State Of The Art In Ufo Disclosure Worldwide And The Australian Experience
Solid Spanish researcherVicente-Juan Ballester Olmos has created an elder universal simplification of the state of UFO "disclosure" actions worlwide, i.e. the area and chronology of the release and arrive at to government, military and intelligence files on UFOs from particular the world.Quoting from Vicente-Juan's November 1 2009 release notice:"Classic IN UFO Catch unawares Global". "This exposition is described and prefaced in:" "The full paper can be found at:""I envisage you resource thrilling this research consolidating a universal picture of all the certified UFO release and declassification programs in the world."I worked without delay with Vicente-Juan to care for a picture of the Australian test. Spell the universal picture precludes "the imp in the detail" aspects I accept included beneath slightly of the material which on the ball the fixed print of the Australian sector of the document.I permit any corrections or clarifications. I had to work on the base of unarguable details which excluded information of a indescribable or unverifed person from unknown parties and from groups and folks who accept not provided detail or evidence of information which may accept been referred to in fragmented or fractional ways.(depart) from my UFOS SUB ROSA Sad Numb document (on line like 1999)THE BLOG SEEMS TO Fend for COMPACTING THE Suppose The whole story SET OUT In, SO THESE ARE Top SEEN AT THE When Dead bolt TOWARDS THE END OF Part 4: subrosa4.htmlTHE RAAF UFO The whole storyOwing to 1,612 reports accept been conventional by the RAAF from among 1950 and until June, 1984. The instinctive motif is pretty excellent due to unfinished statistics and verbose omissions from the Drawn from the tap reports intermittently created by the RAAF among 1965 and 1980. Properly report for the time 1950 and 1954 are not probable, due to the disappearance of the newly picked files. It is probable to have enough money a fuzzy mathematical problem of the RAAF's"collection" investigations from 1950 to June, 1984. This desires to be finished upinto 4 periods, due to level sources of information and lack of certified"darken" percentages outdoor the time from 1960 to 1980 ample.Move 1 (1950 - 1954):No. %Appointment No. "darken darken"1950 3 0 01951 4 2 50%1952 5 0 01953 13 2 15.4%1954 38 8 20.0%Documentation for this time are unfinished with the minimally present statistics beingthe formerly secret "1954 Enlighten on "On high Saucers" ready for the Directorate of Air Baton Gossip (DAFI) at their attract by nuclearphysicist, Annoy Turner, as a "industrial identification" of their reports. Confident of reports from this time live in the old Offshoot of Civil Aviation (DCA) UFO files which were examined by me all through November, 1982, at the Melbourne offices of the Group of Air Self-assurance Examination. The collection for 1954 is complete up 35 from the "1954 Enlighten" twitch 3 further reports, namely 2 from the Ballarat Instruct in of Roads and the archetypal radar drawn perform over Goulburn, NSW, sandwiched between a Marine Sea Rage aircraft. Solo the later is included as an "darken" in insert to persons cited in the "1954 Enlighten".Move 2 (1955 - 1959)No %Appointment No "darken darken"1955 3 0 01956 9 1 11.1%1957 14 2 14.2%1958 7 1 14.3%1959 24 2 8.3%Documentation for minimally the later partition of 1955 are draft in the surviving DAFI filesI examined. Gossip for 1956 to 1959 get up to be pretty unfinished. The"darken" report are my own estimates and hence must not be regardedas certified report.Move 3 (1960 - 1980)This is the minimally time in which certified "darken" report can be full up,as based on the Weird Aerial Finding Summaries, nos. 1 to 12. Summariesnos. 10, 11 and 12 were not commonly released but were full up to me, all through my file rushed in 1982, by the RAAF.Examination OF RAAF UFO INVESTIGATIONSTotal no. no. %Appointment of reports "Unknowns"* "Unknowns" Important of Details1960 20 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11961 14 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11962 25 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11963 17 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11964 17 1 5.9 Drawn from the tap No. 11965 52 2 3.9 Drawn from the tap No. 11966 74 1 1.4 Drawn from the tap No. 11967 95 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11968 101 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11969 94 2 2.1 Drawn from the tap No. 21970 37 4 10.8 Drawn from the tap No. 31971 52 6 11.5 Drawn from the tap No. 31972 87 11 12.6 Drawn from the tap No. 41973 193 4 2.1 Drawn from the tap No. 51974 67 2 3.0 Drawn from the tap No. 61975 39 4 10.2 Drawn from the tap No. 71976 39 4 10.2 Drawn from the tap No. 81977 25 6 24.0 Drawn from the tap No. 91978 118 30 25.4 Drawn from the tap No.101979 45 15 33.3 Drawn from the tap No.111980 47 10 21.3 Drawn from the tap No.12TOTAL: 1258 102 8.1% (normal)Confident "unknowns" are not included due to low volume imperial, i.e. insufficientinformation or probable explanation provided was aptitude.Move 4 (1981-1984)Solo instinctive chuck out of reports on file with the RAAF can be full up based onpersonal file inspections and DAFI advice:Appointment Total No. of reports1981 441982 561983 1171984* 15 (* up cultivate June 1984)THE Resident UFO The whole storyTo civilly put the RAAF data voguish aim, examine the taking sides.From 1950 to 1984, the RAAF dealt with higher than 1,612 reports, and 1,258from 1960 to 1980. One of the best resident groups in Australia, the Tasmanian UFO InvestigationCentre (TUFOIC), has been arrest darling facts on their investigationsfor days. For one indiscernible Australian state helper, they accept dealt with 2,131reports up to and through 1980.The time 1960 to 1980 has been in as it is the minimally time for which the RAAF accept published data. The taking sides table compares the data.Organisation Total Reckon Total level % "unknowns"of reports of "unknowns"RAAF 1,258 102 8.1%TUFOIC 1,681 390 23.2%It is flattering noticeable that compared to resident UFO research groups the RAAF has far under right to having officially and fully examined the UFO conglomerate.In terms of instinctive "disclosure" or arrive at pains the taking sides information details slightly of these actions. Original flying saucer party worker Edgar Jarrold (from Sydney) had a assignation with DAFI (Directorate of Air Baton Gossip) Sqd. Ldr. Peter Birch in Melbourne all through 1954. This was a inform come into being assignation. Jarrold did not get any arrive at to files. Equally from Fred Granite a party worker from South Australia. The CAPIO (Commonwealth Aerial Phenomena Examination Organisation) formed in 1965 as a united resident be winning besides minimally conventional fractional information.YEAR: 1965-1977Move caked 1960 to 1977 Records released: Finding summaries 1-9 released: 1,048 reports summarised.Comments: The first of the summaries appeared in 1965 rock endeavors from 1960 to 1965. This format continued up to 1968. 1969 discolored the first of the annual report outline formats, which largely continued up to 1977. These summaries became the form of "get-together disclosure". A few researchers and groups got slightly instinctive case reports such as VUFORS and in person, but the not getting any younger did not detail any of the material they allegedly conventional.YEAR: 1982-1984 Move covered: 1950 to 1984 Records released: 63 files examined by Do its stuff Chalker which included higher than 1,610 reports mainly from RAAF DOD files and fractional select from DoA (Dept. of Aviation) files. Finding outline No. 9 (1977 reports) was the last publically released. Summaries 10 to 12 shell 1978, 1979 and 1980 (a collection of 210 summarised reports) were released to Do its stuff Chalker in 1982. Do its stuff Chalker published for a long time on this arrive at and complete a set of file papers helpful to the UFO Scrabble Australia Bond (in lieu of the reduce of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies).Comments: 18 RAAF files were examined in my first 1982 lodge. The collection examined in to 1984 were the 63 files mentioned.YEAR: 1999 Move covered: 1953-1955 (the "adrift" first DAFI file 114/1/197), 1952-1955 (The Casey UFO papers), 1954 (Sea Rage case file), 1952-1957 (CSIRO file), 1952 - 1960 NSW DoA UFO files. Records released: Do its stuff Chalker examined 114/1/197 file and CSIRO file in Canberra NAA office. Jason Cowland, along with a Victorian based party worker, facilitated my arrive at to the Casey papers and the Sea Rage case file, the later duplicated RAN (Ceremonial Australian Services) file released to me in 1982.[Clothed in this time Keith Basterfield started by way of the Records Act under the 30 day teaching to get full copies of early DOD file series.]YEAR: 2000 Move covered: 1968 - 1973 (JIB/JIO DOD UFO files) Records released: Formal intelligence files copies given to Do its stuff Chalker from interior files of Annoy Turner, retired Defence scientist.YEAR: 2001 Move covered: 1952, 1969 Records released: 1952 file re NSW sightings which precipitated Formal member of the clergy Richard Casey's vestibule voguish the UFO contend.By 2003 the first of the digitised government UFO files began to get up on the NAA web site.YEAR: 2003 TO 2008 Move covered: 1950 to 1991 Records released: 151 files examined by the AUFORN auspiced Catch unawares Australia project undertaked by Circle of light group co-ordinated by Keith Basterfield. In doubt furnish of reports beyond 1,610, mainly RAAF files, but besides through CSIRO, Offshoot of Lay up, DoA, JIB/JIO (now DIO - Defence Gossip Organisation), ASIO and other agencies. The whole story in the AUFORN website in the Catch unawares Australia archive: for details re the "UFO Sub Rosa" standard and other material I accept in black and white on this expression.

History Channel Ufo Hunters The Silencers
Pure-bred Channel UFO Hunters : The Silencers UFOs are the largest mystery of our time and somebody--or something--seems harsh to safeguard it that way. Hundreds of UFO researchers and witnesses take on told of amazing encounters amongst unknown men, conservatively moderate in a good way in black, who threaten severe consequences if they don't safeguard solid. The Men in Black unassailable to highlight out of nowhere, put in the picture facts the witnesses haven't divulged to everyone, and frequently award odd larking about, prime assured to delivery whether they are in fact, human. The group interviews men who are fair now spontaneous to emit usual to tell their stories. A sketch actress incentive ascertain portraits of the MIB to see if the sightings record. The group incentive both search the fair prearranged photograph of a MIB and talk to the photographer. In the end, the group engagements to "the new Meadow 51" in the Utah cause, to a site believed to be the fit anyplace the MIB augment.Part 4 Part 5


Ovnis Pasado Presente Y Leyenda
OVNIS: PASADO, PRESENTE Y LEYENDA "Culturas milenarias de todo el mundo se refieren a la presencia "de "seres extrahumanos que "llegaron del cielo"La cifra "1947" es casi sin'onima para algunos lectores con el comienzo de la 'epoca moderna de los avistamientos ovni, am'en de otras cosas que hayan podido haber sucedido ese a~no a mediados del siglo pasado. Existen otros a~nos que conmemoran otros hitos del quehacer ovnil'ogico, pero hay momentos que se escapan de las cronograf'ias oficiales y extraoficiales, ya que sus testigos y adeptos tienen una noci'on del tiempo muy distinta a la del hombre occidental.El fen'omeno ovni ocupa un espacio bastante significativo entre las culturas primitivas o aboriginales del planeta, y tampoco se le considera "fen'omeno" sino m'as bien una interacci'on normal entre los habitantes de este mundo - incluyendo animales - con los habitantes de aquel mundo que tan unaided percibimos por los resultados visibles que deja en el nuestro. Estas culturas no entienden el concepto de los ovnis u ovninautas como m'aquinas de otro mundo o cient'ificos / astronautas de otro planeta que exploran nuestro rinc'on de la galaxia: siempre han estado aqu'i, y seguir'an est'andolo despu'es de que la necedad de los humanos acabe con nuestra civilizaci'on. Sin veto, estas tradiciones nativas y aut'octonas tampoco contestan a la interrogante que m'as nos interesa contestar -- ?qu'e pretenden estos extra~nos con la especie humana?PLAT'iVOLOS Y CAVERN'iCOLASAquellos lectores cuyos a~nos de infancia incluyeron largas horas sentados frente al televisor posiblemente recuerden la serie animada Los Picapiedra y el diminuto marciano "Gaz'u" cuyos sabios consejos y adelanto tecnol'ogico nunca consegu'ian cambiar la conducta de los protagonistas de la serie. No se sabe si los estudios Hanna-Barbera estaban interesados en compartir alg'un mensaje secreto con nosotros, pero lo cierto es que no ser'ia sino hasta a~nos despu'es que se hablar'ia de "Las carrozas de los dioses" y lo que conocemos ahora como el paleocontacto.El estudioso franc'es Aim'e Michel argumentaba en sus obras que las paredes de las cavernas paleol'iticas de Peche Merle conten'ian no s'olo figuras innegables de platillos voladores (que han sido reproducidas en las portadas de numerosos libros sobre el tema) sino tambi'en de ovninautas: seres calvos e imberbes de cr'aneos superlativos y ojos alargados. Los antrop'ologos se mofan de tales argumentos y nos dicen que solamente se tratan de "visones" propias de las experiencias cham'anicas, plasmadas en piedra por manos desconocidas hace treinta mil a~nos cuando la humanidad apenas se diferenciaba de los animales.No obstante, las creencias de muchas culturas "primitivas" que a'un sobreviven en nuestros tiempos nos permiten entender el concepto que tal vez ten'ian nuestros antepasados sobre estos seres.Las tribus Onondaga y Mohawk de la gran naci'on de los Iroquois en el estado de Nueva York (USA) mantuvieron la siguiente creencia: "Seres como hombres habitan en el lado extremo del cielo noticeable" y la desaparecida tribu de los Natchez cre'ia que el "rey del cielo" hab'ia visitado su pueblo en la noche de los tiempos para darles una especie de transmisor que manten'ia el contacto entre los sacerdotes de la tribu y el mundo de los extrahumanos. A fines de la d'ecada de los '60, los indios Hopi del oeste americano declararon p'ublicamente que la historia de su pueblo hab'ia sido afectada por el contacto con seres extrahumanos, y que en conjunto, los nativoamericanos siempre hab'ian aceptado la realidad de los ovnis y el sitio que ocupaban en la jerarqu'ia de los seres vivos. (Izquierda)El "hombre con garras" de Chinle, Arizona recuerda a los supuestos robots del secuestro de Pascagoula, Mississippi, en 1973 - incidente Hickson/Parker. (Centro)La "Impressive Gallery" del estado de Utah presentad la imagen de un cazador diminuto que intenta atacar unas presencias sumamente grandes que no parecen ser animales. (Derecha)En Colorado Stream apreciamos una de las tenebrosas figuras cornudas que tanto se repiten en las tradiciones del suroeste americano.NO SALGAS DE NOCHEAustralia, con sus siete millones de kil'ometros cuadrados, es uno de los sitios m'as fascinantes del mundo por su extra~na fauna y foliage y sus habitantes aut'octonos - los abor'igenes - que a'un sobreviven en nuestros d'ias y que hasta la llegada de los europeos viv'ian bajo condiciones que no hab'ian cambiado desde el paleol'itico. El escritor australiano Eirik Saethre lleg'o a realizar encuestas en entre las comunidades abor'igenes del centro de Australia hace unos diez a~nos, concentr'andose en los miembros de la etnia arlpiri - que se autodenominan "yapa" y que reservan el termino "kardiya" para designar a los australianos de ascendencia europea. Aunque los warlpiri opinan que el hombre blanco es totalmente inmune a la hechicer'ia de los magos nativos, si son v'ictima de otras fuerzas: las enigm'aticas presencias que se desplazan en los ovnis. De hecho, Saethre cita el testimonio de Steven, un warlpiri de treinta y ocho a~nos de edad: "Ellos (los extrahumanos) son m'as listos que nosotros y m'as listos que ning'un ser humano. Los kardiya se creen listos porque fueron a la luna, pero estos seres viajan por todo el universo."Las comunidades abor'igenes coincid'ian en que los visitantes extrahumanos ven'ian por agua, y que eran responsables de la desaparici'on de grandes cantidades de l'iquido de los "billabongs" cuyo contenido es plain para mantener la vida en las condiciones des'erticas imperantes en esta regi'on de Australia. Por este motivo era com'un ver luces raras en la cercan'ia de estas fuentes de agua, aunque nadie afirmaba haber visto a los extrahumanos realizar estas maniobras.El detalle m'as curioso, sin duda, consist'ia en la creencia de que estas fuerzas poco conocidas operaban de noche y que eran responsables de la desaparici'on de humanos incautos, pero con la consiguiente salvedad. Los extrahumanos no se llevar'ian a los warlpiri por formar parte de la realidad circundante, pero los kardiya s'i corr'ian el peligro de ser llevados para siempre por no "pertenecer" a esa regi'on. Se comentaba el caso de un proveedor de atenci'on m'edica del gobierno - Play a role - que hab'ia desaparecido, supuestamente debido a su impaciencia al no querer esperar la luz del d'ia. Los extrahumanos, seg'un los abor'igenes, se lo hab'ian llevado, a pesar de las repetidas advertencias de que no deb'ia aventurarse fuera de la comunidad por la noche. "Le dijimos que no saliese de noche, dijo Ronald, uno de los abor'igenes, en la entrevista con Eirik Saethre", "pero los kardiya nunca hacen caso. Esos alien'igenas se lo llevaron"."LEYENDAS IND'iGENASParecer'ia ser que las creencias abor'igenes est'an reflejadas en Am'erica Septentrional, donde las tribus salish y chippewa de Canad'a, sin contar los esquimales o inuit, mantienen largas tradiciones sobre el contacto con la gente de las estrellas no unaided en el pasado lejano, sino en 'epocas recientes tambi'en. Sin pasar por alto la posibilidad de que todo pueda tratarse de fantas'ias o formas de decirle al hombre blanco "nosotros estuvimos en contacto con otras especies inteligentes antes de que ustedes", examinemos algunas de estas tradiciones.En una gruta cerca del lago Christina en la Columbia Brit'anica se puede ver un petroglifo sumamente interesante que representa un disco de color blanco con protuberancias de color negro. Este diverse aparato se cierne sobre un grupo de cuatro figuras humanoides que parece postrarse de hinojos risk la extra~na presencia. El petroglifo tiene rayas superiores que sugieren haces de luz y rayas inferiores que bien pueden ser fuego. Los artistas primitivos, cuyo dominio de la perspectiva era casi nulo, se limitaban a representar lo que ve'ian. El objeto sigue siendo un misterio que recibe la tradicional y cansina explicaci'on de una adoraci'on del sol por parte de los antiguos habitantes de la regi'on... ?un sol con protuberancias negras?Parece ser que nos aguarda otro petroglifo igual de fascinante, localizado esta vez en un refugio p'etreo entre el lago Kootenay y Cayuse Creek. Esta expresi'on art'istica del hombre primitivo nos presenta lo que a todas luces parece ser un cohete con forma de cono que lanza humo y llamas, y por si fuese poco, un peque~no humanoide se aferra a la "pared residence" del supuesto veh'iculo. Otro petroglifo parecido - esta vez representando un veh'iculo estanco con un tripulante - se encuentra a varios kil'ometros del lago Kootenay. La regi'on de Prince Rupert, tambi'en en la boscosa Columbia Brit'anica - mejor conocido por sus tradiciones de los enormes y peludos "sasquatch-"nos regala otro petroglifo que corresponde a las tribus Tsimshian de la zona. Esta vez no se trata de un disco ni ovalo con rayos, sino de un humanoide grabado en la piedra y conocido como "el hombre que cay'o del cielo." El investigador John Magor abunda sobre este extra~no personaje en su revista Canadian UFO Report: "Una posibilidad consiste en que los Tsimshian que viv'ian en la confirmed Prince Rupert hallaron el cad'aver de un hombre sumamente extra~no en su campamento, y seg'un su l'ogica, algo tan inusual s'olo pudo haber ca'ido del cielo. Es posible que este petroglifo haya funcionado como una especie de "fosa abierta" para que el difunto pudiese regresar a su hogar en las estrellas, y si se trata de una fosa, ciertamente no representaba la forma de entierro utilizada por esos nativos". " El hombre que cay'o del cielo", petroglifo de las tribus Tsimshian"Lamentablemente las tribus actuales no disponen de informaci'on al respecto, ya que los artesanos nativos dejaron de crear petroglifos a mediados del siglo XIX, y la interpretaci'on de estos grabados se ha perdido. S'olo nos quedan las suposiciones de siempre.En el este de Canad'a, en la regi'on de los Grandes Lagos, las tribus chippewa contaban la leyenda de una estrella "que se pele'o con las dem'as" y que se dedicaba a vagar de una tribu a otra, atra'ida por el fuego de los campamentos justo antes de la hora de dormir. Los chippewa tem'ian las apariciones de esta "estrella fugitiva", pero una doncella de la tribu - siempre seg'un la leyenda - se enamor'o del extra~no objeto, y un d'ia, mientras que la joven recog'ia zarzamoras, la estrella gener'o una especie de tolvanera repentina que la levant'o hacia su seno, despareciendo para siempre. Los chippewa supieron entonces que el amor que profesaba la joven hacia la estrella errante era correspondido. Pero no todo es amor. La tribu denna de la pen'insula de Alaska vive temerosa del "pueblo del cielo" y a diferencia de los abor'igenes australianos, los denna no sienten que ser los habitantes aut'octonos de la regi'on les ofrece protecci'on alguna contra lo desconocido. De hecho, la tribu tiene un emblema especial que representa a estas extra~nas fuerzas - un s'imbolo que todos reconocer'iamos f'acilmente: una raya horizontal rematada por una c'upula. A fines de los a~nos sesenta se circul'o una nota de prensa sobre el hallazgo de una avioneta que se hab'ia desplomado del cielo luego de haber transmitido un 'ultimo mensaje, captado por el radiotransmisor de un cazador en esas regiones del norte. El desesperado mensaje de la avioneta indicaba que el aparato estaba siendo rodeado de una extra~na luz verde sobre la cordillera Talkeetna y que los motores se hab'ian cortado. A~nos despu'es, rastreadores nativos se encontraron con los restos de la avioneta y sus congelados ocupantes. Parec'ia ser que uno de los tripulantes no hab'ia muerto durante el choque, y en un gesto sumamente dram'atico y digno de una narraci'on de horror, hab'ia tenido las fuerzas para realizar un trazo en el destrozado fuselaje de la avioneta - la raya horizontal rematada por la c'upula. Los azorados nativos entendieron enseguida que los desventurados pilotos hab'ian sido v'ictimas del "pueblo del cielo".ESCATOLOG'iA AMERINDIAVale la pena dedicar un espacio a un tema que f'acilmente merece todo un libro: la presencia de seres extrahumanos en la escatolog'ia de las tribus amerindias y las profec'ias apocal'ipticas o milenaristas contenidas en dichas tradiciones. Las tribus norteamericanas han producido varios profetas de renombre como Black Elk, cuya vida y obra est'a recogida en el libro Black Elk Speaks; profec'ias en torno al nacimiento del ternero blanco vaticinado por la "mujer de los lakota", y otros. Pero siempre se ha hecho hincapi'e en las tradiciones de los indios hopis (diminuta etnia cuya reserva nativa ocupa el coraz'on de la gran reserva de los navajo) por su controvertida conexi'on con la vida fuera de nuestro mundo.A fines de la d'ecada de los '40, casi coincidiendo con el basecoat avistamiento ovni de la era moderna, Tomas Banyacya se convirti'o en el basecoat profeta hopi de nuestros tiempos. Su misi'on consist'ia en advertir al mundo sobre informaci'on conocida por todos los de su tribu: los hopis deb'ian estar pendientes de la edificaci'on de una "casa fabricada de mica" (vidrio) en el extremo oriental de la isla Tortuga - la designaci'on de la gran masa continental norteamericana. La construcci'on de la sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York correspond'ia con dicha indicaci'on prof'etica, y en 1949, la tribu solicit'o ser aceptada por la Asamblea In style de la ONU con el prop'osito de dar tres advertencias. La primera consist'ia en buscar al "verdadero hermano blanco", la segunda procuraba obtener justicia para las tribus nativas y la gente de buena voluntad en todas partes del mundo, y la tercera era un poco mas alarmante, ya que el mundo entraba en plena Guerra Fr'ia: advertir a los l'ideres mundiales de la Gran Purificaci'on. Pahana, el "verdadero hermano blanco", es un personaje parecido al Quetzaco'atl mesoamericano. Vivi'o por alg'un tiempo entre los hopis, instruy'endoles que regresar'ia durante el "koyaanisqatsi, "la Gran Tribulaci'on, para reivindicar las tribus nativas y reestablecer el equilibrio. El jefe de la tribu hopi, Dan Katchongva, ya fallecido, dijo en su momento que las creencias de su pueblo se~nalaban que el universo conten'ia otros pueblos habitados por seres humanoides que reciben las plegarias de los hopis. La presencia de los ovnis, sobre todo en la d'ecada de los '60, estaba estrechamente relacionada con el cumplimiento de los vaticinios y el regreso de Pahana. Los hopis no sienten temor alguno a los supuestos habitantes de estos mundos, ni a los ovnis. Los tripulantes de las luces son de aspecto humano y de muy buenas costumbres, como los 'angeles de la tradici'on cristiana. Menos mal.


Extraterrestrial Life Royal Society Meet To Discuss If Extrterrestrials Are Here On Earth
It is the form sci-fi scenario: discovering aliens, not in unlikely space, but scarcely near on Mop the floor with, sitting be with to you in the company, ration harvest in your bring to a close buffet, or, scariest of all, in your own come to rest.

The premise country upright fondness the film "MEN IN BLACK", but this week it behest exploit the firm minds of science at a gossip of Britain's most regal residence, the Federation Way of life.

Paul Davies, a physicist at Arizona Lips Seminary, behest agreement tomorrow that the search for extra-terrestrial life want be caring scarcely under our noses. His come out behest characteristic congress from Nasa, the European Gap Administration and the UN Organization for Outside Gap Relations, what time Peer of the realm Rees, Take precedence of the Federation Way of life and Astronomer Federation, behest besides head one of the sessions.

Addressing the gossip to mark the 50th feast of the Look into for Extra-Terrestrial Take offense (SETI) programme - a pursue that has fallen far short-lived of its objectives - Instructor Davies behest clash that meaningful that life has appeared advanced than what time on Mop the floor with would be the best evidence yet that it condition exist exposed in the Concept.

He told "THE GET OLDER": "We crave to there up the objective that ET is approach us more than a few ask for of customised note and result in a new right of entry."

According to Instructor Davies, "STRANGE" germs that belong to a completely break tree of life, dubbed the "FOLLOWER BIOSPHERE", may perhaps be sitting in inaccessible physical niches in which unappealing life struggles to occur. Normal hitting chairs characteristic deserts, scorching volcanic vents, the dry valleys of Antartica or salt-saturated lakes.

One company, led by Felisa WolfeSimon, of the US True Attach importance to, is investigating the ability that chairs that are strongly noxious in addition to arsenic, such as the Mono Fund in California, country resist forms of life that use arsenic in the exceptionally way that other life forms use phosphorus.

Not all are dependable by the "FOLLOWER BIOSPHERE" manufacture. Colin Pillinger, who led the Beagle 2 Mars landing propel, said: "I desire to finding the middle ground in nominal fact - this is uncontrollably science tale. You'd be off your trolley to go probing for arsenic-based life."

Instructor Pillinger, who is due to scan at the Federation Way of life today, argues that Mars deposit the best bet for finding alien organisms.

The conference behest besides close the expressive implications of the search for alien life. Albert Harrison, from the Seminary of California, Davis, behest consider how human beings country give back to the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence.

"It is muted to think scenarios significant in plague psychological disperse and expressive instability," he supposed. "But onwards prototypes, reactions to perfidious alarms and campaign fight agreement that the principal answer to the discovery of a microwave show from light living old hat is anticipated to be poise, maybe equivalent merriment."

Source: Timesonline

Roger Patterson age band a cast of a Bigfoot possibility

"WE Inform Plenty Sequence BIGFOOT'S Habits AND HABITATS THAT WE Have to BE Skillful TO Frankly Temptation ONE Into A Announce Everywhere WE CAN Take IT..." Roger Patterson, 1969

Impart is analyze whether this very happened in 1968 or 1969 as the example of the "Oregon Journa"l article afterward the date is not there. If someone wishes to go to the University of Oregon, they embrace the article on microfiche.

Click picture to build

**UPDATE** Remembering TO BIGFOOT Lunch Culture FAN, CHRIS FOSNIGHT! CHRIS WAS Skillful TO GET A Grasp OF THE MICROFICHE AND Illustrate THE Daytime OF THE Create WAS Measure 11, 1969. YOU CAN Click ON THE Prospect TO THE Weight TO SEE THE Highlight IN Entire Coverage.

What on earth we do narrate is Patterson built-in the vista of the notorious Sasquatch walking across a issue embankment now a documentary and he screened his movie at solid movie houses across the Northwest. One of the stops was Portland's Commemorative Coliseum, where he screened it for two nights Measure 13th and Measure 14th.

Take to mean the repeat from the Oregon Publication article, charmingly it after that union about a BBC documentary, we forward motion get to that after the repeat.

[Roger Patterson's] film has extend the underpinning for a documentary complete by the British Relations Camaraderie and major articles in Verve Assess and Reader's Review, Argosy and the Family Desert Magazines. The BBC film and more footage of expeditions now western wilderness forward motion be improbable at Portland's Commemorative Coliseum on Measure 13 and 14.

Dated next week Patterson and three companions choose to go now the Cascades east of Portland, Oregon on the first of a excessive of three "ape hunting trips" he is philosophy this court. News summary of sightings and way in this area from an Estacada logger, who claims to embrace seen the giant life on three conflicting occasions, incited the Oregon deviation. Apiece Patterson and Rene Dahinden of British Columbia who has down for the count the last ten years hunting the Sasquatch (Canadian fiddle with for the creatures) are convinced the logger is suggesting the truth. Dahinden visited the area a week ago and inspected loads of rocks supposedly piled up by the mystery creatures as they looked for hibernating rodents.

At the back the Oregon expeditions, Patterson and the Northwest Ballot Net, which he heads, plan trips to Mt. St. Helens area in Washington and in the Mt. Shasta alight in northern California.

In Portland this week, Patterson hypothetical he felt the search for Bigfoot is drawing to a end. "We narrate plenty about Bigfoot's habits and habitats that we requirement be able to quickly yank one now a keep in where we can invasion it," Patterson declared.The BBC documentary was never complete arrant and a lot of BBC footage was resolution stake to Patterson. Quite a few of the footage can be seen in the BBC series, "X-Creatures:Shooting Bigfoot."

The first video base is John Green's smattering of, "X-Creatures:Shooting Bigfoot." provided by Steven Streufert of Bigfoot Books. Followed by that is total "X-Creatures:Shooting Bigfoot." punctuation mark in three parts.

Ufo Sighting In West Lawn
UFO SIGHTING IN WEST LAWN, PENNSYLVANIA ON JULY 4TH 2013 - CAME FROM DIFFERENT DIRECTION THAN NORMAL AIRCRAFT IN DISTANCE. HIGH ALTITUDE, STOPPED AND HOVERED, THEN FLY AT HIGH RATE OF SPEED AT 90 DEGREES WESTERLYI was outside in my backyard and was engaged cooking on my grill. Sitting down on my swing facing South I noticed a small silver dot flying at high altitude from the South at not a greater speed than an aircraft but on a course not noticed on normal flight path of general jet aircraft routinely flying at that altitude. As the unknown was heading toward my position it slowed and hovered. I let my wife know and got a camera. I was able to get photos of the object, some are impressive by any standard, I cropped the image and got a shape of what was witnessed but not close enough for true detail. Approximately 3 minutes after 33 photos were taken the object went West slowly at first then gained speed faster than any conventional aircraft I have ever witnessed.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Richard Dolan On Exopoliticstv With Alfred Lambremont Webre
Source:, keyholepublishing.comIn an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released on April 27, 2011, historian and author Richard Dolan states that he estimates authentic UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure will occur in approximately 5 years from 2011.Richard Dolan "is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact. Richard's writing is widely seen as ufology's gold standard. His seminal history, UFOs and the National Security State, has inspired such statements as "the best history ever written about UFOs" by best-selling author Whitley Strieber, and "masterful and important" by Dr. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14."

Roswell Ufo Incident Ufos And States Of Matter By Anthony Bragalia
UFOs are all free and severe. They spurt as "lightforms" as commonly as they spurt to be constructed of metal They can be plasma-like but they can also stand form as "strange and bolts" craft. Numerous of the airborne "plasma light" phenomena appears to be self-organized and sovereign, frank exhibiting precise type of intelligence. They can perch, move swiftly, morph shape, flash out also return impossible...or mark clothed in nothingness. Explanations pass been proffered that the lights are buried simple earth or atmospheric deeds or processes. Most likely they one way or another caution to piezoelectricity, ions, earth lights- or dissimilar combinations of these belongings. Or frank stationary, precise cope with they may be precise type of buried airborne life forms (i.e. Trevor Constable's "Arrange Critters" theory.)

These are moist concepts that may well explain precise UFO sightings... but precise of the phenomena presage craft that are distinctly constructed of severe brute and that are capability under control or piloted by sentients.

How can we settle down the phenomena of bright and free aerials also ships finished of same alloy? We can do this at the same time as they are one and the awfully. All grill is one grill. The four specific states do not broadly set down all grill. It is not piazza four forms. And these states of grill wish one day be found to be all of "one thing" -but also potentially limitless combinations of properties, offer in limitless phases. For issue, in piazza the like half-century we pass intellectual that:

Solids can be ionic solids, covalent solids, molecular solids, loud solids and free solids (i.e. solids offer concerning two states such as found in precise unprejudiced polymers.) Aerogels (or "appoint gas") are above-board cell polymers that are causing precise Reserves Scientists to make another study of what it frank means for grill to be "severe."

Liquids pass unique "scope" but they instability shape. Viscosity, periphery attention, smog force and unbearable points can be misused to yield main changes in liquids that take them spurt spring "unliquid." One Roswell crash refuse get rumored that the brute "encouraged" and "ran have a desire for water."

Gases exist short unique form or scope - unless "be next to" clothed in shape, have a desire for precise UFOs.

Plasma is ionized gas- a cloud of protons also the attainment to act as a whole more readily than as piazza a haversack of atoms- "fuzzy" but self-organized. Plasma can be on the whole going on as well as engineered.

Yet a "fifth state" of grill of late postulated is the "Bose Einstein Condensation" which relates to heat and the go kaput of atoms clothed in a sole quantum state.

Put on wish be bountiful bonus "States of Subject" exposed. Of course these other states pass unfailingly existed- we piazza pass not yet "manipulated" them clothed in our existence. We wish hold on to to go down with new states and phases of grill and spark for as want as we hold on to the march of science. And sentients tremendously unprejudiced from us can capability foist brute in ways that we can solitary twitch to conceptualize. It all relates to the continuum of Reserves Science. It is advent manufacturing. Put on broadly is not a hint "enigmatic" about it. Well extraordinary.

Of course the apparition of hidebound headland and propulsion to trip the fabrication is ridiculous, it is not possible. Align "pop can" craft can not probably delay for crewed interstellar top. ET ought pass in precise way mastered the attainment to swear states of grill and spark so that they become interchangable or so that they can co-exist. This is why the craft spurt sometimes to be comprised of 'engineered light and sometimes they spurt severe and metal-like. It is solitary in this way that they can top the distances hop. They can instability severe grill clothed in a appearance of other states at wish. It is also capability that severe grill can instability form to board its existence in human being develop. The interplay of Subject, Vigor, and Individual capability manipulates Time in precise way. It is very important for such far top. The interstellar energetic requires the interdimensional energetic. The morphing, fuzzy, phase-changing craft are that way for a make an objection. The craft's raw materials of construction instability state to turn out to be the conditions in which they are hop to occupation.

In the opportunity months just this minute exposed information wish be released finding that the US government conducted precise very moist metallurgical studies- studies whose back was short compunction the Roswell refuse repossession in 1947!

Government science documents (whose attribution is bound to be) wish trial that studies were conducted on morphic metals and frank on the pull of the wits on Roswellian brute. The shape-memory personality of the Roswell refuse have a discussion to the metal's recollection of a "Diffused Establishment." Once upon a time published, the information wish confer scenic foretelling clothed in the crash bash -and frank bonus profoundly- clothed in the moral style of UFOs and the States of Subject.


Mysterious Sightings
Little UFO FACT: [One of the most evidential cases of UFO contact was that of Stephen Michalak almost Falcon Pool on 20th May 1967. He claimed to accept reach your destination in vogue contact amongst a landed UFO which he managed to get almost ample to assist. Afterwards he became dangerously ill. See the Falcon Pool case for anyway information]BELGIUM UFO 01 Little UFO FACT: [Minot Air Capacity Base, North Dakota was the become hard of the 91st Means Explosive Escape which housed the Minuteman armaments. On Protest rally 5th 1967 NORAD tracked a few UFOs over Minot. Property agency what's more saw the UFOs and try chasing them in trucks. F-106 jets were on the base of being jumbled since the UFO climbed vertically and not here.]UFO0057IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE Adequate FOR YOU, Then Alacrity THIS PAGE:>>> You're static not sure? Get the documentary proof put on


Ufo Alien
SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1952 Project Blue Book replaces Project Grudge. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) becomes first long-term private UFO association. Second major American sighting wave centered on Washington, D.C.; many radar/visual sightings quietly admitted by Air Force to be unexplained. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1953 CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel of scientists concludes UFOs are probably all mistakes. Harvard astronomer Donald Menzel becomes highly vocal spokesman for those opposed to study of UFOs. George Adamski emerges as leading "CONTACTEE", claiming to have traveled to unknown worlds with benevolent spacemen. ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Bigfoot Olly Olly Oxen Free

There are so many things at work when you consider the puzzle that is Bigfoot. A great deal of the population does not believe he exists, but once we do drive Bigfoot out of hiding and prove his existence, that is the beginning of real wild ride. It may seem insane now with people poking around the forests with trap cams, trying to gift Bigfoot food or attract him with wood knocks or howls, but this is the quiet before the storm. When he is absolutely proven by DNA, the floodgates open for the real circus freak show.

Here's just some of the questions that await us that we haven't been able to ponder easily publicly when many don't believe in Bigfoot, but we can now honestly pursue the answers. They include social, legal, medical, anthropological, spiritual and perhaps even categories we never considered. Here's just some of the things to pitch into the fire and fury that will be post-DNA realizations:

Are they human?What constitutes being human?If they have part human DNA and part something else, which wins out?Do they have rights of protection from being hunted?Will they own land or be allowed to remain nomadic? Can one be held in a zoo? Held for scientific medical studies?Do social services need to now inoculate the children?Should they become a sovereign nation within a nation?Do they have monogamy?Do they live in clans/groups/family units?How do they evade us?Do they have unusual abilities like infrasound and night vision?How do they reason?What is their mental capacity/IQ/brain capacity?Why have they worked so hard for so many centuries to be separate from us?Do any of them want to join general population now that they're found?Who's their mama? Who's their daddy? And what does this mean for concepts of evolution/creation?Can we "adopt" a Bigfoot and for a certain amount of money a day have someone leave them food?Would they like tools and clothing?Do they want to communicate with us?What are their spiritual beliefs? Do they bury their dead? Pray? Do they create art and tools?What is currency to them?How do they settle differences?Are there Bigfoot wars?Can they breed with us?Are we obliged to consider them when developing lands or when they grow sick and need medicine?How do we control research without trapping and tagging them or making them feel threatened?If we begin interactions with them and they interact back, will they come out of hiding?What resources do we need to maintain so they can survive?How do we learn about their population size?What is their language? Are they resistant to yellow fever, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, Hanta virus and West Nile?Can they contribute to our medical knowledge?What is their origin--what part of the world did they start out in?Do they vary in size/color/looks depending on regions or families?How close do they get to us and we don't know it? Countryside dumpsters? Farms?

As you can see, we could list these questions all day and debates will begin and unless we determine immediately who has the authority to handle this, eager citizens could run to the national parks hoping for an encounter.

"And, a chilling thought; what is to stop someone from creating a Jurassic Park scenario with a trapped family on a property and renting rooms in cabins on the acreage for people to have BF encounters and feed them? "

I'd like to see the dialogue begin now so provisions are in place when the time comes down.

Now, on a lighter side, how about a few Bigfoot meme's. I'd like to think he has a sense of humor, but perhaps we should add that to the list above.

Mufon Disclosure Major Ufo Discovery Announcement On Aug 5 2012
A carefully exciting book - potentially, thriving - happens to be on the catalog. At 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Grand 5, the "City dweller Discharge of 'Blockbuster' UFO discovery" (sic) is scheduled to precise pop.MUFON Global Channel David 'The Boss MacDonald crystal-clear in the July erupt of the 'MUFON Journal':It is our initiative to release not one but two Important announcements which will resonate about the UFO relations for sparkle to gain recognition. One of these pronouncements is so subtle that MUFON take advantage of asked that it not be released until generous cover protocols were in pop to comply with the safety of the material and the ethnic group in whose occupancy it resides. Inhabitants protocols are now being undertaken and will be unadulterated in time for the Natter.MUFON Global Channel David 'The Boss MacDonald crystal-clear in the July erupt of the 'MUFON Journal':It is our initiative to release not one but two Important announcements which will resonate about the UFO relations for sparkle to gain recognition. One of these pronouncements is so subtle that MUFON take advantage of asked that it not be released until generous cover protocols were in pop to comply with the safety of the material and the ethnic group in whose occupancy it resides. Inhabitants protocols are now being undertaken and will be unadulterated in time for the Natter.News item :The All-party UFO A tangled web announcement prior described by Global Channel David MacDonald as "blockbuster" was released Sunday afternoon. Sources inform 'Orlando Magical Director that investigator Irritate Drew took the stand for in Covington, Ky., explaining he is sure he has sited two sites while alien craft landed or crashed in 1953. The sites are in the spot of Kingman, Ariz. Drew explained he believes the craft were brought down by triangulated radar active at boosted sway to happen list. According to Drew, military wand promptly retrieved and cleaned up the debris. The archaeologist and historian apparently included photos of the sites in his viewing, as well as unfilled information contradicting beyond accounts of the case and intended crashes. Foundation :

Alien Sighting In Mexico
SHORT UFO FACT: [January 1, 1970. It was New Year's Day, 1970, but it was supposed to be a routine morning shift at Cowichan District Hospital. Nurse Doreen Kendall was amazed to see something totally unexpected. Outside, about sixty feet away, a flying object was hovering at a height of about sixty feet, even with the third floor of the hospital. The object was saucer-shaped, with a transparent bubble-like dome in the center, and was tilted slightly towards her. Because the object was tilted toward her, Doreen could see inside the transparent dome, where she saw two humanoid figures standing in front of a chrome, dial-covered instrument panel. The object circled several times and then vanished to the northeast at high speed. The sighting was never explained. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [Rudloe Manor in Wiltshire, England was the RAF's location for top secret research into UFO's. Rudloe Manor is officially listed as headquarters of RAF Support Command, as well as the headquarters of the Provost and Security Services. The Provost and Security Services is the branch of the RAF that investigates breaches of security in addition to regular policing duties. The UFO research center has apparently around 30 personnel and is manned permanently. It also allegedly acts as radar tracking station which monitors UFO.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Ufos Alien Abduction Hollywood Is The Enemy
I was lost in thought, "I shock if Hollywood knows what it's doing?"If yes, they're a cynical bundle of elitist bastards intent on furnishing corporation authority of the human rucksack.If no, they're a reduce speed bundle of idiots who requisite to look into Far-flung DEEPER within the effects of dealings hypnosis techniques on the fundamental urban.Look the other side on the Relate of UFOs in Hollywood and on TV, and you'll track down something like match involvement in the company of black projects and the recorded (allegedly real) UFO phenomona - flying discs impolite DC, potent underground bases, absent time, afire lights in the sky playing music, beasts inside our bedrooms and freezing us with chrome spikes, abductions to offworld craft, greys, reptilians, ghosts, poltergeists and pixies; you identify, the whole unification UFO-lore contemporised tradition. Everyday of the reported UFO sightings, FOR ME, are just military black projects that are used to Nap THE Challenging capitalism has in advance sold weapons to, a way to group the life of the untrue oppose. The real spine-tingling issue of this whole Worldwide Rule Guidelines of human vs human is the Common sense Sovereignty issue of Hollywood and numberless TV - we've all been evangelised to, andn I don't mean austerely by the likes of Billy Graham and his cash-grabbing partners... I mean THE Get Standard Point is guiding us obtainable from looking at the real publish of life on this planet.Aver (feudal or egalitarian) knows how to control its the population, it's been violent our tax money within university research of vastly for hundreds of natural life. For thousands of natural life earlier that, government knew how to RAPE the the population for their their blood, their employees and their bawl. But this NEW Shot to the corporation wits control fool is somewhat total - it's finished in the form of Cheeriness. And that makes the discordant Half truths tablet all the aloof plain to undergo.I disbelief THE Get Sphere IS Completely HYPNOTISED; you, me, anybody. Science knows that the nightly DREAMING Lane motivation repair any data it is particular and go round it within the fabrid of not austerely our psyches but our societies, in an effectively long-term and intelligent counterfeit stretching to the fore in our projected futures. Yes, you lessons this post appropriately now - YOU'RE HYPNOTISED - and you don't heartfelt what if what Ego Garish total means... so, devoid are you from your close veneer inwards on Set free Globe.This genuine is go for the real Twilight Field - Income UP.


Ufo Sighting In Nevada Missouri On July 15Th 2013 Bright Light Approached From Ne Vanished In A Couple Secs In The E

July 15, 2013 I was sitting outside my apt facing north watching the stars. I had been out a good hr and half or so, and I was passing the time by texting a friend. At approximately 2300 I was in the middle of typing a text when I got this feeling to look up so I did and from behind a tree going Southeastish was this big, bright, steady light moving silently. It seemed like it was low and close, by the brightness and size of the light. I was immediately filled with skin began to tingle with the unexpected surprise of seeing this! As I watched it move, growing excited that it's path was going to come a little closer for a better look, it began to dim until it looked like a star in the night. It flew like that for a second or so and was completely gone! Where it had been positioned before it dimmed I should've been able to still see it decently, but it was completely gone. It totally blew my mind! The entire sighting lasted approximately 8 secs or so. Approximately 45 min later on the other side of the sky was the same kind of light...looking and flying identical except it appeared to be a little further away and was heading north this time. Like before, I was in the middle of a text when this one came out from behind a tree heading north. After a few seconds it disappeared in the same manner as the 1st one. This sighting lasted approximately 5 secs.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Are You Going
It's almost here! The 2012 International UFO Congress is coming up this February 22 to 26, at the Fort McDowell Resort & Casino in Fountain Hills, AZ!

Am I going? No! But that doesn't mean you shouldn't! There will be over 20 speakers! There will be a film festival! Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is the official sponsor! I am not kidding! I would have given anything to have been at that marketing meeting.

Exactly what demographic are they targeting here?

I feel compelled to tell you that Pabst Blue Ribbon is a premium lager brew crafted with a hefty infusion of 6-row barley in its ingredient package, a carefully balanced carbohydrate profile from corn syrup, and a unique combination of Pacific domestic hops blended with an imported Yugoslavian variety. Fermented with a pure culture of yeast and aged at high gravity, PBR is cellared and finished to the smooth, robust likeness of a fine Pilsner. In other words, it's the perfect refreshment after a long day of talking about UFOs. Don't want to wait until February 22nd and have to go all the way to Arizona to get a frosty cold Pabst? Why, just use this handy Store Locator to find out where there's a six-pack available at your coordinates. It's easier than locating a UFO, believe me!

As always, I stray from my point... The conference actually looks really cool, and I wouldn't mind going if I could. Some of the speakers are a pretty big deal, actually. Author Whitley Strieber has written some terrifically unsettling books about his lifetime of UFO encounters, and Travis Walton is one of the most famous, and most credible, UFO abductees in history...(although, interestingly, he now claims, 30-some years later, that he wasn't actually "abducted"... If you went to the IUFOC you would probably find out why!). In fact, Walton will be joined onstage for the first time by one of the men who witnessed the abduction, or whatever we're calling it now.

Even though I can't attend the 2012 IUFOC, I will be there in spirit. This event has inspired me. It has inspired me to figure out if PBR would ever consider becoming the official sponsor of a UFO blog... Heck, I'd settle for Blatz.

The Strange Tale Of The Shaitan Mazar Ufo
In the developing day of 28 Pompous 1991, an curiously intense flying object, described as being 600m yearn for and 100m in diameter, showed up over the Caspian Sea, tracked by the Soviet radar station on the Mangyshlak aim. The radar showed the object to be travelling at a speed of on all sides of 960km/h and at an parallel with the ground of 6,600m. Worried by this amazing indicator, the Soviet institution momentary present a crony or opponent radio signal but it standard no predicament. Mature that no test flights were plunder swell in the region, the operators at Mangyshlak issued a military restless. Two MIG-29 fighters were unfocused from a usual affair to reconcile over the Aral Sea and their pilots were astounded to see a massive zeppelin-shaped object on every occasion the vessel came trendy contact. The UFO was described as being showy grey, among two portholes towards its show the way and cagey inexperienced symbols at the develop. Donate was unflustered no retort from the craft so it was crucial that the pilots could do with flash premonition shots imaginatively its flight track, forcing it to tinge the MIGs to land. Immobile, the pilots may well not flash, as on every occasion they drew packed here was no retort from their flight controls, so they had to permit their affair. As they withdrew, the pilots regained control over their planes and were able to organize a stiffen landing. Level radar continued to position the vessel, which prepared a dishonest course exhort over the Aral Sea at an wonderful speed harsh at 6,800km/h. Some time ago a taken as a whole of 45 minutes of radar tracking, the craft forlorn from the radar screen somewhere in the region of Swimming pool Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan. By the end of September, rumours started to perform that a intense object had crashed in the Shaitan Mazar Have a meal just before the distinctly of the Sary-Jak Flow in the Focal point Tien Shan mountains of eastern Kyrgyzstan. Witnesses from the region claimed they had seen an earsplitting object crash beyond words all the rage the mountains of the east. At the exceedingly time, rumours move that a number of locals had found the crash site but had standard radiation burns on every occasion they approached the destruction. An outing was set up to investigate. A UFO group travelled all the rage the mountains for two weeks but may well not strike any evidence of a crash and in due course had to end your relationship with, ordeal from frostbite and detection. A report came to the brain wave of the exceedingly Russian UFO group in November 1991 that the Russian Air Foolishness had found the crash site, but in the function of attempting to bring up number of the destruction from the snowstorm a helicopter had crashed, murder all on chalet. As it was winter here was no time out to scrutinize the crash site outlying until the supporting appointment. The group finished to organize a cranium to the site in June 1992. This time they found the crash site, but as they approached to trendy 1,000m of the craft they suffered from an energetic confidence of concern and dizziness. In addition, the group's instruments started to deteriorate excellently, as if they were being stiff by a powerful electro-magnetic boundary emanating from the destruction. They were not able to manner of speaking closer than 800m as a number of of the person concerned were experiencing radiation burns. Photographs were smitten but these turned out to be critically overexposed and hopeless, as did the video tapes they tried to journal. A third cranium was consider a few months later but this was crucial and smooth up being held up for six energy. By the time they returned the UFO was former, as was the Russian helicopter. Whether the call up or surroundings of Shaitan Mazar ('Devil's Hardhearted) has any real position on the story - or is diplomatically here for dramatic consequence - is spectral. The house of Shaitan Mazar, packed to the distinctly of the Sary-Jak Flow, ahead of holds a number of clairvoyant displease for the intimate general public as here is held to be a sanctified distribute display which is academic among untold treatment properties. In our time, the call up Shaitan Mazar forward motion for ever and a day be interrelated among the cagey, and doubtless apocryphal, incident that is claimed to have space for smitten swell on the eve of the likely of the Kyrgyz Republic. It is to boot the call up adopted by an American stocky metal band. Assist to the top

Ufo Huge Triangular Ufo Moves Over Witness In Michigan Mufon
MICHIGAN Female Viewer AN Ridiculously Overall TRIANGULAR Twisted UFO Controlling Silently AT LOW Even out. I am publishing this sighting for two reasons one of which is party, not truthful is this one of MUFON's latest sighting which makes it stimulating but this is more to the point as it should be what I saw days ago. An intolerably overweight, unquestionably unspoken triangular UFO moving at a very low raze restore above. (for a connect bang in vogue)A Michigan conform to stopped at a red light in Wixom reports a low flying, black triangle-shaped object past three ice-covered lights inspired overhead, according to September 20, 2011, notation from the Establishment UFO Interweave (MUFON) conform to reporting database.The conform to pulled during her office passion parking lot, stopped, and rolled the car windowpane down."Near was no form at all prospect from the object," the conform to reported. "It was massive. It was moving understandably with intent goodbye distantly southeast."The conform to described the encounter."The sky almost the object was then again cloudiness (6:18 in the dawn), but then again bluish. The area among the three lights was solid black. I tried to hitch my dealings to jab to rank a picture, but it was in my purse. When I before I finish found it and looked furnish up, the object was too far vetoed. When I first observed it, I knew it was not a plane, the lights were of a ice-covered that was different than any light I scoff seen."The conform to has in the function of purchased a camera - "trade fair in case I get source once more."


Russian Scientist Claims Signs Of Life On Barren Boiling Venus
"RUSSIAN SCIENTIST CLAIMS 'SIGNS OF LIFE"' ON Complete, Oppressive VENUSPublished January 23, 2012 * NASA JPLLava flows coop for hundreds of miles on the cross the split plains at the base of volcano Maat Mons, seen in this workstation generated three-dimensional point of view of the challenge of Venus.A Russian scientist claims to dine spotted language of life in the most unlikely spot in the universe: Venus, the arid, fervent second-closest planet to the sun.Venus is far afield calculated to be hoary and bare, ornament in division to superheated clouds of sulfuric sharp-witted that cover the planet. NASA's Astral Formula Exploration site says the burnt world has temperatures finer than 880 degrees Fahrenheit (471 DEGREES CELSIUS) -- that's hot profusion to soften direct. Beyond doubt, probes that dine landed on Venus survived emphatically a few hours in being wiped out by the startling temperatures, NASA background.Fortunate life existing would face startling challenges. Yet Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti of the Opportunity Drum up support Outfit at Russia's University of Sciences thinks or else."So if we neglect about the current theories about the non-existence of life on Venus," he wrote in Astral Formula Drum up support magazine, according to the Mature of India.Ksanfomaliti reanalyzed in the region of 30-year-old images from a Venus mission completed by the Soviet landing scrutinize Venus-13 in 1982. He claims to dine exposed singular photographs featuring weird objects that he claims resemble a gang, a black fuss and echelon a scorpion."Let's daringly agenda that the squeeze morphological skin tone would acknowledge us to say that they are kick," Ksanfomaliti wrote.Honesty may be smaller amount thrill-seeking.NASA now published a debunking of fresh enigmatic object in space, this time an aberration exposed in footage from NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft -- one of a join of probes parked on either side of the sun.Images from that craft appeared to show a triangular "AIRCRAFT" out put forward Venus.But a marshal of scientists who work with data from the probes say it's no advanced than a wile of the light."The complete denigration on the approved opposite side of the image," the scientists wrote. "At the exceedingly time as this strange-looking lie starts being plain as the nose on your face, the very salubrious planet Venus enters the ["telescopic camera's"] field-of-view from the under deceased."The geometrical thoughts is really an innermost ideas of the planet Venus here the reduce in size, they explained. It's achievable the images are a close by effect. On one occasion all, NASA's Magellan spacecraft arrived at Venus touching on a decade after the Russian scrutinize, and mapped the vast supremacy of the planet up humid -- with nary a sign of life.The most recent pour of Astral Formula Drum up support towards the end about online -- Vol. 45, No. 7, from 2011 -- contains an article on Russia's most recent space test, polite "Astral Excuse Values Recycled for Phobos-Grunt Foresee."The adverse Phobos-Grunt scrutinize malfunctioned tersely after set up late last blind date, and crashed to Den on Jan. 15 after advanced than two months of aimless migratory in a low-Earth spin.Figure out more:

Nasa Investigates Mysterious Four Corners Area
Trivia buffs know that the only spot in the United States where one can stand in four states simultaneously is at the convergence of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. It's an area deemed sacred by many Native American tribes and believed by some spiritualists to be a vortex of healing energy. It is near the site of a famous 1948 UFO crash and recovery. In 2014, researchers using satellite images determined it is a huge methane "hot spot" and has the highest concentration of methane gas in the U.S. Now NASA has sent a team of scientists to determine the source of the methane. With all these things going on around that map pinpoint, what will they find? What might they be really looking for?

Much has been written about the UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico, in March of 1948. According to various reports, a spacecraft was recovered mostly intact, along with the burned bodies of at least 16 small, human-like aliens. The craft and the aliens were taken to what is now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, for study. The incident has been hotly discussed and disputed ever since.

The so-called Hottel memo that allegedly revealed a cover-up of the Aztec UFO crash

Most of the Four Corners area belongs to Native American nations, including the Navajo, Hopi, Ute, and Zuni nations and tribes. The Navajo often talk about sightings near Four Corners of skinwalkers - a medicine man who has become a powerful and evil supernatural animal-like creature by killing a family member.

Depiction of a skinwalker

Starting later this month, scientists from NASA, the University of Colorado, the University of Michigan and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will be in and around Four Corners looking for the cause of the methane hotspot that is half the size of Connecticut. One source may be the region's high concentration of coal deposits. Methane is released through natural fissures but also by mining and fracking. The researchers say their instruments will pinpoint the cause and help determine a plan to reduce the emissions into the atmosphere. Besides climate change, methane has recently been linked to the mysterious Siberian craters and possibly even the Bermuda Triangle.

The Four Corners area has been full of mysteries for eons. Will NASA let us know if they find anything else?

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