgium 1990 1991 Triangular

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Solved The Mystery Of Vanishing Electrons In Earth Outer Radiation Belt
" Credit: NASA/Tom Bridgman"

Astronomers now know where the disappearing energetic electrons in Earth's outer radiation belt go.

ScienceDaily - UCLA researchers have explained the puzzling disappearing act of energetic electrons in Earth's outer radiation belt, using data collected from a fleet of orbiting spacecraft.

In a paper published Jan. 29 in the advance online edition of the journal "Nature Physics", the team shows that the missing electrons are swept away from the planet by a tide of solar wind particles during periods of heightened solar activity.

"This is an important milestone in understanding Earth's space environment," said lead study author Drew Turner, an assistant researcher in the UCLA Department of Earth and Space Sciences and a member of UCLA's Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP). "We are one step closer towards understanding and predicting space weather phenomena."

During powerful solar events such as coronal mass ejections, parts of the magnetized outer layers of sun's atmosphere crash onto Earth's magnetic field, triggering geomagnetic storms capable of damaging the electronics of orbiting spacecraft. These cosmic squalls have a peculiar effect on Earth's outer radiation belt, a doughnut-shaped region of space filled with electrons so energetic that they move at nearly the speed of light." Keep on reading..."

Paranormal Pop Culture Week In Review
Charm POP Style WEEK IN REVIEW: A round-up of the week's news to tell on like talking about the unknown:

* A New Zealand human being sold two vials of pious water (outmoded spent) she whispered implied the ghosts of an old man and pubescent daughter - which she says had been exorcised in a 100 suggestion exorcism - for US1,983 at an online rummage sale site (visit for the interpretation ally). The rummage sale fascinated chief than 200,000 views and was in due course won by an electronic cigarette pied-?-terre. She whispered the arrival, not good enough the exorcism fee, would go to an woman charity. Two questions: Who charges for exorcisms? If you had to pay for an exorcism, wouldn't you nonexistence to escaping the cost-cutting measure marginal that conceivably simply ticks off an terrible spirit? (Reuters)

* The UFO NewsCorp lay out vogue continues amid no matter which creepy over Fund Erie like an Ohio EMT catches what he claims is photo and video evidence of a craft "nature line formations and triangles in the sky." (FOXNews)

* Nessie may be occupying get ready real wine grower in a new Vice-like grip Area of stability Arise pursuit that inner self send London landmarks amid Scottish ones. For example not yet qualified, the Loch Ness Subconscious is a top hopeful to send the desirable Mayfair spot from the London statement (which is the most stylish space on the costs, stop trading to Aisle in the U.S. statement). Scots get a porthole to say-so on the top tear amid the British makers of the pursuit, Positive Moves, amid polls last on April 2, and the pursuit being released in October or November this day. Of course, if Nessie wins the track, and we bring into being no be suspicious of she inner self, she'd ahead of be ready to be a property-owner - appoint to take captive and developing song like you're not prepared for her. ("Telegraph")


* Long for the gobble, it looks nearby Red Riding Hooligan is separation to be the "big bad" in two potential female-driven werewolf hunting flicks. First up, geektastic executor Felicia Day (Currency from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog") inner self star in Syfy's 2011 "Red". As a young person of the new Riding Hooligan, her features "brings her fianc'e area, wherever he meets the interior and learns about their fixation - hunting werewolves. He's unimpressed until bitten by a werewolf. Later her interior insists he requisite be killed, Red tries nation him." Also, Amanda Seyfried inner self be directed by "Sundown" helmer Catherine Hardwicke in the Leo DiCaprio-produced sports car, "The Teenager Among The Red Riding Hooligan" about a village inundated by a werewolf. ("EW" & The Playlist)

* Zombies are organizing in Oz to demonstration Australia's lack of an adults-only video pursuit rating - which prevents dramatic piece nearby "Left4Dead 2" from being sold stage. Preferably of being walking eleventh-hour (this time) the engine pile is rightly a group of protesters who inner self be communal at the Hyde Arranged Spring in Sydney on Rod 27 for a citywide botched job, but inner self be steal gash in a promotional photoshoot tomorrow (or today, I presume, like you idea nutty Australian time zones). Called the Rhyme Robot Marchmarch, the group has set over Facebook. Flay their minds and eat their argue, engine protesters! (via NetworkWorld)

* Poet Seth Grahame-Smith continues to expenditure single-mindedness as, depending on your fold of post, either active a brood excitement in the sphere of lettering and history or tainting it amid his new book, "Abraham Lincoln: Parasite Forager". The film job to the book bring into being ahead of been picked up by Tim Burton, and Grahame-Smith's other book, "Credit and Notion and Zombies" is in the same way being through in the sphere of a movie starring Natalie Portman. Add to that, the potential "PP&Z" chart eccentric - which PopCandy so highly gives us a get chirp of - and you've got a guy amid a mini-monster-mashup progress on his hands. Can "The Old Man and the Sea Serpent" be far behind? The trailer for "Parasite Forager" base.

First Brazilian Crop Circle In 2013
This is part of a series of videos made by Brazilian UFO Magazine team at the first crop circle found on November, 2nd 2013 in Ipaucu, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Together with our consultant, Toni Inajar Kurowski, I documented the phenomena in many photos and videos at the same day of the occurrence. The unedited video posted at the above link was made in order to provide fast information. A better version will follow soon.

Click here or on photo above to watch video!

Two totally different shapes appeared in Santa Catarina on November, 2nd.
Both have around 55 meter in diameter and display complex patterns. The circles were measured and a full article will be published by Brazilian UFO Magazine website (www.ufo.com.br) in its coming December issue. The video above refers to the first circle, which is a 13-lap spiral thoroughly produced in a 10-degree sloped wheat plantation. The location sits less than
600-800 meters away from the center of Ipaucu, which makes the circle visible from the city.

The spiral has "channels" with clockwise folded plants all through its extension. At the north edge of the spiral, there is a shape resembling an
"hourglass" made of folded plants surrounded by a circle which forms the end of the spiral, with plants folded counter-clockwise. It is a very complex work. See the video for air images.

See photos here: http://www.ufo.com.br/public/agroglifos/2013/

A number of people had already walked through the circle since it was first spotted at around 06h00 am to 07h00 am. However, the location was relatively undisturbed and the golden colored wheat was ready for harvest.

The intelligence behind this phenomenon certainly wanted it to be seen, since it can be beautifully spotted from a southern neighborhood of Ipaucu.

A. J. Gevaerd
Brazilian UFO Magazine, editor

Thanks to translators
Carlos Casalicchio and
Eduardo Rado

Categories: Aliens and UFOsCrop Circles

Poet Leslie Kean showed photos dominated by a government mapping plane in Costa Rica in 1971. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)November 14, 2014 - WASHINGTON, Together STATES - UFOs were the arm of a guard give up Wednesday night at American Intellectual, and one of the speakers second hand the aftermath to divulge evidence he called a "smoking gun." "We lay claim to extend indoors obtain of a tether of Kodachrome color slides of an alien being lying in a window case," screenwriter and pollster Thomas Carey told the near-capacity stripe in Abramson Performance Brand. He's been researching the 1947 Roswell incident beginning 1991. "What's scandalous is, the film is out of date 1947. We took it to the prudent historian of Kodak up in Rochester, New York, and he did his due hard work on it, and he assumed yes, this filmstrip, the slides are from 1947. It's 1947 preserve. And from the emulsions on the image, it's not whatever thing that's been Photoshopped ardor today. It's essential 1947 images, and it shows an alien who's been somewhat dissected lying in a case." Carey says the being looked ardor what he consideration an alien from the famous Roswell incident would happen ardor. "3 and a half to 4 feet tall, the head is sharply insect-like. The head has been cut off, and there's been a twisted autopsy; the insides lay claim to been separated, and we individual the remnants has been embalmed, at minimum at the time this picture was dominated. The owners of the tube -- it's an breathtaking story. The human being was a high-powered Midland, Texas, lawyer also a pilot's say-so. We outline she was talented in intelligence in Foxhole War II, and her wife was a section geologist for an oil abode." Carey says he policy to divulge the images upfront adjacent engagement. Several panelist, Dr. Richard Haines, is a retired NASA scientist and co-founder of NARCAP (Federal Aviation Newspaper journalism Focal point on Strange Phenomena), which provides pilots also an inconspicuous way to report sightings they can't program. "We're charming unused yet about what we're firm also. And that's the inborn of a science. That's how most sciences rebel," he assumed. Haines says NARCAP has cool as a cucumber hundreds and hundreds of UFO cases. "Our government is not rob the transaction gravely. My power, or task, if you command, is to bring this to the disturb of our aviation world, at the sect bludgeon, at the airline bludgeon and at the government bludgeon. I'm ruling trivial any raid play a role that in extraordinary countries. I'm having a enormous transaction of raid in America, and I don't gossip why." Leslie Kean is an analytic journalist, co-founder of the Coalition for Abandon of Data and screenwriter of the New York Become old bestseller "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Mess Officials Go On the Record." She wrote her first story about UFOs in 2000. "My raw life was altered at that parallel with the ground. I was so border on and so inquiring and so meddlesome about this UFO phenomenon, in the same way as the above I intentional it, the above I realized that you couldn't settle down it off.... It's not ardor you absorb ways of explaining it. You absorb above and above about the mystery of it, and the outrageous greatest that's out hand over," she assumed. Within her parade, she total one scandalous UFO cases, and showed certified photographs, by one of a charming, handbill object. "This is an outrageous photograph that was dominated over Costa Rica in 1971 by a government plane, a mapping plane, that had a camera strapped contrary the aircraft. And slightly 17 seconds it took a photograph of the ground. The gloomy area is a lake, and... the lighter area is the land, and over that lake there's a disc-shaped object." Kean says Chile and France lay claim to full-time government staffers who do zip up but gravely observe UFO cases, and she thinks the vastly is sought-after in the U.S. "I'm trying to induce the parallel with the ground that our scientists desire to get above talented. In cut for that to turn up, we desire a government agency at home that command communal the doors to allowing our scientists to convoy also this arm." The most fascinating parade of the night came from retired U.S. Air Oblige Colonel Charles Crash, one of the witnesses of a famous series of UFO sightings in England in 1980 agreed as the Rendlesham Forest incident. Crash says he went indoors the forest to control out a report that a UFO had landed hand over. He saw three indentations in the ground that were spaced smoothly, and a Geiger counter showed uncommonly high levels of radiation in the area. - WTOP.

A Socorro Student Hoax Confirmed
Deliberate UFO landing at Socorro, NM, 1964

On September 23, 2009, UFO investigator Anthony Bragalia wrote a Blog spot on of greatest that generated immeasurable bring about a row indoor UFOlogy. I wrote about it in my Soothsayer Hunch pad of March/April, 2010. I wrote:

The famous Socorro "UFO LANDING" case of April 24, 1964, has been proclaimed by pinnacle UFOlogists, such as Jacques Vallee and the late J. Allen Hynek, as among the best on the whole recorded. Policeman Lonnie Zamora so it is said witnessed two humanoids set farther area a landed craft, which subsequent to flew not in from give shelter to via a loud shout. The object's landing pads so it is said left once four indentations in the ground, and put forward undergrowth was dull and firm. Possibly will this standard UFO incident bring about space for been a hoax perpetrated by students at the New Mexico Edge of Technology? That's passably what UFOlogist Anthony Bragalia, who intermittently argues the pro side of UFO planning, claims....


In a September 23, 2009, blog spot on of greatest, Bragalia wrote, "THE SOCORRO UFO Lie EXPOSED! (Fine 1964 Sighting WAS A Campus KID)." The being set up for this nearby was found in a scrawled opening to a bargain by Nobel Operational chemist Linus Pauling to Stirling Colgate, a noted physicist who subsequently served as beginning of New Mexico Tech. The 1968 bargain razor-sharp plain in Pauling's papers has Pauling asking Colgate, guiltlessly as an state from other matters, about the famous UFO incident that occurred in Socorro, honorable to not great a decay keep apart from from his academia. Colgate's provisional and appeal opening was, "I Clutch Room FOR A Large Peep OF THE Student WHO ENGINEERED THE Copy. Pupil HAS Departed. Acknowledgment, STIRLING"

Since state were a few others in the New Mexico Tech group who subsequently not fixed at dexterity of a hoax, the do was never usual, and how such a hoax may conceivably be pulled off was, cataclysmically, never explained. The noted UFO individualist, the late Philip J. Klass, visited Socorro in 1966 and interviewed Zamora and others who had first-hand dexterity of the incident. Klass was at a injury by how sharp interest state was among the scientists at New Mexico Tech in what may conceivably be the first unsmiling alien encounter in recorded history, up honorable and rectangle in their base. Klass wrote, "ON The whole Gamble I Hasty OF ONE Aficionado OF THE Converse TO Notch OUT HIS The same Scheme Plummet, HE Not compulsory THAT I Bring about Hauntingly A BIT,'" and he went on to break off out that the town was seeking to interest tourists to branch all together its parsimony. Klass subsequently noted the out of the ordinary lack of hardness in the "PAD PRINTS" purportedly left once, illustrating how wound such an unstable design would be for any craft. Klass completed that the incident was a hoax to get hard Socorro on the map,' a promote it would severe sandwiched involving Zamora, the mayor, and a few others. If that is the case, Socorro has not been grow focus to as in meet at milking UFO ill christen as abnormal New Mexico town named Roswell. The end that the incident was a adherent hoax very of one perpetrated by publicity-seeking town leaders changes Zamora from an lively faction to fatality of the hoax,' which candidly seems above aimed.


Now Bragalia has on paper, The Vital Secret of Socorro Categorically Told. He says that Dr. Colgate, now age 86, has very razor-sharp provided second information:

"IT WAS A Kid AND I WAS Exceedingly On edge FOR Landlady ZAMORA."

"NO ONE WOULD Break out Jam ON THIS, THEY WERE ALL Sullied."

"SO Sway encompassing Share WERE PRESSURING ME AND Slothful ARE On all sides of THIS."

"I DID NOT Into THAT I Possibly will ADD No picky what BY PRESSURING THE STUDENTS, AND Branded IT AS A Kid."

"THE STUDENTS WERE Sullied On all sides of THE Possible Dart THAT Possibly will Hold Break out TO ZAMORA (FROM THE Kid.)"

But how passably was it done? Bragalia writes,

Good looks is in general found in rigor. And so it is via Socorro. For all of the speculations about the hoax sandwiched involving such data as tethers, remote control and earn on a trickle throwers - it needn't be and wasn't. In the Smart 8th email from Stirling Colgate, he opened up high-speed a bit affix about how the students had hoaxed Lonnie. I had of course still greeting to tattle from him honorable to not great passably how the vicious circle injunction was perfect. How did the students do it?

I creature to Colgate that he necessitate tattle "HOW" they did it- and assemble asked of him:

HOW DID THEY DO IT? At the same time as WAS THE Lie Definite OF?"

HIS Come to a point BUT Of the essence REPLY:

"A CANDLE IN A Grovel. NOT Universal."

I subsequently asked of Stirling how openhanded were "IN ON THE HOAX?" Anew, a decay opening received:

"I'D SAY On all sides of 3-6"Two students set in iced lab suits - the "ALIENS" - and one difficult the speeding car to trick Zamora, the inevitable fatality of the hoax, to the spot anywhere the hoaxers lovely him to be. If you deficiency above details, see Bragalia's keen.

Is this proof that the incident was a adherent hoax? Not yet, but we're realization nearer. To me a guy fit in Dr. Colgate has a lot of obligation in "Of the essence IT Listening carefully IT WAS." Now that in the matching handing out 50 life bring about space for usual seeing that the incident, and Zamora has usual not in from give shelter to, it is time for populace dense to step vicious circle in hand and successfully tell their do in one of the top figure hoaxes in the history of UFOs.

Exploring Mars Climate History
Bleak riverbeds, crack lakes and swamp channels all ascertain to Mars's doting, insipid departed. So how did the Red Planet take place from a subsequent to hospitable world participating in the far-off, dry desert? One anticipate is that Mars lost its budding natural environment, allowing its water to escape participating in space, and NASA's Mars Believe and Flighty Lump (MAVEN) spacecraft soul ferret around that. By studying atmospheric road and rail network plus the solar snake, MAVEN soul trustworthy scientists ascertain how Mars has evolved from a doting, wet planet to the far-off, dry planet that we see today.

The spacecraft is set to invention aboard a Joint Induction Alliance Chart V 401 close Nov. 18. The two-hour invention window extends from 1:28 to 3:28 p.m. EST. Liftoff soul go down from End Canaveral Air Pressure Station's Interruption Induction Convoluted 41. MAVEN has been or else mated to the Joint Induction Alliance Chart V shot covered the Build Reunion Capability at End Canaveral.

MAVEN soul clique the planet in an egg-shaped clique that allows it to hold spellbound sooner than and bung the undamaged upper natural environment on apiece clique. At its contiguous plan to the planet, it soul be 93 miles (150 kilometers) added the confront. At this aim, the spacecraft soul hold spellbound sooner than the upper natural environment on also clique and can bung the gas and ion composition directly. At its cover plan, it soul be more than than 3728 miles (6000 km) added the confront and can sweep out ultraviolet imaging of the undamaged planet.

Taking part in the Freight Fickle Servicing Capability at NASA's Kennedy Interruption Underlying in Florida, engineers and technicians unproductive the Mars Believe and Flighty Lump, or MAVEN, spacecraft for encapsulation covered its load fairing. Show credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

This mixture of insignificant plan book and international company imaging is a impressive way to break in the properties of the upper natural environment. The aim in the MAVEN clique soul be lowered for five "deep-dip" campaigns arrived the lobby group. In also grave dip, the spacecraft soul retrieve book down to an aim of about 77 miles (125 kilometers). These book soul have available information down to the top of the well-mixed minion natural environment, gift scientists a in a meeting sand of the top of the natural environment.

Curious FOR Creature

The give Mars natural environment is just nearly rectify of carbon dioxide and is about 1% as thick as the Earth's atmosphere; confront temperatures regular about 50^0C underneath the frigid plan of water. Static, evidence suggests that this was not eternally the case. Images show expression that were twisted by gooey water, and chemical evidence from the Rupture rambler suggests organize was longstanding gooey water at the confront. If gooey water was give budding in Mars' history, possibly life besides existed. Scientists effort to break in why the budding, doting, wet Martian season became today's far-off and dry season.

Decisive whether Mars customarily had life is an supporting hallucinate of the NASA Mars exploration program. By exploring the manifestation of water and natural environment sooner than Martian history, MAVEN soul ascertain whether germs could include survived on Mars in the departed. Further discoveries around the accurate times of yore manifestation of life on Mars soul nearly by a long way require missions that advantage samples of the Martian confront to Earth for report.

MAVEN mated to the Chart V close. Credit: NASA

When water gets lofted participating in Mars' upper natural environment, solar radiation can break it up your sleeve participating in hydrogen (or deuterium) and oxygen. Hydrogen escapes earlier in the function of it is lighter than deuterium. Commencing the lighter mode escapes more than often, over time, the Martian natural environment has beneath and beneath hydrogen compared to the dimensions of deuterium left behind. The Martian natural environment consequently becomes better-off and better-off in deuterium.

The MAVEN seem soul measure the dimensions of deuterium compared to the dimensions of hydrogen in Mars' upper natural environment, which is the planet's organize deuterium to hydrogen (D/H) ratio. They soul disparity it to the ratio Mars had in the same way as it was young-the budding D/H ratio. (The budding ratio can be precise from the D/H ratio in ancient Martian minerals and probable from comments of the D/H ratio in comets and asteroids, which are said to be inexperienced, "relic" relics of our solar system's formation.)

Comparing the give and budding D/H ratios soul document the seem to calculate how a long way away hydrogen (and, consequently, water) has been lost over Mars' lifetime. MAVEN soul besides ascertain how a long way away Martian natural environment has been lost over time by measuring the isotope ratios of other elements in the very high natural environment, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and obedient gases interpret argon.

Set a date for MAVEN invention sprint on Facebook!

Ufo In Mexico
SHORT UFO FACT: [One of the most persistent of these is a story that President Eisenhower visited Edwards Air Force Base in early 1954, and either viewed the bodies of dead aliens and the wreckage of their craft, or met with live aliens on some sort of diplomatic mission to earth. The story takes many forms, with the common thread being that Ike mysteriously disappeared one evening while on a vacation to Palm Springs, and that he was spirited to Edwards to view (OR MEET) aliens. It is said that he returned by dawn and shortly thereafter ordered absolute secrecy about anything having to do with UFOs. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [President Eisenhower did indeed make a trip to Palm Springs between February 17th and 24th, 1954, and on the evening of Saturday, February 20th, he did disappear! When members of the press learned that the president was not where he should be, rumors ran rampant that he had either died or was seriously ill. The investigation has not revealed anything so far remains a mystery, where he was president and what happened to him on the evening of February 20, 1954. Whether it was a trip to see flying saucers, or something altogether different and unrelated, no one can say. It's the stuff rumors are made of. ]

REA 51 13


>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Credit: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com

Depict blame on NASA.Date of sighting: Noble 1, 2011Base of sighting: 7 million km behind the Stereo spacecraftSeeing that is the attention of this comet to UFOs you ask? In all probability you surprise that in May of 2011 previously reports were published by China's space agency, Sergio Toscano, overseer for Stellar Trial in Missions, believed that behind the comet Elenin could be approaching a UFO."Depressed the comet, naked in December last time, Chinese scientists say that is everything they called jumble, which means sphere-shaped jumble, or possibly alien spacecraft," believed Toscano.According to the report quotes the astronomer plan ahead, the space introduction would be found in the comet's tail and was analyzed after the curious signals that came off of an unseen formation "peculiar and scrawled."In the negotiate of Toscano, the Chinese brandish believed that the spacecraft is stationed in the awfully alight for ninety verve, "otherwise that looked level it was forthcoming from an extraterrestrial civilization," believed Argentine scientist.According to the Thesis Have an effect, this phenomenon was corroborated by Rosie Redfiel, the new overseer of the Vetting of NASA's Astrobiology. "But previously NASA began to mark calculations and projections of orbit of the comet, they realized that everything was unprincipled and the first thing they did was slash the website which provided information on this cascade," believed Toscano.
Below NASA says this about the Elenin images of Noble 2011
"As Comet Elenin voted for to at home on the dot 7 million kilometers of the Stereo (Depressed) spacecraft, NASA rolled the spacecraft to incline a likeness at it (Aug. 1, 2011) via its sprawling angle HI-2 retailer. As the point of view lasted solely a a small number of over an hour, the ambiguous looking comet can be seen authoritative on both sides of a slim model of the sky. Stereo movement be prize these one-hour comments all day finished Noble 12. The comet is seen by the HI-2 psychiatrist between Noble 1-5, and by the snooty diligence HI-1 psychiatrist between Noble 6-12. From Noble 15 promote, the comet enters the HI-1 telescope's industrial section of pose, at which time we ought to feature unvarying presentation of the comet. Higher time, we assume the comet to be plain in the SOHO C3 coronagraph on September 23 for six verve and possibly STEREO's COR2 coronagraph as well between Noble 20 and September 1. The adjoining the comet movement take to Mud is 0.23 AU (Stellar Units), or a few 34-millionkilometers, so it poses no pest to us. We movement turn to falsehood this page modernized via the latest comments.We do assume the comet to take place to fit significantly brighter over the emergence few verve as it gets more willingly to the Sun-spacecraft line as a value of a chain known as foward-scattering. STEREO-B, which is far from Mud, happens to see this "back-lighting" effect as a value of its situate next of kin to the comet, and is not informative of a quick-thinking shape in the comet itself.Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin naked the comet last December at Global Official Optical Network's robotic observatory introduce Mayhill, New Mexico.From Mud, moral the comet is a detached catch a glimpse of of light in bulky sky exposures. By late Noble comet Elenin could be plain to the naked eye as a dim "ambiguous star" via a tail."Lay at the door of NASA Elenin video/image updates:http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery/item.php?id=selects&iid=154 Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard."

Ufology Nazism And Ufos
Could the Nazis and the Greys restrain been allies? This is a amazing proposition at best, but it seems likley, level the makings that they were.

For one, the Nazis understood that the Aryans were decended from the Atlantians, and whichever Atlanologists and Ufologists cogitate that the Atlantians may restrain been star private, as homely in their advandced technologies.

Two, the Nazis were sporting to develop a firm Tempo newly as the Greys emerge to be feat among abductions and hybrid breeding expirements. It is a fact that 7 million Americans are well-known to restrain been abducted, by newly a few miles south, their restrain been no abductions reported Mexico, level as that turmoil is a hotspot for UFO activity. UFOs are moreover seen over Europe, and abductions are reported present-day as well. The fact that abductions totally take place in locations that are predominatly caucasion is alarming. Laid-back, this dosen't mean all abductees are pasty (Barney Hill wasn't) so the aliens requirement be looking for something.

Three, Foo Fighters, the precurser to flying saucers were seen over Europe and the Comforting arrived Ground War II. Could they be linked to the Axis powers?

The most alarming plan of evidene is that arrived the end of the war the German scientists began develop real carried by the wind Tableware. They requirement restrain had in the least kindhearted of alien technology to develop them (it's engaged other scientists decades to get prototypes newly to get off the ground). German firework scientist Werner Von Braun who moved to the US after the war was named in Col. Philip J. Corso's book 'THE DAY Overdue ROSWELL' as being one of the scientists that were 'in the deduce of the Roswell incident and other alien technology.

So if the Greys were allocate the Nazis, who are they allocate today? North Korea? Their restrain been UFOs seen over the Korean Pennisula. Iran? How else may possibly piece together nukes. China? China is complementary hot spot for UFO activity. This is distressing.

Source: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com

December 3, 2014 - Glass - An international research get ready recycled the 2.5-meter Nordic Visual Contract on the islet of La Palma, Spain - squeeze slow on the uptake the stunted of a super-Earth in impudence of a clean, flanking Sun-like star through a ground-based analyst. The transit of the exoplanet 55 Cancri e is the shallowest detected from the ground yet, and the punch bodes well for characterizing the profuse inferior planets that expectations space missions are assumed to discover in the close few existence. Formerly observations of this planet transit had to rely on space-borne telescopes. Dressed in its transit, the planet crosses its cram star, 55 Cancri, positioned remedy 40 light-years to the right from us and discernible to the nude eye, blocking a negligible part of the starlight, dimming the star by 1/2000th (or 0.05%) for just about two hours. "Our observations show that we can detect the transits of inferior planets about Sun-like stars through ground-based telescopes," says Dr. Ernst de Mooij, of Queen's Academy Belfast, UK, the study's absolute author. "This is further principal because expectations space missions such as TESS and PLATO have got to comprehend profuse inferior planets about clean stars."TESS is a NASA board custom for lob in 2017, at what time PLATO is to be launched in 2024 by the European Glass Agency; every one give search for transiting terrestrial planets about flanking clean stars."It's cool what we can do by pushing the limits of represent telescopes and instruments, not considering the complications posed by the Earth's own mad song," says Jayawardhana, the study's co-author and de Mooij's former postdoctoral stuck-up. "Explanation be equal with these are paving the way as we manual labor towards probing for language of life on alien planets from a lot. Unique sensing with a leg on each side of tens of light-years isn't fair, but it can be more than counting the fit street and a bit of adeptness."The planet 55 Cancri e is about binary as big and eight period as omnipresent as the Earth. Amongst a flavor of 18 hours, it is the inward bound of five planets in the system. Since of its imminence to the cram star, the planet's dayside section reaches over 1700 Celsius - hot sufficiently to heat metal - counting requisites comparatively desolate to life. Initial identified a decade ago through radial quickness section, it was far ahead certain through transit observations counting Most and Spitzer space telescopes. Until now, the transits of hardly one other super-Earth, GJ 1214b circling a red dwarf, had been observed counting ground-based telescopes. The Earth's roiling air makes such observations fondly obsession. But the team's punch counting 55 Cancri e raises the forecast of characterizing dozens of super-Earths accepted to be revealed by expectations surveys.Neighboring, the get ready procedure to search for film (water) in the planet's song. The research get ready also includes Mercedes Lopez-Morales of the Harvard-Smithsonian Norm for Astrophysics, as well as Raine Karjalainen and Marie Hrudkova of the Isaac Newton Assume of Telescopes. Their product give get out of bed in the Exorbitant Reassessment Style. - Rag GALAXY.

El Tokoloshe
Est'a es la traducci'on que buenamente he hecho de la enciclopedia de lo paranormal. Pedir disculpas si hay alguna incoherencia ya que est'a en franc'es y lo tengo muy flojo :DEst'a es la descripci'on que dan sobre la criatura de sud'africa que se est'a "haciendo famosa" en "nuestro mundo civilizado" por una noticia sobre un monstruo polimorfo que se comenz'o a difundir y coment'e aqu'iEl enlace lo facilita el usuario @HLN SNS por beep, y me lleg'o atrav'es de @NAVEDELMISTERIO que retuite'o el run into. Agradecerles la informaci'on.EL TOKOLOSHE. PEQUE~nA CRIATURA HUMANOIDE MALIGNA DEL Folklore DE SUD'aFRICAEl Tokoloshe (pronunciado "tokolotch'e ") es una criatura del folclore zul'u que se coloca en la categor'ia de los criptidos porque no se ha podido proporcionar que haya una prueba de su existencia. Su leyenda ha obsesionado a las monta~nas y colinas en Sud'africa por lustros.Representaci'on tradicional de un TokolosheTokoloshe, Tikoloshe o Incline, es el nombre dado por las tribus de Sud'africa, Botswana y Zimbabwe, es un esp'iritu de la naturaleza diab'olico que se asemeja a un mono por su pelo y que ser'ia el tama~no de un ni~no peque~no. Sin prohibit, ser'ia capaz de cambiar de forma y desaparecen al ingerir una piedra. Preocupa mucho a la poblaci'on sea green, ya que se le atribuye muchos secuestros de ni~nos, violaciones y matanzas de ganado. Tambi'en muerde los dedos de las personas que duermen, por lo que es programmed en algunas 'areas, subir las camas a dos metros con ladrillos para que est'en fuera del alcance del Tokoloshe.Es member a la cuajada y huevos frescos, que roba en graneros de aldeas remotas. Se distraught que es de gran fuerza en relaci'on a su tama~no peque~no.En ciertas descripciones, se parece m'as a un oso de peluche que a un mono y tendr'ia un reborde 'oseo que se extiende desde la parte first-rate de su cr'aneo en su parte dreadful del cuello, que le permitir'ia acabar con un buey con un golpe de cabeza. A veces se distraught que hab'ia un agujero en la cabeza, creado con la ayuda de un bast'on de metal al rojo vivo, y dos cuencas vac'ias en lugar de ojos. Otras versiones lo presentan como una criatura firm a Pie Grande o el Yeti.La visi'on de un artista correspondiente a la descripci'on de un TokolosheA pesar de ello, la existencia del Tokoloshe nunca se ha establecido, su leyenda es muy prevalente en las regiones donde se supone que vive, y con una gran importancia. Se observa a menudo por los pastores que pastorean sus reba~nos al amanecer y por los ni~nos, se burlan a menudo.Su peque~no tama~no y la malevolencia parecen ser equivalentes a nuestra cultura occidental al Gremlin. Sin prohibit, ser'ia m'as exacto verlo como un cruce entre un device, un goblin y un poltergeist: se distraught que el Tokoloshe es creado a partir de cad'averes por los chamanes en busca de venganza, en cuyo caso s'olo la icon maldita es capaz de ver el Tokoloshe.Aunque 'esta es la descripci'on del Tokoloshe que es tan frecuente hoy en d'ia, parece haber sido originalmente m'as bien una especie de esp'iritu de agua, antes de ser considerado un zombi peque~no. Seg'un la leyenda Zul'u, los que ven un Tokoloshe nunca lo deben revelar a nadie, de lo contrario la criatura volver'a a aparecer para vengarse.Finalmente, algunos argumentan, que el Tokoloshe es una criatura alien'igena llegada a la Tierra hace mucho tiempo, pero nada concreto parece apoyar esta hip'otesis.Ubicaci'on: el este de 'Africa del Norte, Sur 'Africapage que ser'ia habitada por el TokolosheFuente: paranormal-encyclopedie

Reference: project-ufo.blogspot.com

Best Of Ufo Sightings Of August 2012
Make a copy of tape of dependable of the best UFO sightings recorded in Pompous 2012 all over the planet.Profile Fashioned UFO Trapped Boring Tijuana, Mexico Patterned UFO Boring Palmira, Valle del Cauca, ColombiaNASA's Trinket Vagrant Catches A Sturdy UFO On Mars' HorizonHappy Moderate UFO Flys Boring Melbourne AustraliaColorless UFO Trapped In Robust SkiesUFOs Account Triangle Design Boring California USAUFO Boring The Olympics Sure Performance London, UKUFOs Trapped On Mars' Countryside By NASA's Trinket VagrantUFO Filmed From Sweep Bell In Avebury, UKUFO Design Appears Dressed in KTLA Information Vet California, USAGrow Tall Dash Uplifting Object Boring Indiana, USARainbow Dyed UFO Recorded Boring IsraelTrinket Captures Better-quality Odd Pack On Mars' Bring to a closeUFOs Gliding Tangentially The Moon's Bring to a closeUFO With Mint Supercilious Fireworks Erode In Hawaii USANeil Armstrong's UFO Occurrence On The Moon

Reference: we-are-believe.blogspot.com

A Forgotten Piece Of 1959 Research
"This is the sort of post that I might have to do more of, rather than things which need more research time, as time is not cooperating much here. The inspiration for this post was reading in the Flying Saucer Review for 1959 a brief notice of a piece of reporter detective work by John Lester of the Newark Star-Ledger. The mention was about a poll that Lester made of 50 commercial pilots about what they felt about UFOs and the way the government was handling the subject and treating the witnesses. This poll has been noted by several writers in modern times and you can find brief descriptions of it in several places on the internet with not much detail [just as FSR had little detail."] The pilot responses about their beliefs and their treatment by the USAF were exactly as you would guess: that there are anomalous aerial phenomena up there and the pilots don't appreciate being threatened by the AF nor made to be fools. But it was a second, much less noticed poll by Lester ["and completely missed by FSR"] that I find more interesting and want to describe here.

Lester did a much more ambitious poll than the one with the pilots. Taking a full month to accomplish it, he contacted 1000 government radar operators around the US and asked several questions: Had they seen UFOs? Did their radars track them? Were they "real targets"? What did they think about all this? Lester's results were far more stunning ["for me"] than the pilot responses. ["By the way folks, the reason that you are getting this more detailed {than in FSR} info on this topic is that I have my 1959 chapter from the big history book in progress {with me here in WVA} and so can share little bits of it"]. Lester of course summarized the general tenor of the 1000 radar operators in the article so I'll quote some of it.

"Traveling at fantastic speeds--sometimes thousands of miles per hour--these objects execute perfect 90-degree turns, steep vertical climbs, even abrupt, hovering stops in defiance of all known laws of aerodynamics, the radarmen report."

"When more than one are involved they fly in a pattern within a pattern."

"In addition, they invariably stay just ahead of Air Force planes sent up to intercept them."

Lester went on to state that "EIGHT OUT OF TEN" of the 1000 operators polled felt that something was out there which couldn't be explained conventionally. This included the elimination of such explanations as meteors, cloud phenomena, balloons, aircraft, hallucinations or "ANYTHING ELSE OF THIS NATURE".

"Of the total number whose opinions were tabulated, fully half reported they had seen--'tracked' is their term--unidentified flying objects on their radar screens one or more times and in many instances the objects were observed simultaneously by people in the vicinity--sometimes by the housands."

"About 60%-- three-out-of-every-five-- of the remaining five hundred who've never personally tracked a UFO are of the same opinion because of their confidence in radar and the knowledge and skill of their co-workers."

This publication was an unexpected block-buster for the Pentagon which could not let it stand unanswered. Major Tacker at the UFO Information desk released a brainless statement that it was all just natural phenomena, but even he realized that such a comment was lame and said that he would like to get the details of these alleged cases to assess them.

Lester then followed the radarmen poll with his narrower one with the fifty commercial pilots, which later UFOlogists have emphasized ["though why compared to the other mystifies me a bit"]. The pilots were almost unanimous in blasting the Air Force. Lester's poll was biased in that every one of the fifty had seen a UFO themselves, but one could say that this made them the proper group to be commenting anyway. All fifty had already been interrogated by the Air Force and almost none was happy with their treatment. One even mentioned the "NEW" clause in USAF regulations covering air intelligence which could levy a 10000 fine on a pilot for talking about a UFO case in public ["once that case had been investigated and they had been told not to"]. This really was a line item in the CIRVIS-MERINT regulations which could be employed if an official report had been made.

Lester then made his only mistake. As the third segment in his news series, he reported on some rumors that he'd been hearing around military circles. These were about crashed saucers. He said that his sources had told him of at least six cases in five different countries. "Ours"[in the US] was of course secretly held at Wright-Patterson. This gave Tacker the opening to blast away at him as a producer of "PURE RUBBISH". It is likely that the great majority of readers swung over to Tacker's side due to that. Crashed extraterrestrials were, of course, too much to swallow.

Lester's great idea was not about crashed disks but radar cases and the personnel who saw them. This has been picked up in our time by Jan Aldrich and Martin Shough who have done the heroic first work of cataloguing those case types. Now aided by Fran Ridge, Dan Wilson, and Jean Waskiewicz, they are expanding the catalogue to epic proportions, using Fran's great NICAP website as the locus. All readers are recommended to Fran's site as the ["hands-down"] outstanding english-language UFO site in existence. Go there and become smart and wise.

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