For 22-year-old Andrew Batham, the image captured on his mobile phone at 5.30am last Friday is all the proof he needs.
Photo taken by Andrew Batham from Caloundra on his LG phone using the negative setting, depicting what he says to be a UFO.
"I was messing around with the camera settings, left it in negative mode and photographed the sun just above the clouds," he said.
He was surprised to see an eerie shape above the sun when looking back at his photos, and is certain it's a UFO.
"The black bit in the middle is part of the craft, while the coloured shape around it is an invisibility cloak," he suggested.
It may sound far-fetched, but Mr Batham said although he saw no UFOs in the sky with his naked eye that day, he has seen strange lights above Caloundra in the past.
He has already tried getting more photos to the west of Stockland Shopping Centre - the scene of his first picture - and will continue to do so in an attempt to capture more evidence.
Mr Batham was quick to dismiss suggestions the unusual image captured on his phone could have been a trick of the light caused by photographing into the sun.
"I think the only other possible explanation is a top secret military operation nobody knows about," he said.
Mr Batham said he thought the universe was too big not to contain other intelligent life, and would contact the Australian UFO Research Network with his photos.
Police said there were no reports of any UFO sightings or aviation incidents above Caloundra that day.