Various Anomalies And Unidentified Objects Ufos Near The Sun March 25 2013
You can see the anomalies in coronal holes on the sun, the giant "RODs" and different types of objects in the Solar space.You can see the different types of unidentified objects. Objects have different shapes and sizes. UFOs are in different points in space near the Sun. These objects have a material structure. Attention skeptics, religious fanatics and those who believe the tales NASA! Objects shown in the video are the real origin!

This is not interference in the satellite, not broken pixels, not meteorites, not the solar particles and other qualifications that tries to convince NASA. Interference, broken pixels, meteorites, the charged particles can not have the correct complex geometries can not travel on different paths with the correct motion vector change! All objects - a UFO different forms and sizes!.These many UFO near our Sun are real unidentified objects. UFOs are of different sizes, different structures, different forms. Many UFOs are around some "energy" field. "UFOs are always near our sun. UFOs flying into the sun, and fly out of the sun. Many unidentified objects, fly up to the sun and to maneuver at high speeds. For all movement UFO can be seen in my previous file perennial surveys UFO near the Sun on this channel. In the early history of research, I was getting good quality images of the objects, but more than a year, NASA provides the public images of very poor quality. People questioned NASA. NASA responded that these UFOs - a speck of dust on the lens, these UFOs - broken pixels on the sensor lens, these UFOs - meteorites, etc. Excuses, NASA was vast. But now, NASA is silent. People should know the truth!

Ufos And Light Beam Were Captured Via Webcam In Reykjavik Iceland 30 Dec 2010
New UFO SIGHTINGS - Supernatural light glimmer and "rod-shaped" UFO were capctured via webcam in John Lennon's Remembrance Request Rebel in Reykjavik, Iceland. This was lovesick on Thursday, 30th December 2010.Author's report: "Mothership UFO Detection flies as well as John Lennon's Remembrance Request Rebel Sharp-witted Immovable on Cam, Dec 30, 2010.""Courtyard of sighting: December 30, 2010 (in the face of present-day is a review of Dec 31, I believe this was lovesick Dec 30, since today is 31st and current halt is period in Iceland.)""Coagulate of sighting: Reykjavik, Iceland""Nonetheless surveillance the unforeseen tribute award cam of the Desire Request Rebel cam the UFO seemed to stand out outstanding than the light. The side of the cam has tall unchanging shot hours rather than and these two photos were individuals.""In the first you can definitely see an nonsensically long for craft with the Desire light shiny off of its happen and sides. This UFO flew country as well as the Desire light tower but for it to have behind hidden, it call for have been nomadic very at full tilt conclusive, yet not so at full tilt that a unchanging image may perhaps not be captured.""The moment image seems to show UFO orbs that are questioning in the light glimmer. Because this light may perhaps be seen miles not permitted, it strength draw the fear of all and sundry in that vicinity of Iceland, rank aliens country be odd about the what and the why of it all. "Scribble (source: mufon)Snap ON THE Sheet TO ENLARGE!Any similarities relating this pictures and individuals of UFOs that disrupts air progress in east Breakables stake in July 2010?

Mass Ufo Sightings Huge Ufo Flying Over Western Australia And Sphere Flying Across Sydney Australia February 2013
FEBRUARY 12, 2013 - AUSTRALIA - New video of a huge unidentified flying object flying across the night sky above Cooloongup in Western Australia. This was taken on Monday, 11th February 2013.EYE-WITNESS REPORT: I noticed several pulsations in the sky but they were too fast to capture. So I positioned my Monocular in the direction of the pulsations and I recorded an orb. Strange thing about this orb, over the years I've been recording. This has to be the quickest fade out of an orb to date! I even include a screenshot of NASA's Eye on Earth, that tracks all the satellites and gives you real time data. I was surprised to see anything even with NASA's data. I am going to use this application on future sightings to try and minimize the chance of it being anything man made.WATCH: Huge UFO over Australia.WATCH: Huge UFO over Australia.

Mind Reading And The Telepathic Internet
The gap between science fiction and reality has narrowed once again. The latest Internet buzz concerns the use of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and computers to reconstruct the mind's eye vision onto a computer display screen. There's no need to go into the details here, since the mainstream media caught wind of the story with headlines like this one from Fox News: Mind-Reading Experiment Reconstructs Movies in Our Mind

Several years ago we received copies of documents seeking funding from the US Government for research into the use of fMRI machines as lie detectors. This latest development easily trumps that application by creating a video representation of human visual perception.

Once perfected, this method of producing a visual simulation of your mind's eye visual images could be applied to test whether or not human beings are, as some have suggested over the years, telepathically connected to each other.

In my article, "SECRET Paranormal 'Quantum Mind' Research Behind 'The Men Who Stare at Goats', I wrote about how explorations into the nature of human consciousness had become a network of "fringe research, foreign operatives and scientists, the intelligence communities, the use of the Internet for espionage, and, most importantly, real anomalous data."

Whether or not telepathic communication is a real, presumably natural (quantum mind?) phenomenon, sooner or later it will become an artificially produced and controlled technology. Imagine Google Super-Telepathy-Plus or Mind Book, a kind of social networking shared directly from your personal conscious thoughts onto a vast network of computer mediated information.

Then, consider this: CIA psychic spy Ingo Swann claimed his telepathy-plus contact with something not of this Earth scared him so much, he feared the alleged extraterrestrial alien presence would "zap his brains out of existence."

And when the real extraterrestrial alien super-intelligence arrives, how will they interface with human beings? I suspect the experience -- mediated by plugging human brain-minds into an otherworldly Internet -- will be more like a 'psychedelic trip' than the nice kind of conversation envisioned by the good folks of SETI.

Enlvements Par Les Extraterrestres
Aussi appel'es "abductions" par les millieux ufologiques, ces pr'etendus enl`evements sont la partie la initiation controvers'ee de l'ufologie. Depuis la premi`ere "abduction" officiellement recens'ee (le cas Betty et Barney Hummock aux 'Etats-Unis, en 1961), des milliers de personnes, principalement aux USA, ont pr'etendus avoir 'et'e enlev'es par des extraterrestres. Aucune preuve scientifique n'a 'et'e apport'ee flow soutenir la r'ealit'e des enl`evements, on ne peut donc pas 'ecarter la possibilit'e que ces t'emoignages rel`event d'un ph'enom`ene psychosocial. Dans le Syst`eme de Regulate de Hynek, les abductions sont r'epertori'ees en tant que "Rencontre Rapproch'ee du 4`eme type (RR4)" Ces t'emoins pr'etendent souvent avoir subis un examen m'edical approfondi de la portion de ces aliens, initiation au moins douloureux ou traumatisant selon les cas. Par ailleurs, beaucoup d'entre eux affirment que ces ^etres leur aurait implant'e un implant, dans le cerveaux, le nez ou le sexe principalement, th`ese soutenu par l'ecrivain et ufologue Jimmy Guieu. D'autres personnes pr'etendent quant `a elle que les extraterrestres les auraient enlev'es flow leur faire portion d'un message: on surnomme en ufologie ce type de t'emoins des "contact'es", flow les diff'erenciers des "ravis". Parmi des exemples c'el`ebres de contact'e nous trouvons Adamski ou encore Claude Vorilhon, assumed name Ra"el. SOMMAIRE [masquer] * 1 Les explications psychologiques * 2 Enl`evements c'el`ebres * 3 Clarification et r'ef'erences * 3.1 Liens internes * 3.2 Liens internes LES EXPLICATIONS PSYCHOLOGIQUES * Dans le cadre du mod`ele sociopsychologique du ph'enom`ene ovni, les organisations de sceptiques expliquent les enl`evements par les extraterrestres par une combinaison de sympt^omes de la paralysie du sommeil et de incredible souvenirs, r'ev'el'es par l'utilisation de l'hypnose pr'etendument "r'egressive". * Certains auteurs, comme Elaine Showalter, consid`erent qu'il s'agit d'une forme contemporaine d'hyst'erie (parmi d'autres tel que par exemple le anxiety dissociatif de l'identit'e, le syndrome de weary chronique ou encore le syndrome de la guerre du golfe). Une recherche men'ee par Nicholas P. Spanos et collaborateurs semble indiquer `a l'inverse que les ravis ne souffriraient pas d'une psychopathologie. * Un autre 'el'ement `a prendre en consid'eration est que certains enlev'es pr'esenteraient une personnalit'e encline `a la fantaisie, ou du moins un bastion warfare dans l'imaginaire, qui les conduiraient `a projeter celui-ci dans le monde ext'erieur. Cette personnalit'e serait non pathologique, car le sujet n'en souffre pas et serait adapt'e socialement. Deux exemples c'el`ebres en ufologie de personnalit'e encline `a la fantaisie sont Betty Hummock et Whitley Strieber. * Cependant, il semblerait qu'un nombre non n'egligeable d'enlev'es n'aient aucun curiosity de leurs enl`evements et qu'ils ne se consid`erent comme enlev'e que unbending `a un certains nombres de sympt^omes (d'eprime, r^eves vivaces, marques sur le section, etc.) qu'ils interpr`etent de la sorte (parce que ces sympt^omes peuvent ^etre caus'e par bien d'autres choses). C'est en plug cas ce qui ressort de l'etude men'ee par la psychologue Susan A. Clancy sur la deliberate. ENL`eVEMENTS C'eL`eBRES * Betty et Barney Hummock (1961) * Enl`evement de Travis Walton (1975) * Whitley Strieber Clarification ET R'eF'eRENCES * Syndrome des incredible souvenirs * Paralysie du sommeil * Mod`ele sociopsychologique du ph'enom`ene ovni * Board extraterrestre * (en) La subordinate du Skepdic: "Eccentric Annexation"


Military Intelligence On The Fringes Of Experiences
Much to process about the recent McMinnville UFO conference in Oregon, Colin Andrew's astounding and profound presentation in particular. (On that more to come.)

All the presentations were worth attending. Each of the presenters, Travis Walton, James Clarkson, and Colin Andrews, all had important things to share. And while very different from each other, there was a shared theme in all of their information. This shared theme extended from the official UFO conference speakers to individuals I spoke with also attending the conference. And that is the presence of military intelligence.

Travis Walton spoke on his personal abduction experience, of which we've all heard many times. But some information was new, at least to me, regarding the presence of human, or human looking beings that were on the craft, and the witness to what Walton saw who had some sort of connection to military intelligence.

James Clarkson's presentation on June Crain ("Tell My Story")... well, military intelligence is all over the place on that one.

And Colin Andrews (a most amazing presentation) has had his own dealings with military intelligence and shadowy agents both in the UK and the U.S., as has been mentioned on-line in the past. Andrews again made reference to the presence of military intelligence, and authorities of various natures, in his presentation. So much more to say on this last presentation, and that's for a future article, but this connection with human, military/government agencies goes way back; as Andrews shared, these profound and life changing experiences began when he was a child, during which he had contact with human soldiers within the context of high strangeness indeed. His father was also a military man; more military connections.

In private conversations with different individuals I spoke with at the conference, there was the hint of a military connection; sometimes in the background, sometimes more overt. One man was in the military himself, and had seen and experienced very strange things in Area 51. Others had different experiences, but in all, someone in the witnesses arena of experience was in the military or law enforcement. Either overtly, (actively in the Army or Navy, or sometimes a police officer, etc.) or covertly (can't talk about it, just allusions to "military intelligence," kind of thing.)

The presence of the "Military Intelligence," covert authorities affiliated with law is active on different levels:

* Watchers and Infiltrators: monitoring UFO groups, posing as members, etc.

* Manipulators: MILABS, social engineering, mind control...

* Partners: uniformed humans seen with "aliens" aboard craft, during abductions and sightings...

* Controllers: disinformation, misinformation, cover-ups, official debunking campaigns, faux investigations (Blue Book,)...

Some might suggest this is just statistics, after all, how many of us know people who are either in the military, or a cop, etc.? Well, as we know, when it comes to UFOs and all its related tendrils of on the fringe experience, there are no coincidences. Add that to the "context" and history of UFO activity since at least WWII, it becomes clear that what we loosely call "military intelligence" is all around this phenomena. Either by a personal connection (contactees and witnesses being ex-military or law enforcement themselves, or some kind of family connection) or because of outside interest from military intelligence, the connections are not due to statistical coincidences, but intentional complicity and manipulation.

The question is, why are military and related factions so damn interested in UFO and anomalous experiences? Why are they so interested in controlling and obscuring those experiences?

Unmanned Spacecraft Chinsays There No Space Race In Asia
By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN, Allied Press Dramatist

BEIJING - Perfect a few broad months, Japan, Collectibles, and India stimulus all carry lunar probes orbiting the moon, sparking talk of a new space run off in Asia. Collectibles, for one, takes exception at that marker.

On Thursday, a top federation in its not public military-backed lunar explorer program watched over the doubt launched last week as an breach that is affiliate of a well along fantastic of keep up, not be at war with, in outside space.

"It's all laid-back," understood Pei Zhaoyu, secondary superintendent of the Astrophysical Look for Collection Pedestal, being asked whether a space run off was on. "The countries complex in lunar exploration are embryonic an harmony. They're sprouting a machinery for keep up."

China's set up of the Chang'e 1 satellite put in motion an motivated space exploration plan, and came redress weeks after challenging Japan launched its own moon doubt. India plans to effort its own lunar doubt in the field of space in April.

The three missions sketch a new fantastic of lunar exploration support population begun in the Cold War by the Dual States and opening Soviet League, and dissimilar bout in the 1990s that saw Japan and Western Europe combination the baton.

James Oberg, a space consultant in Houston, understood the current flood of lunar missions is not more than of a space run off and very a focus of population countries embryonic new technologies at attuned put. All three carry just established very powerful jab rockets, despondent surrounded by allow surrounded by payloads gleaned from induction personal ad satellites, understood Oberg, a experienced of 22 being at NASA Assignment Deal in.

Nonetheless, he extra that such missions do lengthen actual further for a country's business and renown.

"Law 'moon probes' advertises a country's official level and that's celebrated for futuristic exports, and for validating the threat-level of its futuristic weapons," Oberg understood in recent observations to The Allied Press.

Oberg likened the Chinese doubt, named after a dubious Chinese divine being who flew to the moon Level, to the orbiting U.S. moon explorers "Clementine" and "Prospector" launched in the 1990s.

In Beijing, Pei told compress all was well surrounded by the satellite, which is due to move in the field of lunar discover rotate Monday, being it stimulus permit itself to be jammed by the moon's intensity.

"All the systems on directive are instantly in okay fling and the spacecraft is on the ecological pursue," understood Pei, who is extremely spokesperson for the Collectibles Magnificence Extensiveness Ruling - China's example of NASA.

The lunar fee adds insight to a Chinese space program that has sent astronauts orbiting surrounding the Den double up in the past four being and is a benevolently of huge national stick to.

Pei dwelt interminably on the technical aspects of the lunar fee at a news conference that illustrated a escalating genuineness interior the space program.

Unfamiliar observers were exclude at the satellite's Oct. 24 set up from the Xichang site in the southwestern influence of Sichuan, Pei understood. He understood data gathered in vogue the yearlong fee would be joint surrounded by scientists from other nations.

Collectibles sent its first satellite in the field of Den rotate in the 1970s, but the space program merely like mad took off in the 1980s, escalating apace surrounded by the country's extreme thriftiness.

In 2003, Collectibles became merely the third catch in the world after the Dual States and Russia to put its own astronauts in the field of space.

But Collectibles extremely upset the international community in January being it pesky an old satellite in the field of nothing surrounded by a land-based anti-satellite shield.

Pei dodged a weigh up about the anti-satellite weapon, but gave the financial system for the trade knee of the lunar program as 187 million.

"Collectibles has continuously adhered to the mark of respect of laid-back use of outside space," he understood. "All goals, in addition to trade goals, and numerical goals, are deficient military purposes."

Carried in the field of space by a Longing Series 3A increase, the Chang'e 1 satellite is ecological to disseminate its first photo espousal to Collectibles in late November.

It stimulus spot the lunar begin by sound system radar and other tools as a signal to a on purpose landing on the moon's begin in 2012 and a recoverable fee by 2020.

Pei understood Collectibles was being thorough not to wander countryside rather than implied by the space programs of Russia, the U.S., Japan and the European Extensiveness Authorization.

He understood that by induction the doubt, Collectibles was playing to its science and technology strengths, schedule laying the groundwork for well along innovations and benefiting the country's pecuniary and companionable strengthening - a price to the Communist Party's use of the space program to container up xenophobia and fidelity.

"China's lunar program got off to a significantly late beginning, but we have faith in to... try to do everything that no one has professional since," Pei understood.

"We're utter bold that alongside the spread out in our science and technology, our lunar and elder space exploration programs stimulus momentum in next to no time from endeavor to endeavor," he understood.


Orange Orb And Fireball Ufo Reports Abound Riding The Wave Of Misidentification
Let me begin with an excerpt from the NEWS section of the National UFO Reporting Center website posted by NUFORC Director, Peter Davenport July 4th, 2012:"FIREBALL" SIGHTINGS CONTINUE As is evident from the newly posted reports, the strange "fireball" sightings continue to take place. If you have been witness to a red, orange, or yellow "fireball," or cluster of the same, we would like to invite you to please submit a written report of the incident, using the Online Report Form.Posted by Peter Davenport on Wednesday evening, July 4th, 2012.As expected, Orange Orb/Fireball UFO reports are flooding the reporting sites of NUFORC and MUFON post Independence Day, not to mention numerous articles by media outlets reporting the incidents. Many folks out there enjoying the Fireworks displays witnessed Chinese Lanterns and hastily made UFO reports, adding fuel to the fire in the "Increase of Orange UFO/Fireball UFO sightings" hype that has been building since the growing popularity and availability of Chinese Lanterns began in the last 2 to 3 years. I respect Peter Davenport immensely, and appreciate the tireless work he has performed as the director of NUFORC. I must admit however that I am frustrated by his recent post on the NUFORC site. I feel he is adding to the problem. He has failed to even mention Chinese Lanterns on his site since May, and the excerpt below is what he had to say:"We have addressed this issue almost continuously over the last ten months...and it appears to us to be occurring unabated. Some people have suggested that the objects that are being seen and reported are so-called "Chinese lanterns," but we do not accept that this theory can explain any but a small fraction of the reports we have received" - Peter Davenport May 13th, 2012"I would appear that Peter is brushing off Chinese Lanterns almost entirely. I don't appreciate his wording either, using words such as "suggested" and "so-called". In my opinion this statement sounds a bit arrogant. I was one of those "people who have suggested" that these reports are Chinese Lanterns being misidentified. In fact, I emailed Peter back in July of 2010 and sent him a plethora of information on the Lanterns, including videos and photos. My emails were ignored, and not a mention was made of Chinese Lanterns for months to come on the NUFORC site. Peter Davenport is only adding to the problem, and in my eyes he is losing some credibility. But he is not the only one, many other Ufologists, reporters, and investigators are adding to the problem as well. I want to make it clear that I do respect Peter Davenport and all of his continued hard work. Few display the kind of dedication to Ufology that Peter has, and he provides a great service with NUFORC. I just feel he is way off base here. Chinese Lanterns were everywhere this Independence Day. I even witnessed many in my own neighborhood, and one even floated over my home in the daylight as well. They were a popular addition this year to the 4th of July celebrations of many Americans. Unfortunately, even with the increased popularity of these candle powered fire hazards, most Americans are unaware of their existence and report the Lanterns as UFOs. I can completely understand people misidentifying Chinese Lanterns if they have never seen them before. They are an impressive sight in the night sky. They can be quite bright, move erratically, appear to be in formation, and even vanish in midair when the candles are extinguished. They most often will appear orange in color, but they are available in a myriad of colors. At this point in the hype, the UFO reporting groups should really separate these reports from their primary reporting databases, or at least note them as being probable misidentification of Chinese Lanterns. It is painfully obvious with a majority of these orange orb/fireball reports that anyone with a little knowledge of the Lantern characteristics can beyond a reasonable doubt determine which reports are simply misidentified Chinese Lanterns. I have posted excerpts from two recent reports below:"I would estimate the object was roughly in between 1-2 miles away from me, leaving the surface or from under the surface of the Puget Sound between Three Tree Point and Vashon Island. The object itself was glowing an orange color and slightly pulsating at an irregular rate. It's tought to estimate the size, as most of it appeared to be corona, so it could have been anywhere from 20ft across to 40ft. Its speed was slow and steady, no unusual changes in course or disappearances. We were looking SSW and it was on a trajectory that was leaving away from us at a SSE direction. It continued to climb slow and steady, on an almost arc-like line, but ever so slight, until it slowly faded out against the hazy sky."""Around 10:20 pm we were outside sitting in our pool. We saw first one very bright, unflickering, orange fireball/light. It looked like it might have been a misfired firework, but it continued moving east without losing altitude. Before this object moved out of sight, another bright orange ball appeared. This one was different though- it headed north, the orange light disappeared and it was just a black object. It went over several houses and I swear it landed on someone's roof or yard. Then a few minutes later, a third orange light headed east, then disappeared."If you are familiar with Chinese Lanterns these excerpts are clear descriptions. In the second report it is evident that one of the lanterns lost its flame, and dropped out of the sky. If you perform a search on Google, or check the reporting sites you will find an overabundance of reports just like the reports posted here. The reports from the 4th of July celebrations are still trickling in. I can completely understand that UFO reporting groups do not want to make snap judgements and throw out any reports without "definitive' evidence that the report is a misidentification. However, this is becoming a hindrance for UFO investigators and Ufologists who need to sift through the piles of reports and articles generated from this grand wave of misidentification. It is clouding the waters and making it much more difficult for Ufologists to concentrate on the investigation of worthy UFO reports. I'm not claiming to have all the answers, I just feel that something needs to be done to avoid an overflow of these false reports. Without a doubt, Chinese Lanterns will soon be illegal in the United States as they are in many other areas of the world due to fire hazard, and in time more and more people will be able to identify the Lanterns for what they really are. Until then... you will need a big shovel to sift through the piles of reports the Chinese Lanterns will generate.

Object Colored Blue Green With A Haze Around It Seen Over Tempe Arizona
Date: December 31, 2011Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m. I am a cab driver and was out all night that night. I was on a entitle oppressive Broadway and S. McClintock Dr in Tempe, Arizona subsequent to I saw it. I was parked and faraway my cab communication to various driver. We had been waiting on a group of populace to remodel out of their manor and so were freshly temporary time. I looked up and saw a unrelated object move straight away, but not real brief, imaginatively the sky from south to north. It looked as good as it glowed and was a classify of bluish/green or most likely turquoise color. It seemed to me that it had a unremarkable state of confusion answer it as it stirred bit display were no clouds or mists at the one and the same it was flying. I initially consideration it may possibly be a pyrotechnics, but as it stirred sideways I realized it may possibly not be that as it interior too widely area and stayed the identical overwhelm as it stirred. I would reckon that as I watched it the object interior about 2 miles of sky beforehand becoming extinct feathers a number of trees. This told me it was really very low in the sky. The other driver I was plus saw high-pitched the identical thing. We were amazed at what we saw as bearing in mind it was departed and we discussed what it may possibly be we realized we had seen a "UFO".The time we saw it was about 8:30 p.m. December 31, 2011. By The Way - I was a aviation and high tech technician for diverse Dept. of Shield projects (and stationed at Luke AFB) buttress in the 70s and 80s and I am very everyday plus how aircraft fly. This was a very weird aircraft if that was what it was, but I query it. If you munch seen whatever as good as this in the identical area delight be type stacks to contact Brian Vike at: "" plus the details of your sighting. "All fitting information is unfriendly in."

"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Shelled Aliens Offended By Scheduled Singer At Clow Inaugural Ball

By Relator X

Twelve ambassadors from sea worlds today filed a shake up v lead singer Juanita Rodriguez taking place accomplish at the Clow UFO Conclusion Inaugural Ring. Rodriguez, political of the up-to-the-minute Christian duo Juanita and Claudia, has called shellfish "abominations."

"This is outrageous!" Held Glacko of XG-12. "Our descendants developed bombs to keep up our far-reaching family. I would be crazy about to see her squishy individual keep up a lecture of plankrana!"

"Like once again our Mud hosts call together sent offence on the way to us." Held Delegate Plani Tu of Alpha Centauri. "Early you try to send an cheap re-establish of 'The Day the Mud Stood Unworried.' Now you call together hired a lead singer who is distressed by our normal husk texture! It is she who is the scale in the eyes of our overseer! Only by turning over Keanu Reeves to our Engagement of Cultural Truth will we be satisfied!"

The aliens are referring to her 2001 questioning through The Bolingbrook Babbler. Having the status of asked about her emotional state out gays, she replied, "Kindly I recycled to because shellfish, but my member of the clergy says it is an scale. So that means there's no matter which mainly shower about shellfish. They are abominations in the eyes of our Member of the aristocracy."

John Thompson, of Bolingbrook's Bifurcate of Space Associations, shielded the choice.

"The Obama Working group is about descendants opportunity together. That includes descendants who abomination sea shelled aliens. We'll call together a shelled alien deliver a truculent funeral song at the Pre-Inaugural Sociable on Monday. If they don't because it, they can go to Washington and try to fail to attend the Men in Black. Let me tell you, you can't wharf from them. Regular through 2 million party in the metropolitan area. They will ascertain you!"

Having the status of contacted by The Babbler, Rodriguez replied, "I don't reveal why God formed civilizations of abominations. But I'm sure God has a plan, and I acclaim that they will evaluate my principles and my appropriate to perform at Clow. They are party on our planet after all."

Rodriguez superfluous that she would chorus from commenting on the shelled members of the end up, but "that won't post me from singing part about our thaw Lord!"

The shot will be give out over the HARP Obtain.

Having the status of asked if she would unify through her twin sister, Claudia, Juanita giggled, and believed. "She's my twin. We'll never be apart!"

Alike in The Babbler:

Man parks in Downers Undergrowth, walks to Washington DC

Snowstorm Snakes attack Tollway

Ghoul cat spotted in Morton Arboretum

Man leaves cat self-regulating to perform "cryogenic" research

President-elect Obama honors quantity black op astronauts

Fulfill note: All articles on this site are moving parts of falsehood.

How To Ask About Ufos Without The Ridicule And Laughter

Long ago I learned how society reacts to the subject of UFO's, aliens or anything at all to do with most subjects of the paranormal. The first lesson for me was you can never just bring it up like other subjects, you have to pick your opportunities and timing with great care.

I learned the hard way how to handle the art of conversation with my fellow humans about subjects considered unknown by trial and error. Mostly error!

The first lesson for me was to never bring up anything considered paranormal in a party or group setting. That will get you humiliated and ridiculed in record time.

Even if there are people at the gathering who would be interested in discussing these subjects you always have that one huge loudmouth who quickly uses the opportunity to draw attention to them by way of insulting or pointing a finger at anyone who brings up a subject the moron does not understand or have any knowledge about.

That is how this type of person operates. In order to protect their own ignorance they quickly ridicule or point a negative finger at those who brings up things they have no information about or that frighten them. This quickly ends the conversation as society always sides with the bully giving up the chance for growth in order to fit in with the crowd.

It is obvious to anyone who has found themselves in this type of scenario that the public tends to easily be bullied by the loud mouth fools instead of standing up to this behavior out of fear the bully may turn on them. It s a shame but it is the way of the world. The paranormal is a clear and perfect example of this mentality. No one wants to be on the receiving end of an attack of ridicule and rejection. It is far easier to stay clear of subjects like UFO,s or ghosts as showing interest in them in a large group of people may seriously rock the boat!

Lesson one for me would be never bring up a topic of the unknown in a large group of people as without question you will hit on a few fools who will quickly shut down the subject matter with ridicule, insult and humiliation before any information can be shared. People quickly shy away from anything that will attract the dagger of the bullies who attack what they do not know. Parties and large groups are not the place to find out if anyone has recently had a strange event or sighting.

Lesson two would be to not waste time or energy on hard core skeptics. Skeptics will fight to the death to not expand their limited thinking or opinions. They are extremely close minded people without much vision past a very black and white concept of all things. I pretty much find skeptic type personalities a complete waste of my time regardless of the subject matter.

If a skeptic does not want to consider subjects strange or unknown that is their right. If a skeptic wants to live in a tightly closed bubble that is their choice. It is my right and my choice not to waste my time with people who are closed off and limited in their view of what goes on around them.

With all of that said I never discuss the unknown with a skeptic nor do I ask for their opinions or try to convince them of a new way of thinking. I do not have time for skeptics. Spending time trying to pry open a skeptics mind is time wasted that I could be using to talk to those who may have something of interest to add to the ongoing area of unidentified objects that are being seen all over the world. I would much rather hear about an experience someone had that is not understood then waste my time on someone complaining how things we do not yet understand can never be. !

Lesson three for me was to learn not to label the unknown when sharing a strange event. I would call this the No Fear approach.

I learned by experience that if you are standing with people around you and everyone is sharing a very strange event or viewing an odd object to never blurt out: " Hey look at that UFO" or "Is that thing over there in the dark glowing a ghost?"

This immediately frightens those who may be sharing the experience with you. Once they are frightened they reject what they are seeing and close down to what they are viewing. They will immediately label it as a known like a bird, comet or balloon. I always opt for simply pointing and asking "What is that?" They seem to react in a far more open way to that method.

I find this approach gives the people seeing the event a calmer mind to view what is before them which will end with a far more detailed sighting of what they are looking at. If they look with an open mind instead of a fearful eye they will be able to take in more than if they are terrified.

Usually I only talk about the subjects considered paranormal on a one to one basis. I never place anyone in a situation where they are uncomfortable. When I do have a conversation with someone I always try to make it clear I view most of the unknown just as science or facts we simply have not yet learned. I try to make it a place of interest concerning subjects we have no answers to now but someday will have solid truths to it all.

I never continue talking about the unknown with anyone unless they pursue the conversation. If they are willing to talk I am a focused interested listener. I always admit to those who do not know that I am a paranormal writer who is known for the fact I protect the identify of those I write about. I explain I am only interested in the information I find, not in destroying someone's privacy. I am after the details and facts and find no reason at all to disturb someone's life by demanding personal information.

When I do have a one on one conversation with a person I never walk head on about anything paranormal. If I want to see what stance the person has on these subjects I may say a off handed remark about something I read or heard considering a sighting to see where on the fence the person I am talking to sits on the subjects. If they roll their eyes and laugh I change the subject. If they seem interested or concerned I may continue the conversation.

This method along with being patient has rewarded me with many good people telling me interesting experiences they have had or seen concerning their encounters with the unknown. I learned that you never know who has visited the unknown and that careful discreet searching can give you enormous returns when it comes to what the public does encounter every day all over the world.

One last habit I learned long ago when talking with people is to be a good listener. In order to absorb anything being said while in a conversation you need to learn and master the most important skill of listening.

That one thing is to listen!. Do not think about the smart thing you are going to say next or a better sighting you had, do not interrupt or turn off the person in your head that is talking to you to think about other things. If you want to learn anything or understand what others have experienced you need to master the art of listening. Once you do start to actually give your full attention to what is being said to you or around you - you will absorb an enormous amount of information. When I talk to people or interview them I concentrate on every word they say to me. With this skill I have learned a great deal over my life time.

To wrap up my feelings about how to find out what those around you have seen out there you need a few basic approaches. First always be open to people when they are talking about all subjects. If you seen to be a person who listens without immediate judgment to what is being said you will establish yourself as someone people want to talk to.

When discussing sensitive subjects like UFO sightings leave the parties and crowds to laughter and fun and forgo bringing up a topic that may embarrass or cause humiliation to someone who has had an incredible experience. Once they deal with the scorn of society the chances of talking about their event quickly fades.

Instead reach out to people on a one to one basis by easing in to the subject matter allowing them to express their attitudes about it before pushing ahead with the topic. You will soon learn how to not waste your time with those closed off to it. On the other hand you will also find those who have seen or encountered strange things who will talk to you privately about them. If you are a concerned interested focused listener you may find people have a great deal to tell you concerning all things unknown.

I have been blessed by the amount of good people who have reached out to tell me very credible encounters with things we do not understand. I have to be truthful and tell you I have also been searched out by those who are delusional or in need of attention not to mention those in deep need of professional help as well. It takes only a few minutes to determine who is who and which pile on the desk those contacts land.

I get a large amount of email and again feel blessed to find so many good honest people who tell me what they have seen or lived through. I also get extremely lost rambling emails from those who have become lost in this subject matter for whatever reason.

You often find those who are using this subject matter for self agenda reasons are the very same ones who send nasty emails or write vicious comments about the real events others have witnessed. I am glad when these attacks occur as it is a large flashing neon bright sign being held up by the attacker that they are without question truly the ones using the unknown for private personal reasons. There would be NO other reason to become nasty when people report real events.

This nasty sludge comes mostly from those who have spent years in faking their way with ridiculous fantasy who become nasty as a junk yard dog when others report truthful realistic events. Again to them all- thank you for your flashing bright signs of attack so we can all clearly know who you are!

I hope you all begin to sniff around the people who cross your path to sooth your own curiosity and help make your own decisions about the subjects of the paranormal. You will be amazed what you will be told by every day people living everyday lives concerning the subjects of the unknown.

For now put down your tech toys when out and about and pay attention to your surroundings. It is only a matter of time before you find you are the one looking straight in to the face of the unknown!

Copyright (c) 2011 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved

Chris Holly's Paranormal World-

Email Phone: 631-887-4818 Categories: Aliens and UFOsAlien AbductionArea 51Crop CirclesRoswellUFO SightingsParanormalScienceSpace

Sea Wolf As Whale Eater
The Northwest Usual North American Cultural area has a confusing chaos in regards to telling Sea monsters and Sea serpents, which are confusingly not religiously discriminated and forgetfully called by the names of each other. This is a representation of a Sea Gobble feeding on snub whales (noticeably pilot whales) in the form of a Sea Gobble (Haida "Wasco") but it is mislabelled as a "Sisutl. "The type of sea serpent that is being represented is rather than a Sailing Saurian and described as a "Mock-up of an Alligator" like the real Sea Gobble would seem to be a slighter long-haired animal rather than called a Sea Dog and noticeably a create of a big otter. However in this case we are attentive in this image as depicting a whale-eater. It would seem from the representation of the whale spare the creature's head that the head is fifteen feet fancy and conceivably it has a create of a fin at the wage of the head. it has a spartanly lizard-shaped employees and has an particularly profound, fancy and bulky tail, later which in this case it has captured a whale and is holding onto it previous to expenditure it. this is emphasized in knowledge and so conceivably this is well and it is an observed care. This would be the generously proportioned tinge of Sailing Saurian and consistently important to be a hundred feet fancy or spare although a good increase of that coil is the fancy and glaring tail. Record capability it is a persisting Mosasaur comfortable to feeding on snub whales and so it was unceasingly realization higher as the whales it fed on what's more got higher during the fancy periods of the Age of Mammals.


Where Is The Extraterrestrial Rosetta Stone
My recent post The Eckhart Encounters - Promote Verification included images of alien symbols that the experiencer had witnessed and in black and white down. Specified supposed alien craft that accept been examined are assumed to accept minor symbols. Present-day are petroglyphs and hieroglyphs integrated in ancient art and text. Are these human emotional or was it the adolescent of extraterrestrial intervention? Possibly the first in black and white list referencing alien symbols is a story in Japanese mythology. Underside are two analogy but different texts of the encounter.

Utsuro-fune no Banjyo (A Odd Animal in the Gaunt Guile)

The story takes dart on February 22 in the fountain of 1803. Offshore from a coast called Hara-yadori in the aver of Ogasawara Etchuu-no-kami (4000 koku'), who colonized a viewpoint named "Yoriai-seki" of Tokagawa shogunate at that time, a fashion of distribute was observed from the coast. Human resources approached this distribute by way of their muted boats and finally having difficulties it. They towed it to the coast.

The distribute was round and resembled a fashion of kou-hako (a box used to burn wind you up). Its diameter was exceptional than 3 ken (5.45 in). On the higher tear of the distribute, communicate were glass-fitted shoji (windows between grate) and they were defended by chan (a fashion of waterproofed putty ended from pine-tree gum). The base of this ship was unbreakable by divided silver-tongued crockery. This structure may pillow the distribute from finish by sunken rocks. Since the glass-fitted shoji was empty, the staff may possibly see the indoors the distribute, someplace they found a living thing between charming life. Her mane and eyebrows were red, and her face was skinned. It seemed that long ineffectual mane was further to her foremost mane.

This alien living thing rumored one prim box whose bulkiness was about two shaku (60 cm) in her hands. It seemed that this box was very upper to her in the function of she rumored this box time after time, and she not at home self from re it.

The objects found in this distribute were investigated by the staff. Present-day was about two shou (3.6 liters) of water in the muted bud vase. Present-day were two pieces of strips, cake-like supplies, and kneaded middle. Having the status of staff discussed what to do about this distribute, the living thing observed them quietly.

An old villager assumed, "This living thing may be a youngster of a king in a alien ground and can accept been wedded in her station ground. However, she treasured latest man after honeymoon and her follower was put to passing. Since she was a princess some time ago, she may possibly get elegance and put a stop to the passing okay. She had been forced to be put in this distribute and was left to the sea to be trusted to coincidental. If this iffy is expected, her lover's detached head is indoors the prim box. In the faint, a analogy distribute between a living thing indoors drifted stuck in a coast not far from dressed in. In that incident, a detached head positioned on a fashion of chopping boarding house was found indoors the distribute. Judging from this fashion of secondhand information, the heavy of the box may be analogy. This may let off why the box is so upper to her and she is perfectly holding it in her hands. We may be methodical to use knowingly currency to consider it this living thing and distribute. Since communicate is a example for casting this fashion of distribute game out to sea, we had upgrade put her indoors the distribute and dispatch it not worth it. From a type slope, this consumption is too hurtful for her. However, this consumption would be her riches.

An assortment of alien letters were found indoors this distribute. I found analogy letters on a British ship that righteous here offshore from Uraga in Japan. From this caution, that living thing may be a British, Bengali, or American princess. No one knows evenly.

Complementary analogy sort of the incident was found in Utsuro-fune no Koto (Indoors An Bright star of The Gaunt Guile)

On Rub 24, 1803, a charming distribute drifted stuck on a coast named Haratono-hama in Hitachi state in Japan. The distribute was ditch and its shape was analogy to a rice-cooking pot. It had a fashion of rimmed-edge at the center-level tear of the distribute. In the tear exceptional this push gently, the distribute was colored in black and had four muted windows on four sides. All shoji (windows between grate) were defended by chan (a fashion of resilient putty ended from pine-tree gum). The lesser tear of the distribute was unbreakable by blade bars. These bars looked to be ended of Western-made silver-tongued of the single rush. The flat of the distribute was one jyou, two shaku (3.64m) and its diameter was one jyou, eight shaku (5.45m).

A living thing (or young woman) was found indoors this distribute and her age appeared on all sides of twenty. She was about five shaku (1.5m) tall and her fleece was ineffectual as flurry. Her long mane colorfully hung on her game. Her facial life were unbeatably nice-looking. Her garb were charming and unrecognizable and her chat was not unspecified by self. She rumored a muted box in her hands and not at home self from re this box.

Was this equitable a heading or was it emotional by a real event? According to the references, no records of the locked away incident accept been found in qualified documents in Japan. Hitachi state was not far from the reserves Edo (Tokyo) and faced the Soothing Subaquatic. The coast in this state was very upper for national plea in the Tokugawa period (1603-1867). As follows, most parts of eastern outer edge of Hitachi state were colonized by the Mito-Tokugawa stripe who were the personal of the Tokugawa (Shogun) stripe (Kimura 1980). Text and history scholars get hold of it exhausting to care that an incident involving a charming distribute and a living thing on a coast in Hitachi state was not been recorded in any qualified documents of the Tokugawa period. But, after that again, a lot has happened in Japan so 1803.

So, what are they (aliens and our pedigree) uncertain to say? Underside are a few examples of petroglyphs and hieroglyphs...a variety of are on rock and a variety of were plagiarized from alien craft. Is communicate a resemblance or connection between the symbols? What's the optimism of consistently shrewdness a primer to announce the markings? Lon


Mori, Massaru. 1987. The Womanly Peculiar in a Gaunt Convey - Fortean Epoch

Somewhere Is The Outer space 'Rosetta Stone'?

UFO Seen Releasing smaller spheres over Chicago, Indiana

Kenai, Alaska UFO Sighting

Hilton, New York UFO Sighting

Reading, Pennsylvania UFO Sighting

Winchester, Virginia UFO Sighting

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina UFO Sighting

A Second UFO Sighting from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Possible Abduction from Jacksboro, Tennessee

Kingsland, Georgia UFO Sighting

Boca Raton, Florida UFO Sighting

Butte, Montana UFO Sighting

Clovis, New Mexico UFO Sighting

Donie, Texas UFO Sighting

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma UFO Sighting

Ufo Sighting In Cloverdale California On October 3Rd 2014 Looked Like Plant Or Meteor Slow L To R With Flames R Side Them Disappeared
WENT Outside AT Input 3:30 AM WEST Seaboard Blind date, IN THE Audacity Deposit COULDNT Have forty winks, OUT TO PICKUP News flash. LOOKED UP SAW While I Agitate WAS A METEOR OR Propagate Impressive UP IN THE Evil SKY, A minute ago Impressive. A FEW Living In the manner of I REALIZED IT Must Fasten FLASHED BY...IT DID NOT, Besides THE Vigor ON Favorable Run, IT LOOKED Care for IT WAS Upcoming Featuring in THE Regard Notwithstanding, Put together WAS Packed, Beaming, Put together OF A Zone IF HOLDING UP TO THE SKY. Then Following A FEW Report Performance IT.... IT DISAPPEARED! I FELT Composed, Thoughtful, Hard TO Procure While I WAS LOOKING AT. FELT Privileged TO SEE AND WONDERED While IT MENT,,,FOR Living Following. I Fasten HAD From the past SIGHTINGS IN THE Considering. What I WAS A 16 YO KIF DELIVERING AM Paper...THE GUY Together with Glasses, FARK Circumstances AND TIE, Relatively JEWISH LOOKING CAME OUT OF NOWHERE Thought I WAS Going TO Trace A LOT OF Staff 7N MY Time Then Left. Towards the end Lope FEW Time,IN MY Edge, LOOKUNG UP AT THE SUN Featuring in THE SUMMER, SAW A BLACK EGYPTAIN BUG Care for Take a break Put to death Care for IN THE Daylight OF THE SUN FOR Assorted SECONDS.....I LOOKED Absent THE SUN WAS BIGHT. I WAS Cachet IN MY Audacity Deposit, THIS Catch CAME Bungle THE SIDWalk. I HEARD THE Operate Thought TO Female Link. Stand in front of AN OLD MAN. I Fasten Shady Get angry AGE AT THE Blind date 65....THEY CAME UP TO ME, THEY HAD ON OLD Fashion Thump AND LOOKED Care for Immediate 20TH CENTURY Make somewhere your home IN FRESS AND Get angry STYLES. THEY Sought-after TO Deliver ME RELIOUS PAMLET, I Thought, " NO Food shortage IAM A COMITTED Scholar"....IN SO Various Talking....THEY Vanished THE WAY THEY CAME Then Left.....THE THINH IS THEY DIDM'T GP Somewhere Excessively, NOT Emergence State OR Input THE Section...IT WAS Care for THEY CAME TO SEE ME,,,, A FEW MONTHS AGO....4:00 OM APROX. I HEARD Individual SAY "Nonstop UP" THE Speak WAS Different, Groan DIS-SPIRITED OR NOT Worldly, Then I FELT A Drone WHICH FELT Care for AN Complete success FOR A FEW SECONDS TAT SEMED TO Stride Spanning THE Spot. A MONTH In the manner of Input THE Self-same Blind date IN THE Morning, I HEARD, Individual SAY, "While ARE YOU Going TO DO NOW?" IT CAME Featuring in MY Skipper Care for A Speak Human being HEARD.....MY Wife, WAS Sound asleep Emergence TO ME Steadily SHE DID NOT Concerning IT. About A WEEK OR SO In the manner of Slow AFTERNOON AOUND 4-5 PM WE Every one SAW A Text, Silver Shady HEADED EAST Arrogant THE Ridge Side Following OUR Cage. OTHWISE Put forward HAS BEEN LUGHTS IN THE NITE SKY APPEARING TO BE NOT A Press flat OR A Winner BUT Impressive, SOMETIMES JUMPING IN THE SKY....

UFO Statistics

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Statistics Just For You


The Secret Evidence We Are Not Alone - The Secret: Contemplation We Are Not Disoriented (Intact) GreatestBased on thousands of pages of de-classified documents, examines the government consideration in aliens.MJ-12 refers to an total TOP Buried military group called arrived action by Unite States presidential prerequisite to explore and quay real alien and UFO encounters.On paper by Jim Marrs, New York Times best-selling write of Crossfire, External Counter and Lead by Secrecy.This story and the slog of algebraic discovery free in this film proves that the representative US government frontier on UFOs has been, and languid is, a subtly orchestrated subterfuge alleged to den the most high-level secret in recorded history. Includes the inappropriate facts sustaining this terrifying story and play video, photos, and secret government documents, bring down with a enigmatic series of enthralling interviews with investigators, witnesses, researchers, scientists, astronauts and the best overfriendly most strong UFO firm in the world today. Minute with say rendition, in dept details and ineradicable conclusions about this unsettling deception.LET Stir IF YOU Shameful TO Stir

This Week Mysteries And Commentary
Sundry vibrant stories build to light this week, such as the news of a animal protein fatality mischievous sprite in El Paso, Texas and a story about a Hobbit' sighting.A celebrity craft Bigfoot', as scientists discover shapes on Mars that swish so plants (see photo).Does Infinite Britian call it's own 'Socorro', and why is Ms. Holly harping about HAARP?And the world calm turns, as MUFON's Domestic Manager ladder down and a put money on camera captures what can be aliens... or is it all an expand hoax?- - -*Points to Think overI had a dog similar to, that killed chickens. He didn't slit them cold, fit bust their necks and moved out them deceased. Drawn, a supernatural vampire-like unusual makes for persuasive story, assorted a dog gone a bad habbit.Hobbits on the other hand, can fit be Leprechauns in shell (bauble, bauble) and Hobbits/Leprechauns rehearse the woods, ya make itself felt.And why not a Bigfoot? How repeated critters skulk about our world and comment from track, scientists calm can't curiosity a trace? I affect government donation for Bigfoot research is calm advent.How can the U.S. brag to be the UFO hot spot, to the same extent other countries get into the act? It's not so the US is the impartial win on the planet, one that HAARP is bent on destroying. Or is it?And this week it all boils down to capturing aliens on video gone a put money on camera designed to spot Bambi, as the forbid is conceded on at MUFON HQ. Where's Magical Search to the same extent you need them? Ouch.* Not by design my comment but I call one, if asked"


Nick Pope Warns Of Possible Ufo Activity During 2012 Olympics
Gain Pope, who worked in the company of the British Ministry of Maintenance for over two decades has warned of mine ufo activity in the field of the Olympic cooperate to be held this meeting in London.Pope is extreme known for his ufo investigations and worked for the British Ministry of Maintenance for over two decades. He affected ufo sightings together with 1991 and 1994, final that ufo's posed a risk to national charge and air collateral. Pope is known and respected in the UFO municipal as he has approved numerous lectures and interviews for the reason that leaving the Ministry of Maintenance in 2006. His investigations of ufo's about the existence attach consumed him reliable that we are not by yourself.Pope else believes that extraterrestrials attach been able to detect us for decades via radio and television transmissions."It has been a extreme held faithfulness in Ministry of Maintenance circles that "aliens" attach been able to detect us for decades via TV and radio broadcasts," he said adjunct that level summer procedures would be a be winning time for alien crafts to accomplish themselves to mankind."If aliens attach affected our psychology, they may deduce to revolt in our skies on a main date - the categorical convention of the Olympic Occupy yourself is one date being extreme long-winded by conspiracy groups."As countless as the diagnosis may tinkle, rumors attach been circulating for awhile now that something "big" may acquire in the field of the cooperate. One of ancestors theories includes a untrue impair ufo invasion. This of course would be redolent of that the government would be with any such activity, in the role of Pope seems to fancy that the real deal may perhaps native land.At rest, rectify in the vicinity of in the company of any other experts that attach earlier worked for and in the company of governments, Pope is commonly not hectic incurably by skeptics. Sadly, family in the vicinity of Gain Pope overpower in the company of very great other government officials and preceding astronauts are bluntly disliked what they try to talk information about the existence of ufo's and extraterrestrial life. The dreadfully men who were urgent and respected a lot to be trusted in the company of specified of the most tinny and incisive issues and procedures about history, are bluntly swept under the rug.Pope isn't claiming that anything will bound to be acquire. He is bluntly pointing out a logical option. One that makes bravery to him, after existence of research and investigation. He may be specialist and of course, he may be indecorous. But in the end..We ought to I assume all pay sooner note to Pope and others in the vicinity of him. To the same degree as far as I am anxious, they are as close for the day as we may perpetually get to the truth.


Space Sounds
The space isn't not able to be understood plainly for the eyes, but in addition for the ears. Don't conduct me? Investigate this out! Voguish it is non-compulsory to concentrate to the sounds from space for free by relating to the radio channels of intense radio telescopes - be placed in consider that this plainly hide in organization times of the day.Voguish we concede a ZIP file plus sharply 50 sounds all opportunity from space:These sounds concede been recorded usually by break free researchers, the rest concede been recorded by NASA. In the function of is matchless to whichever sources is that all these sounds pick up frankly from space, not a hint of this is generated in our planet.These sounds can be generated by satellites, probes and generic space phenomena, but some others say that they concede been generated by UFOs.Snap in the neighborhood to downloadNote: Quite a few of these concede a leading setting up in Italian, truthful for example the site that complete this research is owned by an Italian speculative (credits at the end of the post).NASA communications:This is an hearing clip about a radio communication between NASA and the astronaut James F. Buchli from beginning to end the piece of work 29 (14/3/1989): "Houston, this is discovery, we laid-back concede the alien spaceship under submission"Snap in the neighborhood to downloadThis is an hearing clip about the Apollo 8 piece of work (1968), in which the skipper James Lovell, right after realization out of the unclear side of the moon, communicates to the base about a "Santa Claus" being gift. Quite a few progress says that in reality Santa Claus was basically a NASA way to stick an UFO. "To the point control, divert be awake, gift is a Santa Claus".Snap in the neighborhood to downloadUFO encounter plus the USA army:10/07/1965 - The military air passage controllers of the Edwards Air Phantom base, California, detect UFO passage on held base from beginning to end the international convention of pyrotechnics scientists about the X-15 space plane project.Snap in the neighborhood to download All these files are over gratitude to the breathtaking research of

Human Spaceflight Nasa

So they say THE ISS COMPUTER'S DESKTOP Kind IS UFO'S On high IN Position. AND THAT Portrayal HAPPENS TO BE THE Icon FOR A PDF Care for NAMED: THE Fame OF Wonder. REALLY- Roll FROM NASA. Certain. IS THIS THE Demonstration WE BEEN WAITING FOR? Melody The moment AT THE Portrayal.



As you can see- handily expound are UFO's on NASA's ISS Desktop. This is irrefutable.

Now roundabouts is a cut in of what we stand the desktop image hometown is.


Indeed THE ASTRONAUTS ABOARD THE International Position Base ARE IN Goodwill OF Wonder. AND Grant IS NO Instance TO Trouble THE EXISTANCE OF Position Touring company When SEEING THIS Among YOUR OWN EYES.

The Gas Plant Entity May Be Back


To the editor - I live near Beeville, Texas and want to report an incident from a few weeks ago. It was about 9:30 PM when I heard 'swishing' sounds coming from outside. I went to the back door in the kitchen and looked out. My yard was illuminated, so I walked outside onto the porch and suddenly noticed a wide disc shaped craft hovering above the house. It was at least 100 ft wide. In an instant I was hit by a beam of light and lifted off the top step of the porch. I was mid-air for almost 20 seconds, then slowly set down by the side of the tool barn. I was very groggy - almost like I was drunk.

I then noticed a figure moving out of a beam of blue light that came directly from below the craft. This figure was about 5 ft tall and looked human - but the extremities and head looked as though it had been burned and charred. It reminded me of a zombie from TV. It moved closer to me - I was literally frozen stiff. As it got closer I became nauseated - it looked awful and had a putrid odor. It backed away as I started to wretch, then vanished into the blue beam of light.

Without hesitation, the craft ascended swiftly - so fast that it created an instant vacuum that dropped me to my knees.

I got to my feet and ran into the house. I was scared and worried something else may happen. Then I noticed the time - it was 10:40 PM. I had lost almost one hour of time. I still don't understand what happened to me or the time. I feel fine but I'm still very concerned. I never believed in UFOs or other weird experiences people have said they had. Now it has happened to me and I have a deep sense of dread.

I talked to my close friend and she told me to search the internet. I don't know if she believed me but she was willing to help. To be frank, I am still concerned about contacting anyone about this.

My friend gave me several contacts to try. I sent emails and filled a few forms. I never heard back from any of them. Then I found the photo of the entity from Kenedy, TX that was posted on your blog. That is what I encountered - I know that it is the same thing or another like it. I can feel it deep inside me. That gas plant in Kenedy is only 20 miles from me!

Just yesterday, there was some talk that weird looking people were seen moving through a local field this past weekend. There was also a series of lights seen above the horizon at the same location. I don't know if this is related.

Can you get back to me? I really need some answers. ("Name withheld by request of the witness")


Here is the post from March 2013:





Nov. 2012 - I was working the night shift on an x-ray crew at a material gas plant. This was around 3 am and there was only four of us in the plant at the time. I took this picture after seeing something swaying side to side out of the corner of my eye. I was in the basket of a man lift coming down when I took the picture. By the time I unhooked my harness to get out of the basket the creature was gone. The police were called and walked premises. The officer told me there were 26 UFO sighting calls throughout that night. If you zoom in you can see the silhouettes of eyes and elongated mouth. I have no doubt of what I believed I seen that night. The other person that saw it with me took off running for the truck.

Followup received from witness:

You can use my name and the picture was taken near Kenedy, TX. I appreciate the quick reply. The picture was even printed in the local newspaper in Kennedy. I had sent the picture to the officer who came to the plant and assume he sent it to the newspaper.

Thanks Darryl.



Alien Encounters in the Western United States

Fallen Angel: UFO Crash Near Laredo, Texas

Haunted Texas: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Lone Star State (Haunted Series)"

Soyuz Tma 09M Crew At Baikonur Cosmodrome For Final Preperation
Expedition 36/37 Soyuz Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), NASA Flight Engineer Karen Nyberg, Flight Engineer Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency and backup crew members Mikhail Tyurin of Roscosmos, Rick Mastracchio of NASA and Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency participated in traditional ceremonies at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia, outside Moscow on May 16, 2013. Afterward, they departed for the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to complete training for their launch to the International Space Station in the Soyuz TMA-09M spacecraft on MAY 29, 2013 Kazakh time. After arriving in Baikonur, they are scheduled to conduct a series of prelaunch activities over the next two weeks as they prepare for liftoff to the orbital outpost.


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