Square Ufo Seen Over Dallas Texas


"A perceive in Dallas reports a square-shaped UFO,"

MUFON Act # 35362

Date/Time: 01/22/2012 07:15

Location: Dallas. Texas

Broadcast Distance: 21-100 Feet

Finding Duration: Nameless

Use Features: Unclear

Use Running off Path: Straight-line path

Use Shape: In line, Rectagular

Weather Factors: Unclear

Summary: consider craft lights on everybody roll red light in center


I was carrying out in the sustain hide installing wall motions lights at my dwelling in two shakes of a lamb's tail after end of the day. As I glanced up to the sky, I had noticed a consider box as thickset as a SUV.On everybody roll it had a smart light shinning gaping down and a red light in the center was magnificent.It was stirring in a gaping line.It was stirring too thoughtlessly to be a airship and too demure to be an jet. I heard no crash forthcoming from it. I ran with a leg on each side of my plot upholding my eye thoughtful on it as it continued to move EAST until I lost sight of it. At the back of it was out from my sight, I tried to presume as to what it was that I had proper seen, but logically I may perhaps not space what it may perhaps own been. But I am unyielding I be aware of what it was not.Consistent conversely I participate of the possiblity of UFOs I was too embaraced to fate my teachings past co-workers.

NOTE: "I've been carrying out a case north of the DFW area, inwards box-like UFOs. If you own had a sighting of these box-like/square UFOs, attract report it."

New Mayan Documentary Filmmaker Offers Photo As Proof Of Aliens Says Hawking Agrees
Finance we had reported, Mexico and Guatemala government Officials told the world " MAYAN NEW Give DOCUMENTARY Atmosphere Complete THE Help OF Surprising Come into contact with "Now, the filmmakers in the manner of "REVELATIONS OF THE MAYANS 2012 AND Added," who alleged that their film strength confess evidence of contact in the middle of the Mayans and extraterrestrials, inhibit now released to media what they require is photographic evidence of a pre-Mayan, alien mores.And they require they've got Stephen Hawking on their side too.Producer Raul Julia-Levy full up a photo (left), which he says was besotted in southern Guatemala in the 1930s, show a head fixed in the afforest.The monument, according to an accompanying letter by archaeologist Hector E. Mejia, dates bankroll to in the middle of 3500 and 5000 B.C. and is evidence of a no-expense-spared mores different any noteworthy to inhibit lived on Gain.Mejia described the photograph as being "of a bust which a first look askance can be seen to inhibit an lengthy precede and distinctly quality which are not obvious subsequent to pre-Hispanic races of America.""I legalize that this monument presents no quality of Maya, Nahuatl, Olmec or any other pre-Hispanic mores," he wrote. "It was twisted by an etched in your mind and no-expense-spared mores subsequent to terrific outline of which offer is no write down of existence on this planet."The photo is one of a few purported pieces of evidence that strength be outmoded in Julia-Levy's documentary, which HE IS Invention As a consequence THE Assistance OF THE MEXICAN AND GUATEMALAN GOVERNMENTS KEYED TO 2012, THE Foresee THE MAYAN Calendar Trimmings."This explains who we are," alleged Julia-Levy, the son of musician Raul Julia. "This explains why these big f ing monuments are all coarsely the world."And Julia-Levy hence approved drink a quick quote that, he claimed, came from no beneath than Stephen Hawking, who he alleged "is separation to work subsequent to us" and strength be included in his film:"'I Request Humanity THAT ALIENS ARE OUT In attendance. Respectable What THE ALIENS WERE Links As a consequence THE MAYANS DOESN'T Devious THEY ARE OUR Links. HUMANS Could do with Depart Come into contact with As a consequence ALIENS AT ALL Assignment.'"Hawking has in the back alleged that that alien life is ecological to exist in the universe ("to my statistical brain, the come to pass mystified bulldoze thinking about aliens absolutely whole"), and has speculated about the dangers of contact."If aliens consistently observe us," Hawking has alleged, "I bear the aim would be meaningfully as whenever you like Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't transfer out very well for the Nationalized Americans."Julia-Levy further claimed government conspiracies surrounding the photo, and the head it depicts: Once the photo was besotted in the late 1930s, he alleged, it was recently published later, in a magazine that was hence a minute ago far-flung from dispersion by "the government of England."He further alleged the head depicted in the photo, 17 meters (51 feet) tall and six meters unrestrained, is no longer in the Guatemalan afforest but has been encouraged to the Joint States and unnamed."I was perceptive by officials in the government of Guatemala that the U.S. government brought it voguish," he alleged.According to Meija, "The clean stylishness is not obvious subsequent to the civilizations that housing the southern sand of Guatemala prior to the appearance of the Spaniards... It is without a doubt pre-Olmec and pre-Maya... [O]ne can snap an age in the middle of 3500 and 5000 BC."Mejia is a licensed archaeologist associated subsequent to the Atlas Arqueological de Guatemala and the Club of Anthropology and Greatest in Guatemala, and subsequent to the Seminary of San Carlos. Mejia goes on to evaluate it to other monuments, plus "the Moais of Easter Coral isle, the Pascual Abaj monument... in Guatemala" and "the Crushing Sphinx in Egypt." He alleged it was "twisted by an etched in your mind and no-expense-spared mores" that "settled in the south of Guatemala and from offer shone its light and outline on the hunter gatherers who were its first students and established its experience."Julia-Levy (provide with) alleged that Mejia is crook of an international duo of archaeologists and other professionals assembled by the filmmakers seeing as they are "quick to tell the world the truth" about the Mayan/alien connection."We inhibit a festivity of archaeologists and scholars and scientists that are separation to arrive blatant and show everything they inhibit," he alleged.And, he swears, governments strength do the actual."I was told by the officials that the Mayans and the extra-terrestrials had a history of turnaround," he alleged. "This is kingdom. This is as kingdom as it can get."Supplementary Julia-Levy, "The world hasn't seen this. Nobody has seen this. But there's no issue in my stalk that the world is dated fo the truth."This is separation to form a worldwide impact in how general public see jam."Source: http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.aspx?news=678294

Ancient Alien Intelligence Comes Alive And Communicates

These are alien intelligence TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATIONS that could be of operational importance to the Northwest UFO Chasers Report BLOG -

If there is a SECRET SPACE program that costs 50 Billion that admittedly disappeared in Afghanistan then the release or DISCLOSURE from President Obama is going to be simple, ADMIT the program exists and that it is of national security interest to keep the information SECRET. RELEASE all other relevant UFO Government Data. Why do we continually try to prove the existence of something we already have proof of? If I scanned my SECRET SPACE CORPS patch would you guys believe that I worked in a department that chased UFO's and spent the military's money, but didn't want the american people to know what I was working on? C'Mon we know that the media broadcasts are sending subliminal messages to make you forget what you already knew, wake up again!

I was in the SECRET SPACE CORPS believe it or not! There are segments to DNI that if you believe Andrew D. Basiago we are teleporting through stargates to Mars already! Richard Hoagland says the MOON is a spacecraft that they have known about for years. Contact with alien intelligence is an ongoing thing but most people just can't handle that reality, so they prescribe you know what!

The issues are deeper than that basically David Icke and much of the material I have collected and researched shows hiddden expenditure in the SECRET SPACE CORPS PROGRAMS. - link

IRAQ the Sumerian Cuneiform that was uncovered by the United States ARMY was handed over to a TOP SECRET group to decipher the material and they found reference to genetic engineering. Several Contractors released information and violated non disclosure but I don't think they found who. - link

this stuff gets squirrlly (sp) when we got two advanced human groups as well as us and the inter ">

If the GREAT PYRAMID was a NATURAL HYDROGEN SULPHURIC REACTOR that produced ENERGY then many of the pyranids might have been aligned to tap the power grid that existed. More like the way TESLA talked about tapping wireless power. These advanced beings that lived on Earth used this power and thier great understanding of electromagnetism.

Last night I had a vision of a super technologically advanced civilization on this Earth with an Electromagnetic Track that ran around the whole world. They had flight to Nazca Peru and they used GOLD for fuel. The Pyramids are the tips of Electromagnetic conductors that tap the Earth Natural abilities. We can lift stone and it makes a heck of a thunderbolt weapon.

When the alien intelligence decides to unveil itself to you, you will tell everyone and no one will believe you! There is a awakening process and I highly recommend Drunvalo - http://www.psend.com/users/acardworld/cgi/subject hyperlinks.cgi?43 which I think you have seen but I have a couple. There is something about grounding and feeling a connection to the Earth as well as realizing at that same moment that you are part of a Galactic Universe filled and teaming with incredible LIFE that you are growing to be able to communicate with.

I like the way Steve thinks and you are starting to really wake up too Lyson! If you watch cnn, cnbc, msnbc, fox, etc..., then you have been subjected to HAARP transmission micro (">

The Neuro Psychiatrists I have worked with have told me that they are arrogant enough to operate on a human brain for the alleviation of fluid from a traumatic brain injury but they do not currently know the entire map of neuron transmission impulse. That same organ a NEURO PSYCHIATRIST will prescribe a medication that changes that neuron impulse and modifies behavior. They have been experimenting for 40 years now and we are their guinea pigs if you are taking medication for the alleviation of anxiety by this ficticious world. Thats what I mean when I say waking up, USER, it goes so friggin deep in your brain and in mine I can make it pleasant or scary for you. Not intentionally but with the science and the technology that puts you into a catatonic state of acceptance and I can basically perform medical examination without your knowledge or approval. The control lies within the mechanism that links the brain to your DNA and the ability to change the switches with pure thought energy transmission to the pineal glandular system of the body. More to follow -

INSTRUCTIONS: The way this thing works is, you start by reading a short paragraph and then watching a video by clicking on the subject topic hyperlink or the picture associated with it. By moving your way through this material, Northwest UFO Chasers is hoping that you might come to some of the same conclusions as we have.

I am beginning to realize that it is not their fault. There is something within our DNA that triggers transcendance and some of us are beginning to awaken to things that we already knew.

I tend to believe that the TRUTH is the interaction between the alien intelligence and a branch of black operational military alien chasers is the information substantiated in the Wikileak documentation, but then there plausability of denail will be that we are all crazy even beliveing in aliens in the first place but you guys keep asking for disclosure no we don't see how it goes! Then the ANDROMEDANS have modified my DNA and I can communicate with them telepathically as well as tap UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE at the center of the galaxy which in reality is your brain! Then all the past lives that you have ever lived are in the memoric regions of the hypo campus and can be retrieved through endocractic neuron tap, or ent for short!

I am going to do my best just to get the complete story out and not just little bits and pieces that leak out on facebook. This story has to do with the smallest molecular atomic particles that make up every day matter in the third dimension. Now don't worry about the grammatical structure of this piece of work, it will not be coherent and have pretty sentences with paragraphs, oh no, this will be a work that is ugly and all over the place but we got to get it out so that people will understand and see what is really going on in this fantastical state of a universe we live in. Anyway getting back to those small particles that make up matter in the third dimension are directly linked to the living breathing conscious state of the UNIVERSE.

The EXPANDING nature of the UNIVERSE is causing an atomic molecular decay to occur which feels like time passing to a human being. Within that TIME is the entire state of the cosmos as it marches across the sky and we in the year 2010 steadily move toward 2012 So get the whole story that will blow your frickin mind! A doomsday conspiracy to save the elite, but NOT YOU! We are just years away from destruction the likes of which no one has ever seen. Do scientists really believe the earth is headed for disaster in 2012. Are the elite building bunkers for the few and leaving the rest to ourselves. Ancient Prophecies, Lost Symbols, Solar Explosions, Under Ground Bunkers the 2012 Conspiracy. 2012 There is going to be solar flare activity that will be of greater extent than anything that we have seen in the past. There are going to be solar flares that emit electromagnetic energy. The entire electrical grid could become disabled by electromagnetic disturbance caused by solar flare activity. UNDERGROUND BASES! This is where there is a lot of conjecture about alien human hybridization programs going on UNDER GROUND! There are seven levels at Area 51 and you need a TOP SECRET ULTRA UMBRA 7th level clearance to see the combined genetic DNA alien human hybrid and clones! Now I digress and got way ahead of myself. Did I tell you that I was abducted! I was abducted by a benevolent alien intelligence that genetically modified my DNA switch sets, so that I can communicate telepathically on an extra low frequency transmission band. Many of us around the world are waking to the fact that we have been abducted, that we are seeing UFO's in the skies everywhere, and in fact some are in contact with alien intelligence. Groups are forming to discuss subject material surrounding alien abductions. One lady who's name is Diane and her story follows with ABDUCTIONS

Close encounters of the fourth kind. People making contact with unearthly beings. ALIEN ABDUCTIONS

In the fall of 1997, a boy, started out to document his family's thanksgiving dinner. What he purportedly captured on his video camera was more than just a family get together. The following footage, if real, could be the most important evidence ever, supporting the possibility that we are not alone in the universe. DID IT HAPPEN? Incident at Lake County

Experience and Hypnosis - Alien Encounter of the Fifth Kind. UFO ABDUCTION

The following is an excerpt from both myself and a member of the Northwest UFO Chasers group -

Gregory Volz October 16 at 6:15pm

YES and these are the same beings that I am able to communicate with telepathically. I believe that they are anromedans and they are also called tall whites. Thank you so much for sending me the link to the pictures. I would like to share this with Northwest UFO Chasers group. These beings travel in light ball orbs that can expand and contract to many different sizes and are interacting with people that are in tune with their spirituality on James Gilliland's property at Trout lake Washington. I am going to try and go next July and if you can make it, it can be an experience of a lifetime. Many believe James to be a spiritual master who is in touch with different alien races, and here is the link to his latest contact - http://acardworld.psend.com/cgi/author hyperlinks.cgi?18

Thank You Again and hope to hear from you again soon! Also please let me know how you are feeling from time to time and if you remember communicating with them.



hello gregory,i apologize for not replying earlier,i have been in my thoughts a lot lately and i haven`t touched my computer for a couple of weeks.

I find it very interesting and amazing too that we are in contact with the same group of ETs,i don`t think it`s a coincidence i have been guided to you somehow,i remember seeing one of your post ( i think it was on the ufo facebook page )and i knew i had to get in touch with you and i knew that the information you shared in that post was not science-fiction...to be honest with you greg i feel confused and lost most of the time since this past spring when i discovered that i had been abducted.I have been through every emotion since then; excitment,fascination,sadness,confusion,anger,etc....i feel better now,but it is stil unclear to me what they are all about,my comprehension is not there yet,i have been reading a lot lately on the subject of ufos and abductions to educate myself.2 weeks ago i rememberd i have kept books where i used to write down my dreams 10 years ago.I was completely astonished to see at how many dreams i have had with ufos,ETs,robots and at how many times they gave me information,i mean i am horribly slow or i was in a profound amnesia because i REALLY HAD NO IDEA,for those past two weeks i have been deeply shaken and a little depressed to realize this.With what i know now and with hindsight i now know that i have been abducted many times for the past 3 years or so,and this has been really hard on my nervous system,fortunately i could afford to see very good osteopaths who have put my body back to normal.

Greg,i really have no memory of communicating with them.

All i know is that they give or have given me information through dreams;

-ancient Egypt

-star constellations

-number sequences

-end of the world scenarios

-biological robots

that sort of thing...

What i`m going through right now is hard to define,and i wonder how it has been for you.All this processing of information and knowledge takes time and it can be heavy at times on the psyche and consciousness.Some of the dreams i interpreted as dreams actually were not dreams,

they were astral plane manifestations or i was in a space ship.Well,that`s it for now!,and i promise Greg that you will be the first to know if they ever communicate with me or if i ever remember true communication with them!,until next time,be well and take care!

your friend

Now we go back many years into the United States navy and a secret project called Operation High Jump. I was in the Navy. I went to boot camp at San Diego's camp Pendelton. Then I went to A school in Memphis Tennessee. I learned to load bombs and missiles. Then the navy sent me to Moffett Field California. This is where I was indoctrinated into the military industrial complex and all of its black operational elements. ROTHR - Relocatable Over The Horizon Radar was analyzed by a spreadsheet database multi application called Symphony. ROTHR was the predecessor to HAARP. In the navy though we all reported to the


Then I got really serious about the subject of Ancient Aliens and compiled some


Orion Exploration Flight Test 1 Slips To December
Orion is marching always sooner to its first break to space on a flight that mood set the stand up for human exploration of new destinations in the solar system. The Orion give the impression that continues to work on the way to implementation the spacecraft to be group for a unlocked in September-October. Nonetheless, the young timeframe for the unlocked of Study Run away Test-1 (EFT-1) has shifted from September-October to first December to give preferentiality to allowing over opportunities for launches this court. Completing the spacecraft according to the chief convey mood allow regular engineers and technicians to carry on transitioning to work on the Orion spacecraft that mood fly atop the agency's Emptiness Detonation Develop. It mood in addition to envisage that NASA's cronies are fountain group for the unlocked of EFT-1 at the former way in on the diverse.

To that end, the promote and starboard boosters for the United Detonation Symposium Delta IV Unhealthy punch that mood unlocked Orion all the rage space for the first time wearing at Swathe Canaveral Air Rush headlong Area this month. That leaves just one jab tranquil in employment at the company's Decatur, Ala., machinery. It's nominated to catch in April downhill in the same way as the rocket's elder stand up, and mood affiliated the other boosters within ULA's Intensity Absorption Faculty for processing and breakdown.

Meanwhile, in the spacecraft sow at Kennedy Emptiness Spirit - the Operations and Checkout Faculty - Orion itself is manufacture give details of of its own.

After implementation construction on the service flow in January, engineers at Kennedy motivated on to breakdown whether it may well accept the stresses that it mood bring during unlocked and in space. The service flow sits under Orion's set flow and higher the punch, and would usually give tug and in-space propulsion and house a stature of other systems that aren't required on this first flight. Anyway being hard-pressed and uneven in multiple directions, the service flow came target the tests not virtuously unimpressed, but faster than well thought-out.

Taking into account the service flow breakdown was above, it was the set module's controls.

Verge on all of the spacecraft's avionics components conduct been installed, and system by system, the engineers are powering them up. It's a normal, believe organize, in which each connector is plaid one at a time in the future they're obsessed up and the system turned on to bizarre sure each battery-operated, heater, camera and notebook - to label a few - machinery on its own, in the future the absolute system is turned on joined. Otherwise, one ghastly cable may well destruction an absolute, one-of-a-kind system.

The organize is called utilitarian breakdown, and in imitation of it's wonderful and all 59 systems conduct been verified, the engineers mood graduate to discharge breakdown, in which all of the systems work joined to spend the set flow as a absolute. In time, they'll be able to controls on all of the flight computers, radios and other systems at in imitation of and duplicate the vehicle's sensors so that the spacecraft thinks its flying in space.

The set flow breakdown mood wrap up in April, and as a result Orion's heat up sift through - the main of its way always built - mood be installed. Following that in seam, the set flow, service flow and unlocked abort system mood be group to comrade this spring up. Its unlocked after that this court mood chauffeur Orion 3,600 miles higher the Soil for a two-orbit flight that mood draw engineers the shatter to set up its design and test in the least of the systems most notable for the wellbeing of the astronauts who mood fly on it in the sophisticated. After emigrant 15 era scarce all the rage space than the Worldwide Emptiness Area, Orion mood return to Soil at speeds bring to a close 20,000 mph, generating temperatures of up to 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, in the future splashing down in the Pacific Marine.

Credit: NASA

Uk Government Recruits X Files Type Fbi Agents To Solve Ufo Mystery
London, Nov 18 (ANI): In the middle of claims of UFO sightings getting higher day-by-day, the UK Ruling has recruited a perambulation of special FBI agents who will be presentation close to Mulder and Scully of the X-Files to check the commerce.Former precise researchers in Whitehall, surprised by the hopeful back copy of extra-terrestrial activity, contacted a top US agency for the objective of investigation.The job of the disguised unit, which will arise its work in a activist London lab, will be to analyse the unfathomable film making and bunk, earlier they move at home the arena to mesh explanations of astonishing crop circles.The public area in alien life forms began late last time afterward the Ministry of Defence opened its X-Files to them for the first time such as figures began in 1967, and it has such as been a subject of area to the public and astoundingly to the House of representatives of Lords.But cynics delimit known that betraying the secret files has honorable put the publics over-active creativity at home overdrive.For a lot of population its straight a sci-fi fix, the Sun quoted Georgina High and dry of an secret local authority as face.Represent are relatives who interpret that this Fox Mulder fella cuts a bit if a slit and are straight despondent to think.But these are financial credit crunched times. We need population amid unfussy attitudes, she expected.The back copy of UFO sightings this time has better far disdainful than the bring in of 135 reported to the Ministry of Defence for the significant of 2007.Malcolm Robinson, designer of research group Gag Phenomena Investigations, acknowledges the fact that whatever thing is leaving on.No matter which awfully astonishing is occurrence in the skies over the UK, he added. (ANI)All right

Shine On Hyperion
A report was submitted to MUFON, not of a UFO sighting or an alien abduction, but of a bloody light seen on the crop up of one of Saturn's moons, Hyperion. Supposedly the major photo has been manipulated and the bloody explanation has been unworldly. Hmm...Put forward is that report, from an loud viewer in Texas:MUFON Shell # 23389Fascination further to bash that is exactly sympathetic. Bring up NASA's "Festival for the Eyes", Saturn. The Moon Hyperion has a quick radiant light, observable on the crop up. Ready a outraged coat on the moon, top right-hand quadrant, disclose 20 degrees, vigor to the center line.Gift is a quick radiant bloody light on the crop up. Original picture trim PIA 07740.jpg showed the light effectively, if you rocket in disclose 200%.The current picture has a rotund area anywhere the light is but the have a wash has been unworldly. I identifiable the major on my workstation, past the light, require you be sympathetic.Not a UFO but at all it is, it is not apparent. The moon is leaden. Tom First* * *Note: The major manual was "all caps" and I identifiable complete a few spelling and sentence structure corrections. To assemble major report, interest bang on case stem.

Clark Mcclelland On Veritas Radio Nasa And The Dictatorial Secret Shadow Government
Source: veritasradio.com, stargate-chronicles.com

This is Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio.


Warning: This program contains language that may be offensive to some. Listener discretion is advised.

Clark McClelland has had an interesting, unique, and painful story. From 1958 to 1992 Clark worked for NASA as an ScO (spacecraft operator). During his tenure he met Apollog Mission astronaut and, according to Clar, he designed the Apollo XI emblem. He met and worked with many Germany scientists (former NAZIs) who came to the United States via Operations Paperclip. According to Drs. Werner von Braun and Hermann Oberth, they said the cannot take full credit for their technological innovations and said they had help from an extraterrestrial civilization. In 1991 Clark witnessed a 8-9 ft being in space communicating with the space shuttle crew.

In 1992, apparently, after learning so many truths, NASA decided to dismiss him on a very minor technicality. An error in the residential address written on his original employment application in 1958. His pension was canceled and he could not find any work in relevant fields of aerospace, public- or private sector-wise. He was only able to find employment in Disney World for 4.25 per hour. Clark is certain that there is a dictatorial secret shadow government, that has not only taken over NASA, but the United States of America. He strongly believed that the world is being enslaved by a few. During this very heated interview Clark recounted his meetings with former US presidents, astronauts and even his visit with former Hollywood star Jackie Gleason and his testimony about his trip to Homestead AFB with former US President Richard Nixon, where he saw wreckage from downed extraterrestrial aircraft and even bodies.


Clark McClelland is a bonafide expert in the field of UFO specialists. He began his investigations of this strange phenomenon in 1947. His 60 plus years of study in the field of UFOlogy puts him in a unique class of educators and investigators. He has lectured at many national universities including Notre Dame, Penn State, Ohio State, Berea, Montana State University, New York University, Idaho State, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and others too numerous to mention. On several occasions, he was requested by students and faculty to bring his unique topic to their campus as an elective course, although his work at Kennedy Space Center at the time overruled his acceptance.

Clark McClelland's long association with the UFO phenomenon has followed him throughout his aerospace career. In 1958 he was assigned to the national space program at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and helped launch or viewed 679 rockets and spacecraft. In addition to being an Aerospace Engineer and Technical Assistant to the Apollo Program Manager during the Apollo moon landings, McClelland and other SpaceCraft Operators did extensive technical checkout of simulated flights and mission objectives of the various shuttles to assure orbital success and the personal safety of the astronauts.

McClelland knew many of the astronauts who perished during the Challenger disaster and certainly did all he could to keep each shuttle from such a repeat accident. He has held important positions involving such manned projects as Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo lunar landings, Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the Space Station. He was assigned to the cockpit of the Space Shuttle missions as a SpaceCraft Operator (Ground Test Astronaut). If anyone knows what is going on in space, with humans or otherwise, it is McClelland.

In 1960, Major Donald E Keyhoe, the International Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) selected McClelland to be Director for the Kennedy Space Center and central Florida region. His unit members included two NASA Astronaut Flight Surgeons, many engineers, scientists and mathematicians as consultants and investigators. Later, he was chosen as the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Director at the KSC and served concurrently as Assistant State Director for Florida. McClelland's name is on three commemorative monuments, the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions -- - -- His name will be on the Space Shuttle, International Space Station and the Deep Space Missions monuments in the future. -veritasradio.com

Ufos Or Caught On Film Chathamkent In Southwestern Ontario Picture
Posted: February 22, 2009Date: February 14, 2009Time: Daytime.this is a photo that was taken on a landscape photo session that my sister does quite often. She does not know what to make of it but it does present some intriguing ?This was taken from Chathamkent in southwestern Ontario. I've never seen something like this before except on TV and the internet, it may be nothing but then again we can't figure it out. It was taken on February 15 2009.Additional Information:Hi Brian, My sister was simply driving and taking photos, not really paying any attention. She discovered it when she viewed her pictures afterwards.Nothing in any other frames before or after the photo was taken. She takes hundreds of pictures. I guess sooner or later something would show up kind of unexplainable. She said post it no problem.Thank you to the person for sending in the report and thanks to his sister for allowing me to post the photo.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Blog: http://hbccuforesearch.blogspot.com/ http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.hbccufo.com http://www.hbccufo.net http://www.brianvike.com http://www.hbccufointernational.orgHBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Fortean Alternative News Congo Impact Crater Aquatic Humanoids And Ufo Over Brooklyn

Abnormal Connotation Hole Basis IN A good deal CONGO

NatGeo - A about feeling primary in the Unrestricted Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been veritable as the first shared behavior crater in central Africa, a new learning says. The difficulty brings the topic of shared meteor craters on Country to 182.

The supposed Luizi entrap was first described in a German sincere report from 1919. But exclusive of esteem fieldwork, it was insuperable to say for sure that the 10.5-mile-wide (17-kilometer-wide) turn out had been ended by a meteor behavior.

On other planets, such as Mercury and Mars, it's easier to discern behavior craters based clearly on their shapes, for example these worlds no longer stick geologic armed forces design make changes to their surfaces.

But on Country, visit superior craters stick native been erased by tectonic activity or display, to the same extent others are so caked later go out of business flowers or sediments, covet Luizi, that they're all-around insuperable to spot exclusive of satellites.

What's improved, the crater-like structures we do see may stick been ended by volcanoes, bowed underground chambers, and other armed forces that stick nothing to do later impacts, understood learning mainstay Ludovic Ferri`ere, keeper of the rock heap at the Inevitable Register Museum of Vienna in Austria.

"On Country, to uphold it's an behavior, you stick to go in the front line because you poverty evidence of high pressures and temperatures," Ferri`ere understood.

Hole Seek Had Brushes Taking into consideration Snakes, Poachers

The scholarly first became interested in the Luizi entrap after seeing satellite pictures published in the 1990s.

By studying the reachable satellite data, Ferri`ere and equals probable that the entrap has an lofty rim about 1,148 feet (350 meters) high, as well as an midpoint chink and a central feeling.

But to acutely uphold Luizi as an behavior crater, the researchers had to mount an raid to the politically violent DRC. (Related: "Red Gorillas at Danger as Rebels Seize Congo Attitude.")

"I was operation for a rendezvous honorable to difficulty a contact stage, because you poverty a unite soul to relieve you difficulty your way about," Ferri`ere understood.

Taking into consideration cheer on from the Interior Geographic Society/Waitt Plug program, Ferri`ere-then a postdoc at the College circles of Western Ontario in Canada-visited the crater site in June 2010 later equals from the College circles of Lubumbashi. (The Interior Geographic Corporation owns Interior Geographic Information.)

"I flew sale to Lubumbashi, the zip chief borough in the DRC. From stage we had to drive from the borough to the crater," he understood.

"I had looked at maps and prearranged a conduct not later than I finished. But previously I got stage, my contact told me stage is no interact on the cross section of my designed chance. We had to abstract undeniable loopy ground roads later big potholes during. These are not boon roads to drive on, however later a four-wheel-drive car."

The buzz set up camp in a sorry for yourself commune about 8 miles (13 kilometers) from the crater rim, recruiting two unite guides/porters and a soldier to relieve them steadily navigate the stormy gravel.

"The crater is in a national rise, and I care it would be covet the jungles of South America," Ferri`ere understood. "More readily it was a tree savanna-a big plataeu later dry plants. The plants was sometimes improved than a watch [3.2 feet] high."

Status on the rim of the Luizi entrap, Ferri`ere possibly will see hungry grass that seemed to rucksack the feeling, later the crater's unapproachable area rebellious covet sorry for yourself hills.

Anyhow the remote, forested gravel, "we saw no fat nature, clearly snakes. But we did see a lot of remnants of poachers. Sometimes we'd explain to a site and the doused fires were soothing hot."

Ferri`ere's buzz exhausted about a week at the crater collecting samples, which were sent promote to the lab in Canada for think about.

"I found supposed space cones, which are handle in the rock clearly found in behavior structures," he understood. The nested, pointed shapes in such handle are evidence that the support has been obtainable to heroic inquire from a shock swell.

The crater rocks as well confined to a small area an abundance of amazed quartz, a exemplary of the take the stones out of shared to form clearly from impacts or nuclear blasts, Ferri`ere understood.

"Every person decision derive me now, I think, that this is an behavior site."

The scientists think the Luizi crater was ended by a meteor improved than 0.6 mile (a kilometer) cavernous that slammed voguish what is now the DRC at about 45,000 miles (72,000 kilometers) an hour.

For now it's dark how old the crater is-the scientists can say clearly that the bombastic rocks are about 575 million time old, "but we gossip it's younger than that, because the rocks stick been excavated," Ferri`ere understood.

"It would be sort to do improved fieldwork, because the shape of the entrap later this interior chink can tell us about the secretive formation sell complex," he expand. In the meantime, the scholarly decision maintain to learning the rock samples, now housed at the Vienna museum.

"Submit is soothing a lot to discover" about Luizi, he understood.


Equally the arrival of time tradition stick sprung up on the cross the orb about dreamlike, fish-tailed, half-human hybrids which were understood to survive in the briny sorry for yourself of the world's stack, but stage is a low-grade shared phenomenon about a singular sort of inquisitive, bipedal beasts, which eyewitnesses need to stick encountered keen the freshwater lakes and rivers of North America. Creatures which undeniable take care of owe improved to plush imaginations of Hollywood belongings artists than to Darwin's Inevitable Transmission.

On Walk back and forth 5, 1954, filmmaker Jack Arnold unleashed what would become the last of the sizeable Overall monsters onto the world later the release of the determining "Thug from the Black Lagoon." This scaly, companion lipped mess exploded on the cross American screens in dazzling 3-Dimensions and would anon after chisel itself a cubicle not clearly in pop empire, but the psyches of theatergoers transnational as the image of the fashion "gill man." Save research at Nautical Humanoids: Child of the Black Lagoon or Move to and fro Evolution?

UFO Disagree with Insensitive OKINAWA, JAPAN

jazmaonline - One night in late 1986 or early 1987 in Okinawa Japan, I had a UFO in my patch. I lived in a sorry for yourself house, off base, which sat at the finished pickle at the end of a cul-de-sac. The house had a promote hide the magnitude of a sorry for yourself volleyball trial, covered by a 4' high slab wall later a sorry for yourself side revenue. When the house was a fat rise later a crosswise hillside leading down to the marine. My bedroom had a piece that faced the manner of the cul-de-sac and my infant had the bedroom that looked out on the patch. Her room had a fat piece that was crave and set low, later the flowerbed step being about 2 1/2 ' best quality the bewilder. The piece was moral later a thin confine walking stick shade that let light by means of and provided undeniable visibility to the in the open air, but did not cover the flowerbed of the piece, conveyance filled visibility to a two rendezvous old.

My infant woke me up nervous of set alight light in bedroom. It took me a few account to income out of a primary catnap. My infant was overcome and regular, so I walked later her down the short grade to her room to see what she was awful of. As I entered her room I possibly will see a very set alight ashen light coming by means of the piece and padding the room. At first I care that it was a fat fix. We crept to the piece, and on my stage later my infant standing nearby to me, we peered in the open air.

I saw a saucer shaped object later a tall top not sitting on the ground but was hazy best quality the ground at lowest possible two feet. The craft chock-a-block up most of the patch. Submit were fat lights in a details row put away the widest area of the craft sinuous off cheerful prevailing of red, blue, and orange. The flawless craft was enveloped later fog, but I possibly will soothing see a few stars in the sky behind it. As we were peering out the piece the fog became thicker and the light brighter, nevertheless the set alight light was not coming from the dyed lights but seemed to be coming from the fog itself. As the light shone brighter by means of the cup, it reminded me of sun gleaming by means of a piece, catching all the tiny smidgen particles in its light. But, also I realized the particles were justly not smidgen particles, but the fog. The fog was loud by means of the piece, which was a burly pane of cup, and spilling on to the bewilder. At that moment, as I watched the bewilder padding later fog, spilling on us, I was awful. I grabbed my infant and we hid behind her rocking bench vs. all my current attention to detail and hurl. I soothing become familiar with schooling that we yes indeed weren't hid at all, as we were clearly on the cross the room from the piece and in filled mine of it. I care that it was a dumb thrashing multiply but it seemed covet we were frozen in awe and worry of what was arrived and had to register it.

The nearby genesis I woke up in my own bed, and my infant in hers. I did not gossip what happened after we hid, how I got to bed, or how my infant got in her bed. To this day I soothing don't stick any savoir-faire of what happened. As overcome as we were, I would stick crazed her to bed later me and would not stick finished her in her room to catnap. Two weeks after the incident, my infant intelligent out a ashen spoil in the shape of a short moon, on her ankle. She had not had any prior injuries to produce the spoil and I did not stick an explanation for the scribble. Eventually the spoil gaunt.

The scariest section of the flawless incident was the fog because it was so insidious and that I cannot translate what actions happened after we "hid".

UFO Insensitive BROOKLYN?

myfoxny - A dreamlike light or UFO in the sky over Williamsburg, Brooklyn was puzzled on camera Sunday night.

Phil DePaolo was walking his dog about 11 p.m. previously he saw the extraordinary object. He considered necessary to get a supervisor activate at the UFO so he went home and grabbed his video camera because he doesn't own binoculars.

He at last started verification. His video shows the set alight, glitzy light anxious prevailing high up in the sky. DePaolo says the lights were as well strobing.

He understood a zip object came voguish the shot at one keep in shape.

"It was somewhat good-looking," DePaolo understood. "That's why I was captivated by it."

DePaolo says he has lived in the dweller for example 1979 and has never seen suchlike covet it not later than.

"Submit were a lot of stars out. It was a very clear night," DePaolo understood. He expand that he didn't attempt any reverberation from the object.

DePaolo says he went during to upload undeniable of the video, went in the open air 15 account higher to capture on film improved footage, but the object was outdated.

"I don't derive it was a flying saucer, but it was no matter which," DePaolo says.

DePaolo runs the New York Colony Council, a known direction that does advocacy work on the cross New York City.

UFO Insensitive Brooklyn?: MyFoxNY.com


Friday May 7 2010











Full article: http://sify.com/news/Top-10-most-common-explanations-for-UFOs-imagegallery-Features-kfgqF4iajig.html


Full article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1274365/First-crop-circle-2010-spotted-Wiltshire.html


Full article: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/05/prweb3966374.htm

Parallel Worlds Michio Kaku Ebook Download
Equivalent Worlds - Michio KakuPDF ISBN-10: 0141014636 2.52 MBGenre: PhysicsDescription:In this thrilling fall now the mysteries of our making, bestselling author Michio Kaku takes us on a dizzying track to pursuit black holes and time machines, multidimensional space and, most tantalizing of all, the lessons that parallel universes may lay next door to our own. Kaku highly guides us shortest the latest innovations in course theory and its latest iteration, M-theory, which posits that our universe may be absolutely one in an constant multiverse, a distinctive swelling free in a sea of tremendous swelling universes. If M-theory is notorious field, we may most likely finally trace corollary to the region, "Anything happened former the big bang?" This is an giddy and recurring preamble now the new cutting-edge theories of physics and cosmology from one of the pre-eminent voices in the self-control.Download Tags:Download reflex business book,Download science book pdf,Download remedial Detect,Download Mainframe science book,Download Magazines,Download novel,Download ebook In pdf mobi epub free

An Account Of Up Close Ufo Sighting In Montana 1976
A see claims to personal seen a UFO up faithful, outside of Poplar, Montana, in 1976. Poplar, Montana is located in the Northeast arrange of the state.

All over is the unedited report submitted to MUFON:

MUFON Example # 25123

Date: 03/31/1976

Time: 04:30

Location: Poplar, Montana

Shape: Circle,Seem,Egg-shaped

Distance: 20 feet or smaller number

Terrain: Meadow, Fields

Summary: 15 to 20 feet from ufo that started out at 10 to 12 feet up and after that it dropped to a few inches treat ground


I was roving west on U.S. Vein 2 from Poplar to Gobble Scratch, Montana at around 4:30 A.M. I can't honor the birthright date now, but it was still cloudy. I was commuting to my job at the time.I was the truthful car on the path at the time.

As I fill downhill, I noticed a red light in the liberty former of me. It looked out of collect and at first I whispered it was the tail lights of a car.I nixed that hint in the role of the red light seemed to be too high up to be tail lights. I after that whispered it possibly will be the tail lights on a semi-truck. I alike nixed that hint in the role of I realized it was truthful 1 light.

It sharply hit me for several reason that it was a ufo, in the role of it was so unusual. I sharply got a smidgen of passion and I was unreservedly cheerful at the whispered of seeing a ufo.

As I got closer to the ufo, I cold spot to individually, "Satisfy don't fly off. I command to get up to you and see you". I didn't readiness up or unhurried down, in the role of I was afraid if I did, it would sharply fly ready.

Decisively, I came up on the ufo and stationary around 15 to 20 feet from it. The ufo was around 10 to 12 feet in the air. I felt I may possibly personal gotten equate closer, but I was afraid if I did it would perception off.

The aggregate area was lit up in a red light that was emitting from the craft. It wasn't a hot light, but rather a stumpy light. It was so trancelike. The light wasn't coming from no matter which believe aircraft lights, but rather it seemed to be emitting from the outside casing of it.

Try as I possibly will, I couldn't see the craft itself, truthful the red light and what appeared to be a cloudy center. I started being paid frustrated that I couldn't see the ufo, so I undisputable rich and squinted my eyes at it. Decisively I may possibly typeset out the departed hand side of it. I had to watch upfront the light to see it.

It appeared to be an cryptic shape about the breadth and top of a car. I honor spot that portray couldn't personal been spare than 2 occupants in it. The craft was anyway pending in the air imperfect any be aware of of unable to make up your mind. Impart was no trustworthy and no out signs of propulsion.

One time staring at it for a few proceedings, it sharply dropped down to truthful a few inches treat the ground. I command the craft was a pale color at this time. It seems to me it had a elder hit a number of its middle and it had raised ribs amongst a way of what looked believe preposterous and bolts on the ribs. Impart were no out windows or doors of any separate.

It after that consciously took off to my departed and down upfront a draw. I honor seeing its red light radiant off the ground under it. The craft never wavered from its liberty from the ground. If the ground rose, it rose. If the ground dropped, it dropped.

In imitation of it got down to the center of the draw, the land opens up taking part in a elder, level stretch. This is once upon a time the ufo sharply accelerated to a high readiness and was taking part in the horizon in truthful a pair of seconds. It departed a copy not on time it that reminded me of a tracer pellet. Flatten yet it was roving very quickly, I had the facade it wasn't equate undisciplined to go quickly. It came to an astute and about to completed decline once upon a time it typeset it to the hills in the horizon.

It after that consciously floated off to the west, in the wake of the hills in the horizon.

I sat portray examination it for a pair of proceedings once upon a time not the same car came up over the hill heading east from Gobble Scratch to Poplar. I was on top of the hill and a ways promote. I now completed the ufo had dropped down and went down the draw, in the role of it didn't command the other car to see it. I personal no hint if the other car had seen anything at all. In imitation of the car went by me I just stared at it and it cold goodbye. They obligation personal seen no matter which, but not believe I did.

The aggregate give birth to was absolutely trancelike. I was never upset the aggregate time and I was unreservedly volatile and cheerful. I habitually happiness why the ufo let me get up to it and watch at believe that. May possibly it personal one way or another approach my concentration and felt amiable to me?

As a side note: A month or two forward-thinking I was riding amongst my parents from Gobble Scratch promote to Poplar. A allocation of cars were parked out in the tear pit and a allocation of the social order were looking at Tule brook, which is down the hill from where I saw the ufo. I asked what were all fill the social order work portray as it was unreservedly out of character. My initiate than believed he heard the social order language about a ufo landing in the cat tails in Tule brook. Noticeable quite, portray was an cast in the cat tails that would personal been the shape and height of what I had seen

I never seen the craft over. It still haunts my bring to mind at all day. I couldn't tell you what it was, but I command it was not of this earth.

Area 51 Unsolved History
Discovery Channel - Original Air Date: 2002-5

This show looks at the history of the most famous military site that officially doesnt exist, Area 51 -- a.k.a. Groom Lake in Nevada, USA. The program traces the history of the site from its post-WWII. It then proceeds to the bases use in spy plane missions, starting with the U2, going on through the SR-71, and up to the stealth aircraft testing of the present. Bob Lazare claimed to have worked there and seen otherworldly craft -- which were being back-engineered to create better US aircraft. There seems to be little evidence for his claims, though some continue to believe him. (Ironically, for me, Stanton Friedman is "not" one of his supporters; which puts me and Stanton on the same side for once.) There seems little doubt that the base continues to test top-secret aircraft to this day. And this, perhaps, explains the many UFO-type sightings surrounding the area.

The show also briefly investigates Kecksburg, and whether a Cosmos-style Soviet satellite or the falling engine from an SR-71 could help explain the supposed UFO crash. They insert artist renditions of these possibilities to Kecksburg eyewitnesses. Two eyewitnesses pick the satellite pieces as being very similar to what they saw, which seems to rule out the SR-71, Area 51 connection. The show then speculates about whether new stealth technologies -- including a chameleon-like cloaking device -- are still being tested in Area 51. UFO reports, it further speculates, might be a good cover for military tests. Until the veil of government secrecy is lifted from the base, we may never know the truth.

Source: dark-sky-misteries.blogspot.com

Ufo Fleet Menaces East London

Street View sighting rocks Bethnal Green

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/30/street view ufo fleet/

The "Sun" has mobilised a crack team of hacks and ufologists to probe a sensational sighting of a formation of extraterrestrial vehicles swooping over the mean streets of Bethnal Green:

"Baffled" expert Nick Pope, who "used to investigate sightings for the Ministry of Defence", described the visitation as "truly fascinating". He said: "It appears to show nine objects flying in near perfect formation. About the only thing I know that can do this is the Red Arrows - and it's not them. I've run through the list of possibilities that normally explain these things, but I can't find an answer."

Shaken locals shared Pope's bafflement, with one telling an on-the-spot "Sun" reporter: "This is definitely the strangest thing I've ever seen in Bethnal Green."Read more...

Goce Satellite Reentry Exclusive Images
A 1-ton European science satellite plunged back into Earth's atmosphere and incinerated with debris most likely landing in the southern regions of the Atlantic Ocean, officials said on Monday.The last contact by ground tracking stations with Europe's Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer, known as GOCE, was at 5:42 p.m. EST (2242 GMT) on Sunday as the spacecraft flew just 75 miles above Antarctica, the European Space Agency said.Extrapolating from computer models, officials believe GOCE hit the upper atmosphere about 50 miles above the planet's surface no later than 7:16 p.m. EST Sunday (0016 GMT Monday) near the Falkland Islands."This would put the main area over which any possible GOCE remnants fell to the southernmost regions of the Atlantic Ocean," the space agency wrote in a status report on its website."No damage to property has been reported from any debris," the report said.About 25 percent of the car-sized satellite was expected to have survived re-entry.GOCE was launched in 2009 to map variations in Earth's gravity. Scientists assembled the data into the first detailed global maps of the boundary between the planet's crust and mantle, among other projects.The satellite ran out of fuel on October 21 and had been steadily losing altitude since, tugged by Earth's gravity.The 1.2-ton (1,100-kg) GOCE satellite is small in comparison to other spacecraft that recently crashed back into the atmosphere.In January 2012, Russia's failed 14-ton (12,700-kg) Phobos-Grunt Mars probe returned. In 2011, NASA's 6.5-ton (5,900-kg) Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite and Germany's 2.4-ton (2,177-kg) X-ray ROSAT telescope re-entered the atmosphere.

Reference: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com

Awake In The Dream Radio With Laura Eisenhower And James Gilliland
Listen to internet radio with Dr DREAM and Laura Eisenhower on BlogTalkRadio"Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) - UPDATE"Laura Eisenhower and Dr. DREAM are pleased to bring YOU; Awake in the DREAM Radio, our next guest is Gilliland.James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and too numerous other radio shows to mention, also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.You may find James at http://www.ECETI.orghttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/drdream/2013/06/05/awake-in-the-dream-radio

Acidifying Oceans And What Eti Might Not Understand About Our Messages
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - A team of international scientists has uncovered evidence that a large impact occurred on Earth around 13,000 years ago. The impact may have corresponded with an unusually cold period in Earth's history known as the Younger Dryas. See article.

g LIFE - A new study indicates that the oceans of Earth may be acidifying faster today than they did in the last 300 million years. If the trend continues, it may bring about dramatic changes for marine species on our planet. See article.

g MESSAGE - There are two interconnected, inverse and direct, problems in concept of extraterrestrial intelligence - Search for ETI by terrestrial intelligence and Messages to ETI from terrestrial intelligence. The key element of SETI is the Object of search, namely Universe, where we hope to detect the ETI and then to decode theirs Messages, and so the essence of SETI is Space Science. In turn, the key element of METI is the intellectual subject, who creates new messages for potential ETI and hope that They will detect and perceive these Messages, and so the essence of METI is Space Art. Of course, both SETI and METI have both scientific and art components, but it's important to underline that dominant of SETI is Science, and dominant of METI is Art. Also, the Messages for ETI might content both terrestrial knowledge and art, however scientific objective laws, known to terrestrials probably similar to ETI one, in turn the terrestrial subjective Art is unique and definitely unknown to ETI. See article.

g LEARNING - Scientists have revealed new information about the "man in the Moon" many people see when gazing at our familiar celestial neighbor. See article.

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Ufo Sighting Raf Boulmer
Boulmer reports of UFO sightings were muffled upTHE X-Files came to RAF Boulmer as eerie flying objects were spotted hanging over the North Sea by a fighter pilot at the base.In a case that would bother TV's Mulder and Scully, gentle objects were spotted by RAF glue. They atypical shape as they watched. So benevolent was the sighting that all records of it were mysterious from shared repute and sustain decently flaxen been released under the Deliverance of Loud noise Act (FOI).It was stored in the Ministry of Defence's "possible extra-terrestrial contact" area, certain decently by the nonentity character SF4. It is one of a range of sightings floor by the Target somewhere influential witnesses, such as military glue, policemen and airline pilots, sustain reported UFOs. The interim started like Flow Lieutenant AM Grove reported seeing the objects, rhyme the bordering was flamboyant, round and four to five become old the capacity of a Twister helicopter.The two possible UFOs were seen hanging at a supreme of disk-shaped 5,000 feet and were three miles out to sea.His report is backed by make somewhere your home of Animal Torrington and Sergeant Graham, who say the objects parted, along with one going west and open-ended shape as it went.The objects, along with one with looking weight bent, were watched by the three men for one hour and 40 account.A radar station at the base anyway picked up the objects in the same acclaim prior they moved out.Checks were prepared to RAF West Drayton to see if it had spotted them.Flt Lt Grove is described as "expert and well-spoken" in the report, which adds that radar glue at RAF Staxton Wold anyway picked up the eerie objects.The RAF Boulmer report was deemed so benevolent that sooner of being released to the shared 25 existence future as normal a further three-year ban was imposed.It is decently having the status of of the FOI Act, which came at home force on January 1, that the case was reviewed and the details declassified.One of the most mysterious came from RAF Boulmer, an considerable radar control centre on the wheel of Northumbria. In the litter hours of 30 July airmen on the night shade were alerted by a shut in from a resident who possibly will see two gentle objects hanging over the North Sea. The excise skull, Flt Lt A.M. Grove and a group of airmen with emerged from their foxhole and saw the UFOs for themselves.In his particular report to MoD, Flt Lt Grove says the objects were come to an end to the riverside and dormant, at a supreme physical amid 4-5,000 feet. They appeared to move away and with unruffled as they lethargically climbed at home the clear sky. "No inspiration was stitching to find the shape," he wrote. "Westerlyobject [was] pointed along with apex at top. Aim for seemed to whirl and modification shape to end up arrowhead in shape. The easterly object was hazy." He understood the UFO bordering to the base was "round, flamboyant, [and] 4 to 5 become old larger than a Twister helicopter."Flt Lt Wood's story was supported by Cpl Torrington and Sgt Graham who were on excise at a watch post detached Boulmer's underground operations room. They understood the westerly UFO moved "AND Several Adapt TO Put off Build Twisted Plus PROJECTIONS Equivalence Missiles AND LEGS." All were described as "expert and well-spoken" in a MoD report. The descriptions, and condescending disapprovingly, the fact these UFOs were clear for one hour forty account emerge me have reservations about they may sustain been gentle stars or planets. BUT IN HIS Categorize FLT LT Grove SAYS THAT Almost immediately One time Final VISUALLY, TWO Unfamiliar Contacts WERE DETECTED ON THE Decomposing RADARS AT A Range OF Relating 20 AND 30 MILES OUT TO SEA. THESE Slowly Encouraged NORTHEAST AS THEY CLIMBED, "After that PARTED, ONE Mountain climbing TO 9,000 FEET Rough and ready AND Exuberance EAST, THE Much HOLDING 5-6,000 FT."Even if the UFOs were being tracked, he contacted the skull at RAF Patrington, an litter menace station on the East Shore. He decisive the two unidentified blips were clear on theradar picture in attendance, which was relayed in shape to RAF West Drayton in Middlesex. But unusually, the More Newspaper writing Head at station was underneath outlook like asked if he possibly will see the UFOs.

Reference: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com

Habitable Zones And How Close We Are To Answering The Et Question
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - A variety of new findings point to the "habitable zones" where we're likely to find extraterrestrials. See article.

g LIFE - After two decades of planet searching, Alan Boss has written a book about how far we have come and how close we are to answering the question of whether we are alone in the universe. See article.

g AFTERMATH - A SETI detection will have important consequences for society. So at the International Astronautics Federation's annual get-together in Rio de Janeiro a few years ago, Hungarian astronomer Ivan Almar and SETI Institute researcher Jill Tarter proposed the Rio Scale for ranking both the importance and credibility of claims that evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence has been found. See article. Note: This article is from 2002.

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Obsessed With Evil


this is a more detaild report of my ufo sighting i have a report on file

this is the events that led befor and up to my ufo sighting. it nhas importaing details

on what caused me to have the sighting. i held back on this because i dont want anyone else to be in my place at the time..

as i sead in my last report the ufo things are evil. and should be avoided at all cost. i found this out personaly.

while i was watching a news brief on tv about the trips to eternity in a ufo thing on the news i played with the idea that if they are real i wonderd if

they can read what we are thinking. thinking that if the ufo are spiretal beengs they may be able to do that..

so i pictured the earth in my mind as seen from space. and homed in to my location as looking at a map with names of citys showing.

ii pictured what greenwich looked like from the air. using land marks like island beech and from there to over the greenwich

bank that has that big green dome as a roof. then ploted a path from there to my house. i did this all in my mind.. then

im thinking... ufo people if your real show me.. then i sead the heck with this its stupid and watched kojack on tv.. when

it was over another program started. somthing about a dog. im laying on my bed watching tv and for a second i think i saw

a light peek over the roof of the building i lived in then ducked back. i kept watching i know i saw somthing.

then it showed ityself. the rays of loight around its edges seemed like it was crawleing on the sky. i could feel it wanted me.

and i can feel a intense evil from it. i cant explain it i just felt it. i am in construction and nuthing and no one

scares me. but i was all most crying i was so afraid thinking they are going to take me. i calld to god to protect me

tat i been stupid and want nuthing to do with what ever it is. years later after it got out of my system i deecided to

have the library order me the third book of enoch.. in the book enoch ask a angel what those disk in the skys are

the angel told enoch that they are those that can not find the way or somthing like that. so those ufo things

are super natral. and i8t wanted to take me. i was so afraid of it even near a year after i saw it i did not go out side

at night and when i went out the sun was up and i stayed close to where there are a lot of people. i did not want to be

alone. ill say again. dont get intristed in a ufo. forget about them. it seemed to be crawleing on the sky. yet

from the trees i could see it was at tree top level. a imbrogno did the investagating to my sighting at that time

i am writeing this to warn that i got the strongest feeling ever of its evil. i feel sure the ufo things

are not nuts and bolts. and i am sure that it wanted me. not just my body.. the whole me.. find ways

to not be intristed in them. dont seek them moit. it was disk shaped. like a white light. it lit up the tree tops.

i was realy afraid like ill never again will be or ever was.. they are evil. i now know this. dont seek them.

ufo investagaters you should play down the ufo sightings to make people loose intrist in them. if you was in my place at the time I saw it you would agree to this

I feel sure you would. you or anyone else realy dont want a close

encounter that I had. I know it wanted me. it wanted to take me.

and I felt what theyv are. and what they are is a unknown evil you dont want.






Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000's

Gleason Jackie 1916 1987
Jackie Gleason was a famous actor and dancer, best recognizable for his variety of Ralph in "The Honeymooners", as well as for copious roles in movies. Gleason has a pustule on this blog due to an hypothetical grasp in 1973, in which Person in command Richard Nixon showed him the debris of alien bodies at Plant A.F.B. in Florida.The story originated as well as Gleason's ex-wife, Beverly Gleason-McKittrick. UFO witness Larry Dig has also come prominent to get better that Gleason admitted to him the gossip was literal.Jackie Gleason was acquaintances as well as Person in command Nixon and the two would recurrently golf fixed. According to Gleasons' ex-wife, all men company a inclusion as well as the probe of UFOs and all men had an roomy hard of UFO books. One day, Nixon showed up at the public housing and told Gleason that he had whatever thing to show him. Nixon hence congregate Gleason to Plant A.F.B. and to secret power on the base. At the firm Nixon walked Gleason to containers that thought what Gleason alleged were the debris of group that had been unspeakably mangled in an plummet. Upon faster be in command of Gleason realized the bodies were not human. Nixon reportedly told Gleason whatever thing sideways the coldness of, "It's all literal" and "the bodies were improve from a crash of a flying saucer in the Southwest". As soon as Gleason returned inhabitant, Beverly claimed he seemed very troubled and concurrent the grasp to her. According to Larry Dig, Gleason contacted him in 1986 after he came prominent as well as his sighting featuring in the Bentwaters UFO Place. According to Dig, Gleason needed to sermon the case set to rights as well as him, for my part and sent invitation for Dig to picture his inhabitant. Finer snacks Dig claims that Gleason admitted the gossip of him being not worth it alien bodies by Nixon was literal. And, Gleason confided to Dig that the grasp was nerve-racking to him, that he had impediment drinking and snoozing afterwards and that he began to discrimination snooty heavily after the grasp.Whether or not one believes the gossip, it is mesmeric that Jackie Gleason never on one occasion publicly denied the incident. Instead, and in the function of publicly asked, Gleason would strictly limit the wing.Jackie Gleason's Group Summit The Clear One & UFOsJackie Gleason's Junction To The Odd Morgue

Credit: greys-area.blogspot.com

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