Jerry Baker

Enl`evement probable

Cas 'etudi'e 3

Nom: Jerry Baker

Age : 50 ans

Glendale, Ohio

Date de la prise de contact: 22.09.2003


J'ai 'et'e contact'e hier soir par un certain Jerry Baker demeurant `a Glendale, en Ohio. Il avait d'ej`a contact'e, en septembre l'ann'ee derni`ere, Kenny Young du UFO Research Cincinnati. Je ne savais pas encore, `a cette 'epoque, de quelle mani`ere proc'eder face aux 'eventuels enlev'es, par cons'equent, j'avais d'ecid'e de mettre son cas de c^ot'e et de l'etudier quand je serais en mesure de pouvoir l'aider et le conseiller.

Mr Baker m'a rapport'e plusieurs 'ev`enements ancr'es dans sa m'emoire, en rapport avec des souvenirs d'enl`evements et des r^eves 'etranges. Son dernier enl`evement remonte, d'apr`es lui, `a un an environ.

Il s'est r'eveill'e une nuit, `a l'^age de 8 ans, et s'est apercu que son oreiller 'etait tremp'e de sang. Il a r'eussi `a r'eveiller son fr`ere qui dormait dans la m^eme chambre que lui. Lorsque ses parents sont arriv'es un peu plus tard, ils ont 'et'e effray'es par la quantit'e de sang. Deux jours plus tard, selon ses souvenirs, un petit objet long et dur est sorti de son nez. Il n'avait que 8 ans et ne savait pas de quoi il pouvait s'agir, il l'a tout simplement jet'e.

Jerry se souvient qu'`a l'^age de 9 ans, il observait tout le temps le ciel. Il se rappelle que lorsqu'il rentrait de l'ecole, il levait sans arr^et les yeux au ciel, sans savoir exactement pourquoi.

Il se souvient 'egalement d'^etre assis sur le sol, dans l'obscurit'e, avec son fr`ere Bill et d'ecouter la radio. Il avait l'impression de voir des cr'eatures 'etranges se d'eplacer dans leur salle `a manger, mais il a pens'e que c'etait le fruit de son imagination et il n'etait pas certain qu'elles aient 'et'e r'eellement pr'esentes.

En juin 1972, il 'etait allong'e dans son lit et pensait r^ever, bien qu'il se soit senti tout `a fait 'eveill'e. Il avait l'impression que son lit "flottait" dans sa chambre et il ressentait une pr'esence 'etrange. Cela a 'et'e tr`es d'econcertant pour lui quand il s'est vu sur une autre plan`ete qu'il pensait ^etre Mars et qu'il portait une sorte de masque. Il ressentait une profonde tristesse, le paysage 'etait d'esert et froid, comme si, `a cet endroit, toute civilisation 'etait morte. Puis soudain, l'image a chang'e et il a vu un grand avion blanc immobile sur une piste.

Jerry pense avoir 'et'e enlev'e fr'equemment. Quelquefois, il se r'eveille tr`es fatigu'e. Il explique que cela 'etait souvent le cas lorsqu'il 'etait `a la high school, bien qu'il n'ait pas eu, comme aujourd'hui, de traces physiques. Il pr'etend souvent voir des choses en pens'ees, qu'il a longtemps consid'er'ees comme des fant^omes, mais maintenant, il pense qu'il ne s'agit pas de fant^omes, mais d'aliens. Il pense que ces aliens provoquent des souvenirs 'ecran puisqu'il a vu des Gris habill'es en cowboys devant le mur de sa chambre.

Il m'a 'egalement racont'e que lorsqu'il a vu la couverture du livre de Whitley Strieber "Communion" il a tellement 'et'e effray'e qu'il a eu besoin d'un certain temps avant de pouvoir `a nouveau regarder cette image.

Il pense 'egalement qu'il pourrait avoir voyag'e vers d'autres plan`etes avec ces cr'eatures, puisque dans ses r^eves, il voit souvent des paysages qui se diff'erencient par plusieurs d'etails de nos paysages terrestres : les maisons se trouvent dans des arbres, les cieux ont diff'erentes couleurs et les for^ets sont diff'erentes de nos for^ets.

En octobre 2003, Jerry dit s'^etre lev'e, qu'il 'etait 'eveill'e et qu'un ^etre humano"ide se tenait en face de lui. Il s'agissait d'une femme dans une longue robe et aux cheveux longs et noirs. Elle 'etait jolie et elle souriait. Elle lui a dit "Je suis ta jumelle g'en'etique". Jerry raconte que les mots " partenaire parfait" lui sont venus `a l'esprit alors qu'il la regardait. Son physique donnait l'impression qu'elle avait entre 35 et 38 ans.

Il pense avoir 'et'e enlev'e par les aliens de type insecte. Il pense que ces cr'eatures contr^olent les Gris. En 'et'e 2001, il pense avoir 'et'e enlev'e par une grande cr'eature insecto"ide ressemblant `a une mante religieuse, d'une taille de 7 pieds, `a la peau vert olive et aux grands yeux bruns sur le c^ot'e du visage. Cette cr'eature lui a inject'e quelque chose dans le bras droit qui lui a laiss'e une marque : un h'ematome jaune, bleu et violet en forme de cercle. Jerry a montr'e ce cercle `a un ami qui 'etait d'econcert'e quand il en a appris l'origine.

Un autre d'etail : en 1995, alors qu'il se promenait avec son chien, il a apercu une ligne argent'ee, tr`es lumineuse se dessiner dans le ciel. Cette ligne a soudainement d'ecrit un angle de 90^0, sans r'eduire sa vitesse. Jerry dit que, d'apr`es ses souvenirs, c'etait la premi`ere fois qu'il pouvait observer tout `a fait consciemment un OVNI.

Un d'etail important : Mr Baker m'a rapport'e que son p`ere 'etait chercheur civil dans les ann'ees 40 `a Oakridge Facilities et qu'il avait travaill'e au d'eveloppement de bombes atomiques. Son p`ere 'etait tr`es intelligent et avait un QI tr`es 'elev'e. Ses travaux 'etaient class'es comme 'etant top secrets et, d'apr`es ce que je crois me souvenir, ils 'etaient en rapport avec le "Manhattan-Project"


13 juillet 2004

Hypnoth'erapeute : Peggy Gorsuch

Jerry d'ebute la s'eance en racontant sa premi`ere rencontre avec une cr'eature. Il n'est qu'un b'eb'e et se souvient qu'il est debout dans son petit lit. Un 'etranger est dans la pi`ece. Il fait nuit et il y a une lumi`ere dans la chambre. La lumi`ere vient de la main de l'etranger. L'etranger est grand et est habill'e d'un pantalon large et d'une chemise. A ses pieds, il porte quelque chose comme des pantoufles. Il a des cheveux blonds, et bien que Jerry en ait peur, il le sent aussi attir'e vers lui. Il a un visage normal et humain. Peggy demande `a Jerry, ce que lui veut cette cr'eature et Jerry explique qu'elle est venue pour l'instruire. Lorsque Peggy fait avancer Jerry de10 minutes dans son souvenir, l'homme a disparu. Elle le m`ene jusqu'`a sa prochaine rencontre avec l'une de ces cr'eatures.

Jerry est dans l'arri`ere-cour de la maison familiale, il n'a que deux ou trois ans. Il joue avec ses petites voitures. L'etranger apparait comme sorti de nulle part, il porte une combinaison noire. Un sourire refl`ete sur son visage.

L'etranger veut tendre la main vers Jerry, mais celui-ci a tr`es peur. "Il voulait toucher mon 'epaule, il ne me veut rien de mal, il me dit que, plus tard, dans le futur, quelque chose de sp'ecial va se passer pour moi, puis il disparait. Ma maman sort de la maison, elle m'appelle, elle n'a pas vu l'etranger."

Jerry est men'e jusqu'`a l'^age de 5 ou 6 ans. Il voit de nouveau le m^eme 'etranger, il est dans sa chambre. Comme `a chaque fois, son apparition effraie Jerry. Il essaie de convaincre l'enfant que tout va bien. "Il me dit que j'aurai une mission `a accomplir quand je serai adulte". L'etranger dispara^it une fois encore.

Peggy m`ene cette fois-ci Jerry `a l'^age adulte, il a la trentaine, la cr'eature lui communique t'el'epathiquement de se rendre jusqu'`a un petit pr'e. "J'entends sa voix, je sors de mon lit et je marche jusqu'au pr'e qui se trouve pr`es de ma maison. Lorsque j'arrive, je vois un triangle noir dans le ciel, cet objet est plus grand qu'une maison. Ils me demandent de monter `a bord. J'ai le sentiment qu'il y a beaucoup de monde dans l'objet, des cr'eatures comme l'etranger qui est venu me voir. Je ressens le d'esir d'aller avec eux. Je l`eve ma main et d'un coup, je ne suis plus dans le pr'e mais `a bord du triangle noir, face `a plusieurs cr'eatures. C'est silencieux ici, je me tiens sur une plate-forme 'elev'ee et transparente. Il fait tr`es clair. Ils me demandent de les accompagner mais j'ai peur de quitter la Terre. Je fais un court voyage avec eux, nous atteignons la face cach'ee de la lune. Je vois des villes et des b^atiments arrondis. Je vois tout cela au travers de la plate-forme transparente, `a bord du triangle noir. Il y a des cr'eatures f'eminines et masculines. Les femmes effectuent certains travaux, les hommes donnent des instructions. Il y a d'autres cr'eatures cach'ees dans l'ombre. Je vois des b^atiments arrondis, des v'ehicules planant dans les airs. C'est sur la face cach'ee de la lune."

Peggy ram`ene Jerry `a un autre moment, vers une autre rencontre avec ces ^etres. Jerry dit que cette fois-ci, il se retrouve face `a une autre cr'eature, une cr'eature insecto"ide. "Il n'etait pas gentil" raconte Jerry "il 'etait tr`es militaire. Je suis dans une pi`ece grise m'etallique au plafond tr`es haut. Je suis allong'e sur une table et on m'injecte quelque chose dans le bras. Ils changent mon profil g'en'etique. La pi`ece o`u je me trouve est emplie d'illusions, ils veulent en montrer le moins possible sur eux. Ce sont quatre Gris qui m'ont apport'e dans cette pi`ece et une cr'eature insecto"ide me fait une injection".

Peggy m`ene Jerry quelques minutes plus tard, alors qu'il se retrouve dans sa chambre. Il dit que les Gris l'ont ramen'e. "Je tremble de peur. J'ai peur d'ouvrir les yeux".

Jerry a rapport'e que cinq ou six jours avant la r'egression, il a fait `a nouveau une rencontre. Peggy le m`ene donc `a ce moment pr'ecis. Jerry est allong'e dans l'herbe et il regarde le ciel. Il voit un triangle noir avec une lumi`ere bleue sur le c^ot'e inf'erieur. Les cr'eatures blondes sont autour de lui, des hommes. Ils effectuent une sorte de rituel. "Ils me disent que je suis li'e d'une certaine mani`ere `a Stonehenge, que j'etais un grand pr^etre `a Stonehenge dans une vie ant'erieure et que cet endroit 'etait autrefois utilis'e comme lieu d'atterrissage pour leurs vaisseaux. J'ai 'et'e choisi, enfant, dans une vie ant'erieure. Ils veulent m'emmener, loin de la Terre. Je leur dit que je ne suis pas encore pr^et. Ils me r'epondent que je saurai quand le moment sera venu.

Ils ne vont jamais me laisser tranquille, ils seront toujours dans les environs. Ils me prot`egent. Ils disent qu'ils veulent m'aider `a r'ealiser mes r^eves et mes souhaits. Ils regrettent de me faire mal".


Jerry raconte un voyage sur la lune et y d'ecrit les villes qu'il peut y voir. Certaines personnes vont certainement se moquer mais laissez-moi vous rappeler que beaucoup de choses ressenties comme r'eelles pour les abduct'es sont en fait de faux souvenirs implant'es. Se peut-il que Jerry ait 'et'e transport'e jusqu'`a leur plan`ete et qu'on lui ait assur'e qu'il se trouvait sur la lune? Si les cr'eatures veulent absolument nous cacher d'o`u elles viennent v'eritablement, ne peuvent-elles pas nous faire croire autre chose, par exemple, de nous emmener `a un certain endroit et nous faire croire ^etre autre part?

Jerry parle de Stonehenge 'egalement. Il y a beaucoup de th'eories sur la signification de Stonehenge. L`a aussi, nous devons nous demander si les explications des cr'eatures sur Stonehenge sont correctes.

Un des aspects les plus inqui'etant, qui revient plusieurs fois durant la r'egression est l'information que le temps nous est compt'e sur notre plan`ete. Les enlev'es sont d'une mani`ere ou d'une autre "chang'es" pour survivre `a ce qui va survenir. Les abduct'es r'ep`etent toujours et encore qu' "ils sauront quoi faire quand le moment sera venu". Que signifie cette information pour les personnes qui ne sont pas enlev'ees?

Jerry m'a confi'e penser qu'il a 'et'e visit'e par des "nordiques" ou des "hybrides", il pense 'egalement qu'ils sont les pilotes des triangles noirs qu'on retrouve si souvent dans la litt'erature ufologique.


Ufo Base In World Deepest Lake
"A March 1st UFO SIGHTING OVER SIBERIA TIED TO UNDERWATER ALIEN BASE, "some locals blamed the event on a alien UFO base said to exist beneath Lake Baikal. Tangible facts are hard to come by, but circles in the thin ice of LAKE BAIKAL (picture) are puzzling. Thermal activity and convection believed responsible for warm water columns that rise to melt surface ice. An article at the EARTH OBSERVATORY page on NASA website, however, finds circle at south end of lake in relatively deep water a challenge to this belief.

In "UFO ENCOUNTERS OF RUSSIAN NAVY RELEASED," the article reports in 1982 case, "a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured." In the March 1st sighting, first article also revealed, "only hours prior to this event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia claim to have picked up a UFO on radar traveling at 6000 mph at a height of 65000. When they tried to speak with the crew of that craft they heard bizarre cat noises being uttered to them."

Thousands of local Irkutsk residents witnessed a huge object, glowing pink and blue, hurtle towards earth, followed by a loud explosion heard over a wide area. Russian officials declared crash site classified and would not reveal location.

Hal Dream Crop Circle Necklace
Images are appearing in fields worldwide. In spite of the many hoaxes, the genuine circle formations are increasing and now encompass over 70 countries. Initially occurring in Food Crops they have now spread to Grasses, Snow, Ice, Sandy Beaches and Deserts. There are many details of this phenomenon that cannot be explained or reproduced by

Some qualities of the 'Genuine Fields' : Patterns are
intricately woven, or braided often without hurting plants.
Crystallized Tissue where the plant bends. Blown out nodes on wheat crops. The fields sometimes bend over at the tops of the plants many feet off the ground. Camera's, watches, and other equipment often fail within them. Compasses point wrong or spin. Heightened Electrostatic Field which can persist even after harvesting.

Soil is void of
nematodes and bird's won't fly over them. Over 70 eyewitnesses have reported the entire formations lay down in 5 to 15 seconds. Many
sightings of fairy lights and UFO's, as well as peculiar phenomena in researchers homes.

Crop Circles Hal's Dream Necklace Specifications:

Measures approx 1-3/4" long

Made from lead free pewter

Comes with 24" chain



For the second time in a week, a rare serpent-like oarfish has surfaced in Southern California, this one on Friday at Oceanside Harbor.

Beachgoers who saw the carcass wash up on the north side of the south Oceanside jetty, off the 1200 block of North Pacific Street, called police about 5 p.m., Oceanside police Officer Mark Bussey said. A caller told police he thought it was a whale.

Bussey and other officers responded as curious onlookers gathered around the silvery creature. At one point, about 50 to 75 people were there, Bussey said.

Police contacted SeaWorld San Diego, The Scripps Research Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A NOAA representative responded to retrieve the fish, which she measured at 13 1/2 feet long. The carcass was cut into sections and removed in coolers for later study.

On Sunday an 18-foot-long oarfish was found near Catalina.

An instructor from the Catalina Island Marine Institute who was snorkeling found the carcass and recruited more than a dozen others to help her drag it to shore.

Institute employees called it the discovery of a lifetime, noting sightings are rare because oarfish dive more than 3,000 feet deep. The fish was believed to have died of natural causes, but tissue samples were taken to be studied.

Oarfish can grow to more than 50 feet long, and are believed likely responsible for sea serpent tales throughout history, institute officials said.

Bussey said it was fascinating to see the creature, and something out of the realm of regular police officer duties. "It was pretty neat," he said. - UT San Diego



free lawnmower for pickup. i have noticed an unusual spike in paranormal activity whenever i cut my grass. i have called the police and they refuse to to do anytyhing YET they send helicopters by my house every night. the blades are sharp and it works fine but i run a christian home and i will not have any evil spirits around my family or my lawn. can sell it for scrapp.

free for pick up or delivery.


Location: BAY RIDGE

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests


Donating to thrift shops is a terrific way to give a second life to your well-loved velcro sneakers, keyboards or flannel zebra jammies. However, thrift stores cannot accept the following items:


Soiled mattresses


Large bags of marijuana

We thought this reminder might be helpful given that thrift store employee called police Thursday afternoon after finding a large bag of marijuana in a donation bin in North Seattle.

The employee was removing items from the bin near N. 100th Street and Aurora Ave N. at about 1 pm yesterday, when he found a garbage bag containing 2.5 pounds of marijuana.

An officer took the marijuana and placed it into evidence for destruction. - SPD Blotter


The possibility that newly discovered asteroid 2013 TV135 could hit Earth is almost nil, NASA said on Friday, allaying earlier reports that the massive asteroid might collide with Earth in 2032.

In a post titled "Asteroid 2013 TV135 - A Reality Check," NASA said that according to initial estimates from its Near-Earth Object Program Office, the probability that the asteroid could impact earth in 2032 -- when it is expected to be back in Earth's neighborhood -- is only one in 63,000.

NASA expects that additional observations of the asteroid -- first discovered by Ukrainian astronomers on Oct. 8, 2013 -- in the coming weeks will most likely result in a "dramatic reduction, or complete elimination, of any risk of Earth impact."

"To put it another way, that puts the current probability of no impact in 2032 at about 99.998 percent," Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office, said in the Web post.

"This is a relatively new discovery," he added. "With more observations, I fully expect we will be able to significantly reduce, or rule out entirely, any impact probability for the foreseeable future."

TV135, estimated to be about 1,300 feet (400 meters) in size, was discovered after it came close to Earth on Sept. 16. The asteroid, in its orbit, comes as close to the sun as Earth's orbit, and in its outer reach, it goes as far out as about three quarters of the distance to Jupiter's orbit, NASA said.

NASA noted that the asteroid has an orbital period that spans almost four years, and with only a week of observations of its orbital period, the agency cannot offer accurate results predicting its future course. However, the asteroid could come back near to Earth in 2032.

"The object should be easily observable in the coming months, and once additional observations are provided to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Mass., the initial orbit calculations will be improved..." NASA said.

On the Torino Impact Hazard Scale, TV135 is listed as a 1 out of possible 10, or "no unusual level of danger," Yahoo News reported.

The attempts to track objects that fly dangerously close to Earth have intensified in the recent years. NASA and several federal and private space agencies are also working toward developing methods to avoid a possible collision.

Since Earth cannot deviate from its trajectory or protect itself, space scientists are mulling over various methods to deviate the asteroids that are destined to collide with Earth. The options include using nuclear bombs to deflect the asteroid's course to destroying them with atomic explosions. Some scientists have suggested spray-painting some asteroids to nudge them off the trajectory due to how they would reflect light differently once "painted." - IBTimes

Deep Impact [Blu-ray]

Armageddon [Blu-ray]


When Ghosts Attack: 8 Signs Your House Is Haunted

Medical Mystery: Man Sheds Tears of Blood

Travelling back in time IS possible, argues new science book

Close Encounter at Andrews Air Force Base

Witch Legends & Encounters

Allegiant (Divergent)

A Nightmare on Elm Street Collection (All 7 Original Nightmare Films + Bonus Disc) [Blu-ray]

Frasier Authentic Cast Signed 8x10 Autograph Photo - Kelsey Grammer, Jane Leeves, David Hyde Pierce, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney"

Forgotten Humanoid And Other Encounters Of The Roaring 20S Part 1

During those turbulent times in between the two World Wars, right before the Wall Street Crash and the beginning of the Depression, there were little known and mostly hidden encounters with 'strangers' among us.

For various reasons, probably because of witness reluctance and faltering memories, many of the encounters reported from 1920 through 1929 were mainly ignored and poorly documented. But there is a core of incidents that appear to mirror what was going to occur in the not too distant future. I will attempt to cover some of the least known incidents reported during the time, not only 'humanoid' encounters but other high-strangeness events:

Sometime in 1920 a strange series of events took place in Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia. The following narrative is directly taken from an article by veteran Australian UFO researcher Bill Chalker:

"UFOs sub-rosa down under: The Australian Military ">AUSTRALIAN RESEARCHER BILL CHALKER"

Interesting account, what were those lights reported during the search for the schooner, what kind of a cloud was it that the search aircraft fly into and never came out? I suspect we will never know these answers. The area (Bass Strait) is a well known area for Australian anomaly researchers, where UFOs, strange disappearances and other high strangeness incidents have been frequently reported. This case is what I call perhaps a 'permanent abduction'.

According to Ukrainian researcher, Dr. Anton Anfalov (he quotes UFO Liaisons of the Universe, Lugansk, Ukraine) in the year 1920 during the bloody Russian Civil War and somewhere not specified in the Crimean Peninsula a strange event took place:

A mobile Red Army group was moving along a local road in the rugged mountains of the Crimean Peninsula. There were a total of five soldiers including one woman. They were moving in a cart wagon and were armed with rifles and "Maksim" machine guns. Suddenly they noticed a lighted area on the side of the road and then stopped near the road prepared their weapons and began to check the area. They soon came upon a strange dome-shaped object on the ground and several tall figures walking near the object. The figures were described as dressed in a kind of armored suit, resembling chainmaille, The figures were about 2 meters in height, or taller. Thinking that these were foreign enemies the group prepared to fire upon the strangers with their Maksim machine guns but were suddenly blinded by a bright flash of light and knocked down losing consciousness. When they returned to their senses again, the object and the strange figures had disappeared.

Another interesting event, one that it would have been classified as a CE3 in modern 'Ufological' parlance, the action taken in the part of the unknown entities was apparently a self defense action. It is unfortunate that there is not a more precise location provided for this extremely high strangeness event.

According to veteran French researchers Joel Mesnard and Jean Marie Bigorne sometime during the summer of 1920 near the town of Nontron in the Dordogne region of France the following peculiar event took place:

On a Saturday evening, between 2300 and midnight, a group of young people was returning from a dance when they saw in the sky, above a little wood, a strange spectacle; a group of beings of small stature about in the air, and giving off "musical sounds." The young people could see their little legs move about, and noticed that surroundings the figures were a number of luminous balls that gave to the group a "fiery aspect." According to the accounts of two of the group, Louise and Marie Grasset, they felt no fear at the strange sight.

It appears to have been an encounter with a sort of luminous and flying entity. The 'musical sounds' reported is interesting as there have been many similar reports throughout the years in which 'musical tones' have been connected with the appearance of UFOs and strange entities.

According to published reports in the UFO electronic magazines, "UFO Roundup" Vo. 7 # 28 and "Filer's Files" (unknown volume) a 'classic' close encounter of the third kind took place in September 1920 outside of Bethel, North Carolina, the following is a summary of events:

During the local cotton harvest 14-year laborer Nicora B. and her family were out in the fields plucking the white bolls from the cotton plants and stuffing them in their trailing tote sacks when they saw something large flying over the farm. They described it as an object resembling two pie pans placed together lip to lip. The silvery object zigzagged across the sky and came to rest in the field in front of the witnesses. Two little bald white men got out and pointed short stick-like implements at them. They were the size of little boys but their faces seemed older. One of the little bald men began digging and poking in the dirt with something like a shovel and put some dirt into a bag. He then took a small plant and placed it in the bag also. Both little men then backed up one after the other and entered the pie-pan shaped object, still pointing the sticks at them as they walked backwards. Presently the UFO took off and zigzagged back in the direction it came.

In later decades hundreds if not thousands of similar events were to be reported, supposed aliens collecting samples from the ground, also humanoids carrying stick-like implements.

Like I mentioned earlier I will be covering different types of encounters with all sorts of humanoids during this time period, not all necessarily connected with a 'UFO' the following case is an example.

According to the "Fortean Times" website (1993) sometime in 1921 at an unspecified location in Hertfordshire, England the following encounter took place:

During daytime a man was driving down a rural road with nothing going on, when he spotted a roadside tree stump up ahead. Sitting on the stump was a small (18" high) round-face being with a pointed cap which slouched over to one side. Before being able to secure a better look, the being was no longer there.

Of course this case can be classified as an encounter with a fairy, leprechaun, goblin, etc. Is there a different between this sort of encounter and the landing of a disc-shaped craft from which several short humanoids emerge and begin collecting soil samples? At first sight the answer is no, but maybe there are more similar in nature than we think.

One of the earliest abduction type-scenario-incident was reported by several French Ufologists among them, Joel Mesnard and Jean-Marie Bigorne, this case was said to have taken place in the French city of Marseille in the Bouches du Rhone region it apparently took place one afternoon in the summer of 1921 the following is a condensed narrative of the event:

"In 1921
a very hot year
I was playing one day among the hills of the North Canal. I was eight years old and I love to lose myself in the moonlike landscape made by excavation, and from the First World War. "Suddenly, two beings, wearing a sort of pliable helmet, literally leaped out from between some acacia trees. Without preliminaries, they dragged me toward what I thought was an oddly shaped tank. They took me up into the machine, without my being able to resist. I should say, 'Without my being able to want to resist.' I suddenly began to cry; and I don't know whether that moved them, but after a while an opening appeared in the ceiling of the cabin, and in a few seconds I found myself on the ground. "However, I had to walk most of the afternoon until I found myself near the road I had left five minute before. " When I got home that night, my parents treated me like a little liar, and no one believed me. I can now hardly add much detail to the machine, or its cabin. Doubtless, I was too astounded. I only remember two details; there were square or at least rectangular portholes. The cabin had a kind of soft couch that I sat on." I seem to recall that their helmets appeared metallic. I don't recall any anatomical details, except that the two beings were very tall and very slender."

A bizarre tale to be sure and a rather crude abduction scenario, obviously the young witness was let go by his strange abductors, but there is no further details available.

From veteran UFO/Bigfoot researcher, Peter Guttilla from his book The Bigfoot Files we have the following event said to have taken place one night in August of 1921 in the area of Mount Shasta, California, it includes some interesting details however brief the narrative is:

Elberta Payne was lying sick at her grandmother's home when she saw two large black "furry creatures" with large eyes, watching her through the bedroom window. Almost immediately she recovered from what was thought to have been typhoid fever.

The apparent spontaneous healing of the witness following the encounter is interesting to say the least since we have hundreds of similar events involving alleged healings after UFO encounters.

Renowned international researcher Jacques Vallee introduced us to one of the earliest reports of a flying humanoid in connection to a UFO. The event reportedly took place at five o'clock in the morning on February 22 1922 in an area near Hubbell, Nebraska:

A hunter, William C. Lamb, was following mysterious tracks when he heard a crackling noise followed by a high-pitched sound & realized that a circular object was flying overhead. He hid behind a tree & saw this object, now brilliantly lighted, land in a hollow. Soon afterward a "magnificent" flying creature at least 8 ft tall appeared that landed like an airplane & left traces in the snow. It passed by the tree Lamb followed the tracks for 5 miles before giving up.

Stunning case, it was later reported that Mr. Lamb was involved in other encounters and appeared to have been a 'repeater' witness.

Another very high strangeness case allegedly took place during another civil war, this time the Irish Civil War and it is said to have taken place one early morning in April of 1922 in County Donegal, Ireland. According to the INTCAT listing quoting the "Watford and South Herts Post" of April 30 1964 this is a brief summary of what allegedly took place:

During the Irish civil war, soldier Lawrence Bradley came to a cave, the foliage at the entrance of which was burned. Soldiers sheltering inside said they had been awakened in the early morning by a 'whirring' sound, and fired at an object. The object fired jets of fire at the cave. As the soldiers emerged the object, circular and metallic, was beginning to ascend.

Strange indeed, did the exhausted soldiers perhaps mistake at tank (early version) for a more unconventional craft? However the fact that it was reportedly 'ascending' does not make it a mundane object.

From veteran researchers Ron Westrum and Ted Bloecher we have a more 'typical' (if that is possible) CE3 event from the summer of 1922 said to have taken place around 22:00 in the city of Detroit, Michigan:

Mrs. Irma Hinz was walking home from a movie with a young friend when the two teenagers saw a large disk shaped object hovering over a vacant lot on Dragoon Avenue. The sky suddenly lit up and the object descended to the height of a large tree and slowly revolved as it hovered, around the perimeter of the bottom of the object were rectangular windows, lit from within; seated at these windows were approximately 20 entities that were seen only from the shoulders/neck up. They were bald headed, with eyes set close together, and they were staring intently at the young couple. No other features were observed, Mrs. Hinz and her date watched for several minutes, but left quickly when they became frightened. Although Mrs. Hinz told her parents at the time, her mother tended to believe it was a "vision" of some kind. She recalls her date's name as William O'Brien.


Of course there were many other encounters and strange encounters during the roaring 20's, I could not have possibly include them all, I hope I was able to chose the most interesting and perplexing cases. The fact is that whoever or whatever this entities are, they have been with us for decades before the so-called modern era of encounters in June 24, 1947. Many of these 'ancient' or like some like to say, 'pre-Arnold' cases are mirror images of modern cases and were mere glimpses of things to come. Please feel free to contact me at for additional information or questions.

Sincerely, Albert S. Rosales, April 20, 2013

"Thanks to Albert!"

The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us

Flying Saucers 101: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About UFOs and Alien Beings

Alien Dawn: A Classic Investigation into the Contact Experience

Underground Alien Bio Lab At Dulce: The Bennewitz UFO Papers"

Brutal Sheep Mutilations In Port Lavaca Get Attention Of Ufo Group

Wayne and Karen Daggs have lost 21 of their prized Barbado sheep since July, most recently losing two just days ago. The Daggs live on 10 acres that back up to a bayou.

The Daggs' strange story began this summer when four young female sheep went missing.

"At first I lost four little ones," said Daggs. "I thought people were taking them for food."

He first suspected it had something to do with a rumor of illegal immigrants living in a trailer nearby.

Daggs said he could forgive people for stealing the animals to eat, but as he started finding them mutilated, things took a stranger and more sinister turn.

Wayne Daggs spent 23 years in law enforcement, and 18 of those as a constable with Calhoun County Precinct 4. Since retiring in 2000, he's been tending to his animals.

He came to think that he may have angered someone during his years in law enforcement or elsewhere.

"I worked hard to not make enemies while I was on the job," Daggs said.

Recently, it had been every five days that he lost an animal, usually a few at a time.

Barbado sheep weigh 60 to 75 pounds, so they wouldn't be easy for any of the predators found in Calhoun County to take them away, Daggs says.

He found one of his males castrated. A local vet attempted to save him but he had to be put down.

"It doesn't look like a coyote got at them," he says. "I think that a person is doing this."

A week ago, a male sheep was found by the pond, castrated, with his cause of death unknown.

Then three females went missing, and he found two of them.

"One of them was found in the pond, stabbed behind the ear. Another had had its female sexual organs removed." The organs were sitting next to the sheep.

The removal looked very surgical to Daggs.

Five days later, he found vultures dining on another female. It was hard to tell what killed that one.

"I can't think of a reason aside from rituals or malicious mischievousness for the mutilations," Calhoun County investigator Bobbie Vickery told the Victoria Advocate.

Calhoun County sheriffs had been involved since the beginning of Daggs' sheep killings. This is where the Mutual UFO Network and section director Charles Stansburge comes in.

Stansburge saw an Associated Press story about the mutilations and contacted the sheriff's office. They welcomed his help.

He's based out of Rosenberg and has been with MUFON for three years. He has investigated cattle mutilations and UFOs for over two decades, previously in the Colorado area.

"It's an ongoing investigation so I can't talk too much about it," says Stansburge. He says that the documents related to his investigation are confidential.

"We need to find out what is getting in the property," says Stansburge. He has no comment on what he personally thinks it is.

"It could be a man, a wolf, an E.T. or anything," he says. "We're trying to lean towards earthly things."

Daggs says his grass been untouched around the mutilated animals with no traces of people or animals. He says that there would have to be some sort of evidence in nearby clearings to point to who or what is doing this.

That part bewilders Stansburge as well and is a part of the investigation.

"What really gets me is the lack of tracks and evidence," Daggs said. "It's not just kids. Whoever is doing this knows what they are doing."

He thinks whoever is doing this is doing to for kicks or some other weirdness. There is no history of this in the area, according to Daggs.

Daggs puts the cost of the animals he has lost at around 1,250, but it's much more than that to him. He has emotional ties to them.

Daggs had grown very fond of the first male that was mutilated. His voice cracks a little when he speaks about him.

"It hurts me severely," said Daggs. The animals were very much a part of his family.

Calhoun County Sheriff George Aleman is leaning towards this being the work of a human, and not a very nice one.

"It wasn't a wild animal, which would tear the meat," Aleman says. "This was too clean to be an animal. Whoever did this knew what they were doing."

Aleman said this is an ongoing investigation and is being handled by the county as a case of theft of livestock and mutilation.

By the way he speaks about a group of self-proclaimed Satanic worshipers that were in the area in the late '70s, the sheriff has seen some strange things.

That group was linked to cattle mutilations similar to this, but Aleman is not linking this to devil worshipers.

"This could be someone who has nothing else to do but hurt animals for kicks," he says.

The Calhoun County Sheriff's Department is offering up to 2,500 for any information regarding the sheep mutilations. They are asking that anyone in the area who has had animals go missing or mutilated to also contact them.



2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Cape May
UFO Finding IN Coat MAY, NEW Sport shirt ON OCTOBER 3RD 2014 - BIG Whitish ORB Near Steal Reddish Shadow Stimulated Glibly AND Hurriedly Cater-cornered THE SKY AND Departed Inside THE Fumes. Unusual Notion On one occasion State of affairs, OTHERS IN Civil As a consequence WITNESSED.

I was in New Sport shirt for my fathers marriage. My sister not here the rehearsal feast for a as soon as and my blood relation was distressed. I not here the feast to go assume to the house on the exceedingly approach. I started be in command of. it was a hot from the oven and stimulate night, afterward clouds but they were rapture very instant. A propos as against the clock as I stepped out of the dining hall this big orb appeared in the sky. It continued rapture from north to south at an peculiarly troop pace. Too big to be a star, altered any blaring star i've always seen. Too troop to be a meteor or satellite or what on earth. It continued crossways the sky and lacking way crossways spent behind schedule the thin cloud cover. At first I was surprised at what I saw. I got this odd sign after it happened and the weather seemed to location afterward the hurry (ROAM). A few being later than I was telling the hurry to a haunt in the exceedingly town and him and his blood relation saw the exceedingly wonderful thing! The blood relation swears on it being a UFO. I request to grasp, but I stable maintain my worries.

Latest 2014 UFO Finding

Credit: MUFON

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The Ufo Spy Who Came In From The Cold

By James Carrion


If you have more than just a passing interest in UFOs, then you have probably heard many times, the historical spectrum of events that make up the whole of UFO mythology. It began as many believe, in days past with extraterrestrial visitation to the great civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, supplemented by periodic revisits through the millennia until the World War 2 era when the foo fighters arrived on the scene, followed by the 1946 Ghost Rockets and the 1947 Maury Island incident, Kenneth Arnold's sighting, and the universally known, Roswell incident.

But the story I am about to tell you focuses on just one of these events - the 1946 ghost rockets and their inextricable link to a man who chose to engage in the second oldest profession in the world, espionage. That man's name is Stig Wennerstr"om, and in 1963 he was arrested in his native Sweden, accused of being a Soviet spy. Indeed, Mr. Wennerstr"om, a well-known and liked Swedish Air Force officer, had been working as a Soviet spy since 1948, selling some of his country's most valuable secrets to the Russians. When he was finally caught, the shock waves of his betrayal reverberated throughout Sweden and all the way to the United States as Mr. Wennerstr"om had been posted during his traitorous tenure as the Swedish military attach'e in both Moscow and Washington.

I am not going to recount Mr. Wennerstr"om's spying exploits on behalf of the Soviets, but instead on some spying that he did for the Americans, starting with a mission he was sent on in 1946.

The mission is detailed in a couple of books, one originally written in Swedish before being translated into English. In the book "A Spy without a Country" by H. K. Ronblom, the author details Wennerstr"om's mission on behalf of the Americans:

In 1946, the (Swedish) Air Force received an invitation-the first of its kind-to send its own representative to a Russian air display outside Moscow at which the new Russian jet aircraft would be demonstrated. Wennerstr"om had had something to do with this business in its initial stages-it was his good friend, Lieutenant Colonel Rybachenkov of the Soviet Embassy who arranged the invitation-and it was he who was picked to attend on behalf of the (Swedish) Air Force.

Sometime in the summer of 1946, before he attended the air display in Moscow, Wennerstr"om was invited (in Stockholm) to his friend's the American air attach'e. Among the guests was someone in civilian clothes whom Wennerstr"om did not know, but this was soon put right when the man in civilian clothes introduced himself as an American intelligence service man and started telling Wennerstr"om what the Gehlen's organizational papers said about him. The Gehlen organization was made up of remnants of Nazi intelligence that in the postwar period the Americans put to work spying against the new enemy - the Soviet Union. Wennerstr"om was identified by the Gehlen organization as a "valuable contact" who during WW2 spied on occasion on behalf of Germany.

The American gave it as his opinion that anyone who had helped Germany might as well help the United States, since in both cases it was the Soviet Union the whole thing was about. The end of the conversation was that Wennerstr"om was given a mission to carry out, of what nature does not appear from the published records.In another book, "An Agent in Place", author Thomas Whiteside fills in the gaps on this mission Wennerstr"om was sent on by the mysterious American intelligence agent:

Next, the agent, by Wennerstr"om's account obviously aware of his coming trip to the Soviet Union, remarked on the opportunity he would have, as a neutral, to move about with comparative freedom, and proposed that he agree to mail a certain parcel in Leningrad on his way to Moscow. Wennerstr"om told his interrogators that he accepted the assignment and mailed the parcel - which he understood to contain radio tubes, or some sort of equipment that might be used in a clandestine radio transmitter - without difficulty. On his return to Stockholm, he said, he had no further contact with the presumed American agent, and his close relations with both the American and the Soviet embassies continued pretty much as before.Wennerstr"om's tale of delivering a package in Leningrad was considered implausible by author Whiteside who commented:

In any case, most sources, inside and outside the Pentagon, agree that, whether or not Wennerstr"om actually was approached by an American agent in Stockholm in 1946, his story of his American Intelligence mission to Leningrad is, at best, a dubious one, and may very well have been part of an attempt to throw dust in the eyes of his interrogators. Such a mission, these sources say, would have been contrary to every security practice of American Intelligence.Although Wennerstr"om was hiding the real nature of his mission to Moscow, the details came spilling out in declassified American documents. On August 19, 1946, a Top Secret message from the US military attach'e Moscow, Robert C. Macon to General Chamberlin of the War Department revealed that a Swedish Air Officer, Major S. Wennerstr"om, was in Moscow on a 3 day official visit for a Soviet airshow and had information to share on the (ghost) rockets.

Wennerstr"om revealed that 200 flying bombs had passed over Swedish territory traveling south to north, some on a zig zag course. Radar plotting indicated that most came from Peenem"unde, but some from the Soviet Baltic coastal area. Only one curved east towards Norway while all others curved west. The missiles are not V1 but similar and slightly larger, are radio controlled, with no warhead except to self-destruct. They have been seen as high as 1000 and as low as 15 meters, travelling at 400 to 600 kilometers per hour and appeared to be under good control. The max plotted course was 1000 kilometers and could have been longer but there was no Swedish plotting station in the far north. No reports of missiles over Finland and have probably fallen in the Bothnia Gulf.

Extensive work in Murmansk for some launching project and Soviet wide-spread aerial mapping of the Kola Peninsula for possible mining of Uranium. The Soviets restored and are operating German underground experimental facility in the Hartz Mountains near Nordhausen.On its face, this memorandum portrays Wennerstr"om collegially just passing on information he gleaned from official Swedish sources to the US military attach'e, but as it turned out, that was not the case. In another Secret memorandum dated August 23, 1946 from the U.S. naval attach'e at Stockholm, William D. Wright, subject: "Sweden Guided Missiles", the following very interesting observations are made about Wennerstr"om's trip to Moscow:

Swedish intelligence officers have passed information to U.S. intelligence officers both in Stockholm and in Moscow (Wennerstr"om) which indicate an attempt to 'plant' the impression that large numbers of Russian-launched rockets have passed over Sweden, giving detail to infer that they are extremely efficient guided missile. The Swedish intelligence officer who 'planted' this information in Moscow (Wennerstr"om) also intimated that Russian uranium mining activities and launching sites were being developed, giving the implication of atomic warfare with radio-controlled guided missiles. A Swedish intelligence officer also 'planted' a similar report of Russian rockets with the S.S.U (CIG, then CIA) in Stockholm.What is most interesting about this memorandum is the repeated use of the word 'planted' by the very astute and experienced-in-intelligence-matters attach'e who could see right through what Wennerstr"om and his Swedish colleagues were up to - what other Secret memorandum would reveal was the wholesale spreading of unsubstantiated rumors about the Ghost Rockets. What attach'e Wright could not know at that time was that the true hand that was being played here was not Swedish but American.

But why would some elements of American intelligence entice Swedish intelligence to deceive other American intelligence personnel? Welcome to 1946, the Wild West era of US intelligence history, where the American intelligence community was in a state of flux while fears of Soviet infiltration of all aspects of American life was rampant. If there was ever a time when the maxim "Trust no one" was most relevant, 1946 was that year.

By planting rumors of Russian missiles over Scandinavia that appeared to originate from Swedish intelligence but was ultimately directed by elements of American and quite probably British intelligence, the Soviet Union was blamed for flagrant violations of the sovereign airspace of its neighbors, creating a media storm and backlash of world opinion that has since been immortalized as unexplained UFO events.

So as not to muddy the story any further of what is a complex intelligence operation, I have left out many details that confirm the dangerous deception game that was being played out by Wennerstr"om and others in 1946 Sweden, details that will be included in the rewrite of my book "The Rosetta Deception", freely available online at

After sifting through all of the evidence related to the 1946 Ghost Rockets, especially the official declassified documents that have come out of US and British Government archives, only one conclusion can be drawn from the data - 1946 had zero to do with alien visitation and 100 percent to do with cold war intrigue and deception of the human kind, but it took a spy coming in from the cold for the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle to fall into place.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

GHOST ROCKETS: Smoking Gun Evidence of US Led Deception Against The Soviets?

Flying Saucers - The Greatest Lie Ever Told

The Rosetta Deception



Yeti Probe Planned
Formal Yeti Subject Considered Once upon a time In the wee small hours SIGHTINGS - Legislature officials in Siberia are provision to set up a special research lead dedicated to the magazine of yetis jiffy a hand out of recent depressing sightings of the folkloric charm.

Hominology experts, who are patterned up to attendant the studies at Kemerovo School, are compelling to testify their existence after contest in remote parts of the political unit privilege to suppress baffled a crookedly of the absentminded being.

According to 15 perceive statements by Siberian locals in the Kemerovo political unit, 7-ft tall, wiry, manlike creatures suppress been spotted asylum seeker the Spasm Shoria boondocks, afterward one man calm claiming to suppress saved a yeti from drowning in a waterway given that hunting.

Villager, Afanasy Kiskorov in Tashtagol reportedly witnessed the yeti activity first-hand. He said: "Their bodies were wearing a veil in red-and-black fur and they could scramble grass. The charm was acute in restlessness after falling in the sphere of a distended envelop waterway."

Despite the consequences the perceived sightings, no photographic evidence as yet confirms the existence of the repugnant snowmen.'

Still, be full specimens, illustrious track and historic echelon shelters in forests suppress fuelled technological aim to traces of the yetis, described as the 'Neanderthal family tree of man.'

Officials of the Kemerovo assignment in western Siberia suppress assumed that organising an lead or a technological centre would be a clear subsistence of research in the sphere of the yeti.

Dr. Igor Burtsev, improved of the Large-scale Spirit of Hominology, momentum tie up the elect new research unit if the policy go at once. He said: "In Russia near are about 30 impressive scientists who are hectic in studying the phenomenon of the abonimable snowman."

"All of them momentum be incorporated in the sphere of this lead. The primary purpose is to attach contact afterward one of the creatures."

Dr. Burtsev told Russian article Itar Request after a yeti pursue last year: "I saw markers (HALF-BROKEN BRANCHES) the charm uses to authorize the constrained set down. In the woods I suppress found numerous artifacts to corroborate my theory. I plan to rule the Bigfoot's place of safety and calm try to contact the charm."

Idiom on '"Friday Dusk afterward Jonathan Ross"' in 2009, British wildlife well-mannered David Attenborough assumed he understood that near was very strong evidence that yetis do exist.

The Control of Kemerovo, the unfashionable government, momentum announce its last decision on whether they momentum implement the research lead after it hosts an international conference on yetis far along this meeting.

VIDEO: JAPANESE Seashore Protection Hurry Outstanding TSUNAMI Waves

A Japanese Seashore Protection video demanding as the ship crosses numerous tsunami waves shows entirely how erroneous these waves can be for instance riding them out in the ocean. The impudence of the signal appears as a wall of water. It's redoubtable to sight on two levels. The first is the subconscious courage of restlessness at seeing such a wall of water in the neighborhood.

We see that sea uniform itself has risen up on the other side of the tsunami signal and the ship kindly settles in the sphere of the what is now a new, but very tightly norm. That's everyplace the better redoubtable of the realizations comes - that this new sea uniform hand out is what was about to douse over the seashore of Japan.

Anonymous DEATHS United By THAI Fix In Place

calgarysun - A 59-year-old Edmontonian is now seventh on the list of depressing deaths that suppress hit tourists terse give directions a Thailand cabin like January.

Statement Mah died Jan. 26 in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand of "SUSPECTED OBJECTIVE DISGRACE" after vacationing in the city for two weeks in advance.

Chum and journey colleague Ken Fraser told freelance magazine columnist Andrew Drummond that nevertheless Mah was staying at the Sophistication Palace Fix in place, he had hand-me-down facilities, amid the swimming pooled money, at the Downtown Inn - a undivided establish between six other contest who suppress died in the political unit like January.

"His trouncing is a accomplish mystery. He seemed fit plenty afterward no history of spit problems. We suppress not been told his source of trouncing. We lone suppress an primitive report," Fraser told Drummond.

Fraser assumed Mah has had no history of spit problems and in the seven weeks like his trouncing, no toxicology reports suppress been returned.

"We suppress driven the Canadian consul to try and get answers for us," assumed Fraser. "I recognize Statement hand-me-down the facilities at the Downtown Inn given that he asked me to go near afterward him but I had other sound effects to do."

On Jan. 24, Mah began to feel laid up, reluctant of lack of have a siesta due to chest hard work. He was demanding to the native sanatorium everyplace Fraser says he was kept for 24 hours and weathered for secret code of a spit attack.

"The tests all came fund injurious. On the first light of the 26th, the chest hard work were underneath and the doctor diagnosed him afterward penetrating reflux and sent him earth," Fraser told Drummond.

"That dusk, for instance I check on him, he was in bed sweating and phrase that he was not aroma well once more. Subsequently for instance I called on him, he came to the admission but early he could plain it. I could understand him plummet on the other side. We had to tang the admission in.

"We tried to rejuvenate him in stuck-up. At the sanatorium he was stately dull 15 account after proceeds."

Drummond reported that the Thailand Place of work for Affliction Hint assumed so far near are no contacts between the deaths of cases examined of contest visiting Chiang Mai in January and February and no rally to the Downtown Inn.

Chiang Mai Official Pannada Disakul reportedly assumed the deaths were attempt.

The Canadian Place of work of Different Family members told QMI Bureau on Sunday that it is prudent of the Canadian trouncing.


TMZ is reporting the "AMERICAN IDOL" Top 11 contestants suppress not here the mansion!

And it's given that of "PARANORMAL ACTIVITY THAT SENT THE CONTESTANTS OVER THE EDGE." Apparently, numerous of the "AMERICAN IDOL" contestants privilege they "watched a bed quilt rashly brighten on a life of its own and breeze down an harsh hall."

Accurate as well reported lights shining in the Beverly Hills house. And near was a spider infestation. And a leaky roof!

TMZ as well reports the contestants moved out Monday and are now staying in an nameless establish.

This is not the first time "IDOL" contestants suppress complained of ghosts jiffy them on. In 2009, "IDOL" sportsperson Allison Iraheta assumed she heard growls.

Anoop Desai told Access Hollywood that the "IDOLS" suppress named the phantom Phyllis.

"(She) is entirely a kind peril. She bangs on and keeps contest temper. Allison hears everything in her room several night. I don't recognize if someone's entirely creeping on in near or what."

Numerous TSUNAMI Viewpoint

Featuring in is how the waves looked in the port of Oirase Neighborhood, Aomori Territory, in a video demanding from "WNGAD869," who trivial manages to escape at the end:

Clcik For Video

Vet Breaks Silence About Area 51 Government Opps Or Ufos
AREA 51 VETS BREAK SILENCE: SORRY, BUT NO SPACE ALIENS OR UFOSNewly revealed stories from people who used to work at Area 51 shed light on a site still shrouded in mystery. DEAN RUTZ / THE SEATTLE TIMESJames Noce holds a medallion he says was given to him by the CIA at a recent convention in Las Vegas. Reunions of Area 51 veterans used to be clandestine. James Noce recalls secret A-12 plane's early flights. TIM ZARRELLAAn old photo shows James Noce with an F-105 whose pilot he says ventured over Area 51. VANCOUVER, Wash. - After nearly five decades, guys like James Noce finally get to tell their stories about Area 51.The one that gets brought up when people talk about secret Air Force projects, crashed UFOs, alien bodies and, of course, conspiracies.The secrets, some of them, have been declassified.Noce, 72, and his fellow Area 51 veterans around the country now are free to talk about doing contract work for the CIA in the 1960s and '70s at the arid, isolated Southern Nevada government testing site.Their stories shed some light on a site shrouded in mystery; classified projects still are going on there. It's not a big leap from warding off the curious 40 or 50 years ago, to warding off the curious who now make the drive to Area 51.The veterans' stories provide a glimpse of real-life government covert operations, with their everyday routines and moments of excitement.Noce didn't seek out publicity. But when contacted, he was glad to tell what it was like."I was sworn to secrecy for 47 years. I couldn't talk about it," he says.In the 1960s, Area 51 was the test site for the A-12 and its successor, the SR-71 Blackbird, a secret spy plane that broke records at documented speeds that still have been unmatched. The CIA says it reached Mach 3.29 (about 2,200 mph) at 90,000 feet.But after September 2007, when the CIA displayed an A-12 in front of its Langley, Va., headquarters as part of the agency's 60th birthday, much of the secrecy of those days at Area 51 fell away.Advance warning to UFOlogists: Sorry, although Noce and other Area 51 vets say they saw plenty of secret stuff, none make claims about aliens.SECRETS INCLUDED PAYROLLBut on to the secrecy part.Noce remembers always getting paid in cash, signing a phony name to the receipt, during his several years of working security at the site. It was, in CIA parlance, "a black project."Noce says he has no paperwork showing that he worked at Area 51 for the CIA. He says that was common. Others who got checks say they came from various companies, including Pan American World Airways.But Noce is vouched for by T.D. Barnes, of Henderson, Nev., founder and president of Roadrunners Internationale, membership 325. Barnes is the one who says he got checks from Pan Am, for whom he had never worked.Roadrunners is a group of Area 51 vets including individuals affiliated with the Air Force, CIA, Lockheed, Honeywell and other contractors.For the past 20 years, they'd meet every couple of years at reunions they kept clandestine. Their first public session was last October at a reunion in Las Vegas at the Atomic Testing Museum.As age creeps up on them, Barnes, 72, an Area 51 radar specialist, wants the work the vets did to be remembered.And Barnes himself has someone quite credible to vouch for him: David Robarge, chief historian for the CIA and author of "Archangel: CIA's Supersonic A-12 Reconnaissance Aircraft."Robarge says about Barnes, "He's very knowledgeable. He never embellishes."Barnes says that the way membership in the Roadrunners grew was by one guy who worked for the CIA telling about another buddy who worked at Area 51, and so on. Barnes says other Area 51 vets vouched for Noce.Noce was a 1955 Vancouver High grad who went right into the Air Force and was trained in radar.Leaving the service in 1959, he worked as a produce manager for the Safeway in Camas, 17 miles east of Vancouver.Sometime in late 1961, Noce got a phone call at the grocery store. It was from a buddy of his from the Air Force days, who now worked for the CIA."He knew I had classified clearance from working at the radar sites," remembers Noce. "He asked me how would I like to live in Las Vegas."Noce agreed to drive to Las Vegas and call "a guy" who worked for "the agency."COMINGS AND GOINGSAnd so Noce began doing security.Most of the time, it was routine stuff.On Monday mornings, a Lockheed Superconstellation would fly in from the "Skunk Works" in Burbank, Calif., bringing engineers and others who were working on the A-12. They'd stay there during the week and return home on weekends.Skunk Works was the nickname for Lockheed's Advanced Development Projects, which had the A-12 contract.The routine stuff included checking badges and making sure nobody had weapons or cameras. Security workers also made sure only those with proper clearance would witness a test flight.And what a sight it was.According to the CIA, its late former chief Richard Helms recalled visiting Area 51 and watching a midnight test flight of an A-12."The blast of flame that sent the black, insect-shaped projectile hurtling across the tarmac made me duck instinctively. It was as if the devil himself were blasting his way straight from hell," said Helms, according to former CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden.Other times, the routine got very exciting.Noce remembers when "Article 123," as one of the A-12s was called, crashed on May 24, 1963, after the plane stalled near Wendover, Utah. The pilot ejected and survived.Noce says he was among those who flew to the crash site in a giant cargo plane loaded with several trucks. They loaded everything from the crash into the trucks.He remembers that a local deputy had either witnessed the crash or had quickly arrived at the scene. There also was a family on a vacation car trip who had taken photos."We confiscated the camera, took the film out," says Noce. "We just said we worked for the government."He says the deputy and the family were told not to talk to anybody about the crash, especially the press."We told them there would be dire consequences," Noce says. "You scared them."As an added incentive, he says, the CIA arrived with a briefcase full of cash."I think it was like 25 grand apiece, for the sheriff and the family," says Noce.Robarge says of cash payments to cover things up, "It was common practice."Noce also remembers providing security in 1962 as a disassembled A-12 was trucked along back roads from Burbank to Area 51.At one point, a Greyhound bus traveling in the opposite direction grazed one of the trailers. Wrote Robarge, "Project managers quickly authorized the payment of nearly 5,000 for damage to the bus so no insurance or legal inquiry would take place... "STORIES ABOUT ALIENSAbout the aliens.Noce and Barnes say they never saw anything connected to UFOs.Barnes believes the Air Force and the "Agency" didn't mind the stories about alien spacecraft. They helped cover up the secret planes that were being tested.On one occasion, he remembers, when the first jets were being tested at what Muroc Army Air Field, later renamed Edwards Air Force Base, a test pilot put on a gorilla mask and flew upside down beside a private pilot."Well, when this guy went back, telling reporters, 'I saw a plane that didn't have a propeller and being flown by a monkey,' well, they laughed at this guy - and it got where the guys would see [test pilots] and they didn't dare report it because everybody'd laugh at them," says Barnes.Noce says he quite liked working at Area 51.He got paid 1,000 a month (about 7,200 in today's dollars). Weekdays he lived for free at the base in admittedly utilitarian housing - five men assigned to a one-story house, sharing a kitchen and bathroom.Something that all Area 51 vets remember about living at the base, he says, was the great food."They had these cooks come up from Vegas. They were like regular chefs," Noce remembers. "Day or night, you could get a steak, whatever you wanted."Lobster was flown in regularly from Maine. A jet, sent across the country to test its engines, would bring back the succulent payload.On weekends, Noce and other contracted CIA guys would drive to Las Vegas.They rented a pad, and in the patio plumbed in a bar with storage for two kegs of beer. It was a great time, barbecuing steaks and having parties, Noce says.Noce has two pieces of proof from his Area 51 days: faded black-and-white snapshots taken surreptitiously.One shows him in 1962 in front of his housing unit at Area 51. The other shows him in front of what he says is one of two F-105 Thunderchiefs whose Air Force pilots overflew Area 51 out of curiosity. The pilots were forced to land and were told that a no-fly zone meant just that.Noce worked at Area 51 from early 1962 to late 1965. He returned to Vancouver and spent most of his working life as a longshoreman.Noce remembers once in recent years talking with fellow retired longshoreman pals and telling them stories about Area 51. When they didn't believe him, he says, "Well, there was nothing I could do to prove anything."COLLECTING MEMORIESMary Pelevsky, a University of Nevada visiting scholar, headed the school's Nevada Test Site Oral History Project from 2003 to 2008. Some 150 people were interviewed about their experiences during Cold War nuclear testing. Area 51 vets such as Barnes also were interviewed.The historian says it was difficult to verify stories because of secrecy at the time, cover stories, memory lapses and - sometimes - misrepresentations.But, she says, "I've heard this cloak-and-dagger stuff, and you say, 'No way.' Then you hear enough and begin to realize some of these stories are true."In October, Noce and his son, Chris, of Colorado, drove to Las Vegas for that first public reunion of the Area 51 vets. He and his old buddies remembered the days."I was doing something for the country," Noce says about those three years in the 1960s. "They told me, 'If anything should ever come up, anyone asks, 'Did you work for the CIA?' Say, 'Never heard of them.' But [my buddies] know."

Another day, another "creature" on Mars. Eagle-eyed UFO enthusiasts recently announced they've spotted yet another "animal" on the red planet. On Nov. 6, the UFO Sightings Daily blog declared that NASA's Curiosity rover had taken what appears to be a photograph of a Martian iguana: The Martian "iguana." The top image has been digitally enhanced to highlight the features of the "creature," according to UFO Sightings Daily blog. "To say it's just a rock would be very closed minded to the evidence at hand," Scott C. Waring, the blog's founder, noted of the curious image taken in January. "[N]ot only does it have a body, but look closely and you will see its lower neck skin, its mouth line, nostril hole and even an open eye with a large brow over it." This image of Mars' surface was captured by the Curiosity rover on Jan. 10. It's not the first time an "animal" was spotted on Mars. Earlier this year, the blog featured a Curiosity rover image of a rodent-like "creature. [A]ctually there have been about 10-15 [sightings] to date," UFO Sightings Daily coordinator Scott C. Warring told Canadian news site "I even found a rock that moved four []

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Bigfoot Pair Encountered Near Crane Lake Minnesota


Hello Sir - I am writing you about an incident my daughter and I had this past weekend near Crane Lake, Minnesota. We were on our way home and traveling south on Crane Lake Road only a few miles from the lodge we had stayed the weekend. As we drove around a wide bend in the road we noticed two tall dark creatures walk out of the forest to my left. I slammed the brakes and stopped about 30 feet from them. They seemed oblivious to us as they walked onto the road and barely gave us a glance. They crossed in front of the car and leaped over a ditch then into the forest. I quickly hit the gas pedal and drove for about a quarter mile. I then pulled over to collect myself. My daughter, who is 15, was sitting with a shocked look and not moving. My heart was racing and I was shaking uncontrollably.

I think we sat there without saying a word to each other for over a minute. I then asked my daughter what she thought those creatures were. Immediately she said that we had seen 'Bigfoot'.

Both creatures were about 7 foot tall and massively built. I was surprised by the amount of dark reddish hair they both had and how proportionate their bodies were to humans. I saw the face of one of the creatures briefly as it glanced at us. The nose was very broad but the rest of the face was similar to those you see on TV that are supposed to be cavemen. They walked upright like humans and didn't slouch. I believe they were both male.

I have lived in Minnesota (in St. Cloud) all my life and I never heard of anyone seeing a 'Bigfoot'. My daughter is convinced that these creatures were 'Bigfoot'. We looked online and found your website and an image that best represents what we witnessed.

Have there been sightings in the Crane Lake area previously? I called the lodge where we stayed and the woman who answered said that there had been a few sightings in the area over the years but nothing that close to their location. I'd be interested to know what it was we saw. I can't believe that there are not more reports of these creatures. Thanks for reading. MM

The image forwarded by MM that she says best represents the hominids they witnessed.

Canada's Legendary Animals Series

NOTE: I posted the email as I received it. I contacted the witness by an alternate email she provided...she replied that I could post her report minus any personal information. She added that her daughter has had nightmares since the encounter and that they have not mentioned the incident to anyone else other than the woman at the lodge. I told the witness that these encounters are something that you never forget (from personal knowledge). I sincerely hope her daughter's nightmares subside...though I have known of some witnesses who suffer PTSD long after these close encounters. I didn't get a time but they had just checked out so I assume it was during daylight on Monday (4/2) morning.

I also contacted the lodge where MM and her daughter stayed this past weekend. I talked to a very nice lady who asked me to talk to someone who knew the area better than her. Another woman got on the telephone and asked me to call her back at another number. Well, we played 'phone tag' for most of the afternoon (seems like it's busy at the lodge) but finally she was able to talk.

I inquired about Bigfoot sightings in the area. She said that there had been several reports north of their location in Ontario's Quetico Provincial Park and that there had been an expedition (I supposed it was BFRO) near Voyageurs National Park in the summer of 2011. She said several of the people in the expedition party had stayed at their lodge. I gave her my contact number / email and asked that she contact me if other information became available.

The image that MM forwarded to me is posted above...Lon


Strange Minnesota Monsters

The M-Files: True Reports of Minnesota's Unexplained Phenomena (Tales of the Supernatural)"

The Battle Of Los Angeles 71St Anniversary Today Eyewitness Report Pt 2
By C. Scott Littleton

Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus

Occidental College

Los Angeles, CA

(c) 2006 - 2013 At first, it was widely suspected that a high-altitude, carrier-based Japanese observation plane had strayed over the L.A. area. Or perhaps one of our own military planes was the culprit-although no 1942-vintage airplane was capable of standing still in the air. The one thing we did learn after the war was that neither the Japanese nor our own military have an "official" record of any of their aircraft flying over the L.A. basin that fabled evening. Even the presence of our pursuit planes, which was absolutely certain, has been denied. Of course, all concerned could be lying-though the probability of such a lie persisting for over sixty years is remote. That is, assuming what we saw was a terrestrial craft.

In recent decades several Ufologists have suggested that it might have been one of the largest mass UFO sightings in history, as it involved well over a million people. Only the sightings over Mexico City in the mid 1990s exceed it in terms of the total number of percipients.

To be sure, no one suggested this theory at the time, as it wasn't until five years later, in 1947, after civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold's landmark sighting of nine "flying saucers" over Mt. Rainer in June of that year, that the notion that UFOs from other planets might be invading our skies became widespread-although if the theory that a crash retrieval occurred at Cape Giradeau, MO, in 1941 is correct, it's quite possible that the government had at least a modicum of knowledge about the phenomenon by 1942.

Several years ago, I joined forces with Ufologist Frank Warren, who's been fascinated by this event for many years-although he's of course much too young to have observed it personally. With the help of well-known Navy photo-analyst and UFO investigator, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Frank and I have pretty well determined the craft's path before it appeared in the sky over Hermosa Beach. It was initially observed by several residents of the Pacific Palisades rising over the Santa Monica Mountains around 2:45 a.m. From there, it seems to have moved southeast across Santa Monica and West L.A. in the direction of the Baldwin Hills, which separate Culver City from Inglewood and the flatlands to the south....

Continue Reading Full Report...

See Also:

The Battle of Los Angeles - 71st Anniversary (Today) EYEWITNESS REPORT (Pt 1)

Scotty Littleton Presents His Eyewitness Account of The Battle of Los Angeles VIDEO 71st ANNIVERSARY MONTH





Once Upon A Missing Time By Philip Mantle
"ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME: A NOVEL OF ABDUCTION" BY PHILIP MANTLE 14.95 US (paperback)7.99 US (ebook) For U.S. purchase:Createspace (buying here gives a few extra dollars to the author)"ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME" is a powerful and emotional journey involving married couple Alan and Pamela Morrison and their teenage daughter, Wendy. Alan is a teacher at the local high school, and his wife Pamela is a social worker for the local authority. One night, whilst driving back from their in-laws home near the rural North Yorkshire village of East Yardsley, the Morrison family encounter something that would change their lives and world view forever. The Morrisons have a close encounter with something quite extraordinary. On arriving home, they discover nearly four hours of their lives are missing. Plagued by nightmarish shared dreams, the Morrisons look for answers for their missing time. Their search for answers threatens to tear the family apart, leaving them with lives that will never be the same again. Set in rural England in 1990, this was an era before the internet and the digital age. The Morrison family search for answers that eventually ends in frustration and betrayal. This is not a story about alien visitation, but rather how a family try desperately to cope with a phenomenon that no one seems to understand. Although a work of fiction, Once Upon A Missing Time is based on real life close encounter cases from the U.K. All of the characters in this drama are based on people who have either experienced this phenomena first-hand, or have been UFO investigators. The names, locations, and professions of all have been changed to protect the individuals concerned. Once you have read Once Upon A Missing Time, you will realise that the phrase "close encounter" was not just a figment of Steven Spielberg's imagination. * * * Reviews: In this fascinating new book, Philip Mantle swaps roles as a knowledgeable investigator of the UFO phenomenon to assume the garb of Sci-Fi author and makes the transition seamlessly. In doing so he brings first hand knowledge to a subject still deeply mired in mystery and speculation. What makes the book doubly interesting is that all the characters, although fictitious, are drawn from actual cases involving alleged alien abduction and the attention to detail shows. In fact one of the investigators could easily be the author. Read more >> From "ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME" Just as the car was moving away from the junction, Wendy's shout drew their attention. "Look mum, a shooting star!" They both followed her outstretched finger to point just above the hills to the north, where a small, bright white light followed a fast, steep trajectory towards the shadowy horizon. Just as it seemed that it would be lost forever behind the stark hills, it levelled out and followed the terrain for a short while before finally disappearing below the skyline at a shallower angle. They watched for a short while, puzzled, before Alan moved away from the junction and applied the power again. Pamela looked across at him once more when the speedometer reached sixty. "Watch it, Alan." He nodded and backed the power off a little in order to round a bend. He was preparing to accelerate again when his eyes widened and his reflexes took over for just long enough to ensure their safety, snatching his foot from the accelerator and jamming it on the brake pedal. The car's nose dipped as the updated brakes did their work and their speed dropped rapidly until they were at a standstill. Alan took the car out of gear and applied the handbrake as he stared at the impenetrable bank of glowing green mist before them. The lights on the panel of the radio flickered into darkness and the sound from its speakers suddenly ceased. With a baffled look at Pamela he knocked the gear shift back into 'D' and moved off cautiously. He had heard of small banks of mist in country lanes which collected in the fields and then obscured an area of road for a short while before either moving on or diffusing, but had never seen or heard of green mist. He thought of mysterious agricultural chemicals and rolled his window up quickly as he drove on slowly. He was about to remark on the fog's strangeness when a childlike scream of pure terror made them both look round. Wendy was sitting in the centre of the rear seat, as far away from either window as possible and pointing, dumbfounded, towards her left. Pamela looked round for a moment before turning back to Wendy. "What is it, darling? What's wrong?" Wendy continued to point at the window against which the mist pressed. "Th Th There was a face there. Like a cat with funny eyes." Pamela looked back to Alan for a moment with a concerned look on her face. She mouthed 'KEEP GOING' at him before turning back to Wendy. "It was probably just a sheep. Maybe there's a fence down somewhere along the road." "It didn't look like a sheep; it had no nose and funny eyes." "It's just the fog love. It makes things look strange." Pamela's last word seemed to echo through the air between them for a long time before there was a heavy bump which caused the car to veer across the road. Immediately, the headlights were cutting through the mist and then they were out of it and back on the familiar stretch of road again. Alan began to accelerate and took a quick look at Wendy. He was surprised to see that she was asleep again. Pamela was lying back in her seat and gazing at the sky through the sunroof. She turned back to Alan as she felt the car accelerate. "What the hell do you think that was?" "I don't know - some kind of fog?" "What sort of fog is green?" * * * ENDORSEMENTS FOR ONCE UPON A MISSING TIME "Philip Mantle has put the trauma of the alien abduction into perspective for all of us in his story that sucks us in on the first page. It is a tale, not of aliens, but of the results of those who have been abducted and what they experience as a result of something that is beyond their control. Mantle has provided a story that draws to in and keeps you entertained from the first page to the last. It is a story that causes you to keep turning the pages."- Kevin Randle, UFO author, lecturer and broadcaster, USA. "A not to be missed fiction, from one of the leading authorities on UFOs. Has to be worth reading!"- Philip Gardiner, Author/filmmaker, UK. "They say time is a great healer-and it is, until it goes missing. Philip Mantle's novel, Once Upon a Missing Time, takes us on a dark tour through the oft-misunderstood abduction phenomenon - and the angst it can cause in the lives of its victims. Mantle is extremely knowledgeable about the abduction phenomenon, and it shows. In this novel, his real-life expertise translates dramatically into the lives of the characters. Scrupulously well thought-out, it provides a gripping insight into one of the greatest enigmas of our era. Although a work of fiction, it carries a disturbing aura of reality on every page. A thought-provoking read that should not be missed."- Mike Hallowell, Freelance journalist line-height: 19px;">- Lee Paqui - Editor, UFO Encounter, and Lee Paqui - UFO Research, Queensland, Australia. "Philip Mantle is probably one of the major unsung heroes of the British UFO scene, having been eclipsed by the likes of Timothy Good and Nick Pope. In this, his first fiction book, he tackles the thorny subject of the 'abduction' and 'Close Encounter' scenario. Although the book is a work of fiction, it draws from many well documented cases from the never-ending enigma that is the UFO subject. This book will provide a thought provoking read, if you are skeptic or believer in the phenomenon."- Kevin Goodman, author of "UFO Warminster: Cradle of Contact," UK. "The work of Philip Mantle is never a surprise, because we know how good it is. In this book, although a work of fiction, I know that Philip has used all of his experience to bring the close encounter experience to life."- Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, UFO researcher and author, Brazil. "In a classic example of poacher turned gamekeeper, Philip Mantle has dug deep into his long established background as a world renowned investigator of the UFO phenomenon to produce a first class novel based on his years of experience in the field and a damn fine job he makes of it too. This book bears all the hallmarks of a homage to a well loved and understood subject and it is told in a surprisingly matter of fact manner that belies the central premise of alien abduction and how it can badly affect those involved."-Brian Allan: Author, speaker and researcher specialising in paranormal phenomena, UK. * * * Philip Mantle is an international UFO researcher, lecturer and broadcaster. His books have been published in six different languages around the world. He is the former Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association and former MUFON representative for England. Philip has written articles and features for numerous publications around the world and has been both editor and assistant editor of high street UFO publications. Philip can be contacted via his website, or email him at

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