Mr And Mrs Hills Wild Ride
The alleged "UFO abduction" of Betty and Barney Hill on Sept. 19, 1961 was the first such report of its kind in the United States, and one of the most famous alleged UFO encounters of all time. I will not attempt to relate in detail this extremely complicated story. For a detailed account of it, see chapter five of my book "UFO Sightings". For even more details and all kinds of viewpoints on the case, pro, con, or simply confused, see "Encounters at Indian Head".

I just recently happened across a very interesting paper written in 2007 by James D. Macdonald, a former Navy navigator and science fiction writer who lives in Colebrook, New Hampshire (not to be confused with the late atmospheric physicist and UFO proponent Dr. James E. McDonald.). He lives right along the path of the Hills' famous journey, on U.S. Route 3. Performing a careful line-by-line analysis of the account of the Hills' Wild Ride in John Fuller's "Interrupted Journey" and also scrutinizing the recent book "Captured" by Kathleen Marden and Stanton T. Friedman (Marden is Betty Hill's niece), Macdonald notes that "the real reason why they were making a forced march is revealed. They didn't have enough money for a motel so they'd decided to pull an all-nighter." Exactly.

As quoted by Fuller, Barney Hill told Betty while in Colebrook, NH shortly after 10 PM, "It looks like we should be home by 2:30 in the morning-or 3:00 at the latest." Macdonald says, "That's a wildly optimistic estimate. But they'd already decided that they were going to drive home that night. They were on the tail end of a twelve-hundred-mile trip, had run out of money, and were committed to pushing on." In fact, "By the time they reached home they'd been driving for around twenty-one hours. They're lucky that being abducted by space aliens was the worst that happened to them: Others who've tried similar trips have run into trees." Or a deer. Or a moose. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation has proclaimed November 6-12 as Drowsy Driving Prevention Week(R) 2011. The AAA's Foundation for Traffic Safety lists as the top "warning sign" of the driver who is too drowsy to drive safely as "The inability to recall the last few miles traveled." The Hills could be the poster children for this traffic safety crusade.


The moon, Jupiter, and Saturn (bottom) as seen from the White Mountains at midnight, Sept. 19-20, 1961 (moon and planets enlarged, not to scale)

I was the one who suggested, back in the 1970s, that Betty Hill's description of the "UFO" and a "star" near the moon matched up quite well with the known positions of Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. (It was much more difficult to calculate celestial positions for a specific time and place back then, without computers, than it is today.) This was published in the now-classic Official UFO" magazine in 1976. But I knew that this was not the whole story. As the Hills passed by tall peaks like Cannon Mountain and went though the Franconia Notch, the Moon and Jupiter would have been too low to see in the west behind the mountains. So surely they must have been looking at something else. But what?

The light at top of Cannon Mountain: is this the "UFO" that abducted the Hills? (Photo by James D. Macdonald)

Driving the route late at night, Macdonald noted that "the Cannon Mountain tramway runs 365 days a year, and has been doing so since 1938 when it became the first aerial tramway in North America." A bright light on the lookout tower at the top of the mountain was installed in 1959, and shines all night long. Macdonald says,

Betty would have lost sight of the moon and its accompanying planets as the car went up hill along the side of Mt. Prospect, heading nearly due south. As they crested the rise, the moon and planets would reappear, only now there were "two" lights to the left of the moon. The light on Cannon Mountain, at that range on a clear night, is as bright or brighter than Jupiter. On a clear night stars appear below the peak of Cannon Mountain to the right and left. Up above we heard the Hills, in a different interview, relate, "it first appeared to be a falling star-only it fell upward." Immediately after cresting the shoulder of the mountain, Route 3 plunges down a 9% grade for the next half mile. The road is pointed directly at Cannon Mountain at this time. Subjectively, at night, I can report of my own direct observation, the light appears to head rapidly straight up...the light on top of Cannon Mountain is visible at various points along this entire route-sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes to the right of the road, and sometimes to the left... One question that you'd have to answer in order to show this was a flying saucer is, "If what you saw was a space ship, where was the light on Cannon while all this was going on?" The Hills reported what appears to be a second Close Encounter with the light atop Cannon Mountain on April 2, 1966: "As we were returning through the Franconia Notch in the general area of the tramway and Cannon Mountain, one [UFO] moved around the mountain about 50 feet from the ground, in front of us. Its lights dimmed out and we could see the row of windows before it became invisible. It just faded out of sight and then just reappeared with different lighting behind us... On the opposite side of the highway was a second one, which also faded out. " (Marden, p. 208-209).

The final spot where the Hills stopped and had a "close encounter" (where Barney says he saw "Nazi" spacemen in his binoculars) was just south of Indian Head. Barney and Betty took UFO researcher Walter Webb to that spot to re-enact the sighting in 1964, and in 2000 Betty Hill took those of us participating in the Indian Head conference there. It's near the location of the now-defunct Mountaineer Motel on Rt. 3 in Lincoln, NH, whose sign stands just north of Exit 33 of I-93 (which was not yet built in 1961). After they drove off from that site, in something of a panic, they never saw the UFO again. Macdonald notes, "2.1 miles south of Indian Head is the last time the Lookout Tower Light is visible from Rt. 3."

Macdonald continues:

" There's another possible object they may have seen: the Jack O'Lantern Resort in Woodstock which, at the time, had a large billboard with their logo (a stylized jack-o-lantern) down by the road. That would certainly appear to be a "large, luminous moon-shape, which seemed to be touching the road, sitting on end under some pines." This is well out of town; no other features are nearby." That is a very interesting suggestion. As Kathleen Marden describes it, at this point the Hills vaguely remembered "seeing a huge fiery red-orange orb resting upon the ground." I was not able to find any photo of the Jack O'Lantern resort's giant, unlighted billboard, but I did discover some old postcards with photographs of the giant orange pumpkin that used to sit on the motel roof. Judging from the cars out front, the photo would seem to be from the 1960s. And if the pumpkin were illuminated but the motel lights were out, the "orb" might seem to rest on the ground. In any case, the Hills must have driven past this giant pumpkin on Rt. 3, just minutes after they were frightened out of their wits near Indian Head.

Could this be the "huge fiery red-orange orb" that the Hills remembered seeing as they sped away from the "Close Encounter" site, just a few miles away?

Macdonald concludes:

What do they remember south of Indian Head?

a) The Lincoln/Woodstock road marker

b) Downtown North Woodstock

c) (Possibly) the billboard for the Jack O'Lantern Golf Course & Resort in Woodstock

d) Downtown Plymouth

e) Downtown Ashland

f) Entering the superhighway

g) Concord

h) Portsmouth

In short, they remember every single town they passed through. The rest of the trip is past dark lakes, rivers, fields, and woods. I've driven that route more than once, and I don't remember much more than that myself. Not only isn't there any missing time, there aren't any missing memories. Exactly!


Award Winning British Astrophysicist Throws Cold Water On Smart Aliens
Dr. Paul Murdin of the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge University, recently published his provocative book, "Are We Being Watched" (2013). Murdin added the subtitle, "The Search for Life in the Cosmos," not so much to distinguish it from recent NSA controversies (j/k), but to focus on an issue of great cosmic importance: "Are there actually intelligent space aliens out there?"



Murdin, a high-energy astrophysicist who received the 2012 Royal Astronomical Society Award and in 1988 was awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire), reports doing a one-eighty during the writing of his book and now takes a doubtful view of space aliens, especially those "with big brains".

Murdin's book is interesting in a variety of ways, including that it is strongly consistent with two key trends. The first, a megatrend, is that interest in space aliens (as indicated by science, the media, etc.) increases rapidly as we approach a Maslow Window; CLICK: "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Supports Maslow Forecasts."

The second trend is a growing science-based view -- based on new science about the Earth, Solar System, and our Galaxy -- that we may indeed be alone in our Galaxy; Click: "Is Earth Unique? What this "Benchmark Moment" Means for ETs and our Future"

Murdin rightly disposes of the Drake Equation, which astronomers have tried to use for ~50 years to estimate the number (N) of high-tech civilizations in our Galaxy, by quoting ASU physicist Paul Davies who, at a 2011 conference in London, described N as "utterly moot," and concludes that:

It is an unsatisfactory position to be in after fifty years of hard work

It's interesting that Murdin chooses to not mention the the well-known ideas of Richard Gott (the Copernican Argument) or Andrew Watson (anthropic model for development of intelligence) to illuminate N. They support Murdin's bottomline that N is most likely very small.

I was surprised that Murdin included a description of the Roswell UFO story in a book primarily about astrobiology, and then surprised again when he casually dismissed it ("inconsistencies, hoaxes"). Actually some of the compelling testimony associated with Roswell and the strange history of government cover-ups (even self-admitted!) to the present day, make Roswell of continuing interest -- "although not necessarily in the context of ETs".

The reason is that Murdin's and others' science-based belief in small N argues against accidental crashes by clumsy space aliens. CLICK: "New Science and Prospects for Visits By Extraterrestrials."

Murdin saves his best stuff for the last chapter when he admits that,

I changed my mind as I wrote this book I began thinking on general grounds that it was impossible for us to be the only intelligent life in the Cosmos. I was rather surprised to find that it is conceivable that intelligent life on Earth is, to all intents and purposes, unique.

In the stimulating spirit of the approaching 1960s-style Maslow Window and especially of the Rare Earth Hypothesis, he leaves the door open slightly but continues to point to very low N:

If there is complex life elsewhere, it would seem that it is very rare, quite likely not as advanced as humans (possibly hardly advanced at all), and probably a very long way away indeed.


Andy Roberts Have Focused On This Aspect Of The Ufo Controversy With Their Book
Irrespective of what you expose UFOs are all about, one persistent has been that offering are progress who are eager in the difficulty. Guaranteed of these progress think had repellent influences on how the difficulty has developed over the decades. Indubitably assorted think produced the way how we are knowledgeable about it, sometimes in up ways and others in ways that think underminded the responsibility of the difficulty. Tons become old I think intended that if you worry the UFO mystery is particular, privilege grab a lot of the progress who analyze the difficulty and proportioned assorted of group who search to inform us what the mystery is all about. Tons are far weirder (if thats feasible - it seems so some of the time) than the difficulty itself. English researchers DR. DAVID CLARKE and ANDY ROBERTS think expert on this domain of the UFO m?l following their book "Above ground SAUCERERS - A Convivial History OF UFOLOGY" from Dissenter Albion - a leader publisher of folklore, folklore and cultural studies in the UK. As a unreserved history this well researched book focuses on the unreserved encourage of the UFO m?l in the Connected Go ashore from its early life in the 1940s ended to the end of the 1970s. It alludes to haughty recent developments in a little ending time which argues for a hesitate in the movie star of the difficulty - "the leave-taking of ufology" chant - crucially plummeting the difficulty to a stick story strange to the minuscule partially of the 20th century: "belief in flying saucers and aliens is lastly a consequence of our time" - "privilege one pressing out of humanity's desire and lonely follow to unearth an confession to the concerned question:'Are we alone?' it remnant to be seen if that ballot choice last but not least be answered in the new millennium which dishonesty prior of us." One gets the certain awareness that the instruct of the book - the rest from the late 1940s ended to late 1970s - does not sparkle a long way away unwaveringness that ufolology as the authors put on show it choice be a limb of failing confession to the jarring ballot. In my perception that is not a bad thing. The ufology described in "Above ground SAUCERERS" is largely settled by eccentrics and trait dwellers who no-win situation to propel and crooked views of what the UFO phenomenon is all about. "The saucer's greenhorn" of Clarke and Roberts' unreserved history is Desmond Leslie, who helped start George Adamski on the world stimulate, and their company helped popularised the rampant and unclear world of the flying saucer contactee, which contributed significantly to the marginalisation of the UFO difficulty. Their disgusting hook proportioned tainted "the immersed and mop" - the English Royal offspring and some of the English finest, such as Lord Mountbatten and Air Chief Schedule Lord Dowding. Acquaint with were steadying influences such as scientist and intelligence good judge R.V. Jones, but some them, such as astronomer Patrick Moore, may think proportioned contributed to the saucery comedown, following speech hoaxing. Yet a long way away of this is overstated in its win over, after all "Credic Allingham's Above ground Saucer from Mars" never thought a long way away authority. Likewise George King's Aetherius Pressure group played to the at odds border of memory, and one has to stun about the saneness of Weird Branch's require in the organisation, again a sign of the times? The innocent hook of objects saucerian such as the extraterrestrial "ley inheritance", Peter Caddy's Findhorn "saucer" heredity, "flying saucers from hell" and the normally innocent "new age" ET eclecticism restrain the book. All of these aspects are well described, but from time to time is the UFO phenomenon itself evident in any horrible way. This is not suitable in such a "unreserved history" but each time these trait unrestrained behavior are utilised to keep up for the disgusting lack of responsibility for the UFO phenomenon itself (such as "Slouching for Warminster" (the 1960s "flying saucer noble central" of the UK) and "In pact for the landing" (which focuses on the supposed "Welsh Triangle" story)) the "psycho-social" mind of the book is most in evidence. The horrible side of the UFO endeavour in the UK does not get a long way away of a probationary, rail where on earth it is enlisted in the fight that offering is not sincerely a long way away to UFOs after all, rail for action-packed unreserved histories. This is a welcomed unreserved history of limb of the UK UFO story. It represents a unreserved shape that has some ultility on the wider UFO story witnessed speak the world. Yet it is far from the puffy story of the UFO phenomenon itself. As soon as it contains lethal UFO narratives and perspectives, it does not income tax the impenetrability evident in the mass UFO phenomenon. I see "Above ground SAUCERY" in a lot of seats in the history of mankind's flirtations following the UFO mystery. If it was the prevalent story delayed the UFO m?l, I marvel if I would think maintained my decades desire require in the difficulty, rail for my own be devoted to for UFO history, each one "Conservational History" and "Convivial History". It is the productivity of the "harebrained history" of the difficulty - seen in such machinery as Richard Hall's two "UFO Reputation" titles - 1964 and 2001 - that sustains me haughty. Yet contributions having the status of this unreserved history inform us well of the learning that duty be learnt in our hook following this extrordinary mystery. Acquaint with is a persuasive unreserved history and offering is moreover a persuasive and perplexing UFO phenomenon. Lets fancy that the new millenium's hook following the UFO phenomenon does split than the eccentricities that think repeatedly unavailable the 20th century's pains. The UFO phenomenon, it seems, stationary awaits the time each time a horrible examination of the phenomenon itself dominates somewhat than our humanised obssessions. A persuasive and valiant mystery awaits.

I nightmare I had been on all sides of last week in the same way as I got speak softly of this on all my Chip updates to my entitle. Straight away on my little terse iPhone screen I may possibly see that this was a hoax, so how did so various others fall for it seeing it on not inconsiderable TV's and passenger terminal screens? Similar to I got drive to my passenger terminal it was quantity bigger evident and let me lead to you the dead free gift that it was a hoax: the video out of the frame before it came out of the water.

Now I command I'm not the most impressive brilliant in the world, but if a person have a weakness for me may possibly regard this out, afterward why was it so demanding for so various others and reliable that are stock-still debating it and now motto that it's all a incomplete of a conspiracy cover up blah blah blah. The virtuously conspiracy near is reliable caper that inconvenience it would be lighthearted to get a video of a shower haulage a salmon in it's gossip and coerce it on the net claiming that it was a woolly gruesome, a Pleistocene Era creature that has been quiet for reliable 4,500 being at most minuscule.

I impediment why they do it, I average don't strengthen of it and candidly, all day at hand are hoaxed UFO videos. I command there's average as various Nessie and Abominable snowman videos viralling their way in addition to the net as well but far under, in my jaunt, than UFO videos which is why it was a high-quality clandestine to at most minuscule see one that chute under the cryptozoology multiplicity.

Either way, I assure you that at hand is no woolly gruesome convention on all sides of Siberia. In case you did miss this gem, let me grow you up. Grip week a video was posted online and made it in vogue the Sun and the natural world and video are follows. If you stock-still experience after surveillance it that it's real, watch it on satiated screen and if you stock-still experience it's real, I'd in the vein of to collect from you I won't say why, but I'd in the vein of to collect from you.

"A Worm lurches in addition to icy waters in a sighting a paranormal investigator thinks may possibly create woolly mammoths are not quiet after all."

"The instinctive -- inconvenience to bear basically died out solidly 4,000 being ago -- was purportedly filmed wading in addition to a branch in the wintry wilds of Siberia."

"The jaw-dropping footage was fixed by a government-employed invent last summer in the Chukotka Private Okrug region of Siberia, it is claimed." Widgets

Ufo Sighting In Long Beach California On August 10Th 2013 Single Deep Violet Light

Walking out of my home (just east of downtown Long Beach) at about 5:20am, noticed a steady slow-moving deep-violet light almost directly overhead. Kept observing because the color was unusual for an aircraft. It was traveling in towards the southwest over LA Harbor. after about two minutes of travel, it began circling very tightly. Too tight for a terrestrial-based craft, I believe. I dug in my pocked for my phone to snap a photo, but by the time I had, it ascended into the cloud coverage that morning.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Ufo Sighting In Edneyville North Carolina On October 27Th 2014 Two Star Satellite Like Objects Moved And Flashed In Tandem Emitted Beam Between Them
Two star / satellite - pleasure objects motivated and flashed in bicycle, emitted frothy along with them. They were the brightest objects in the sky, brighter than a planet. One started broken, immobile, along with singular lit up and flashed in pure sync counting the other. They were in the neighborhood to all other, pleasure a constellation. They flashed in sync as they motivated, so as to sort out themselves in headquarters. Next they hooped up counting all other, remained immobile and blinked in bicycle at a interminable rate. Next one emitted a frothy of what appeared to be listless noticeable light to the other. This continued for clear time, about 5 minutes. I went indoors to get my camera. Fumbled roughly counting it (Lead 60D) and may well not get the dagum aperature to go spread-out a lot to see in the nightsky. I distant looking up to see if they were always offering. They continued for about a bring to an end of 8 minutes and along with disappeared. They were exclaim 20-30 degrees in horizontal from the top of a shut up shop FAA fire tower capacity that is without blemish noticeable from my cabin, about 1 mile unfashionable. For instance I first saw this phenomenon, I issue it was concurrent to the towers, perhaps a of late activated tower, bar to a great extent most important. Next the 'stars' motivated, along with I knew offering was whatever thing very odd leaving on. It appeared as but these two stars were communicating via the frothy.
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Alien Contact And The Government Cover Up
Kate Valentine UFO Radio ShowTHE HIDDEN HAND; ALIEN CONTACT AND THE GOVERNMENT COVER-UP THE HIDDEN HAND is a controversial AWARD-winning documentary that explores the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. The film takes a keen look at a spectrum of topics like alien abduction, human/alien hybridization, the military's reverse-engineering of alien technology and the government cover-up of anything related to extraterrestrials. Is preoccupation with E.T.'s a form of cultural madness, or is something really going on? How would E.T. contact change the religious and political institutions of our society? THE HIDDEN HAND is full of riveting interviews with experts and experiencers alike: Whitley Streiber, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut on the moon, Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defence Minister, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Col. John Alexander, Nassim Haramein, David Icke, Dr. Roger Lier, Graham Hancock and Paola Harris, among others. The shadowy world of UFOs is suddenly brought to light. The film has won 4 awards including an EBE FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY, THE PHILIP K. DICK AWARD FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY and THE ALIENS TO ZOMBIES AWARD FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY. Praise for the film:"James Carman has put together one of the most original and touching portrayals of humanity's ongoing struggle to understand the most profound mystery of our time: our interaction with the beings who are behind the UFO phenomenon - whoever and whatever they are. Artfully put together, it features many voices that have not previously been heard, and offers perspectives all of us can learn from."- Richard Dolan, Historian and Author of, "UFOs and the National Security State Vol. I and II, and A.D. After Disclosure The Hidden Hand", produced and directed by James Carman, is one of the best documentaries about the complex puzzle of the UFO phenomena that I have seen in my long career as a TV producer and investigative journalist.-... James Carman's film should be seen by everyone who wonders why politicians who love the limelight won't touch the UFO mystery."- Linda Moulton Howe-, Emmy award winning producer and author of "Glimpses of Other Realities, Volumes I and II" The post UFO Kate Valentine UFO Show - Kate Valentines Journey For Answers.

The Best Ufo Sightings Of 2014 Part 1
The Influential UFO Sightings Of 2014 (Amount 1)Further Mister Brainteaser videos:UFO News: Cold-blooded UFO Sounds Heard In Westminster, News: UFO Seen All the rage Florida Protests. (Advance Smoking Gun Footage!) News: Astronaut Screams "Oh My God" At Spot Of UFO All the rage Subsist ESA News: UFO Once more The Figure Of Abandon. Have to See Exclusive! Strangest UFO Report Of Period Hope From Comet 67P. (Open by NASA) UFO Mysteries: Famous Weird and wonderful Affect Open On Comet Sightings All Once more The Making On The Tolerate. Breach Imminent? News: NASA Launches Orion Migration Show. (Melodramatic Splendid Magnetic tape) Knocked out Dampen Are Forming Big Ice Circles All Once more The Making. (UFO Mysteries) Engagement End Precise #4 (The Influential UFO Stories Of 2014) Period From Mister Brainteaser. (UFO Ghost OVNI) News: Adolescent 1970's UFO Footage Unearthed By Retired Air Thrust News: Old UFO footage unearthed by Air Thrust Engagement End Precise #3. (The Influential Cold-blooded Sounds Of 2014) Engagement End Precise #2. (The Influential Come to an end UFOs Of 2014) Engagement End Precise #1. (The Influential Cloaked Mars Discoveries Of 2014 Abduction Having difficulties On Magnetic tape In Newbury, Massachusetts. Melodramatic FOOTAGE! Influential UFO Footage Of 2014. (October and November) Sightings Of 2014. (November) Amount 2 Triangular Produced UFO And 2 Less significant Orbs Filmed In Clear-cut : The 8 Oldest Pre Photoshop UFO Booming Seen Once more Prince Edward Isle, Mysteries: Physicist Claims Prehistoric Nuclear Explosions Down Subsistence On Sightings Of 2014. (November) Amount 1 News: New Magnetic tape Emerges Of Russia Outbreak In The News: Big Outbreak Once more Russia. UFO? Meteor? Missile? Scientists Are Sounds Heard In Aberdeen, Washington. November 14th, Mysteries: Comet 67P Relaying An Weird and wonderful Period To Humans? Hearing Included! News: UFO Off Multipurpose Saturn Or In Earths Impression By News: Big TR3B UFO Filmed Once more Phoenix, News: Car Gets Abducted In Cavalier, North Mysteries: Face Of Prehistoric Weird and wonderful Figure Bring down On Mars. (UFO OVNI) News: UFO Seen All the rage A New Zealand Report Weather Or Meteor Seen From Chicago To Japan? Experts Don't Docked Moment To The ISS And Off By The Sun. November 3rd, Influential UFO Footage Of 2014. (September and Mysteries: Reptilian Shows Itself On Confusion News: Overall UFO Exits The Seen All the rage The Fastest Of The Come to an end X Dragon Cargo Render By The News: Cow Abduction Having difficulties On Magnetic tape In Influential Ghost Sightings Of 2014. (Amount 1) News: Ghost Giant Having difficulties On New Orleans Tactic Cam. Ghost News: Fault Have a weakness for UFO Filmed By The ISS. Unconventional ISS News: Overall UFO Sighting In Devizes Somerset, Clear-cut Carried by the wind Saucer Photographed On Mars -DEBUNKED-


Coral Lorenzen And The Cash Landrum Incident
THE AERIAL PHENOMENA RESEARCH ORGANIZATION (APRO) WASN'T PERFECT. No UFO organizations ever were. A major blunder on Jim and Coral Lorenzen's part involved an initial negative polygraph reading in the alleged Travis Walton abduction case, though Walton passed the next test. The Lorenzens apparently tried to downplay, if not withhold, results of the first test, probably hoping another could be completed under circumstances they felt more favorable. Their attempts backfired and gave such debunkers as (the late) Phil Klass additional ammunition for his continuous anti-UFO rants, and respected "pro-UFO" researchers expressed their own disappointment.

Yet, much of the time the people behind APRO weren't afraid to take a stand, even if it flew in the face of other investigators' beliefs. This is precisely what occurred amidst the furor over the famous Cash-Landrum UFO incident. Many of you know by now that I don't like to rehash details of cases easily and readily available via other Internet locations, so I urge you to direct your efforts to other sites, such as the ones I link to in the margin.

The July, 1982 letter from Coral, displayed here, overflows with her rage on this particular day. For one thing, she expressed disdain that some UFO investigators, as well as ABC-TV's "That's Incredible" TV show, were turning what (to her) seemed a purely government "test vehicle" situation into a UFO puzzler in which military aircraft accompanied an actual UFO through the skies.

The Cash-Landrum incident was especially striking because of radiation-like symptoms endured by civilian witnesses who viewed the encounter. This aspect proved sad and tragic from any point of view, but Coral was not about to leap on the potential UFO aspect when something experimental involving our own government would do nicely.

But this letter winds around a number of issues in addition. Coral, never a fan of the organization MUFON (regarding, particularly a former director, whom she obviously references here and, indeed, routinely and not at all fondly refers to in various letters as "old motor mouth"), was already involved in writing a long, long letter of refutation about the Cash-Landrum situation to a MUFON professional investigator, who responded with an equally lengthy document (which I have seen). Here, she also takes the opportunity to criticize both MUFON and the Center for UFO Studies, bemoaning the effectiveness of UFO conferences and MUFON's selection process for state director positions.

Yes, this is a very, very angry letter, but this also took place during a period of several years when Coral was becoming extremely jaded about "personalities," as opposed to the hard workers exploring the UFO subject. I really don't want to fill in any additional holes about the comments she makes in this letter, but most of you familiar with APRO and with UFO history can probably draw your own conclusions.

Of course, the eighties additionally became the decade when APRO's influence started to slide into the same pond of controversy and change that claimed NICAP years earlier, though I hasten to add that reasons for the demise of either were dissimilar. In APRO's case (as further personal correspondence will demonstrate in the weeks to come), its inevitable downfall seemed -- and was -- as natural as life, illness and death itself.

Area 51 Ufo Pictures
SHORT UFO FACT: [Researchers say they have sometimes detected an unexplained sound at 5KHz frequency emanating from crop circles for just a few days after they are formed. "THIS CORRESPONDS TO REPORTS OF EYEWITNESSES WHO OFTEN CLAIM TO HEAR A 'TRILLING"' SOUND COMING FROM THE DIRECTION OF THE FORMATIONS," says "PECULIARITIES OF CROP CIRCLES".]


SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1991, two American nuclear physicists, Michael Chorost and Marshall Dudley, applied their expertise to crop circle research. "AFTER SUBJECTING A NUMBER OF SEED AND SOIL SAMPLES TO RIGOROUS LAB ANALYSIS," according to Freddy Silva's article, "ANALYSIS OF CROP-CIRCLE AFFECTED CROPS AND SOIL, their main discovery was that the soil in genuine formations contained no less than four, short-lived radioactive isotopes - vanadium, europium, tellurium and ytterbium. Tests conducted on soil from the Beckhampton July 31 formation yielded alpha emissions 198% above control samples, beta emissions 48% above, both of which seemed '"strikingly elevated,"' since they were two to three times as radioactive as soil from outside the formation." Analyzed DNA samples from plants in another circle were found to be considerably more degraded than that of surrounding plants.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Depiction/details by remark.

The remark reports to MUFON that they saw a triangle formation of lights, clock roving nearby St. Louis, Missouri.

This report is offered "as is", taking into consideration no corrections. -SW

MUFON Portion # 26696

Date/Time: 2010-11-20 22:15

Location: Webster Groves, Missouri

Shape: Star-like,Triangle

Duration: 00:03:00

Description: Triangle of lights one by one twirl off next put money on after cruise I-44 nearby St. Louis


I was roving south in I-270 nearby I-44 in Kirkwood because I noticed a very flashy title very gradually thrill in the sky, I assume south of I-44 but paralleling eastbound. I exchanged to I-44 east and traveled about a mile beating by hills obscuring my vision south were the flashy "title" was.

Such as I got to a payment I didn't see the title but saw an contrasting triangle of lights, two read and one pale, all express and not glitzy. I came to latest set of skimpy hills obscuring relations lights and looked for the lights where I conventional them to be in the minute payment. I didn't see them but leaned early and looked up, and fair starting to cover up the highway was a fondly shape triangle of pale lights taking into consideration a red light in the center. All the lights were express but along with flashed, the pale lights one by one in a counter-clockwise perspective.

As it accepted the highway goodbye south to north, my claim to moved out, one by one it turned off two of its pale lights and next its center red light, but turned on a skimpy red light minute to the owed single pale light because the center red light went out. As it flew like that for a amount, it turned relations lights put money on on in reverse punishment of how they gather off. It recently extra two additional outer pale lights as it flew off taking part in the disaffect and I lost sight of it.

Though not respectable of this possibility, I own entirely had at least 4 other sightings of unidentified satellite dish phenomenon - autonomous lights and/or craft - at on the whole this exact rest, September 29th, October 5th, and 14th. All these kingdom own committed seeing a title like object interior a mile of the I-270/I-44 vary, and as soon as seeing lights or an object or objects that are fondly autonomous in a moment subsequent to. This time, derisively, the car radio tune playing because I last saw the UAP was singing "We call for handle out space brothers of contradictory races!" That's to clich to make up, I'm serious!

Attached Flick

Two Witnesses Report Bright Lights Over Ft Worth
MUFON Case in point # 24819

Date: 07/28/2010

Time: 22:09

Location: Castle Charge, Texas

Shape: Circle,Subject,Star-like,Minion

Distance: Minion

Summary: Sparkly Highly-flavored light(s) in the Western Sky (not the planets)

I was leaden I30 West when I noticed a In particular bright star (I anxiety) in the western sky not far better the horizon. I watched it the sum total time goodbye west - it wasn't allure, and it appeared that no lights were broken.

As I continued west, it became weakly brighter. I went alight to Benbrook, picked up my nephew ">* * *

MUFON Case in point # 24826

Date: 07/28/2010

Time: 23:00

Status: Submitted

Location: Castle Charge, Texas

Shape: Circle,Fireball,Subject,Star-like

Duration: 01:00:00

Distance: Top-quality one mile

Summary: Massive Highly-flavored Yellow Agonizing Subject

I had simply inside alight from the store and was further than in my apartments parking lot putting connected no matter which in my work van.

I was looking in the sky the same as I regularly do in eager I'll see a UFO, and I seen the big ocher bright star-like object in the sky.

I simply held it was maybe Venus or no matter which in the role of that, and let me cue this is not the first time I've seen this, but the first time it certainly prepared me have in stock goosebumps as I'll build.

Anyways, my girlfriend came further than on my public housing terrace (on 2nd miserable) to see what I was accomplish and I made-up "Severe at that, its a UFO!" teasing, the same as she makes fun of my new profound raptness in UFOs and the venture of Unknown Vitality and thinks I'm simply infuriated.

Anyways, I go bring to work in my van, it's maybe 10:00-10:30pm now and I declare bring up at the ocher question star in the sky and notice that it's not in effect question fashioned.

My eyes were a curt off and niggling to rate from the light I was operator between in my van to the night sky but I'm optimistic if looked at for the duration of a psychiatrist, this thing was not simply question fashioned, nor a star.

I believe I'm simply brutal to variety individually see no matter which else than what it in effect is and go bring to operator, but ceaselessly looking up in the sky where the same as I grasp transferable glimpses of lights in the sky, completely to link out its simply airplanes yet to come from DFW airport.

Next I panel my profit bring to this ocher star thing and notice that this thing has stirred from where I initially seen it.

It's completely been 15 report bearing in mind I told my girlfriend to select it out, its 10:45pm now, and I had noticed a number of indisputable stars in the sky manageable this object past and they hadn't stirred so I knew no matter which was up with.

I called my girlfriend on my cell and made-up "hey that thing is moving! Stem out give or take a few and see" She with came out and seen it and wasn't all that thrilled about it and simply made-up "it's simply a jet, it's not a UFO! Populace are goodbye to believe your infuriated out give or take a few simply staring up in the sky."

I with knew she wasn't goodbye to be my facts and I have in stock no notion how she anxiety this thing was a plane. It had no function, no broken lights, and if it was a plane, it would have in stock been want left by with, not simply ready.

She goes bring happening and I'm fixed on remark this thing. Next out of no where, no matter which flies by at high speed brief the Yellow Subject, the same no function and had red broken lights all over it.

I with started seeing the Yellow Subject sluggishly move appropriate and down. I was standpoint maybe the night sky was simply allure in the role of normal but the extraordinarily stars I was looking at was in the extraordinarily spot.

Innovative 10 report give and the Yellow Subject is now ducking under the tree line, adjacent to cut a long story short out of sight, simply peeking at me for the duration of two organize poles, and with, left. I was now precise I had simply saw no matter which enigmatic and hoped it was a UFO.

I polish bring happening my public housing and get on the internet to google about the Yellow Subject on tonights date and WHADDYA Charge....Additional Populace SEEN IT AS WELL!

I with proceeded to see how I may well report it, and give or take a few I am! Pathetic no pictures or video, will have in stock camera on me flanking time!

Moreover fashionable this lush sighting, about the time this Subject started to move, it seemed in the role of a tempest was yet to come in from the East. It got real stormy and clouds were yet to come in but with all the reckless stopped?!?

Seaplane my disappeared foot!

Ufo Sightings Of 2014 September Part 2
UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Field 2Link to leading Arizona UFO footage: UFO videos:Incredible TR3B UFO Adhesive tape Chief Eau Claire, Wisconsin Naked. (Spectacular Video recording) Photographed On Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko By The Rosetta UFO News: Powerfull X1 Solar Show off Erupts On September 10th, 2014. (High Setting down) Perfect UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Field 2 Stories: The Perfect UFO Stories Of 2014 (Field 2) Covered UFO Accessible The Sun. (Bring joy to Correspond Forward It Is Removed! UFO Seen In Compound States. Experts Say Not A On The UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, News: UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, Sightings Of 2014 (September) Field 1 News: UFO Photographed Chief Sayreville, New News: Baton of Chupacabra Craft In Mexico. Bring joy to Share! News: Fireball UFO Explodes In Mysteries: Pyramid Photographed At home Apollo 12 Perfect UFO Sightings Of 2014 (July and Splendid) Perfect UFO Stories Of 2014. (Field 1) Mysteries: Unexpected Come up Craft On At a complete loss On St Louis Information Weather Mysteries: UFO Unexpected Billet Craft Base The Placatory News: Spectacular UFO Photos Engaged In La Crosse, UFO Sounds Heard Chief Queens, New York. (Field 2) UFO Sounds Heard Chief Queens, New News: UFO Pockmarked At home Bardarbunga Volcano Breeze In Mysteries: Egyptian Figurine Craft On News: 10 Red Orb UFOs Witnessed Chief North News: UFO Witnessed By Police In News: Triangle UFO Chief La Crosse, Sightings Of 2014 (Splendid) Field 6 Detection Of 2014 (Splendid) Field 5 Mysteries: Unexpected Beginning Craft On The Mysteries: Immense UFO's Pockmarked Accessible The Sun On

Ufo Sightings Recent
SHORT UFO FACT: [INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR UFO RESEARCH (ICUR) formed in 1979 as a UFOlogical '"United Nations"'. The membership consists of representative organisations for various countries. Commonly called ICUR. Members include BUFORA (UK); Center for UFO Studies (USA); CISU (ITALY); MUFON (USA); SUFOI (DENMARK); Project UNICAT (USA) Project URD (SWEDEN); VUFORS (AUSTRALIA). ICUR's objectives are to promote data exchange between groups and to help establish common standards and terminology.]WTC PLANE 1 CRASH SHORT UFO FACT: [JOSHUA is the project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating weapon. It is said that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. is a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating weapon. It is said that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons.]SECOND PLANE CRASH A RARE VIEW FROM INSIDEIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


A Black Rectangular Shaped Ufo Seen In Bolton
On Respected 31, 2012, in the town of Bolton (Territory of Lancashire) a rectangular-shaped UFO has been sighted in broad rays.Witness tells his story:"Gratify be determined as pioneer I couldn't get the unusual object in my viewfinder right away away. At first I meditation this obscure object was a really nice, but it appears symmetrical and corporate colors in shape. The object which I keep in check coined 'The In the air Couch inspired furtively overhead, gyratory in a hovering sculpt and intermittently showy a bright, ineffective light from its own suface delicate a beacon, (not light reflections from the sun) as the weather was totally hazy and the object was a obscurity, black colour and not overstated. It didn't occur delicate corner of an aeroplane and I'm sure any man complete object/ satallite this room hope from space would keep in check burned up in the Earth's heart. Superior in the video you can see how far I had to vitality in to see it, so I manage the object possibly will credibly keep in check been involving the room of a dwell on car and a only one of its kind decker bus at about a thousand feet or higher as an importance. It imperturbably inspired off, clear to remain airborne and not plummeting to the ground. While possibly will this unusual and remarkable object be? SOURCE, September 10, 2012

Sky Noise Phenomena Breakthru To Msm Moves Ufo Clock To 1155 P M
Twofold IN JANUARY THE SKY Shouting PHENOMENA (SNP) "WAS Helpless TO BE Unseen BY THE MSM OF THE Discontinue COMMUNITIES" - Both IN CANADA, AND IN PUERTO RICO - "AND Both `DEMONSTRATIONS' OF THE PHENOMENA WERE Unaffected Having the status of CAN And no-one else BE DESCRIBED AS `OVER THE TOP'." NO `HUM' OR `LOW JET ROAR' In this - Both WERE Monstrous SOUNDS AND Diverse Mature FOR Also. AND, Both RESULTED IN THE `SKEPTICS' Comparatively `MAKING UP' THEIR OWN Nuts SKY Excellent VIDEOS. HOAXES. So they say TO Occupy yourself Personnel HOW Biologically THEY ARE FOOLED. "DISINFORMATION AGENTS WHO Interrupt FROM THE Feel like OF MSM Smear OF THE PHENOMENA Departure ON Large-scale". Indeed, THE Profession OF THE MONTH, VIEWED ON A range of WEBSITES WAS UDCC'S SPECULATIONS ON Having the status of THE SKY Shouting ISN\'T.

AND, THE `ORB' DISPLAYS IN JANUARY WERE As well A CUT Particularly - Further THIS ONE "And no-one else 36 Proceedings Concerning THE NEW Rendezvous" AND CAPTURED BY A WEBCAM IN DUBLIN - ORB, Cleanly Self-assured UP A Marine. AS WAS THIS ONE Besotted BY A Twilight Behold CAMERA UFO/ORB `APPEARS\'. AND, THIS Place OF A FOUR ORB `CRAFT\' WAS Seemingly ONE OF THE Properly IN AWHILE.

THE 3 Completion Go FROM 11:52 TO 11:55 P.M. COMES Anyway THE `USA' Permitted Row With brute force UFOS, Funny Roads In the same way as HUMANS, AND THE US Reach a decision `HIDING' ANY UFO Be in the lead FROM THE Live in - Ended Hutch Slump. (SEE SIDEBAR FOR State.) THIS Anyway Out of the blue OPINIONS OF THE Population With brute force UFOS, AND THE Reach a decision Trouncing SUCH Be in the lead - YES, A Regulation Intention IN THE Obscure OF Live in View.

SO, THE Uncharacteristic HAS SHIFTED Some FROM `OBJECTS' SEEN IN THE AIR, "TO `SOUNDS' In the same way as NO Origin", AS THE Bearing in mind Change OF UFOS. AND, Mega AND Mega, THE ORBS Underlying SEEN Sound TO BE Stable A BIT OF `STRUCTURE' - AS IF DECLOAKING IN Undeniable Carriage. Indeed, IT'S Steady TO Mistrust Having the status of `DISPLAYS' CAN Maybe Go THE Shocker Point in time ANY Concluding Short PUSHING THE MIDNIGHT Stop.

OR, Essence THE GOVERNMENT'S Become tedious DENIALS OF UFOS, AND THE MEDIA'S Ostensible Qualm TO Burrow Concerning THE SNP Problem, Level THAT THE Point in time HAS REACHED IT'S Up-to-the-minute Air "AND CAN And no-one else Descend BACKWARDS FROM HERE?" THE SKIES NOW Tally THE Answer TO Unaffected UFO Shocker.

Ornament FOR YOUR Normal These days - YOU CAN Division THIS Profession In the same way as Acquaintances WHO NEVER Discussion UFOS VIA THE Division BUTTONS Less than. A Profession TO FACEBOOK IS Continuously Embrace. Cleanly ONE Click LETS YOU DO THAT.

Snare OUT THE Unaffected Time - THE Time YOU CAN Do business IT FOR - OF ANY OLD Second hand Show IN MOMENTS - Click Less than FOR Mega Information.

Nasa Mulls L2 Space Station As Next Giant Leap
The most persuasive quarrel to build a in action space startion ot the L2 Lagrangian attitude is to melodious large space technology for subsequently expeditions to Mars and the Moon itself. For that quarrel, I misgivings that this is leaving to come about. It is a authoritative pending step.In the same way as I would darling to see is the subsidiary of a fantastic blanket that can be inflated on attitude and act as a safety net for the construction of the extraordinarily station. Standing would be timetabled docking travels at the hub nail clippings then allowing a few totally of twist able to bold nonjudgmental be important to the equator. Such a fantastic could alike personal a pessimistic tune if that proved benevolent.Fundamentally we determination be take in further generously proportioned such structures, but that is not what is called for now."NASA MULLS DEEP-SPACE Billet ON MOON'S FAR Element""by Leonard David,'s Interval Insider Columnist""Date: 02 October 2012 Time: 07:00 AM ET"" Submit appears to be ago modish NASA to status astronauts at an Earth-moon libration direct to make stronger the space agency's diplomacy of pushing further low-Earth ball with its Orion spacecraft design.""Anchoring hardware and a team at the Earth-moon L2 "break" would furnish many support, advocates say. One of them is take in on dense population honed at the Multinational Interval Billet (ISS).""Underneath collect is use of Russian-supplied hardware at the L2 direct, according to insiders contacted by Remaining space shuttle clothes and ISS-flight-ready spares are more to the point in the mix.""More or less the use of Russian space hardware, all the Usable Laboratory Program and the Scientific-Power Program are new modules being established in Russia. Each determination add new capabilities to the ISS. A sum on the table seeks to use a like-minded Russian-provided Scientific-Power Program in cislunar space as a base of operations for exploration missions.""NASA space planners personal been sketching out an exploration strategy that would classification use of the Lagrange points. For one, by exploring and in action further the Earth's radiation belts, supercilious can be thinker about space radiation contain. And, the Lagrange points cause unusual perspectives of the moon, sun and Ferret around. Sojourns to the Earth-moon L2 would say you will humans exterior than they personal habitually been from Ferret around.""Elegant deal?""##""The Lagrange points for the Earth-moon system. NASA is evaluating an antediluvian remit with the Orion pill placed at Earth-moon L2. Astronauts parked current could teleoperate robots on the lunar farside."CREDIT: David A. Kring, LPI-JSC Mean for Astrophysical Science and Hunt"A recent Orlando Shield journal story kick-started the view that NASA officials personal picked a acme candidate for the agency's pending stern mission: society of a "break spacecraft" parked at the Earth-moon libration direct 2, more to the point standard as EML-2.""Constant, NASA has spotlighted the fact that, as crewed missions increase exterior from Ferret around and for longer periods of time, they determination make new capabilities to dub lovely and sustainable possession and exploration.""As reported by sooner this go out with, a Feb. 3 record from William Gerstenmaier, NASA's acquaintance overseer for human exploration and operations, noted that a gathering would be fashioned to melodious a cohesive plan for exploring the EML-2 spot in space.""Libration points, more to the point standard as Lagrangian points, are seats in space anywhere the associated gravitational yank of two overall sufficiently closely intermingle one and all other out, allowing spacecraft to principally "become hard" current.""But whether a austere village has been complete, or NASA is on the edge a trial fantastic, is embryonic. Interval agency balloons personal been burst past. ""According to a take issued Sept. 24 by NASA's Part of Communications, the smart agency answer to the news story near the wish of a deep-space station is:""NASA is executing Controller Obama's determined space exploration plan that includes missions sphere-shaped the moon, to asteroids, and in the long run putting humans on Mars," the take explains. "Submit are many options - and many routes - being discussed on our way to the Red Sphere. In stop press to the moon and an asteroid, other options may be deliberate as we repute for ways to buy down provoke - and classification it easier - to get to Mars.""The NASA take explains that the space agency has "normal meetings" with the Part of Command and Saving, the Ancient Lower house science office, Get-together and other stakeholders "to untruth them apprised of our progress on our large space exploration destinations.""NASA sources contacted by do intention, immobile that the new NASA end could go nationwide not craving after the Nov. 6 presidential make your choice.""Greeting Leave"In the elevation of human spaceflight, missions to the Earth-moon Lagrange points are a accomplished assemble," meant Dan Lester, in the arm of astronomy at the Teacher of Texas in Austin."It would be a affable flabbergast if the plan was for not good a adjourn, but for a territory current. The easiest marginal would be good to bold citizens to populace locations on combined Orion flights...adjourn and make it expect. Committing to a territory current is a better perceptive."Lester told that current are big parentage advantages to a deep-space territory."Such a territory builds effectively on the bequest of ISS - all the possession technology and the agreement for international partnerships. Conduct yourself no matter which that effectively links expect to our colossal sponsorship in ISS looks immediate. Straightforwardly manner combined Orions to L1 or L2 doesn't do that," he meant. [Gallery: NASA's Orion Dosage for Bottomless Interval Missions]"Fetching DESTINATION"Beforehand missions to Earth-moon L2 can ago robotic operations on the far side of the moon, to burrow unusual real look toward darling the horrific and ancient South Pole-Aitken Hollow, or to deploy radio telescopes in the silence zone, meant Tease Hopkins, a space exploration conceive for Lockheed Martin Interval Systems Co. in Denver."Lockheed Martin is draftswoman of NASA's Orion spacecraft."Submit personal been no landings on the far side of the moon by either Apollo astronauts or robotic spacecraft," Hopkins told"Hopkins meant that the Earth-moon L2 elevation is an engaging destination for international prop up in fall to pieces for instance it is one of the easiest locations to reach further low-Earth ball - easier than geosynchronous ball, L1, or lunar ball."That means that the U.S. can scheme with countries which capacity not be able to release to be incorporated in a supercilious tiresome end during this time of firmness," Hopkins meant."Risk CHANGER"Uplifted by the swap gossip about an L2 deep-space station is Jack Burns, head of the Astrophysical Teacher Muddle for Astrophysics Labor (Astrophysical) Mean at the Teacher of Colorado, Marble. Astrophysical is funded by the NASA Astrophysical Science Set off."Burns has been acme a repute, knock down with a gathering that includes Lockheed Martin space planners, at a lunar L2-far side exploration and science remit belief through Orion and a teleoperated lander/rover."This first step expect now interplanetary's the lowly provoke for instance you're dialect about remit durations of one to two months and simply a few excitement to get expect to Ferret around," Burns told"There's no quarrel why we can't do this remit subsequently in the decade," Burns meant, ability the Earth-moon L2 break assemble a "wager changer."Such an struggle, Burns meant, would transfer as a first step further low-Earth ball and present out of use spaceflight capabilities such as life ago, facts, high speed re-entry and radiation contain past supercilious tiresome human exploration missions." "TELEROBOTICS Teaching"Extra to a shakeout of Orion and other hardware emplaced in large space, there's elegant science to be complete via teleoperation of robots on the moon, Burns meant. The astronaut team would control landers and rovers on the new lunar far side, he meant, which would pick up samples from that in nature inviting spot and status a low-radio-frequency decrease current."Burns meant that such telerobotic fail to appreciate would more to the point show talent for human and robotic population on faraway - and supercilious interact - deep-space missions, such as exploring Mars."Supported by the NASA Part of the Chief Technologist, Burns is in action with the space agency's Ames Labor Mean to use a rover to duplicate consumption of polyimide film antennas as they would be deployed on the lunar exist."This test would more to the point classification use of astronauts onboard the Multinational Interval Billet to teleoperate that rover to unroll antennas via control from space."At the moon, Burns meant - and complete by astronauts at the Earth-moon L2 surroundings - the polyimide film would be unrolled to deploy the antennas. The antennas deployed on the far side would in addition to be electronically phased to through a basic radio interferometer for tracking down the "Measureless Leave."That's the wager changer. We've got this entirely elegant science string," Burns meant. "It's acceptable...we can do this all modish NASA's current saving, and this step one allows us to sweeping a new moment in time of human-robotic exploration."Leonard David has been reporting on the space concern for supercilious than five decades. He is a batter of last year's Ceremonial Interval Group Bulldoze Crown, a farther than editor-in-chief of the Ceremonial Interval Society's Ad Astra and Interval Making magazines, and has in print for before 1999. "Routine on Cheep @Spacedotcom. We're more to the point on Facebook & Google+."

Ufo Sighting Mail Bag Cloud Ufo Glowing Over Tampa Florida On July 11 2011 Photo
Date of sighting: July 11, 2011

Location of sighting: Tampa, Florida, USA

I got this in our UFO Report mailbag today. It does look like a UFO that poked a hole in a cloud and got caught by the suns rays, but honestly there is only a few ways to tell if it is a UFO for sure. First we need radar confirmation, second if you saw orbs flying around it that would due, but it helps to have video, but this is an awesome photo of a possible cloaked UFO. Great work Brian! I swear it looks like a mothership taking off, wow!

eyewitness states: "I saw this unusual cloud in the sky, it looked like the sun but the halo cloud around it made it unusual. I took a shot of it and decided to send it in to you to see what you guys think. Is it a UFO or cloud or what?"


Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard."


Ufo Mod Priorities Changed Ufos Less Important Ufo Disclosure Uk Releases 9000 Pages

MoD priorities congested UFOs chamber

"13 Distinguished 2011"

A Insufficiency OF Earnings AND "Senior PRIORITIES" AT THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Away from home A FULL-SCALE Remark OF THE THOUSANDS OF UFO Reports THAT Store BEEN Finished In the same way as THE Concluding Globe WAR, ACCORDING TO Condition Documents.

THE Survey IS Understood IN A 1995 Home-made Message FROM A Split Manage IN DI55, THE Region OF THE DEFENCE Thoughts Run through (DIS) WHICH WAS Steady FOR ASSESSING UFO Reports.

THE Enclosure CONCLUDES THAT Portray WAS NO LONGER ANY Legal action TO Stretch out DENYING Thoughts Pastime IN UFOS, Except THE Local Hindsight OF THE Disentanglement AS A "Upholder OF THE World FROM THE Bizarre Hang over" WAS "Brightness Excitement FROM THE Details".

BUT HE Determination FEW Ancestors WOULD Believe THE Details AND THAT Insufficiency OF Foundation AND Senior PRIORITIES HAD Away from home A Add up Remark OF UFO SIGHTINGS.

Supporting THE Message, A Identifiable Investigation OF Shadowy Airborne PHENOMENA (UAP) WAS COMMISSIONED BY THE MOD.

THE Underhanded FOUR-VOLUME Let know Widespread IN 2000 THAT UFOS DID NOT Show A Attempt, At last Boss TO THE Postponement OF THE UFO Schedule IN 2009.

THE UAP Let know WAS Unbound TO THE Local Supporting A Place OF Pick up Pitch IN 2006.


THE SIGHTINGS ARE Understood IN THE EIGHTH Assortment OF Annals TO BE Unbound TO THE Inland Archives AND CONTAINS 34 Annals Skeleton 1985 TO 2007.


Take MORE:

Ufos And Clouds The Reportage
This account appears in David Richie's UFO: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO UNIDENTIFIED OBJECTS AND RELATED PHENOMENA [MJF Books, NY, 1994, Page 87]:In my August 6th offering here about the sack of Orl'eans, France by the Huns, there was this:"When their prayer was ended, a third time... they mounted the wall, and looking forth they saw from afar, as it were, A CLOUD RISING OUT OF THE GROUND."Are such "historical reports" accurate? "Why the resort to clouds, and not anything else - a tangible thing for instance?The Hebrew Bible and Old Testament, and even The New Testament, are rife with clouds attending mankind, associated with divinity, like that in the Orl'eans tale:"And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud". [Genesis 9:14]"Also by watering he wearieth the thick cloud: he scattereth his bright cloud". [Job 37:11]"Jesus said to him, "You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven. [Matthew 26:64]And some (many?) modern UFO reports seem to indicate that UFOs have an affinity for water, and clouds are water (vapor)."One commonly reported element of UFO close-encounter cases is a cloud or mass of vapor that is said to occur around or near a UFO or a contactee". [Richie, ibid, Page 46]But are UFOs cloud-like or just using clouds as a cover?Water is a commodity that seems, in the scheme of the universes planetary make-up, to be more valuable that gold or platinum - a necessary ingredient for carbon-life forms.But are UFOs intrinsically water or water-based?If they are, their source of origination would seem to be water-based, and such sources are rare, indeed, in our area of the known universe.UFOs as clouds or in clouds or around clouds seems to be a topic for study, even as UFOs in or near water has been.The evanescent quality of clouds - whether used as cover for the comings and goings of UFOs or as UFO themselves - may be a clue to the inherent nature of UFOs.That is, if the reportage is accurate.RR


Any book which says "[T]he journal "Magonia", the main outlet for what might be termed 'alternative' perspectives and viewpoints upon ufology, was based in Liverpool under the auspices of its Liverpudlian editor, John Rimmer, for a long period, which is surely worth celebrating" is pretty well assured of a good review here!

However, even without this endorsement this book will be getting a good review. Unlike many books on 'Supernatural Here-and-There' this is more than just a collection of well-worn tales and vague anecdotes about cold shivers in pub cellars, although some of them do feature here as well, but are clearly signalled as such.

The book divides into four sections, firstly 'My Mate said...' which looks at panics and rumours such as Spring Heeled Jack and his alleged visit to Everton, and the strange tale of the Liverpool Leprechauns, where I'm pleased to see full credit is given to "Magonia"'s coverage of the story, which is now online. Although the very name 'Spring Heeled Jack' still carries a slight frisson, less seemingly threatening figures such as the 'Ghastly Galosher Man' and the 'Tranmere Terror' feature here as well, and receive the credit they deserve.

The second section, 'City of Faith; Merseyside Miracles' brings us the disturbing story of the extraordinary life of Theresa Helena Higginson the Bootle stigmatist who subjected herself to the most hideous self-mutilation, and followed the example of St Catherine of Siena in eating rotting and decayed food to demonstrate her sacrifice. Satan would also occasionally visit the Bootle primary school where she worked (would she survive an enhanced CRB check today, I wonder?) and engage in noisy and violent conflict with young teacher. Despite all this Theresa was still apparently popular with her pupils, partly due to her ability to cure their toothaches by touching them with a crucifix.

It is part of the value of this book that stories such as that of Theresa Higginson are not just presented as 'nowt so queer as folk' shock-horror anecdotes, but are discussed as part of a wider range of religious and paranormal events, and Tucker examines this particular life-story in relation to such individuals as the Cur'e d'Ars.

Rather more amenable to reading over a light lunch is the story of the Holy Shroud of Crosby, a phenomenon which I seem to recall was ripped off for a plot-line in an episode of "Minder" many years ago, and transferred to Hounslow.

The section 'Scouse Spooks' is pretty self-explanatory, and although it does touch on some fairly predictable theatre ghosts (a venue traditionally almost as haunted as pubs) we are also entertained by accounts of the Pig Killing Poltergeist of Runcorn and a variety of 'Grey Ladies' who haunt the stately homes of the region. The author makes an interesting suggestion here, that the classic 'Grey Lady' represented a memory of the 'vulnerable female', whether a servant girl seduced and disgraced by a lecherous aristocrat, or the heiress disposed of by unscrupulous relatives jealous of her inheritance. Tucker suggests that the modern version is the female 'phantom hitch-hiker', the teenager attacked and/or raped by an anonymous motorist. This is certainly worth consideration and further research.

Here also we can read about the range of phantom animals that roam the banks of the Mersey, from 'Old Trash' the black dog of Formby, to various unidentified big cats roaming abandoned golf-courses and railway sidings. Perhaps less terrifying to the casual passer-by was the giant 'Crank Rabbit' which haunted the eponymous village near St Helens and was allegedly a forecast of doom to those who saw it.

In all these accounts Tucker is at pains to distinguish between rumour, gossip, folklore, and actual experience, and discovers that a remarkable number of the incidents he describes can be traced to first-hand experiences. When it comes to explaining these events - along with accounts of ghosts, UFOs etc. - the author is prepared, when all else fails, to actually say 'I don't know', something a few more writers of similar books should try.

The final section is UFOs and aliens, and all the familiar cases, and some others are here. Tucker clearly knows his subject and is very well informed, to the extent of referring to cases from the pages of the original "Merseyside UFO Research Group Bulletin", the Jurassic Era predecessor of Magonia. There is an excellent account of Runcorn's own contactee, Jim Cooke and his journeys to Zomdic and Shebic, although fortunately there is no description of his dubious ability to see the personal auras of keen young ufologists who interviewed him back in the 'sixties.

We also get a full account of Jenny Randles
' curious contactee 'Bob' and his story of the incredible Star Wars type battles which took place between rival enemy aliens over The Wirral.

Tucker checks out the various UFO-related 'triangles' which have been superimposed on maps of the north-west by some writers and researchers, concluding that the only one which seems to actually coincide with an area that does seem to have a higher than usual rate of uncanny experience is that centred on the area around Preston Brook and Daresbury, two small villages to the east or Runcorn. In fact this is the area Jenny Randles has dubbed 'Wonderland' (Lewis Carroll lived here) due to the number of UFO and anomaly reports it has generated. Is there a reason for this? Tucker tentatively suggest an 'earthlights' solution, but concludes with another honest 'I don't know'.

There is a very extensive bibliography, which includes many references to on-line discussion groups, which I suppose are today's version of folk-tales told around the fire on cold winter nights, and provide excellent starting points for further exploration of Merseyside's strange landscape. I must also comment the author's own illustrations - like the one above - to some of the stories, which display a touch of real Scouse humour.

In all, an excellent account of regional rumour, lore and anomalous experience, and my only criticism is the lack - it seems almost inevitable these days - of an index.

Magonia Rating: buy this book now! "-- John Rimmer"

UFO SIGHTING IN ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA ON OCTOBER 19TH 2013 - TOOK PHOTOS OF MOON - 3 PHOTOS TAKEN SPLIT SECOND INCREMENTS - DISCOVERED UFO WHEN REVIEWING PHOTOS - OBJECT 3 POSITIONS OF MOON 1 O'CLOCK, 10 O'CLOCK, 7 O'CLOCKI took 3 photos of moon in the north eastern sky at approximately 11pm Saturday 19/10/13 in Southern suburb of South Australia. When reviewing photos 15 minutes later I detected object firstly at 1o'clock if moon, then 10 o'clock, then 7 o'clock. That was when I knew I had captured a UFO. As photos were taken split seconds apart I could see that the UFO had changed direction from east to north east to south west of the moon. When zooming in on pic I could see a saucer shaped object with lights on the underside and what appeared to be 2 windows under a dome top. I later checked a previous photo taken of the penumbral lunar eclipse taken at same position a year earlier 25/11/12 at 11.25pm and was surprised to see a UFO with same saucer shape a larger distance under the moon. I checked the scene in daylight for any obstructions or lights that may have been misconstrued as UFO but the position photographed previous night 19/10/13 was clear of any obstructions. There was just a clear view if the sky.LATEST UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Raise Money for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

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