These MOAI are so mysterious, not only because of there size and ancient years of creation, but also because of their location. EASTER ISLAND was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain. The island is claimed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. It is small, only measuring 15 miles long and 10 miles wide with its closest island being 1,400 miles away which is uninhabited.
The main theory of the Easter Island mystery is that it was inhabited by Polynesians who discovered the remote island while traveling in their canoes around 400 A.D. These Polynesians settled and created a small civilization. According to oral traditions recorded by missionaries in the 1860s, the island originally had a strong class system, with a high chief, who had power over nine other clans and their respective chiefs. The people produced the MOAI STATUES to represent worshiped ancestors. The statues are believed by most to be have been carved out of volcanic island rock and then rolled or dragged, and finally stood upright with ropes as some sort of pulley system.
There has been 887 statues discovered on the island. However, only some are totally completed, while others either look unfinished or destroyed. Some historians believe that the statues were toppled in some sort of civil war of the people. Others believe that because the process of standing the statue upright was so difficult, if a statue fell over while being moved, it was too heavy to try again and instead the islanders went back and carved another.
Another theory by Ron Fisher, who wrote "Easter Island Brooding Sentinels of Stone", describes that there were two classes of people who lived on the island. One class had short ears and the other had long ears. The Short Ears were enslaved by the Long Ears, who forced the Short Ears to carve the Moai. One day many years later, the Short Ears killed all of the Long Ears in rebellion and this is why there are many uncompleted statues.
ANCIENT ALIEN theorists believe that ancient aliens may have had a role in the creation of the MOAI. There are a couple of different theories of how these EXTRATERRESTRIALS came across EASTER ISLAND and why they built the MOAI. Some believe that ALIENS came down to EASTER ISLAND to demonstrate or teach the colonizers how to carve and erect the structures. Then after the aliens left, the people tried to replicate what they had been taught, but failed to complete the statues. This explains why many are unfinished or pulled upright.
It is another ANCIENT ALIEN THEORY that a spacecraft crashed on EASTER ISLAND and the aliens created these statues with their advanced tools or lasers and then scattered them all over the island. However, they left before erecting some of the MOAI because they had been rescued by another alien spacecraft. This explains why some of the Moai are left fallen.
Aside from the many theories, there has been quite a bit of scientific research and investigation regarding Easter Island's Moai and it has been widely understood that Polynesians built the island's statues by carving them in the local volcanic rock. An article entitled "Engineers of Easter Island," published in the November/December 1999 issue of Archaeology, describes the Polynesians as great transporters because they had to construct and move their boats from island to island. It is believed that these Polynsians used the same perfected techniques to build and maneuver the massive Moai structures as well.
Like some other archaeological mysteries, EASTER ISLAND'S MOAI statues seem to have a plausible historical and scientific explanation, but for many ANCIENT ALIEN theorists, there still seems to be missing pieces of evidence as to how and why these massive monuments were created. We will let you decide for yourselves as "proof" is yet to be seen.
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