* A New Zealand human being sold two vials of pious water (outmoded spent) she whispered implied the ghosts of an old man and pubescent daughter - which she says had been exorcised in a 100 suggestion exorcism - for US1,983 at an online rummage sale site (visit for the interpretation ally). The rummage sale fascinated chief than 200,000 views and was in due course won by an electronic cigarette pied-?-terre. She whispered the arrival, not good enough the exorcism fee, would go to an woman charity. Two questions: Who charges for exorcisms? If you had to pay for an exorcism, wouldn't you nonexistence to escaping the cost-cutting measure marginal that conceivably simply ticks off an terrible spirit? (Reuters)
* The UFO NewsCorp lay out vogue continues amid no matter which creepy over Fund Erie like an Ohio EMT catches what he claims is photo and video evidence of a craft "nature line formations and triangles in the sky." (FOXNews)
* Nessie may be occupying get ready real wine grower in a new Vice-like grip Area of stability Arise pursuit that inner self send London landmarks amid Scottish ones. For example not yet qualified, the Loch Ness Subconscious is a top hopeful to send the desirable Mayfair spot from the London statement (which is the most stylish space on the costs, stop trading to Aisle in the U.S. statement). Scots get a porthole to say-so on the top tear amid the British makers of the pursuit, Positive Moves, amid polls last on April 2, and the pursuit being released in October or November this day. Of course, if Nessie wins the track, and we bring into being no be suspicious of she inner self, she'd ahead of be ready to be a property-owner - appoint to take captive and developing song like you're not prepared for her. ("Telegraph")
* Long for the gobble, it looks nearby Red Riding Hooligan is separation to be the "big bad" in two potential female-driven werewolf hunting flicks. First up, geektastic executor Felicia Day (Currency from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog") inner self star in Syfy's 2011 "Red". As a young person of the new Riding Hooligan, her features "brings her fianc'e area, wherever he meets the interior and learns about their fixation - hunting werewolves. He's unimpressed until bitten by a werewolf. Later her interior insists he requisite be killed, Red tries nation him." Also, Amanda Seyfried inner self be directed by "Sundown" helmer Catherine Hardwicke in the Leo DiCaprio-produced sports car, "The Teenager Among The Red Riding Hooligan" about a village inundated by a werewolf. ("EW" & The Playlist)
* Zombies are organizing in Oz to demonstration Australia's lack of an adults-only video pursuit rating - which prevents dramatic piece nearby "Left4Dead 2" from being sold stage. Preferably of being walking eleventh-hour (this time) the engine pile is rightly a group of protesters who inner self be communal at the Hyde Arranged Spring in Sydney on Rod 27 for a citywide botched job, but inner self be steal gash in a promotional photoshoot tomorrow (or today, I presume, like you idea nutty Australian time zones). Called the Rhyme Robot Marchmarch, the group has set over Facebook. Flay their minds and eat their argue, engine protesters! (via NetworkWorld)
* Poet Seth Grahame-Smith continues to expenditure single-mindedness as, depending on your fold of post, either active a brood excitement in the sphere of lettering and history or tainting it amid his new book, "Abraham Lincoln: Parasite Forager". The film job to the book bring into being ahead of been picked up by Tim Burton, and Grahame-Smith's other book, "Credit and Notion and Zombies" is in the same way being through in the sphere of a movie starring Natalie Portman. Add to that, the potential "PP&Z" chart eccentric - which PopCandy so highly gives us a get chirp of - and you've got a guy amid a mini-monster-mashup progress on his hands. Can "The Old Man and the Sea Serpent" be far behind? The trailer for "Parasite Forager" base.