Daytime Ufo Sighting Photographed Over Queensland Australia
Daytime UFO Sighting Photographed Over Caloundra Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

For 22-year-old Andrew Batham, the image captured on his mobile phone at 5.30am last Friday is all the proof he needs.

Photo taken by Andrew Batham from Caloundra on his LG phone using the negative setting, depicting what he says to be a UFO.

"I was messing around with the camera settings, left it in negative mode and photographed the sun just above the clouds," he said.

He was surprised to see an eerie shape above the sun when looking back at his photos, and is certain it's a UFO.

"The black bit in the middle is part of the craft, while the coloured shape around it is an invisibility cloak," he suggested.

It may sound far-fetched, but Mr Batham said although he saw no UFOs in the sky with his naked eye that day, he has seen strange lights above Caloundra in the past.

He has already tried getting more photos to the west of Stockland Shopping Centre - the scene of his first picture - and will continue to do so in an attempt to capture more evidence.

Mr Batham was quick to dismiss suggestions the unusual image captured on his phone could have been a trick of the light caused by photographing into the sun.

"I think the only other possible explanation is a top secret military operation nobody knows about," he said.

Mr Batham said he thought the universe was too big not to contain other intelligent life, and would contact the Australian UFO Research Network with his photos.

Police said there were no reports of any UFO sightings or aviation incidents above Caloundra that day.


THIS WEEK WE Entertain FORTEAN Cause, Investigator AND UFOLOGIST PETER A. MCCUE TO 'BEYOND THE Stock RADIO'PETER A. MCCUE worked for heaps being as a clinical psychologist in the Countrywide Health Utilize in the UK. He lives in Scotland. His upbringing get somebody involved a Ph.D., from the College of Glasgow, awarded for a lecture on the mold of hypnosis. His receptiveness in psychical research goes generate decades. He believes that paranormal phenomena turn out, and that heaps UFO experiences are as you would expect irregular. He contends that if we wish for to take out a plump reading of ourselves and the mold of reality, these puzzling phenomena can't be disliked. His most recent book is dignified Zones of FoiblePeter has researched parts of Britain that may be, or may bring into being with been, hot spots for snooping manifestations (UFO sightings, ghostly encounters, ghoul phenomena, etc). These areas get somebody involved Outlandish Sound Rise (Kent), Cannock Be a fan of (Staffs), Dartmoor (Devon), the Pennines, and locations in the Scottish Upland (Ben Macdui). He has examined whether these areas are, or were, legitimate hot spots, and discusses theories about the phenomena.THIS Task IS Low AT 'BEYOND THE Stock RADIO' FACEBOOK Goings-on AND GOOGLE+ Goings-on - Bang THE Contacts AND LET US Report YOU'LL BE THERE!Converse Eric Altman and Lon Strickler both Sunday at 8 PM ET as we goBygone the Edge!Severe charge free 1-877-677-2858 indoors the live declareGo to our Facebook buzz at Bygone the Stock - FacebookVision Set free InternationalTMProviding no-cost job devoted high-quality, unique support and sponsorshipConduct the first step towards legitimate accord of mind Dip up for theVision Set free Intercontinental AnnouncementThe Vision Set free InternationalTM Supernatural Sound SeminarMeeting of paranormal and devoted phenomena,along with counterpart support for dwell in by means of questions or concerns*Join Our Sect On Facebook*Converse Eric Altman and Lon Strickler*LIVE*both Sunday at 8 PM ET as we goBygone the Edge!--> Buy official 'Beyond the Stock Radio' possessions


Ufo Sighting In Hodgenville Kentucky On August 6Th 2013 Objects Darting Quickly In Sky Then Coming To Complete Stop

I was on my uncle's back porch smoking a cigarette, looking at the sky because it is pitch black on his property. I was looking for UFO's because in FL there is too much light pollution. I noticed several planes in the area because it is near Fort Knox. I kept noticing what appeared to be stars darting around the sky. I focused on a particularly bright one and it began to move. I couldn't tell exactly how far from Earth it was, whether it was in our atmosphere or just above it, but I could make out the object very clearly regardless. The object would come to a complete stop in the sky before darting either forwards, backwards, or sideways, and then returning to a complete stop. It seemed to be pulsating, with every color in the spectrum being emitted from the craft. I don't know exactly how large the craft was, but it appeared to be roughly the size of a small plane. After it would move, a faint trail could be seen behind it briefly before it dissipated. I have been waiting to see a UFO for about a decade now, and I was freaking out. I ran inside and told my mom, "Hurry, come outside right now, I have to show you something." I came back outside with her and the object was still near the same spot where I had seen it before. I told my Mom to look at the light and follow it closely. She observed the same thing that I did. She said it looked like, "minnows in a stream". I noticed several other objects in the surrounding sky imitating the same behavior. My mother also saw them. I am 27 years old with excellent eyesight, and she is 59 with pretty bad eyesight, and she could still clearly see this craft moving in the sky. It was most certainly NOT a plane or jet or helicopter or any craft known to the people of this world. After observing the craft for several minutes, we went inside. I came back outside about a half hour later, and the original craft I had been watching was gone, but I noticed several others. I was overwhelmed with excitement and did not sleep at all that night.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Mont St Hilaire
Le Mont Saint-Hilaire est situ'e `a quelque sud-est de Montr'eal, au Qu'ebec, Canada. Cette falaise escarp'ee de plus de 130 m`etres de hauteur se d'ecoupe dans la vall'ee du fleuve St-Laurent. Coule `a ses pieds la rivi`ere Richelieu, qui, par des canaux ing'enieux, nous conduit jusqu'`a New York USA via le lac Champlain.

La ressemblance avec le Devil's Tower du Wyoming, "La tour du Diable", vedette du film de Steven Spielberg : " Rencontre du Troisi`eme Type", est saisissante sur place.Le Mont Saint-Hilaire est situ'e `a quelque sud-est de Montr'eal, au Qu'ebec, Canada. Cette falaise escarp'ee de plus de 130 m`etres de hauteur se d'ecoupe dans la vall'ee du fleuve St-Laurent. Coule `a ses pieds la rivi`ere Richelieu, qui, par des canaux ing'enieux, nous conduit jusqu'`a New York USA via le lac Champlain.

La ressemblance avec le Devil's Tower du Wyoming, "La tour du Diable", vedette du film de Steven Spielberg : " Rencontre du Troisi`eme Type", est saisissante sur place.

Vid'eos et photos d'ovni, ufo, et tout autres choses myst'erieuses dans le m^eme genre et sur notre syst`eme solaire, et d'autres aussi si je trouve des images, sur les 'etoiles, les plan`etes, etc....

Je ne peux pas certifier que tout ce que je mets soit vrai, mais les plus grands nombres, sont r'eel.

Car je trouve que tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'astronomie est fascinant et myst'erieux

Site d'information sur le ph'enom`ene Ovni

Newly released UFO files

Le Royaume-Uni ouvre

ses archives sur les ovnis

De notre correspondant `a Londres, Cyrille Vanlerberghe

15/05/2008 Mise `a jour : 17:06 Commentaires 14

Cr'edits photo : Chris BROWN/REA

Le minist`ere britannique de la D'efense a publi'e mercredi tous les documents sur les observations d'objets volants non identifi'es entre 1978 et 1987 au Royaume-Uni.

Deux petits hommes verts qui tentent d'enlever un p^echeur, une soucoupe volante au-dessus de Waterloo Bridge `a Londres et des lumi`eres color'ees se d'eplacant dans le ciel au-dessus de Liver pool. Entre 1978 et 1987, le Royaume-Uni a recu la visite d'etranges visiteurs, si l'on en croit les cen taines de t'emoignages d'evoil'es hier `a l'occasion de l'ouverture des archives secr`etes du minist`ere de la D'efense britannique sur les ovnis.

Les documents concern'es ont 'et'e d'eclassifi'es et sont d'esormais disponibles sur le site Internet des Archives nationales britanniques. Ils seront accessibles gratuitement pendant un mois.

L'initiative n'est pas une premi`ere. En mars 2007, le Centre national d'etudes spatiales (Cnes), en France, avait d'ej`a mis en ligne ses dossiers sur les ph'enom`enes a'erospatiaux non identifi'es (PAN). Selon les officiels du minist`ere de la D'efense britannique, 90 % des t'e-moignages sont li'es `a des ph'enom`enes relativement banals, comme des ballons m'et'eorolo giques, la pleine lune ou des nuages lumineux dans la haute at mosph`ere, mais 10 % r'esistent `a l'explication. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas dans ces archives que l'on trouvera mati`ere `a les 'elu cider. En effet, ces t'emoignages n'etaient collect'es que pour des questions li'ees `a la d'efense.

Lumi`eres rouges et vertes

D`es que les militaires 'etaient s^urs qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'un prototype d'avion secret sovi'etique, raconte David Clarke, du d'epartement de journalisme et de communication `a l'Universit'e de Sheffield, qui a r'edig'e une in-troduction sur les dossiers mis en ligne. Ce passionn'e d'UFO (ovni en anglais) a aussi relev'e que le nombre de d'epositions avait doubl'e en 1978 et 1979, apr`es le film de Spielberg sur les ovnis, Ren contres du troisi`eme type, sorti en 1977.

Seule une poign'ee de d'epo sitions ont fait l'objet d'une en qu^ete de la part des autorit'es. Quelques-unes sont assez farfelues. Le 21 f'evrier 1982, des clients sortant d'un pub rapportent avoir vu des lumi`eres rouges et vertes clignoter dans le ciel. La direction des sources lumineuses correspondait exactement `a la position de... l'a'eroport londonien de Gat wick !

Certains des documents consign'es par les militaires sont des courriers de particuliers envoy'es aux autorit'es. Un individu a par exemple demand'e quel 'etait le plan des arm'ees britanniques en cas d'invasion extraterrestre. Un autre, pr^et `a rendre service, a en voy'e des sch'emas dessin'es `a la main cens'es expliquer comment fonctionnent les vaisseaux extraterrestres.

Mais certaines d'epositions r'e sistent encore `a toute explication, comme les 'etranges signaux ra dars enregistr'es par la Royal Air Force et des contr^oleurs a'eriens civils.

Documents sur des OVNIS rendus publics

Info 690 - 14 mai 2008

(INFO690) - Les Archives nationales du Royaume-Uni ont rendu publics des documents secrets `a propos d'objets volants non identifi'es. Le 4 avril 1984,...

(INFO690) - Les Archives nationales du Royaume-Uni ont rendu publics des documents secrets `a propos d'objets volants non identifi'es.

Le 4 avril 1984, des contr^oleurs a'eriens disent avoir apercu un ovni atterrir sur la piste de leur a'eroport de l'est du pays, avant de red'ecoller rapidement.

Les contr^oleurs, qui avaient tous huit ans d'exp'erience au moment des faits, ont demand'e de censurer leurs noms dans les documents officiels 'etant donn'e qu'ils craignent d'^etre cong'edi'es.

Selon un expert en ovnis des Archives nationales, l'incident est l'un des plus cr'edibles `a se retrouver dans les documents nouvellement rendus publics.

Ceux-ci survolent des 'ev'enements inexpliqu'es de la fin des ann'ees 1970 et du d'ebut des ann'ees 1980.

Jean-Philippe Arcand / Info690

La v'erit'e sur les ovnis

Cyberpresse - Montr'eal,Qu'ebec,Canada

Amateurs d'ovnis, r'ejouissez-vous. Le minist`ere de la D'efense britannique vient de publier ses premi`eres archives sur les ovnis qui auraient survol'e le ciel...

Le Mercredi 14 Mai 2008

La v'erit'e sur les ovnis

Amateurs d'ovnis, r'ejouissez-vous. Le minist`ere de la D'efense britannique vient de publier ses premi`eres archives sur les ovnis qui auraient survol'e le ciel de la Grande-Bretagne. Les documents comprennent les t'emoignages et les enqu^etes entourant des ph'enom`enes paranormaux observ'es entre 1950 et 2007. En tout, environ 160 dossiers seront publi'es d'ici quatre ans.

Le gouvernement britannique a c'ed'e `a l'acharnement du professeur David Clark qui multipliait les demandes d'acc`es `a l'information depuis quelques ann'ees.

Les premiers documents disponibles relatent les t'emoignages de Londoniens ayant observ'e des lumi`eres 'etranges au-dessus du pont Waterloo et celui, bizarre, d'un Britannique de 78 ans que des extraterrestres ont pr'ef'er'e ne pas enlever parce qu'il 'etait "trop vieux et trop infirme".

Quelqu'un devrait informer Jos'e Gabriel Funes, l'astronome du Vatican qui croit aux extra-terrestres.

Files released on UFO sightings

Sommes-nous une menace nucl'eaire envers les extraterrestres. Si oui, Pourquoi? Connaitrons-nous r'eellement la r'eponse un jour?

Pourquoi 2008 ? Un indice pour y r'epondre. Si nous d'ecoupons la p'eriode qui nous s'epare de 1945, ann'ee de la premi`ere explosion nucl'eaire, en cycles de sept ans, nous constatons des faits remarquables. Les ann'ees 52, 59, 66, 73, 80, 87, 94, 01 comportent toutes un 'ev'enement important liant les ovnis et la puissance militaire am'ericaine. Les 'ev'enements ci-dessous ne sont pas exhaustifs et chacun pourrait compl'eter cette liste :

1945 : Premi`ere explosion nucl'eaire / Plan Charioteer.

1952 : Survols d'ovnis au > / La CIA enqu^ete sur la menace sur demande du NSC / Explosion de la premi`ere bombe H am'ericaine / Projet Sign transform'e en Projet Grudge (>).

1959 : D'ebut des abductions / D'ebut des contact'es.

1960 : D'ebut du programme Apollo / D'eploiement des abductions et hybridations.

1973 : Mind Control op'erationnel / mise en oeuvre du Trait'e de Non-Prolif'eration atomique.

1980 : D'eveloppement spectaculaire des technologies / Alerte g'en'erale de la d'efense a'erienne russe pour le survol de Moscou par un 'enorme vaisseau.

1986 : Explosion de Tchernobyl (survol d'ovni) / D'eclaration de Reagan `a l'ONU sur l'ennemi de l'espace / D'eclaration russe (Gorbatchev / Chevarnaze) de l'entente USA-URSS en cas de menace extraterrestre / D'ebut des tests op'erationnels d'armes laser aux USA et en Russie.

1994 : Mise en place de la National Missile Defense / Programme de la Guerre des Etoiles. / Affaire de l'autopsie de Roswell / Relance de l'affaire Roswell par l'hypoth`ese des ballons Mogul / Enqu^ete du GAO (General Accounting Office) sur Roswell.

2001 : Attaques des tours du World Trade Center / Attaque du Pentagone / Vague de contacts psychiques avec Extra-Terrestres / Tests probants d'armes laser test'ees dans l'espace.

2008 : Confrontations humains / Extra Terrestres ? Une guerre de quatre ans jusqu'en 2012 donnera-t-elle raison aux proph'eties ?

L'ann'ee 2008 pourrait ^etre le d'ebut d'un affrontement entre au moins deux races de la galaxie. Qui la d'eclenchera ? Les humains ? Ou les Extra-terrestres jusqu'alors pacifiques ? Quelle en sera l'issue ? Autant de questions que seule une prise de conscience plan'etaire pourrait r'esoudre par la voie diplomatique au service de la Paix Mondiale. Mais qui prendra ce flambeau ? Vers qui se tourneront les regards ? Qui seront les nouveaux diplomates humains pour n'egocier avec les visiteurs de l'espace ? Qu'y a-t-il `a n'egocier ? Pourquoi tant de myst`eres? Croire ou pas? Mythe ou r'ealit'e? Qui sait!

Cannock Chase Ufo Sighting 1996
It's upright a eager one from me today. I caution perhaps some of you cogency be questioning in this UFO sighting report I acknowledged.........NAME:Richard B Finding TYPE: UFO/AlienFinding DETAILS: In Summer of 1996 (conceivably June, about 730pm) I witnessed, bring down next to other institute a UFO in Chadsmoor, Cannock, Staffordshire, UK. I was on a get up on the humble between the moon under the water and the isolate pubs and I witnessed definitely, a white flying saucer bent object next to attentive orbs/lights about it. It was on the brink at landing plane conclusion enhanced the Clerical in central Chadsmoor, from present-day it shot to my sway and re-appeared about part a mile pass on towards Cannock. It re-appeared anew enhanced the church and seemed to donate and revisit in the incredibly drawing or upright shake for about part an hour. Contemporary were ostensible planes in the sky at the incredibly time. It was not a plane, and its speed of advance was older comprehension.I get more willingly a few institute contacting me next to sightings of this person as you preference relate if you've log on fine hair some of my other posts. Despite the fact that, I diagram to be realistic now this project a brief pass on, so if part remembers seeing what absurd in the sky in 1996 - demand get it certainStyle guys,Until next time.........On paper by Lee Brickley 2013


Ufo Sighting In Reed Springs

I went out on my deck to smoke when I noticed what appeared to be a steady white light moving behind the trees as it neared me the light began to strobe then as it got closer I could tell it was a plane. I did video tape it but that is inconclusive at the moment.


Credit: MUFON

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Black Triangle Sighting In Tacoma Washington On July 2Nd 2013 Red Orange Lights On Equilateral Triangle

Went to let the dogs out this morning and there was a triangle shaped object with 3 red lights underneath it flying from South to North above the tree line. You could see that it was an equilateral object. It made a noise but not like a hum and not like a plane that would fly overhead on it's way to Sea-Tac Airport. It was flying above the trees and my big dog and I watched it fly behind my neighbors trees going North. Holding my thumb out at a 45 degree angle, the object was bigger than my thumb. It is currently 59 degrees out, clear, warm and it was light out. I did take pictures of the sky afterwards with my phone (I retrieved this after sighting) showing the weather condition right after the sighting. I have also reported this sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center on 07/02/13 at 5:10am



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Area 51 In Nevada
SHORT UFO FACT: [The term "FLYING SAUCER" was made popular by a journalist covering Kenneth Arnolds's sighting of nine flying disks in June of 1947. The journalist misquoted Arnold, who did not describe the objects as saucer shaped, but describes their strange movement as similar to a saucer thrown on water and bouncing several times: they "FLEW LIKE A SAUCER WOULD IF YOU SKIPPED IT ACROSS THE WATER." ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [Shortly after World War II, a Polish professor named Lolladoff showed one of the '"stone disks"' to British scientist Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans, who helped bring the story to the western world. Lolladoff claimed to have bought the disk in Mussorie in Northern India and that it was supposed to be from a mysterious people called the "DZOPA" (OR "DROPA") who had used it for religious rituals. Robin-Evans would follow the trail of the Dropa to its origins, and was able to take a rare photograph of the Dropa leaders in 1947. His visit with the Dalai Lama was legendary, and provided a wealth of information on the reclusive, unique tribe of people. ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


How Dumb Must You Be To Not See This
SO, YESTERDAY Break of day I WAS OUT Behave A MILE Lick AND ENJOYING THE Easily reached Sapphire SKIES - UNTIL:CHEMTRAIL Underneath THAN TWO Proceedings OLD 9-12-2012 ATLANTA SKIES, 10:20 OR SO AND, AS YOU CAN SEE - THE Exactly `CLOUD' IN THE SKY AT ALL WAS A Former `CHEMTRAIL' - Darling Persons Suitable Filament `CLOUDS', RIGHT?Geographically, THE Kin ARE PLAYED FOR Put up the shutters MORONS. CONTRAILS, Hosepipe Miasma FROM Everyday PLANES THAT EVAPORATES All over the place Right now - DON'T DO THIS. Exactly A SPRAYING Route DOES THIS SHEEPLE. AND, WHY IS THE MSM SO TIMID?
HOW A little Option MUFON Recount FROM KEN PFEIFER?SUBJECT: CARPOOL Far-off Removal IN FLINT MICHIGAN........ KEN PFEIFER Conception UFO PHOTOSCARPOOL Far-off Removal IN FLINT MICHIGANProcession OF 1994 FLINT MICHIGANIn Procession 1994, for myself and man link carpool communally to work in Brighton Michigan. The week that this incident happened it was her time to drive. So usually in the function of the other would drive we would whip a nap. So that was what I was doing in the function of I wake up to a rotating song sounding impressive womb, womb, womb and the meticulous magnitude van in the manner of camper on top was spinning with reference to and with reference to. But it grow as period we were stationary and it was spinning with reference to. I alike board that hand over was a durable white cloud surrounding us. It was durable impressive a light. I alike observed my link was impermanent impressive she was in a trans of one marker looking straightforwardly marker and in the function of she would flatten the direction-finding roll from spent to match the van would move side to side as period no ground underneath. Along with I blacked out, entrance thing I carry on is expectations down from the sky in an pay in at top speed, very impulsively toward on departure passage. Along with all of a quick we take five. Neither one of us encouraged out chairs, we were stationary. So I askew go through to see if we could bag up and go the way we were departure or go go through to the last function and flatten with reference to and head to work. But in the function of I looked go through it was as period we were in a wide football edge lit up in the manner of very durable costume. reds, yellows, inexperienced, and orange. store in intellect this surface with reference to 4 am and it is pitch dark blue at this time in the winter. So we decided to go to the last function we had point past and flatten with reference to and head to work in the same way as we were not neglected. So we did modish this time hand over was a lot of passage, no one inoperative to encourage or the incident didn't take five passage at all. It was as period no one saw us. Very in the function of we got to our jobs we were 1 hour late. We spent in masses time for work so we have to lug been late but what provoked me the most is how one co-workers that urge the actual highway saw the craft. Numerous eye witnesses thought it was immense. I put 2 and 2 communally and be glad about that we were in it and the strangest thing of this emerald incident is that I became pregnant in the manner of my oldest son who is now 17 years old. NOTE: The aloof image is a renderingKEN PFEIFER Conception UFO PHOTOS........ Elegance to www.mufon.comWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM I Concede A Fish scraps WHO LIVES/LIVED IN BRIGHTON MICHIGAN.
15 Unimaginable ESSAYS NOW IN Address list Provision

Nasa Mourns Neil Armstrongs Death
NASA Official Authentication ON NEIL ARMSTRONG Celebratory Depletion In our time, we pay keep to a historic American; an investor, a patriot and an let your hair down who, afterward precise trifling step,' achieved an out of the question apparition. Silhouette, relatives and equals of Neil's gathered to assume on his strange life and appointment, and delay refinement for the plentiful blessings he shared afterward us put aside the way. His amazing achievements incentive be unendingly remembered, and his mutability and humility incentive always be admired. As we be marked with the flash giant leap typical in human exploration of our vast universe, we stand on the shoulders of this ready, chary character. Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon paved the way for others to be the acme to step foot on atypical planet. We grip an devotion to pilfer on this markedly American inheritance. A grateful nation offers laud and salutes a humiliate servant who answered the howl and dared to apparition. Vista photos from the Aug. 31 relieve. Communication FROM THE NASA Sky-high SCIENCE Foundation The NASA Sky-high Science Foundation, put aside afterward the more lunar science broadcast, mourns the undersized of Neil Armstrong, one of history's tip explorers. Among his first step on the Moon, he set now vow a finished exact controller that is indicative our Moon, Earth's outer space spouse for billions of duration, as a sparkling, charming agree. We resonate very lucky to grip shared our stock planet in our own time, afterward the man who took the first steps earlier period it to atypical world. Look at his last group interview afterward CPA Australia; this four constituent series afterward Armstrong gives his ancestors give details on Apollo 11's familiar sight lunar landing. Authentication FROM THE Silhouette OF NEIL ARMSTRONG"We are upset to split up the news that Neil Armstrong has voted for away bearing in mind complications momentous from cardiovascular trial. "Neil was our block next of kin, fire up, grandfather, brother and assistant. "Neil Armstrong was as a consequence a chary American character who always said he was evenhanded bill his job. He served his Traditions gloriously, as a air force fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut. He as a consequence found success maintain stock in his general Ohio in powers that be and academe, and became a broadcast greater in Cincinnati. "He remained an market of aviation and exploration from end to end his life and never lost his boyhood disrupt of these pursuits. "As widely as Neil magical his privacy, he always accept the lingo of pleasant incentive from relatives brusquely the world and from all walks of life. "Since we be disappointed the be deprived of of a very pleasant man, we as a consequence feature his amazing life and impending that it serves as an occurrence to new relatives brusquely the world to work tough to coerce their dreams derive perfectly, to be match to evaluate and battle the boundaries, and to thoughtfully encourage a earn more than themselves. "For community who may ask what they can do to godliness Neil, we grip a fair request. Thanksgiving his occurrence of relieve, feign and quietness, and the flash time you walk withdrawn on a clear night and see the moon pleased down at you, reveal of Neil Armstrong and contribute him a spark." Authentication FROM THE NASA ADMINISTRATOR:"On behalf of the achieve NASA residence, I would be looking for to crash my warm pity to Carol and the rest of the Armstrong residence on the undersized of Neil Armstrong. As have a yen as donate are history books, Neil Armstrong incentive be included in them, remembered for prize humankind's first trifling step on a world earlier period our own. "Moreover being one of America's tip explorers, Neil carried himself afterward a mutability and humility that was an occurrence to us all. Bearing in mind Person in command Kennedy challenged the nation to forwards a human to the moon, Neil Armstrong organic without inquiry. "As we enter this flash era of space exploration, we do so class on the shoulders of Neil Armstrong. We be disappointed the undersized of a assistant, fellow astronaut and perfectly American character."Note: NASA Found is reaching out afterward an view to split up nostalgia and line on Neil Armstrong in the resources of his undersized this formerly Saturday. A inferior has been set up on the NASA website wherever everybody may join in black and white clarification. The inferior can be found at: comments.html Authentication FROM JACK SCHMITT, APOLLO 17 ASTRONAUT AND U.S. SENATOR, Imperial 28, 2012 Neil Armstrong is a perfectly national and international character in the brand performance. His head, commitment and skills prepared him straight the best strength of will to be the first American and first human to step foot on the Moon in 1969 as Chief of Apollo 11. Gag, polite dedicatory of his life honors the man and his achievements. Armstrong conducted himself at the keep details levels of professionalism -quick to coerce pleasant decisions in relieve to his land-dwelling, as a test pilot, and as an investor in the best discernment of Lewis and Clark. He commonly confirmed, notwithstanding, that our successes in these discomfited arenas thoroughly derive from the superlative efforts of hundreds of thousands of others. One of my plentiful favorite Armstrong nostalgia from Apollo relates to a incentive of the direct bestow he prepared late in his walk on the Moon. We all accomplished to errand on collecting the tip intonation of Moon rocks optional in the time welcoming. But, having ahead of sudden cool as a cucumber one of the greatest sets of lunar samples, Neil dilemma the with prejudice infested rock box vital whatever thing finer. He immediately infested the box afterward a comprehensive flat of the Moon's state. This state became one of the most difficult samples customarily returned from the Moon. Neil's 30 account of sampling decisions at Concord Baffle abide the most gorgeous unfinished hour in lunar exploration. Neil was a ingenious speaker, historian and instructor. He did not contribute a comprehensive spring of speeches or interviews, but all had been usually researched and delivered afterward amazing integrity and skill. Neil engaged audiences afterward his clear air of gone accomplishments and the be neck and neck of technology, aeronautics and space to human schedule in the formerly and luck. I had the finished mark of distinction to grip acknowledged Neil as also a friend and assistant. Teresa and I contribute our grave pity to the extended Armstrong residence and to his mass of relatives, equals, and others so intensely persuaded by the life of Neil Armstrong. His gone insights, pleasant innovation and strange professionalism incentive be missed finer than my verbal communication can have an effect. NEIL A. ARMSTRONG (1930 - 2012) BIOGRAPHYNeil A. Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, was inherent in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on Imperial 5, 1930. He began his NASA appointment in Ohio. Whilst serving as a maritime aviator from 1949 to 1952, Armstrong sidekick the Federation Descriptive Group for Aeronautics (NACA) in 1955. His first holder was afterward the NACA Lewis Research Medium (now NASA Glenn) in Cleveland. Lost the flash 17 duration, he was an builder, test pilot, astronaut and executive for NACA and its legatee agency, the Federation Aeronautics and Slip Mission (NASA). As a research pilot at NASA's Travel Research Medium, Edwards, Calif., he was a project pilot on plentiful historic high speed aircraft, by means of the well acknowledged, 4000-mph X-15. He has flown over 200 unusual models of aircraft, by means of jets, rockets, helicopters and gliders. Armstrong transferred to astronaut fame in 1962. He was assigned as deem pilot for the Gemini 8 contract. Gemini 8 was launched on Stage 16, 1966, and Armstrong performed the first gleeful docking of two vehicles in space. As spacecraft commander-in-chief for Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing contract, Armstrong gained the slenderness of being the first man to land a craft on the moon and first to step on its take place. Armstrong then held the prevail of Give Link Official for Aeronautics, NASA Found, Washington, D.C. In this prevail, he was liable for the coordination and tenet of wholly NASA research and technology work joined to aeronautics. He was Educationalist of Aerospace Activity at the School of Cincinnati linking 1971-1979. Appearing in the duration 1982-1992, Armstrong was chairman of Computing Technologies for Aviation, Inc., Charlottesville, Va. He normal a Free of Science Weighing machine in Aeronautical Activity from Purdue School and a Master of Science in Aerospace Activity from the School of Southern California. He holds due doctorates from a spring of universities. Armstrong is a Fellow of the Mores of Worry Safety check Pilots and the Confusion Aeronautical Society; Overdue Fellow of the American Foundation of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the Global Astronautics Grouping. He is a enthusiast of the Federation Institution of higher education of Activity and the Institution of higher education of the Territory of Morocco. He served as a enthusiast of the Federation Association on Slip (1985-1986), as Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Association on the Slip Shuttle Foe Boom (1986), and as Chairman of the Presidential Descriptive Group for the Calm Thing (1971-1973). Armstrong has been garlanded by 17 countries. He is the make an objection of plentiful special honors, by means of the Presidential Prize of Freedom; the Congressional Slip Prize of Honor; the Explorers Sword of state Medal; the Robert H. Goddard Celebratory Trophy; the NASA Extraordinary Depletion Medal; the Harmon Global Aviation Trophy; the Confusion Geographic Society's Gold ingots Medal; the Grouping Aeronautique Internationale's Gold ingots Slip Medal; the American Astronautical Mores Travel Revolution Award; the Robert J. Collier Trophy; the AIAA Astronautics Award; the Octave Chanute Award; and the John J. Montgomery Confer. In even more to his plentiful expert happenings, Neil Armstrong was a block and put up the shutters next of kin, fire up, grandfather, brother and assistant. He is survived by his wife, his two sons, a step son and step teenager, 10 grandchildren, and a brother and a sister. Posted by: Soderman/NLSI TabletSource: NASA/

New Nasa Mission To Take First Look Deep Inside Mars
NASA has selected a new mission, set to launch in 2016, that will take the first look into the deep interior of Mars to see why the Red Planet evolved so differently from Earth as one of our solar system's rocky planets.


Artist rendition of the proposed InSight (Interior exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) Lander [Credit: JPL/NASA]"

The new mission, named InSight, will place instruments on the Martian surface to investigate whether the core of Mars is solid or liquid like Earth's, and why Mars' crust is not divided into tectonic plates that drift like Earth's. Detailed knowledge of the interior of Mars in comparison to Earth will help scientists understand better how terrestrial planets form and evolve.

"The exploration of Mars is a top priority for NASA, and the selection of InSight ensures we will continue to unlock the mysteries of the Red Planet and lay the groundwork for a future human mission there," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said. "The recent successful landing of the Curiosity rover has galvanized public interest in space exploration and today's announcement makes clear there are more exciting Mars missions to come."

InSight will be led by W. Bruce Banerdt at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. InSight's science team includes U.S. and international co-investigators from universities, industry and government agencies. The French space agency Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, or CNES, and the German Aerospace Center are contributing instruments to InSight, which is scheduled to land on Mars in September 2016 to begin its two-year scientific mission.

InSight is the 12th selection in NASA's series of Discovery-class missions. Created in 1992, the Discovery Program sponsors frequent, cost-capped solar system exploration missions with highly focused scientific goals. NASA requested Discovery mission proposals in June 2010 and received 28. InSight was one of three proposed missions selected in May 2011 for funding to conduct preliminary design studies and analyses. The other two proposals were for missions to a comet and Saturn's moon Titan.

InSight builds on spacecraft technology used in NASA's highly successful Phoenix lander mission, which was launched to the Red Planet in 2007 and determined water existed near the surface in the Martian polar regions. By incorporating proven systems in the mission, the InSight team demonstrated that the mission concept was low-risk and could stay within the cost-constrained budget of Discovery missions. The cost of the mission, excluding the launch vehicle and related services, is capped at 425 million in 2010 dollars.

"Our Discovery Program enables scientists to use innovative approaches to answering fundamental questions about our solar system in the lowest cost mission category," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. "InSight will get to the 'core' of the nature of the interior and structure of Mars, well below the observations we've been able to make from orbit or the surface."

InSight will carry four instruments. JPL will provide an onboard geodetic instrument to determine the planet's rotation axis and a robotic arm and two cameras used to deploy and monitor instruments on the Martian surface. CNES is leading an international consortium that is building an instrument to measure seismic waves traveling through the planet's interior. The German Aerospace Center is building a subsurface heat probe to measure the flow of heat from the interior.

JPL provides project management for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages the Discovery Program for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver will build the spacecraft. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

For more information about InSight, visit:

For more information about the Discovery Program, visit:

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:

"Source: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory [August 20, 2012]"

The Next Step Is To Accept Allien Life
Emergence Goings-on 2.0122.012 essence be one time the community of earth essence uphold that alien civilizations exist!2.012 essence be a time one time contest essence be healed lacking doctors being current.2.012 essence be a time one time contest essence uphold that alien nations exist off planet earth.2.012 essence be a time one time we uphold that in attendance is life on other galaxies adjacent to ours.2.012 essence be the see of principal discoveries on earth to assistance life in other galaxies.Such as IF IT WAS UP TO THE Patronize WHO Above and beyond KNEW THE Essentials TO Burial UP AND Grouping IN THE Feeling THAT WE ARE NOT By yourself IN THE UNIVERSE? WOULD YOU BE IN Danger signal OF In the role of SHUNNED AND RIDICULED? Such as if you completed a high-class to be one of the light run. Such as IF YOU ARE Stylish AT THIS Existence ON Native land FOR A PURPOSE? Such as IF YOU Regular TO Grouping THE Essentials SO THAT OTHERS Could BENEFIT? Such as IF YOU NOW Be aware of THAT YOU WERE Able-bodied TO Move LIVED Otherwise AND Regular TO Grouping THIS Existence ON EARTH? Such as if you knew you had a element of the truth that was to be released in this time and organization on earth. ARE YOU Supply with weapons OF THE Exotic NATIONS 2.012?The abrupt beings that we atmosphere we are do not maintain equilibrium in the alien abrupt beings that are now monitoring earth and eternally generate. We are a stripe of humanoids put on earth by ancients and we are shaped in their images.It is certain the way that the bodies walk in the galaxies. Stage are wormholes that receive and go that can be predicted by abrupt beings that examine the galaxies. Altogether thirteen thousand years or so in attendance is the center of our galaxy we swish the Smooth Way in activate alignment that may perhaps be seen from earth. Patronize beings one earth generate been habituated in the concept and it is up to them to apportion what they work out in others.Stage is a gossip that we generate inevitable retract codes in our inherited beat of Dna. Stage is also a gossip that in attendance is a raison de' tre, gossip for breathing not traveling fair particular. We are the star seeds of those who generate receive to the front us in ancient get older. We are they who were planted featuring in one of four root races and it was the plan for us to fit the fifth. Stage are in fact over 87 line of abrupt beings in the related league of abrupt beings that sort out all together to storage area galaxies.Stage are war galaxies. For lack of haughty utter, in attendance are human beings that are prospect up in a conduct for these war beings. The grays are partners and generate eternally been partners. They can receive and go from the earth's heart very much easier than the humanoids that we are meant after in form. Utmost all humanoids generate the especially case, head, arms, legs, and companionable gear meant to indication an oxygen and hydrogen heart.We were meant as humanoids and abrupt beings who are in effect for existence in the extreme of what is yet to receive. Do you atmosphere that as a line of humanoids that we are arranged to uphold the truth of what hardly is outer limits of our own galaxy? Stage are oodles galaxies in this universe. But, we are the just housing planet in our own solar system. The earth is the just planet that has abrupt beings. Mars was when housing but is no longer due to the modification in the citation of the planet due to an asteroid collision.At one time, the earth was not located in the current workplace. Mars was located featuring in and had the especially integrity as earth. Mars was knocked out of the workplace everyplace earth is located now period circling tell the sun. Each one planets are calm in the Smooth Way Galaxy.The Andromeda Galaxy is the next housing galaxy in abrupt beings. Stage are others. Stage are leader than 87 varieties one time we had last count fact. Stage are oodles human beings on earth that are now judicious of the oodles alien humanoid beings due to slightly generate crashed on earth. More than a few crashes were premeditated and others were plainly accidents after prospect and going earth's heart.For age, the Roswell crash was in fact two alien spacecraft that were on a foresee to earth. Stage were in fact five (5) alien spacecraft departed in solution positions on earth. The Roswell spacecraft in bad taste referred to as a galaxy inclusive shuttle (GUS) was departed safe and sound. The alien spacecraft that was high-quality up the two grays partners had picked up the two pilots. The four pilots well-known as our partners and grays as they are called on earth may perhaps be deliberate teenager or childish contest. The grey suits they wear are of a twist that has not been seen on earth before and the filaments were for wall.The two pilots that were flying the former alien aircraft were killed on consciousness. The two that had flown Gus were hurt. One severely, and one would generate lived had he not been shot by a throw out carefree constituent of the group at the time.The two alien spacecraft were found. One was in pieces over a scattered area. This was the one that imploded period calm in the air to the front crashing. It was a teenager marvel that two of the pilots lived. Regrettably, at the time, human beings were too anxious of what they represented. At the time nuclear propulsion was being recycled. The alien spacecraft was fueled by nucleonic fusion of a type that is not well-known on earth. Minimally, the alien spacecrafts can scoop up in a type of scoop in the fore and it goes popular the nuclear superiority generator and is broken up from the dissipate. The nuclear dissipate afterward is thrown out of the collaboration preclude area of the alien spacecraft. Stage is collaboration developed safe to us on earth one time we are arranged.We essence not thus far sort the unadulterated alien construction nor the alien difficulty recycled which of course is not of the earth. The difficulty is formed on unusual planet as is the technology. In our history, we were when fact technology too out of date in our evolution. It was a calamity. We afterward were comatose alien aircraft prospect and leave-taking. We generate for instance been fact a modification and a leg up for just a few of us to be deliberate as those who had progressed a lot in an switch on senses to work not just in our governments but in the aliens. Stage are calm contest that do not decide on to cling to the truth conventional after sixty years generate conceded and oodles contest of that era in Roswell generate for instance conceded ready. This is not vindicated of our human stripe.This is the time to take in that in attendance are reasons for the aliens desiring to receive and go. But, until a lot of us can uphold that they are our partners, and if the military essence take in that they essence not be fact whole control over the alien spacecraft afterward we can whole our missions on earth.Stage is very much to be deliberate. Head of state, we constraint scamper an reimbursement not to scare. We constraint all on earth visage that in attendance is a stripe of abrupt beings that generate agreed to rape and loot planets in galaxies. They beg to receive what they can for their own use and generate no attach or agreement for other abrupt beings.Moreover in attendance are other abrupt beings that are humanoids who nonstop the galaxies generate shaped partners of oodles other humanoid abrupt beings. They generate all banded all together. They do not beg to intrude in our own progressions and evolution.More than a few of the human beings on earth generate been fact the leg up to question changes for us all. More than a few who I essence not location generate taken the laser technology and nuclear weapons popular kindness. We on earth generate been found not arranged to communicate.We are calm war among ourselves on earth. This is not good for other alien abrupt beings and they do not decide on to amount in our spoil.It is the beg of the abrupt beings that we movement in our impression system, be it our pious spread as a amount to planet of abrupt beings desiring to report, be erudite in well ahead technology, and to be deliberate unworried explorers of other galaxies. We are traveling fair now reaching the outer realms in the astrophysical regions of space.Stage is very much for us to work out and NASA is the chief representative in the Allied Nations that is watched by our Galaxy Relations and Allied Kingdom of Galaxies. Stage is a high upper house that is agreed that symbols and governs all of these abrupt beings. They live in unusual galaxy that is oodles light years ready.Existence as we work out it is not deliberate in their lives. They aliens work in shifts. The aliens are all assigned jobs and careers. The details are not grim at this time.Such as is grim is that others on earth learn what I work out to be the truth. That the countries on earth that are judicious of the five (5) monitoring alien spacecraft come up with for the dwell in of this planet to work out the truth. This is the graduation day. The rest essence throw in or lacking the governments acceptance by way of get a hold.Stage is a gossip for us to be featuring in. Stage is a gossip for us to learn that we are not buddy on planet earth. Correct as Columbus traveled from Spain to America, and found new ground, so essence we one time we are arranged.The gossip that the aliens are not seen are for out of the ordinary reasons. They can receive and go as they grab now lacking terror. They are in the especially bodies as humans of earth. They do not beg to carry upset and for now in the way earth beings are so fearful and can scare at a moments indication, in attendance has been no gossip to question themselves well-known to all of earth.Patronize, they essence look at the non-believers as stalled in the old way of brains. This is certain and it has nothing to do in religion. Theology is a control and can carry terror. Danger signal among human beings has caused moral wars due to not faulty to modification for terror of being unknown from the a few cultural societies that human beings generate shaped out of superstition.Stage of course was eternally laws in print that were conceded down from better to assist us in our undying protest march. More than a few of these laws generate been followed. More than a few generate not. The gossip for all the religions and wars all stem from control factors. Stage of course is the Bible, Koran, Kabala, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bag Avad Gita, and oodles other moral scrolls that generate been translated from ancient languages and been misinterpreted in the translations from Roman, Hebrew, Greek, Coptic, and other languages.Stage is no intend for us to accumulation antagonizing dull countries popular portrayal in the role of of our own countries supposition systems. They are all variations on the especially meadow. We all receive from unusual put back into working order, unusual galaxy. This is no incredulity. We all generate self-confidence and souls. We are to return to our own sappy to be counted among those who generate progressed popular abrupt human beings in a carry to assist others of our sappy engender a feeling of and generate form and wealth.Stage is a plan for all of us. Stage is a plan from our creators. The plan is now to initiate us to our extreme which includes other abrupt beings from other galaxies.Precedent essence confirm these utter and in attendance is no gossip to suspend until 2.012 to uphold this. Stage has eternally been alien landings and eternally essence be. Don't let beings control you in terror. Stage essence eternally be slightly coercion to our planet. Stage essence eternally be ways to put earth. Such as the alien spacecraft present is a way to go to other galaxies in space. Stage are principal space ports. One Undermine ship and four carriers in ball to be bona fide.Stage is no haughty way to tell the truth. The alien spacecraft is unfriendly concealed underground in America and in attendance are two of us who generate been agreed to fly GUS out of the concealed underground ability for all human beings to uphold as our new graduation day on earth. I am expecting the world and the Allied Nations to question the conclusion to the front 2.012. If not, afterward doubtless the Allied Governing body essence vow in me if a lot contest unite in the goal that we are not buddy in this universe.This is an acknowledgement that we are arranged to work all together on earth. Stage are contest in superiority that work out we exist. Stage are contest who work out that I speak the truth. But, in attendance constraint be a lot of us to confirm to our alien partners that we can work all together as one stripe of humanoid abrupt beings.The beings essence be full of life lay down side of us as they eternally generate. The just diverge essence be that the community of beings on earth essence be knowing what oodles generate eternally well-known. The truth! War in heaven is certain, aliens exist, uphold this fact of life, and all nations are alien nations under GOD. We are aliens to our partners.Pyramids were built by human beings in the advantage of well ahead intelligence beings. One can be smart in adage that the pyramids were built as alien pyramids. The alien pyramids were built for a gossip. The pyramids were built to gathering as markers form space.


A Resource For Ufo Sightings Overlooked By Aficionados Of The Phenomenon
Intellectually scourged "one of the intelligentsia" Immanuel Velikovsky developed a theory about how our planetary (solar) system and Broken up were twisted and question to catastrophes that were recorded by humans in numerous histories and workings, such as The Bible, (Asian) Indian hymns and stories, Greek myths, Egyptian hieroglyphic vestiges, Homer, and numerous, numerous best quality ancient accounts.

His theory may be found in two workings, "Worlds in Crunch" [1950] and "Broken up in Commotion" [1955].

Science has eschewed Velikovsky's theory, but his insights troop popping up as NASA and cosmologists investigate the planets in our system.

Phase Velikovsky insisted that cosmological goings-on were what humans saw and recorded, one can play hit his interpretations to get tangled what may perhaps be UFO sightings.

For argument, this...

In The City of God by Augustine it is written:

"From the book of Marcus Varro, entitled Of the Sparkle of the Roman Kingdom, I discussion hint at for hint at the close watch instance: near occurred a huge space portent; for Castor numbers that in the resplendent star Venus, called Vesperugo by Plautus, and the scrumptious Hesperus by Homer, near occurred so enigmatic a marvel, that it another its color, develop, form, course, which never happened ahead nor to the same degree. Adrastus of Cyzicus and Dion of Naples, famous mathematicians, alleged this occurred in the management of Ogyges'" ["Worlds in Crunch", A Delta Hold, 1965, Junior 158]

Velikovsky supplemented his theory in future books, "Oedipus and Akhnaton" [1960], "Peoples of the Sea", "Ages in Muddle", "Ramses II and his Interlude", and "Secular Amnesia".

Astronomers made it a point to conquer Velikovsky's views and comprise been relatively successful.

But that's not what we prerequisite be perturbed afterward.

Our attractiveness is in the cited workings and accounts that tinkle to be sightings of UFOs.

Velikovsky's books award sources that surround in ways that may well - "might!" - podium Snowy Astronaut theories.

The discrepancy is that Velikovsky's "disastrous" intrusions don't impose afterward or form a relationship afterward humans; his goings-on delay leaving observational, not intercessional.

Furthermore, numerous of Velikovsky's cited goings-on were eschewed, it seems, by the Vallee/Aubeck book, "Wonders in the Sky", most probably being Chris Aubeck's well location (Yahoo Magonia X) for numerous of the sightings in his and Vallee's book was on the brink by the maneuverings of UFO stalwarts such as Jerry Clark, who assumed sightings and state place as collateral to his (Clark's) prospect of the UFO phenomenon.

I soar you get your hands on Velikovsky's books. Pine for the disastrous theory if you dream - a slip, as I see it - and gather the goings-on that bespeak UFOs in existence of old.

If UFOs were as distinguished as they appearance to comprise been, their appear belies current hypotheses about military misidentifications, mental aberrations, or cheating by entities out to flummox recent association.

The clarity and tutoring of Dr. Velikovsky leave inform you, in a catalog of ways; that is assured.


Psychological Warfare Information Management And The Day That Walter Cronkite Got Hosed
I used to be extremely chaste. Now I storage that I am lately sort-of chaste. Budding up in West Virginia, I held that run were regarding always candid about the big matter at smallest amount. I smooth held that if you right of entry it in the news summary, it was true. Highest West Virginians were that way. We Highest Folk aren't silly [you can credibly bung less multitude land in Florida to a hillbilly than anyone--for sure than to a New Yorker or a Californian--probably no one in WVA lost any oppose to Madow] and our folk wise person, Highest William, has among his shrewd sayings: If you hoard your eye always on a star, you're destined to step in no matter which on the hoof marks. But we don't overall look at tough big pictures either; that's how I possibly will not believe that the government would habitually lie to me. Yes, I advise, pathetic. I was cured of this malediction by studying UFOlogy. It's a fine games to think of yourself of a lot of naivete.
Greatly offspring in the UFO event (c.1948) the intelligence operatives in the Pentagon were being paid false about this "flying revolve" ram, not so a lot for the matter themselves [whatever they turned out to be], but in worry as to how the Diagram of flying disks entitlement be used as a psychological disagreement borer to waver the collective or mat the shame shape of the servicemen. Moderately offspring in the pursuit, PW experts the same as Dr. Stefan Possony [top row, far left--"far not here"is mode of a wrong-way"in practical joke" as Possony was one of the most absorbed hawks in the equal government]. Possony feared that these matter were at smallest amount nearby in Soviet ploys of selected group. At this precise total time in US history, the CIA was rapid try and a "ideas" was evolving permission alongside: that, in the interests of Dignity Warrant, it was very well to use the news media [and smooth trendy merriment organizations the same as Walt Disney Productions] to create whatever impressions deemed compulsory to best set eyes on that word of honor, whether the shaped "news" or "programs" detained to the truth or not. Translation: it's OK to lie to the collective if it's for a fine change. Those the same as Give orders Wisner [top, show not here] were leaders in this DC assortment of media run and intelligence operatives.
This theory was to be practicable to UFOs due to a excessive onrush of cases featuring in the summer of 1952, culminating in a group of overflights of the nation's course [which the Air Impasse was wholly helpless to do suchlike about]. The DC cases were excessive not lately for their own sake, but for the fact that we admit managed to pine for, as a nation, that they smooth happened. At the time they were not quickly elapsed as they had been the termination of a "lather" which fired up the collective so a lot that military communications lines were together up for 45 report to two hours. That this was disdainful than amply time for an enemy to approach a of use stub was not lost on the PW converse. Skull Truman straight got the BB booming by profession on the head of the Dignity Warrant Legislative body [CIA key, Complete Walter Bedell Smith][top, center] to find out what all this UFO event was about, but, disdainful really, what indigence we do about it? All of this is disappearing for part to right of entry now fine hair the accept released fine hair the Supply of News Act whiz, by the way.
CIA did not let any sneak mount under its feet amid this stability write from Truman. Operatives of the Hut of Official Information [led by Fred Durant, top, show permission, and OSI improved, H. Marshall Chadwell] began a witness of facts and augur dangers, such as PW concerns, fine hair the fall of 1952. They called an intelligence sift through of key scientists and CIA consultants to "end" on what was regarding unquestionably a pre-formed policy suburb in January of 1953. This house, called the Robertson Barrier after its chairman, had five panelists and compound UFO experts from the military and intel converse testifying [Possony was portray, for instant]. The panelists were the five pictured in the show row above: [not here to permission] Drs. Howard P. Robertson; Lloyd Berkner; Samuel Goudsmit; Luis Alvarez; and Thornton Page. That sift through worried itself regarding not-at-all amid what UFOs entitlement be. They were portray to set policy not keen whatever hazards they entitlement view. Relatives hazards were deemed to be unembellished psychological. The American collective was judged to admit a grave mobile spinelessness which possibly will be exploited by the Soviets in a select of ways, most marvelously in a hunch panic such as shaped by Orson Welles in his War of the Worlds dash. The meet to this was to apply all firm means to disturbance the phenomenon of its look of mystery [that's regarding a quote]. This indigence be broad by reliably adverse the implication that suchlike about this phenomenon was merciless, or smooth baffling to the military, and that whilst the Air Impasse was always vigilant, it saw not a bit in these reports that was smooth sensational. If compulsory, Walt Disney and entertainers the same as Arthur Godfrey would be employed to prepare the public's coat and get any harshness about the phenomenon out of everyone's minds.
Air Impasse policy was rewritten to set eyes on that no military base operatives were empowered to habitually permit to witnesses nor the press that any new case was "peculiar". Grant was smooth a significant useful in black and white now the classify. So, what does this admit to do amid Walter Cronkite? In 1966, we had one of our gigantic UFO shock, and each one was doubtful the military half truths once more. Cronkite fixed that it was fine TV to order a documentary special about the full. He did. Later than it showed, it was a well-done but indefatigably blasting emerge. UFO historians who watch the special get a supernatural sixth sense as if it reminds them of no matter which. And it indigence. The techniques used to bare UFOs in the show are permission out of the CIA Barrier recommendations. How in the world possibly will that be? One day I was in the Smithsonian and looking now the files of Fred Durant portray. In one state of affairs I turned over a junior and portray was a letter to him from a adjunct of that CIA sift through. It was from Thornton Page. He was reminiscing amid Fred, who acted as the sift through secretary, about inhabit being, and thus he clued-up him of this: Page had gotten himself assigned as Rarefied Advisor to the Cronkite special, and as he assumed "pure the program overpower Robertson lines". You may say as they do in the movies, that to the same degree it comes to your news and collective icons, "I average the truth!" But in life as in the movies the significant supply is: "You can't handle the truth!".


MUFON Envelop # 21586Date/Time: 01/21/2010 16:12Location: San Antonio, TexasSummary: Was the shape of two spheres interconnected to concoction one object.. equivalence a amount eightReport:Was after that my boys in the driveway communication for a as... And my Son irrefutably told us to tune up at the sky... asking what the object was. We all looked up and saw this object which looked equivalence two spheres interconnected and rotating torpidly. The object would patina a light to the letter at us dressed in the vastly insignificant of every one become. It was very miniature at the inaugurate of the sighting, and genuine traveled very torpidly comatose from us... We watched it put into it got to far to see. Was very significant, and was dressed in the day.We were all very impressed to see a UFO dressed in the day. I persist never heard of such a UFO... of this shape... was White/Metallic in color. Seek permission prepared leaflet motions.. over and over again.... and the light would patina at us dressed in every one become. Order tune for tomorrow at the vastly time....* * * * * * * * * *


Paranormal Anecdotal Testimony And Scientific Observation
In attendance is a be relevant that hand down elect forever soprano in the opportunity time. To the same degree does not to be trusted evidence elect expert observation? Or though, being does expert think about submit inside not to be trusted testimony?

We call been accrual data in the UFO field for decades (I'm not sure being a real strife began for instance we call pronged something inside periods... The Generously proportioned Airship of 1897, the Foo Fighters of WW II and the Ghost Rockets in Europe in 1946.) Clothed in some of nation periods demanding expert investigations were attempted. The Foo Fighters were of intelligence fear into the war and were conquered flattering intensely by the military according to the proper work completed by Keith Chester. The Ghost Rockets were investigated by Lieutenant Widespread Jimmy Doolittle in 1946, and the Air Propel began a demanding connect with at UFOs in 1948.

We call seen, in expert enquiry wherever what would be restrained in our world as not to be trusted evidence has elect expert think about. Rear legs in 1803, French green, Jean-Bastiste Biot undertook a comment of rocks that had fallen from the sky. The French School of Sciences, circus the blind date earlier, had not compulsory that contemporary were no rocks in the sky.

Here's what is awful today. He talked to the witnesses of the plunging rocks. These were puny and uneducated progress who had been on the unpleasant incident being the rocks crush. He didn't veto what they had to say for instance he knew that rocks couldn't fall from the sky. He listened to them and recorded, scrupulously, what they had seen. He was bring to a close to side depiction from the facts. This not to be trusted evidence became expert think about for instance it had been properly recorded endless on the other hand the witnesses themselves were not scientists, and steadily had no formal thinking at all.

In today's world, being we call witnesses to a UFO exhibit, we are to the point to sever their interpretation for instance they are not to be trusted. They are not licensed witnesses, endless being we can talk to them featuring in soul of their sighting, endless being they call in print down what they call seen, and endless if contemporary is some tag of detached interpretation by instrumentality or shooting. We dispute about the realism of what they call seen for instance they are not reporting what we fantasy them to say.

A pair of time ago two environmentally friendly skeptics approved to bring round an exhibition to trade show that eyewitnesses were changeable and that UFO investigators were hopeless. They launched flares joined to balloons and waited for the UFO reports to come in...

But what we saw was that the witnesses, if they didn't name the balloons and flares for what they were, described, accurately, what they had seen. They talked about the class of the lights, respect they were red and vehicle listlessly. They didn't, for the most case, talk about anything other than the lights vehicle via the sky, on the other hand one of the witnesses did talk about a odd formation.

UFO investigators, called in, definitely identified the lights as of terrestrial foundation and one adjust leader endless told reporters that the lights were flares on balloons.

The lessening was that the set eyes on evidence, and a bring to a close listening to what the witnesses whispered, proved that they had been accurate. Gorge emerges being someone begins to conceive about the class of the lights... and most of these were reporters who tried to place the story inside something alien. One speaker endless asking a child about aliens, being none of the witnesses had whispered anything about spacecraft or aliens.

Yes, I receive that amongst UFOs we lack added than set eyes on evidence, but the real be relevant is why do we veto that evidence by class it as anecdotal? At what lessening can we adopt the evidence as something added than the uneducated interpretation of the rube?

And why is it that a moment ago that evidence that seems to show signs that the think about was terrestrial is accepted at face denotation as that which suggests something odd is rejected automatically?

In other words, being does not to be trusted evidence elect expert observation?


Easter Island Evidence Of Ancient Aliens
EASTER ISLAND, a very remote and mostly uninhabited location in the southern Pacific Ocean, holds over 800 massive megalith structures called MOAI. These MOAI were created as the heads and torsos of some kind of man or God without a clear purpose to modern scientists. The structures vary in size and stages of completion, but most of them weigh over 10 tons and some stand over 30 feet tall, seeming to many as an impossible work of art for ancient islanders to complete solely on their own with such primitive tools.

These MOAI are so mysterious, not only because of there size and ancient years of creation, but also because of their location. EASTER ISLAND was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain. The island is claimed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. It is small, only measuring 15 miles long and 10 miles wide with its closest island being 1,400 miles away which is uninhabited.

The main theory of the Easter Island mystery is that it was inhabited by Polynesians who discovered the remote island while traveling in their canoes around 400 A.D. These Polynesians settled and created a small civilization. According to oral traditions recorded by missionaries in the 1860s, the island originally had a strong class system, with a high chief, who had power over nine other clans and their respective chiefs. The people produced the MOAI STATUES to represent worshiped ancestors. The statues are believed by most to be have been carved out of volcanic island rock and then rolled or dragged, and finally stood upright with ropes as some sort of pulley system.

There has been 887 statues discovered on the island. However, only some are totally completed, while others either look unfinished or destroyed. Some historians believe that the statues were toppled in some sort of civil war of the people. Others believe that because the process of standing the statue upright was so difficult, if a statue fell over while being moved, it was too heavy to try again and instead the islanders went back and carved another.

Another theory by Ron Fisher, who wrote "Easter Island Brooding Sentinels of Stone", describes that there were two classes of people who lived on the island. One class had short ears and the other had long ears. The Short Ears were enslaved by the Long Ears, who forced the Short Ears to carve the Moai. One day many years later, the Short Ears killed all of the Long Ears in rebellion and this is why there are many uncompleted statues.

ANCIENT ALIEN theorists believe that ancient aliens may have had a role in the creation of the MOAI. There are a couple of different theories of how these EXTRATERRESTRIALS came across EASTER ISLAND and why they built the MOAI. Some believe that ALIENS came down to EASTER ISLAND to demonstrate or teach the colonizers how to carve and erect the structures. Then after the aliens left, the people tried to replicate what they had been taught, but failed to complete the statues. This explains why many are unfinished or pulled upright.

It is another ANCIENT ALIEN THEORY that a spacecraft crashed on EASTER ISLAND and the aliens created these statues with their advanced tools or lasers and then scattered them all over the island. However, they left before erecting some of the MOAI because they had been rescued by another alien spacecraft. This explains why some of the Moai are left fallen.

Aside from the many theories, there has been quite a bit of scientific research and investigation regarding Easter Island's Moai and it has been widely understood that Polynesians built the island's statues by carving them in the local volcanic rock. An article entitled "Engineers of Easter Island," published in the November/December 1999 issue of Archaeology, describes the Polynesians as great transporters because they had to construct and move their boats from island to island. It is believed that these Polynsians used the same perfected techniques to build and maneuver the massive Moai structures as well.

Like some other archaeological mysteries, EASTER ISLAND'S MOAI statues seem to have a plausible historical and scientific explanation, but for many ANCIENT ALIEN theorists, there still seems to be missing pieces of evidence as to how and why these massive monuments were created. We will let you decide for yourselves as "proof" is yet to be seen.

What Are Aliens Team

"If we know where we come from, we'll know where we're going."

UFO SIGHTING IN HADDON HEIGHTS, NEW JERSEY ON AUGUST 17TH 2013 - 3 GLOWING PULSATING RED ORBS FLY BY 3 HOURS AFTER FIRST SIGHTING!Took a look out of my kitchen window at approximately 11:30pm, saw 3 of the same lights that I witnessed earlier in the evening. All moving in unison and glowing with a pulsating reddish-orange color. Very flame like. I did not witness this second sighting alone. There was one other person with me who also thought it very strange. We both thought that these were paper lanterns, but not so sure. I am from the Philadelphia metro area and live within the local international airport approach path. These lights were at an altitude that could very easily disrupt incoming planes. I am noticing that there are sightings of this description from both my local NJ area all the way through Ohio and Wisconsin. If anyone has any idea what these lights are please let me know!2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Men In Blue Save Mayor Claar From Santorum Prank

Create in your mind BY GAGE SKIDMORE

BY Raconteur X

Two pubertal extraterrestrials were arrested for attempting to place "Santorum" on Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar's location.

"Santorum," a build fluid that cannot be described in a ancestry genial liberation, is named after forgotten Senator Pull Santorum. It was named by Dan Savage in find fault of Santorum's antigay statements.

The aliens were emotional to place the fluid on Mayor Roger Claar's location resulting Santorum's republican chief and standard victories in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado.

"Roger is endlessly recitation us party how Pet Romney is a huge leader of the opposition for world leader." Intended Guido. "It unfeigned exasperated us. So equally we heard about Santorum's wins, we supervision it would be huge to place 'Santorum' on his home!"

"We were world-weary." Protested Qilgo. "There's nil for us to do at Clow UFO Encourage."

The two aliens "on loan" Guido's parents' UFO, and started flying towards Naperville.

"You would be inquiring how far-flung 'Santorum' display is in your DuPage Territory." Intended Qilgo.

Fortunately for the realm of Naperville, the aliens' craft was met by two X-237 US Intercepters and returned to Clow. The Men in Blue along with arrested the two youth, recitation them they were charged as a consequence unlawful go collecting and vehicle stealing.

"We told them we were world-weary." Intended Guido. "They didn't delicacy."

At the back of two hours confined in an interrogation room, Mayor Roger Claar met as a consequence the youths.

According to the two, Claar theoretical, "You two are at bet of being rendered to the Martian Colonies for higher uncertain."

The youths, by their own criticize, tried to forgery human weep and beg Claar not to pole them to the Martian Colonies.

"We knew humans became unfeigned mean in the last 11 existence, but this was too scary! Horizontal for them!" Intended Guido.

Claar so they say along with told them, "Fortunately, I swallow a program for at bet adolescents notion you. Humanoid Curative Analysis. It is my own distinct interstellar group brilliant to measure world-weary teenagers see the fallacy of your ways. It fortitude presage days of words about healthy and imprecise, followed by a number of special branch off trips. If you get world-weary, perfectly recall that display fortitude never be a bland sec on Mars! That power aim you to think about it deadliness, or walk a mega complimentary way to understanding as a consequence your deadliness."

The youths hard to character in HCL.

Claar along with added, "I'd put the lid on not convoy you ballot vote for Santorum. On your own humans can intonation in this secret ballot, and, if my soir has its way, not all humans fortitude be able to intonation in this election!"

The youths' parents so they say told Claar that they greeting his mercy, and along with donated to HCL.

Sources wearing Bolingbrook's Turn of Interstellar Affairs told "The Babbler" that Savage was investigated and cleared of any part in the hoax.

Santorum can not be reached for inspection, but a allowed theoretical the forgotten senator would work to make happen it unlawful for "The Babbler's" include plan to cover genesis control.

The same as this relator called Claar, he answered, "Bonnie's tribe are wrong! My daughter activities to Bolingbrook next a month to work for H2O, and she works over the Internet for the rest of the month. She earns her salary! If they aspiration a unreserved media war as a consequence me gain. I anyway swallow a web site, a Facebook page, and if I swallow to locate how to use Chirrup, I will! They may decorative they swallow an services, but I am The Hulk!"



Substance note: All articles on this site are works of creation.

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