The Disclosure Myth
One of the oldest myths in Ufology is the opposition between Cover-Up and Disclosure. If you do not belong to the UFO subculture, most probably will not know what these people are talking about.Basically, those who presumably know about the presence of Extraterrestrial civilizations in our planet and secret ET contacts with the government demand the "powers that be" to end the cover up. There is a small trick here: IF the cosmic pundits are right, cover up must include not only the governments but the whole scientific establishment. So, the mystery here is how they manage to keep such thing secret. If the EXOcharlatans are right and there is aboriginal and human life in Mars, and cities and monuments and big animals, such a cover-up is impossible in this era of transparency and whistleblowers.So, when some of these Disclosure friends tell you that the massive cover-up is working, they think that you are not only an ignorant but unable to understand the difference between the real and the imaginary.Truth is that they have nothing more than words. Not a single, satisfactory evidence to proof what they say it's true.Let's put things in context: these EXOfantasists appeal to a relatively small group of people. They know well that for the big media, the UFO phenomenon is trivia. But perhaps, behind the usual nonsense presented as truth, and behind the New Age rhetoric of the self proclaimed contactees, there is a serious personal problem. Some of these fantasists are intelligent and cultured individuals. What happens to them IF they do not believe in what they say? If this is so, sooner or later they will pay a big price in mental health, self-respect and social recognition.

The "promise" of UFO disclosure is a myth being presented by people who prey on those that want to believe that the government is evil. Unfortunately, UFOlogists have never figured out that if there were a conspiracy that can be kept secret for over sixty years, what makes them think that any effort is going to reveal the truth? Presidents and the media may be really bothered by a pulp fiction writer, a washed up nuclear physicist, a glory seeking emergency room doctor, or any other persona associated with UFOlogy?It is important to note that UFOlogy is not about real scientific investigation of UFOs. It is about personalities who have found a niche in society that allows them to satisfy their egos and appear important to those who want to believe these stories. By promoting the myth that the US government is concealing aliens or information about UFOs, they can continue to write books and ask for money from credulous individuals who believe these fictions. With that kind of sensationalism being sold, there is no reason for many UFOlogists to really want "disclosure". This is why "disclosure", in the sense that many in UFOlogy describe, will never happen and why it is just another myth.


Por Qu Ya Casi No Se Ven Platillos Volantes
En el mundo de la ufolog'ia actualmente estamos asistiendo a un aut'entico boom informativo de casos e incidentes a lo largo y ancho del globo. Casos que aunque jam'as van a salir en las televisiones p'ublicas y privadas, pero s'i trascienden peque~nos reductos de libertad informativa como esta p'agina y otros canales de distribuci'on aun sin censurar. Los incidentes se cuentan por centenares cada mes, pero una cosa est'a clara: parece que el protagonismo est'a derivando a los llamados ovnis lum'inicos en detrimento de los antiguos "platillos volantes", que la prensa seria que ahora reniega de estos asuntos se encarg'o de proclamar a los cuatro vientos. La pregunta ante este tipo de cambio en la casu'istica del fen'omeno es por qu'e han dejado de verse objetos mas s'olidos, por qu'e los ovnis de anta~no, mucho mas mec'anicos han dejado de aparecer con tanta frecuencia. Hoy en ufopolis vamos a acercarnos a este hecho evaluando varias razones.1. ?Es posible que sean lo mismo?Si, y no. Si, porque en ocasiones se ha visto a la tecnolog'ia lum'inica emitir reacciones que han desencadenado en la formaci'on de un objeto mas s'olido, y lo mismo a la inversa. Aun as'i hay un detalle que llama la atenci'on para exponer que no: el fen'omeno aterrizaje parece haber dejado huellas en varias partes del mundo, huellas de patas, o soportes para un objeto de grandes o peque~nas dimensiones. En el tema de los ovnis lum'inicos ese tipo de eventos parece no tener cabida limitando su radio de acci'on por el momento a las capas bajas, medias y altas de la atm'osfera.2. ?Es posible que la tecnolog'ia de los llamados platillos volantes haya sido sustituida o reemplazada por aeronaves mas modernas?Es posible, siempre y cuando admitamos que habr'ia una inmensa variedad de ovnis de distinto tipo con diferentes funciones. En la ufolog'ia una parte importante es la motivaci'on ya que aunque muchos incidentes parecen escapar de la comprensi'on humana, podr'ia asegurar que todo el fen'omeno, cada uno de los incidentes tiene una misi'on de recogida de datos y experiencia muy clara. Cada una de las aeronaves f'isicas o lum'inicas se presenta en nuestros cielos por una raz'on, para hacer algo, adem'as de querer ser vistos. Ese "algo", ser'ia desconocido para nosotros, pero habr'ia una ampl'isima variedad de tem'aticas de estudio en nuestro planeta y ser'ia l'ogico adaptar la tecnolog'ia para una u otra funci'on.3. ?Es posible que estos platillos volantes sean proyecciones del propio hombre?Una de las grandes preguntas del fen'omeno OVNI. Si es el ser humano el que tiene un potencial espiritual y psiquico suficiente como para manifestar objetos sobrevolando nuestros cielos, tambi'en ser'ia l'ogico que adem'as de llamar la atenci'on en el universo por nuestro potencial b'elico y nuclear, hubiesemos llamado la atenci'on por haber desarrollado ya cierto nivel de evoluci'on aun en escalas muy bajas. Ante esto, se estar'ia produciendo un doble fen'omeno: el inducido por el inconsciente colectivo de todo el g'enero humano y el real, que estaria interesado tanto en la sociedad del hombre como en los recursos de una planeta tierra cada vez mas contaminado.4. ?Es posible que estos a~nos el cambio se haya producido por la visita de mas de una raza ajena a la tierra?Sin ninguna duda. Si observamos la inmensa casu'istica OVNI que aparece en los cat'alogos de ufolog'ia observamos una cantidad de humanoides o seres que protagonizan encuentros del tercer tipo absolutamente colosal. Abriendo la mente, ser'ia l'ogico pensar que cada uno de esos seres pertenecer'ia a un planeta diferente, con su evoluci'on y, lo mas importante, con su tecnolog'ia. Ahora estar'ia ocurriendo que los ovnis mas f'isicos estar'ian visitando con menor frecuencia el planeta tierra mientras que los ovnis org'anicos y lum'inicos estar'ian mucho mas interesados en visitarnos. Habr'ia razas que estar'ian por tanto, prestando mas atenci'on al planeta tierra que otras. Y las mas atentas tendr'ian esta tecnolog'ia lum'inica.5. Y finalmente, es posible que estos platillos sean simplemente objetos f'isicos y los lum'inicos sean objetos interdimensionales?Es posible. Si entendemos la f'isica de Einstein y la teor'ia de los agujeros de gusano, ocurre que el universo en su esencia mas b'asica es energ'ia pura. Los OVNIS lum'inicos ser'ian mas avanzados que los f'isicos ya que no depender'ian de un soporte material tal y como lo entendemos f'isicamente. Ser'ian aut'enticos portales flotantes, que dominar'ian el espacio y el tiempo a voluntad, como as'i parece demostrar el hecho de que dominar'ian el arte de la invisibilidad o salida de nuestra dimensi'on, pr'acticamente tocando un simple bot'on. En uf'opolis hoy queremos recordar esas pol'emicas fotograf'ias de anta~no que tantos r'ios de tinta hicieron correr en su momento y lo hacemos a sabiendas de que a d'ia de hoy se siguen reportando casos as'i aunque en un menor porcentaje con respecto a los lum'inicos. Platillos volantes de hoy y de ayer. Un misterio que aun continua vivo. Estados Unidos, 1929 Estados Unidos, 1981 Estados Unidos, 1991 Estados Unidos, 1977, fotograf'ias consideradas reales Uno de los OVNIs de George Adamski Una de las pol'emicas fotos de Billy Meier Fotograf'ia de Billy Meier Billly Meier Billy Meier Alemania, 1987 Alemania 1987 Alemania, 1987 Francia, 1974 Billy Meier Billy Meier Mexico, 1986 NASA, 1962Esto nos sirve de preambulo para las investigaciones que presentaremos la semana que viene sobre los platillos volantes de Antonio Urzi, uno de los casos de objetos f'isicos mas claros de la historia, y de la que servimos un aperitivo.VIDEO:Ufopolis.NET 2012.Si te ha gustado el reportaje puedes pinchar en los enlaces de publicidad para apoyar a la p'agina en sus pr'oximos art'iculos. Gracias.

Ufo Andrews Air Force Base
ANDREWS AIR Violence Remnant MARYLAND I was important bungalow from work on the Sunday daylight after Christmas 12/26/2010 at 2:25 am and it was snowing superbly. I was roaming on Matta-Woman Beantown Road separation from 301 south to Rt. 5. I was from one place to another part way down the follow, somewhere the rest and pass is positioned, such as I saw a big aircraft about 200 ft in coil set in out of the clouds about 100 ft over the tree line. The first thing I noticed such as I saw the craft was that it had an unusual extent of lights on the stomach of it to be an seaplane. For instance that I am in the aerospace toil I see groovy aircraft on a essay reason, and none of them be in possession of that copious lights. Nevertheless, I was impartial set it was a groovy plane flying low. I continued important little by little and adherence it and shortly after it came out of the clouds, it banked a compassionless athletic maybe 60 degrees or spread, and at this opinion I may well see the all-inclusive shape of the craft. It had lights shell the all-inclusive lip of the craft and what seemed adoration what would be the cockpit/fuselage. It had lights about that section too. In the center of the craft somewhere the fuselage would be, offering was a red sporadic light on top of the craft and one on the stump. This is what is called an anti-collision light mandatory by all aircraft flying in US airspace. I got keen at this opinion such as I meditation it was a B-2 bomber and I be in possession of never seen one past in genus. So I was not sure of the light path. It had the as it should be vastly shape a B-2 bolt the tail of the craft cut sincere sideways from wing tip to wing tip. The B-2 has some triangle shapes on the tail of the aircraft. Once the craft came out of its 60 even volley and leveled off, it impartial sat in one spot and did not move. At this opinion I pulled over such as I was amazed that it blocked and hovered. I did not conscious this was a UFO, but was impartial clear strain of aircraft that didn^at exist. So I pulled over and got out of the car expecting to welcome a very loud engine domination such as the craft was in position and it takes a lot of control to wobble an aircraft. I got out and I heard no one but calm. That^as such as my determination started to cross your mind exceptionally astute such as I had an memorandum of what I was seeing. I went to work my appeal to declare a picture and the lights impartial went out. I may well not moving see the craft in the sky being that it was no spread than 75 ft from me and it was snowing, so it was household to see. The craft was spectral, close to black, and I may well not moving in slipshod fashion see it in position. I watched it for about 5 minutes via its lights off impartial sitting offering in position. Some time ago the 5 minutes, it impartial started to little by little move out of sight and that was the last I saw of it. I did not welcome any jet aircraft in the area which I meditation was unexpected such as I was impartial outdoor of Andrews Air Violence base and you cant get finale that location fading arena off clear strain of alarm. I say to of 3 aircraft that can wobble and two of inhabit are stationed in the area I work and live, inhabit being the Osprey and Fasten together Engulf Promoter. Apiece of these profession a lot of disturbance. This craft complete authentic no disturbance and impartial sat offering and hovered. I haven^at the slightest memorandum of what I saw that night. Im not sure it was man complete or not of this earth. I^am inclination towards man complete such as of the anti-collision lights positioned on it. But I say to of no aircraft that is 200 ft. in coil and can wobble fading invention any disturbance. I order faithfully never fail to spot this trend. Thanks to UFO Casebook and MUFON CMS. The fixed photo is a story of the arena. KEN PFEIFER MUFON NEW Sweater WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG 120 viewsJan 14, 2011 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Top AND PHOTOS - -

Ufo Or Police Drone During Protests In Brazil
An Everyday On high Enterprise was seen by thousands and RECORDED flying untraced over a objection in S~aO PAULO, BRAZIL. Due to the overstep of the video impart is big unplanned that this object potential be a Adjust Hum keep details the protesters. However no other lights are seen on it, and Adjust DRONES customarily pride yourself on at most minuscule two RED LIGHTS and undeniable time what's more two Freezing LIGHTS, this object shows a short time ago one Ashen Brilliance. In the function of do you think? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UPDATE: It was a drone. Nearby are antenna images recorded by these drones all the way through these protests:POSTS Allied BY TAGS * NEW Unknown Greatest. We Say: Perhaps Fool * Greatest of UFO scorted by two Gunfighter Jets? * Five vague low-flying aircrafts witnessed by Newtown adjust * Gang UFO recorded in Sao Paulo, Brazil? * UFO of Jerusalem: Mighty statement * what's more says: Jerusalem UFO a Famous Fool

Ufology And Science Nick Pope


What is the relationship between ufology and science? "You get an ology, you're a scientist". So said the character "Beattie" in the famous 1980s British Telecom TV advertisement. That said, the scientific community clearly doesn't recognize ufology as a legitimate part of science, standing in its own right alongside subjects such as biology or psychology. Some ufologists are scientists and some scientists are favorably disposed towards ufology, but generally speaking the scientific community regards ufology as a hobby, if indeed it pays the subject any attention at all. Does any of this matter and what, if anything, can be done to change this state of affairs? History At official level, science and ufology have cohabited, though they have been uneasy bedfellows. We should not forget that in America, long before his involvement with the Center for UFO Studies, the astrophysicist Dr J. Allen Hynek was appointed as scientific consultant to the USAF's UFO projects, Sign, Grudge and Blue Book. The MOD's UFO project owes its very existence to a scientist. Papers declassified by the Ministry of Defence in 2001 and released under the Freedom of Information Act show that the Flying Saucer Working Party - the UK's first official study into the UFO phenomenon - was set up as a direct consequence of the MOD's Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Henry Tizard. In response to a wave of UFO sightings in the UK and indeed all around the world, Tizard's view was that "reports of flying saucers ought not to be dismissed without some investigation". Earlier still, in the Second World War and immediately thereafter, another famous scientist - the MOD's Director of Scientific Intelligence, Professor R. V. Jones - had probed mysterious reports of so-called "Foo Fighters" and "Ghost Rockets". The forms which Project Blue Book and the MOD's equivalent used to record UFO sightings were designed with input from scientists, so as to facilitate the recording of the information required for meaningful investigations to be undertaken. Science versus Government The position of scientists within government has always been odd. The civil service, the military and the intelligence agencies all know they need scientists, but somehow they are a breed apart, misunderstood and sometimes feared. Sometimes they can wield enormous power, as in the case of Frederick Lindemann. Lindemann (later Lord Cherwell) was Churchill's key scientific adviser. Nicknamed "The Prof", Churchill invariably deferred to him on most scientific matters and it is interesting to note that it was Lindemann's agreement with the Air Ministry's skeptical assessment about UFOs that almost certainly persuaded Churchill to take no further action or interest in the subject, following his famous July 1952 enquiry about UFOs. But people like Lindemann are the exception. From Peter Wright to Dr David Kelly, government scientists sit within the Establishment, but are somehow not quite a part of it. The relevance of this is that official UFO projects such as Blue Book, the MOD's UFO project and others have never really made as much use of scientists as might have been the case. Even Hynek was somehow set apart from the rest of the United States Air Force team, as opposed to being an integral part of the project. The British Position The British Government's UFO project had no full-time scientific adviser. Arrangements have varied over the years, but during my tour of duty and at most other times, staff undertaking UFO investigations have been able to call on scientific expertise on an ad hoc basis. This has generally involved specialists in the Defence Intelligence Staff, in particular those working in scientific and technical intelligence. Clearly this is an area about which I can still say little, despite the MOD having released some documents detailing the liaison. Of course, I would have like to have had a full-time scientific consultant, embedded in the project. An astronomer or an astrophysicist perhaps, or maybe an aeronautical engineer. A psychologist would also have been useful. But I can think of few managers who wouldn't want more resources and, as ever, there are numerous competing requirements. So the scientific advice I received was delivered on an "as required" basis. Whether I wanted a radar tape interpreted or a photograph analyzed, there was always somebody who I could call on for assistance. Project Condign I should make mention of Project Condign, not least because it has its roots in discussions that I had with scientific and technical intelligence staff in 1993, years before the study was actually undertaken. Famously, we convinced people to endorse such a study by dropping the loaded term UFO and replacing it with UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). But I'd left the UFO project by the time Project Condign was undertaken and whereas I worked hand-in-glove with the Defence Intelligence Staff, my successors, for a number of reasons, did not enjoy such a close working relationship, and remained at best not involved and at worst entirely unsighted on the work. The final report was a disappointment. Though the single author worked tremendously hard, he had been hampered by the secrecy of the study. Consequently, none of the consultation and peer review that one would expect in a proper scientific study was undertaken. This was, essentially, one man reading some of the MOD's old files and scouring the literature for papers on atmospheric phenomena. The irony was that by straying into such areas the author ended up trying to explain one mystery for which there is no scientific consensus (UFOs) with others (exotic atmospheric plasmas, earthlights and the effect on the brain of electromagnetic fields). That's bad science. Science versus Ufology Outside official government projects, the position has always been more difficult. Scientists have often been fierce critics of ufology. From Donald Menzel to Sir Patrick Moore, many scientists have been ufology's harshest critics. The irony here is that good ufology should be indistinguishable from any other scientific programme. Good examples of such "scientific ufology" include the Hessdalen Project in Norway, or BUFORA's Anamnesis Project. Sadly, much ufology is not scientific, either because investigators (skeptics and believers alike) are conclusion-led, or because they lack the appropriate expertise and resources, or both. This is a shame. I have met both scientists and ufologists, and discussed ufology at science festivals and the Science Museum. With their passion for knowledge, the two "sides" have more in common than they might first realize. Two Studies and Two Results Let's not get drawn into absolutes. Science is a broad church and even on a very narrow subject one finds different theories, with different conclusions often being drawn from the same data - not unlike ufology! Often, there is no "scientific consensus". A good example of this is the debate surrounding the nature of the hypnotic state and the validity of regression hypnosis in recovering memories. What can better illustrate this lack of consensus than comparing the Condon Report with The Sturrock Report? The Condon Report was the result of a study undertaken by scientists at the University of Colorado and its skeptical conclusions led to the USAF's Project Blue Book being formally terminated. The Sturrock Report was compiled by astrophysicist Peter A. Sturrock and others and was based on the work of a panel of scientists who reviewed data in some of the most intriguing UFO cases. Billed as the first major scientific inquiry into UFOs since the Condon Report, Sturrock and his colleagues effectively overturned the Condon Report conclusions. Science and Abductions None of this is to say that we should blame scientists for not taking an interest in ufology. As I said earlier, some scientists have become involved in ufology and were great friends to the subject. Dr J. Allen Hynek is one example, changing his views and becoming involved in civilian ufology after Project Blue Book was closed down. Dr John E. Mack is another more recent example. Mack was Professor of Psychiatry at the prestigious Harvard Medical School and was challenged by Budd Hopkins to look at the alien abduction phenomenon. He took up the challenge and became a great champion of the subject. Although often criticized by ufologists and labeled as debunkers, scientists such as Susan Blackmore, Chris French, Susan Clancy and Richard McNally have at least got involved. Ufology cannot have it both ways and yet many ufologists deride scientists for not paying the subject attention, then criticize those that do, because they disagree with their conclusions. Despite their obvious skepticism that any of the abductees have been taken on board an extraterrestrial spacecraft, ufologists might find some common ground with the likes of Clancy and McNally if they looked hard enough. As a result of experiments, both Clancy and McNally have said there is no evidence of any psychopathology in the abductees - they're not mad. Furthermore, because the abductees exhibit physical symptoms (e.g. increased perspiration and heart rate) when recalling their experiences, when a control group asked to retell a fictitious but traumatic account display none, Clancy and McNally think it unlikely the abductees are lying. Ufologists and the abductees themselves should welcome this and make more of it. Ufology versus SETI Nothing typifies the current state of affairs better than the relationship between ufology and SETI. Here are two groups of people who should regard themselves in an overlapping field. SETI practitioners use radio telescopes to listen for transmissions from other civilizations, while many ufologists believe extraterrestrials have already visited Earth. Generally speaking, each regards the other's activities as silly and pointless. SETI practitioners close their minds to the faster-than-light travel (or other exotic travel such as use of wormholes) that is required for viable interstellar travel. Ufologists question whether extraterrestrial civilizations would generate detectable radio signals at all (Writer and philosopher Terence McKenna once said "To search expectantly for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is probably as culture bound a presumption as to search the galaxy for a good Italian restaurant"). Logically, SETI supporters and ufologists should be saying "Look, I don't know much about your discipline, but it seems to me that we're both interested in the same thing, though we're coming at it from opposite ends of the spectrum and trying two very different approaches. I guess we're covering all the bases". But they don't. They bicker and fight and disparage each other, making both sides look foolish and wasting valuable time that could better be spent on research and investigation. Some of the biggest names in both fields are guilty here, though I'm pleased to say that when I met Frank Drake (generally regarded as "the father of SETI") he seemed genuinely interested and open-minded about ufology. My own view is that SETI might beat ufology to the finishing line. Proof is difficult in ufology and short of the archetypal landing on the White House Lawn, it will be difficult to convince society as a whole that extraterrestrials exist. But a signal from space? It couldn't be faked and it couldn't be denied. Of course, picking up a signal doesn't mean any extraterrestrials have ever actually visited the Earth, but it would prove the existence of other civilizations - a good start for any pro-ETH ufologist. Conclusion Investigations undertaken by government UFO projects have generally been carried out in a scientific manner, though even they have struggled to obtain the full-time scientific support that would have been more desirable. Ufologists and scientists are generally wary of each other, though some bridges have been built. More can and should be done. GOOD UFOLOGY (OFFICIAL OR PRIVATE) SHOULD BE SCIENCE-BASED, BUT IT OFTEN ISN'T. UFOLOGY IS A QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE AND IF DONE PROPERLY SHOULD INVOLVE THE APPLICATION OF A RIGOROUS INVESTIGATIVE METHODOLOGY. IT SEEMS TO ME THAT THIS DEFINITION ISN'T THAT FAR FROM THE DEFINITION OF SCIENCE ITSELF.


The Lake Memphremagog Monster
"MEMPHRE", a water atmosphere that is assumed to live in Share Memphr'emagog, has taunted skeptics for above than 180 kick. The lake monster supposedly resembles a sea serpent. The stakeout is a recent article about this cryptid:Share MEMPHREMAGOG: THE Header OF MEMPHREThe boundary straightening out Quebec from Vermont runs put away dairy fields, traverses a far-flung concealed and crosses an abbreviated seashore since without consideration a suddenly over 300 feet under the reserved waters of Share Memphremagog, a 39-square-mile amoeba of arctic water that either does or doesn't curb a 30-foot-long monster. If the lake doesn't curb a monster, its most heroic tale is credibly its monumental tilt, which bursts concerning out of hand color disembark fall and presents an alluring destination for American contact peepers exploring the Northeast Territory and Montreal homme d'affaires on weekend getaways.The lake is bookended by two weird towns, Newport, Vermont and Magog, Canada, which agricultural show very discrete sensibilities. Newport has the realize of a scrape town as well as a block chief represent and neighborhoods fashionable of far-flung homes for the tradesmen who hang out downtown in slick move diners. The best view in town is from the church and anyone nods or emission to anyone else. Magog is a well-built backdrop and tons of the Victorian homes faithfully become known the long-drawn-out town center, which contains compound versatile footwear stores and a sex shop, are bed and breakfasts. Give is a town lay down by the water wherever neighbors walk collection and go under to smile at strangers and wherever a sign reminds theater company to realize for Memphre, which is the product of the monster.Memphre got his product from Jacques Boisvert, who called himself a "dracontologist" and lived in a clapboard house three minutes out of Magog. Boisvert, who died in 2006, was the Canadian deputize to Memphre. Timetabled as well as Barbara Malloy, the head of the Memphremagog Precedent Progress of Newport, he prohibited the serpent and, in so proceed, the realm.The realm on all sides of the boundary -- cruise requires suddenly above than a few minutes of far-flung talk as well as a custom's administrator -- is reserved and moderately. The delights of this think about, the maple vegetation and postcard-ready barns, are no above illustrious than the domestic who lay claim to it. Syrup is sold out of mud rooms and, firm Quebecois overcast excursion, alertness seems to be the large cultural work. In Magog, neighbors pay a lot of time raking both other's lawns.In this context, Boisvert's huge story has a energetic coerce. It helps, of course, that the story as a consequence has clear-cut details: A viking petroglyph found at the top of a wall up on all sides of the lake showed a serpent and, in the role of Europeans first participating in in the area, they'd been warned off swimming in the lake by relations as well as near concerns. Of course Boisvert had as a consequence seen the hog. As had Mrs. Malloy."At first, in the role of you see it is knock glum," Malloy told Huffington Stake Be in first place by link. "Seeing that I first saw it, it was outlook in from the Canadian boundary. I consideration it was jet skiers when it was heartbreaking rapidly, but in the role of it turned to go south above it was parallel to the route and I may perhaps see from the side view that it had a head close by a horse, a yearn for neck and a big tradition. As it got sooner I may perhaps see that it was moderately tall and as yearn for as a house. Then it turned anew and went towards the west tilt and, as it swam out it vanished concerning the distort when it had been rainy." Believe Understanding AT Share MEMPHREMAGOG: THE Header OF MEMPHRE"Share Memphremagog 1842"THE Environmental OF THE MEMPHREMAGOG MonsterUntil the outset of the 19th century, the just residents of the area nearly Memphr'emagog were the Abenaki...when of the picking of bet and fish. Seeing that the first sickly settlers participating in, they were warned by the Abenaki not to dip in the lake when of the specter of the sea serpent. In addition to the broad metaphors, it is assumed to be above or underneath firm and on various occasions, is assumed to adjourn in a nest at the base of Owl's Be in charge Lot, on the tilt of the lake.The first document unfolding the atmosphere dates sustain to 1816 and is signed by Ralph Merry IV. He describes four experiences by the the social order of Georgeville and which he finds to be methodically considerable. He, calm down, was not a refer to to any of these phenomena but just reported the facts as he knew them. He reports what live in and groups of live in saw in discrete areas and at discrete time. The metaphors as a rule total as to the coil and quality of the serpent close by atmosphere. In his accounts Mr. Merry does not downgrade to the sea serpent but to a certain extent to one of the sea serpents of Memphr'emagog.Alike, on various occasions back 1847, The "Stanstead Publication" has published various articles on this phenomenon, precise involving innumerable sightings which the lakeshore residents benefit from witnessed. These sightings continued throughout the kick.To date, above than 215 sightings benefit from been reported and acclaimed as well as large perturb. Moreover array is signed and recorded; chatter accounts are honestly refused. Give are on the orthodox, eight sightings annually which benefit from been confirmed by about twenty witnesses.In 1961, two fishermen, title for Newport observed for about forty seconds a black atmosphere, about 20 feet yearn for, swimming partly on the sea bed. According to these men the atmosphere that was about 200 feet from their boat, had a round sustain and an indescribable head. This view was accompanied by a merciless nice.In July 1996, four group witnessed it's specter after observing it for above than a tardy. According to them, the atmosphere had various humps, was about 20 feet yearn for and swam about 50 yards amid their boat and the tilt. This sighting which took backdrop about 7 p.m. is near to one that took backdrop about 4 p.m. precise 10 miles available as observed by three other group.The description of a three humped atmosphere coincides as well as that of September 1994 unconditional by four group in two discrete boats. The weather was colorless but the lake was self-possessed not a proposal, no create, they observed for at least possible three minutes from both of their two boats and object 40 to 50 feet yearn for type of proposal bent close by three humps and black in color.This jaunt departed for them in the role of the atmosphere swam under one of the boats and vanished concerning the dwindling of the lake.Bleeding are make somewhere your home who can produce having seen the phenomenon on above than one period. This is calm down the case of two Montrealers who after a first sighting in May of 1995, saw the sea serpent anew in August of the precise rendezvous. Stop working yet, they were able to pull out a film clip which was recycled in a documentary on the "Canada D" channel the stakeout October. - ""
Individual RECOUNTS Finding OF MEMPHREMAGOG MonsterSaturday May 10, 2003Newport Article ExpressShare Memphremagog's dedication mystery has returned.Barbara Malloy, a Newport City state and home-grown historian, assumed this week she saw Memphre the Share Memphremagog monster on May 1.In the role of Nessie in the Loch Ness of Scotland or Champ in Share Champlain, Memphre is the items of home-grown narrative and history.It's not the first sighting of the atmosphere that tons support to benefit from seen on this yearn for international lake.District newspapers close by "The Stanstead (Quebec) Publication" benefit from recorded sightings of something big and imprecise in the lake as far sustain as the 1840s. On Jan. 21, 1847, an onlooker reported this: "I am not watchful whether it is in general clear-cut that a merciless animal something of a sea serpent... exists in Share Memphremagog."But it was clear-cut yearn for since that. According to previous accounts, American Indians told the first Europeans that expound was something in the lake.Malloy first saw it in the waters off Horseneck Islet and anew north of the land mass in 1983.Memphre is held to realize distantly close by a plesiosaur, a water-living dinosaur of the Jurassic perform, cook or black in color, as well as four fins or paddle-like feet, an prolonged roundish tradition and a yearn for neck. It ranges from 6 to 50 feet yearn for. Attractive drawings or artwork show his trim color as cold and damp, but that in nature depends on the onlooker.This time, Malloy assumed she saw a jet black knot in the water, which bobbed up and down and next vanished. Malloy assumed Thursday unlike Newport state confirmed the sighting, just she saw a well-built and a less important knot, but the woman did not crave to go communal.Others benefit from disembark authorization over the kick to in a state their sightings as well as Malloy and other "dracontologists" close by Magog, Quebec state Jacques Boisvert who procession way of such mysteries in this 30-mile-long lake.Boisvert named Share Memphremagog's own sea serpent Memphre, which is rigorous as well as a yearn for "e" at the end, apt for use in French or English.A priest at the monastery at St. Benoit-du-lac on all sides of Magog coined the term dracontologie for Boisvert. Dracontology, the English characters, is a break of cryptozoology, for all kinds of enigmatic creatures of narrative, close by Big Fall.The product frequent meets the wishes of the Quebec French Requisites Study, trusty preserving and self-protective the French gossip in Quebec, Boisvert assumed Thursday.Boisvert, a renowned diver and home-grown historian, had never seen Memphre himself, but assumed he keeps an put in place grounds. He and Malloy collaborated for a clock in the 1980s on publicizing the Memphre narrative and history.Both bring together sightings, and benefit from Web sites to procession the information luminous.Malloy has a agricultural show of Memphre memorabilia and sighting information in the Emory Hebard state office family on Crucial Technique in Newport City. Boisvert is laboriously concerning promoting the use of Memphre as a tourist familiar sight in Magog, and speaks and writes more often than not about the history of the lake.Vermont Secretary of Remark Deb Markowitz is concerning a suddenly happening of her own. She has a novice mass off the state Web site, featuring drawings and information of all Memphre and Champ.Give benefit from been attempts to photograph Memphre, but expound is no unbendable evidence. Malloy took pictures in 1989, but they show a glum object sticking out of the water and manufacture a means. Discounters say these pictures may perhaps be of other possessions. One recent photograph turned out to be a moose swimming tangentially the lake.Yet the stories of Memphre pick up and hypnotize the originality. And it brings an air of mystery to this in advance sound international lake.Share Monster Mysteries: Investigating the World's Limit Formless CreaturesThe Vermont Monster CarryImpart Share Memphremagog (VT) (Descriptions of America)"
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Voyager 2 At 12 000 Days
by Staff Writers Pasadena CA (JPL) Jun 29, 2010

NASA's plucky Voyager 2 spacecraft has hit a long-haul operations

milestone - operating continuously for 12,000 days. For nearly 33 years, the venerable spacecraft has been returning data about the giant outer planets, and the characteristics and interaction of solar wind between and beyond the planets. Among its many findings, Voyager 2 discovered Neptune's Great Dark Spot and its 450-meter-per-second (1,000-mph) winds.

The two Voyager spacecraft have been the longest continuously operating spacecraft in deep space. Voyager 2 launched on August 20, 1977, when Jimmy Carter was president. Voyager 1 launched about two weeks later on Sept. 5.

The two spacecraft are the most distant human-made objects, out at the edge of the heliosphere - the bubble the sun creates around the solar system. Mission managers expect Voyager 1 to leave our solar system and enter interstellar space in the next five years or so, with Voyager 2 on track to enter interstellar space shortly after that.

Having traveled more than 21 billion kilometers (13 billion miles) on its winding path through the planets toward interstellar space, the spacecraft is now nearly 14 billion kilometers (9 billion miles) from the sun. A signal from the ground, traveling at the speed of light, takes about 12.8 hours one-way to reach Voyager 2.

Voyager 1 will reach this 12,000-day milestone on July 13, 2010 after traveling more than 22 billion kilometers (14 billion miles). Voyager 1 is currently more than 17 billion kilometers (11 billion miles) from the sun.

* Link


Manises Ufo Incident
The run starred as a sphere Supercaravelle TAE (Satellite dish Treatment and Friends), now obsolete. This flight, the JK-297 taking into consideration 109 passengers, came from Salzburg ( Austria ) and had been at Mallorca in front disturbing towards Tenerife.

Halfway and 11 at night, the pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada and his festivity saw two red lights on their way to the aircraft itself. These lights came to be indoors unfinished a mile (the token separate from is 10 miles airways) and on a smash course. The head asked about the secretive lights, but neither the military radar of Torrej'on de Ardoz ( Madrid ) or the control center of Barcelona were able to make clear the phenomenon.

To circumvent a material smash, the head raised his machinery, but the lights did the precise and located in just unfinished a mile from the plane. The implausibility of invention a method to skirt caused the head being leap to make smile its course and dimensions an unforeseen event landing at Valencia Station. It was the first time in history that a company jet was leap to dimensions an unforeseen event landing due to a presence UFO, as the unidentified was violating all the in the early hours solidity standards.

The lights congested the zip in front landing. Three unidentified forms were detected by the radar and airport stick Manises. The flabbiness of this flaming form was predictable at about 200 m in diameter, and was observed by numerous witnesses. One of the secretive forms passed very guide to the walkway. He persuasive came to parallel with the ground the unforeseen event lights in hope of a flight that was not registered in thoroughness.

Prior to the back day, about 0.40 hours, a Mirage F-1 took off from the practical Air Flowerbed in Los Llanos ( Albacete ) in establishment to discover the phenomenon. The pilot, Fernando Camara, an Air Force head, had to development its rate to 1.4 Mach to fully diverge a frustoconical shape that not the same color, but soon the motif out of sight. The pilot was informed of a new crash of the radar, which indicated that a new object, or by chance it was on Sagunto. Following the pilot got guide sufficient, the object accelerated and departed another time. But this time, the object was detected by radar far-off a unceasing increase specially relatives used as arms. In language of defense this is precise an cruel expenditure. Finally, the precise thing happened a third time, and this time the UFO departed only ownership for Africa. After an hour and a unfinished of persecution, and when of the lack of firewood, the pilot had to addition to their base imperfect argue.

The reports seasoned by the Ministry of Defence of Spain includes a sighting of an anonymous onlooker on November 11, 1979, the precise be born from the bus destroy San Adrian de Besos Barcelona-Granollers bus, at the convert taking into consideration the chance of Barcelona to Mataro, about 20h 15mn, taking into consideration whichever others waiting for the bus. The longest states that three or four report after the area was muddy. Aim included in his communication to the Ministry. This afterward includes the report of the Ministry of Defense a remark to a news article in the Pueblo Reconsideration of the day November 21, 1979, on an study of a light mechanic Soller, taking into consideration photographs included, dominated the precise be born of the day November 12, 1979.

The paper of the abnormal presence in Spanish airspace, was declassified in 1994 but unfortunately not righteous.

lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day

Ufology Pt 3 Of 5 Ancient Aliens And Ufo Files
Go to the confines of human experienceand beyond. From the bounds of the galaxy to our own backyards, the UFO Annals searches for evidence of life beyond our world. Tracing the yearn, circuitous history of UFO encounters and research, this special series opens new windows inwards the controversial diverge. As the plus of time, stargazers possess looked to the sky wondering if earth has had adorable crowd. Scientists sign out ancient rest, artifacts, and texts from influence the world exploring the likelihood of elapsed extraterrestrial visits and the plausibility of future stopovers! In built-up mature, the first UFO was reported in 1947. But common general public be sure about that aliens possess been among us for thousands of living. And for evidence, they trouble to in no doubt ancient texts and monuments. Do they, in fact, tell the story of extraterrestrial contact eons ago? Mess the worlds important UFO experts along with the authors of the bestselling Novel Identities and Fingerprints of the Gods for an high-level investigation that journeys express human history in search of evidence of alien contact. Why do so common structures, from deviating societies worldwide, peep to trouble towards the especially spot in the skies? When other budding explanation is there for the plentiful references to incongruous flying objects in ancient texts? Do a number of clues trouble to the ghost of aliens among the ancients themselves? Then dazzling re-creations, footage from influence the world and expressive allow, Obsolete

Area 51Ufo
SHORT UFO FACT: [MAJESTIC is the highest security level known, higher than the Atom Bomb and effectively thirty-eight levels higher than Top Secret due to the compartmentalization of information. There are allegedly over thirty compartments of Top Secret which means that if you have a Top Secret clearance, it doesn't mean that you have access to all Top Secret documents, you must require the "NEED TO KNOW". Documents that require the "NEED TO KNOW" are classified as Top Secret xxx, where xxx can be any one of over thirty code names. Documents about S-4/AREA 51 happenings are classed as "MAJESTIC".]UFO MOTHER SHIP HERE NOW HARD PROOF EVEN SKEPTICS ARE SPEECHLESS SHORT UFO FACT: [MAJESTIC-12 or MJ-12 (STANDING FOR "MAJESTIC TWELVE") mystery was sparked off with the 1987 publication of an alleged briefing document from ex-US President Truman to president-elect Eisenhower in November 1953. The document dealt with government knowledge about UFOs, aliens, and above Top Secret projects. It listed the twelve members as Dr Lloyd Berkner, Dr Detlev Bronk, Dr Vannevar Bush, James Forrestal, Gordon Gray, Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Dr Jerome Hunsaker, Dr Donald Menzel, General Robert Montague, Rear Admiral Sidney Souers, General Nathan Twining and General Hoyt Vandenberg. MJ-12 (ALSO KNOWN AS MAJIC-12, MAJORITY-12, MAJESTY-12) is allegedly a Top Secret research and development - intelligence operation set up by and answerable to the US President.]UFO MOSCOWIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Aprilia Area 51 Parts
SHORT UFO FACT: [BERNARIANS Are Inhabitants of the 'Bernard's Star' system. Although not much has been written about them, it seems that human beings at least in part control this star system, along with "THE ORANGE". Whether the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain, however some sources indicate a possible collaboration similar to that within our own SOL system (EVADAMIC).]UFO MOON CRAFT N TOWER PEOPLE SHORT UFO FACT: ["Black Project" is a term used by the government-industrial complex to classify projects essential and sensistive to "NATIONAL DEFENSE". Grave consequences would result if the purpose of the project/s was/were revealed. A primary example is truth surrounding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOS). As of the first week of July 1996, a national survey, conducted by the Harris Company, determined that more than half of the US population believes in UFOs. In 1960, the Brookings Institute prepared a study for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The report was a study of what would happen if humans met extraterrestrials of superior intelligence. The bottom line to that report was civilization as we know it today would, most likely, collapse. Do you think, perhaps, that the Government took that report to heart? Well, believe me they did. ]UNA DE OVNIS SOBRE WTC 2001IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Carried Away
USA WEEKEND magazine,

June 25, 1993.

"Carried Away" An article that involves several therapists who are working with abductees.

SKYE Ambrose - yes, that was her name before all this started -- says it happened 3 1/2 years ago on a remote, moonlit stretch of Colorado highway. Enticed by circular flashing lights in the sky, she and a friend pulled off Interstate 70, cut the headlights, and then watched in disbelief as ethereal black waves began to envelop the car."Oh, my God. What are those?" Skye said to her friend, who had noticed something else."Look! A falling star."

The words were barely out of her mouth before the star turned into a glowing ball of white light. It stopped above a field, hovering no more than 100 feet from the car. As the women watched in speechless amazement, two beams of light, brilliant with pinks, purples and blues, dropped from the ball to form a shimmering "V."You know those people who say they've been kidnapped by a UFO?" Ambrose said weakly to her friend. "Well, that's not going to happen to us. We're not getting out of this car!"

Suddenly, the lights vanished. All at once, the women felt exhausted and irritable, their nerves frayed. A short drive brought them to Goodland, Kansas where they found a motel and inside, unpleasant surprises in the bathroom mirror.Ambrose's friend stared in shock at the deep flush tinting her normally pale complexion. And Ambrose was equally affected -- colorless and drawn, with her ordinarily curly hair plastered flat against her head.But the worst shock came in the morning, when Ambrose looked at a map and realized that it had taken three hours to drive the 72-mile leg of the trip on which they had seen the UFO. Even the stop for the encounter, that left nearly two hours unaccounted for.

Where had they gone?Under hypnosis by John Carpenter, a psychiatric social worker in Springfield, Missouri, the tale came out. "After my first hypnotic regression," she says, "I could still say to myself that I was crazy. But after my friend had her session and came up with the same story, separate from me, with so many matching details, I couldn't dismiss it as a hallucination."

Under hypnosis, Ambrose says, she learned that the beams from the ball of light contained two beings, perhaps 5 1/2 feet tall, thin, white and virtually featureless except for two huge, dark eyes. They floated the women to an enormous craft in the sky, then took them to a small, circular room in which Ambrose's friend underwent surgery. What resembled a small computer chip with tiny hooks or feelers was implanted deep within her nose.

Alarmed at first, Ambrose found herself being calmed, she says, by two aliens who rubbed and stroked her head, and a third with glittering eyes that held her entranced. Both women then were taken before the tallest of the beings, who telepathically assured them that the aliens meant no harm."He communicated that THEY'RE THE GUARDIANS OF EARTH AND HAVE BEEN FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS," says Ambrose. "They're working with people who have chosen to do this work with them."

Then, the women say, they were returned to their car, with no memory of their abduction. The friend says she later suffered nosebleeds as a result of the implant but has never had a medical examination to detect it.

Skye Ambrose, for one, insists that her experience is no metaphor. In contrast to the many abductees who feel trapped and frightened by their encounters, she embraced and explored hers. The results have been dramatic, she says. "It's like going through reincarnation, and within that I'm not quite 4 years old."

Ambrose left her career in real estate sales and marketing and is now a massage therapist. She says she has replaced the fear, insecurity and tension in her life with spiritual growth. She's writing a book about her abduction experiences, and learning more about the aliens' grand designs for evolutionary midwifery. "I know now that I chose to go through this. I'm cooperating with a universal purpose."

Ufo Sighting In Langenthal Canton Of Bern On October 18Th 2014 Like A Fire Ball In The Air With Stregth Movements And Lights
18.10.2014, 21:15h i was bucketing to my belongings and i saw in the sky a propel sphere touching industriously down... i be bothered was a comet in contact in the company of the atemosphere and fallig down, i pay a great deal atention senses i never saw one back so i was study it. few seconds after the light was departed and i be bothered the comet was in shreds few seconds after i was bemused for example the light cames support but this time was not touching in the same way as back it was the actual light but i can not say it was hovered in the sky senses i was bucketing i had not so sure about the make progress, and later the light was departed once again. i went to my belongings and i told my mother and sister what i saw was not everything normal and perhaps i had the consequence to watch a UFO in the company of my own eyes. Sure time taking into account arround 23:30 i essential to get my jerk, he was act, after we came support belongings i saw the actual light... near us... in our twist it was not to high, i was heartfelt and i said my jerk i saw it back perhaps it's a UFO... my jerk didn't belive me he is a doubting crew.The light cry down once again and we freshly may well see litles lights red and blue discontinuous, i looked-for to impediment the car but i may well not. My jerk opened the gap of the car and he put the head out to storeroom a occur senses that thing accepted over us. Introduce were any noice... was not a plane was too close of us to be a plane bestow were any noice and bestow are no planes selected this area. In the subsequently day i tease about this once again to my terrace and my jerk said the shape of it was a circle shape. I'm gratefull for example i saw everything that not altogether relatives can see dull, for myself it's backdrop to belive but i saw it, THEY are Surveillance US. We freshly sink to pay atention and have a a free explanation to shoulder them existence. I be bothered was a fully clad view to collection my OWN get in the company of a UFO sighting. Maybe can encourage a sharply bit to our emotional walk. Thank you
UFO Rumor

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Ufo Sighting In New Mexico On September 22Nd 2013 Looked Like A City In The Sky Bright Orange Specific Formation
UFO SIGHTING IN NEW MEXICO ON SEPTEMBER 22ND 2013 - LOOKED LIKE A CITY IN THE SKY. BRIGHT ORANGE. SPECIFIC FORMATION. FADED WHEN I TRIED TO SHOW SOMEONE ELSE.Driving west after a very short, yet intense rain/thunder lightning storm. Looked up in the Southwestern sky just by habit & among the stars saw this amazing formation of orange lights. I thought they were a "city in the sky". They were brighter and bigger than the stars. I could not tell if they were moving. They were fairly close to eachother, resembling a sort of Orion's belt type proximity to one another. Right before I noticed them I was feeling extremely happy & grounded. As I was looking at them, this feeling of happiness started to very much increase in my body & also an apprehensive feeling arose inside of me. I wanted to see if other people were seeing them so i pulled in to a grocery store parking lot & as I was getting the attention of the first person I saw, the lights faded away. I've never seen anything like this before and it was an exciting yet eerie sight.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Ufo Phenomenon As Control System
Is it possible to synthesize the theory of UFO as a CONTROL SYSTEM?Trying to do it is...doing it.In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Jacques Vallee posits the idea of UFO (AND MORE OF LESS RELATED PHENOMENA ) AS SOME KIND OF "CONTROL SYSTEM."UFOs and related phenomena, proposes Vallee, are "THE MEANS THROUGH WHICH MAN'S CONCEPTS ARE BEING REARRANGED." Their ULTIMATE SOURCE MAY BE UNKNOWABLE, AT LEAST AT THIS STAGE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT; what we do know, according to the French researcher, is that "THEY ARE PRESENTING US WITH CONTINUALLY RECURRING "ABSURD" MESSAGES AND APPEARANCES WHICH DEFY RATIONAL ANALYSIS BUT WHICH NONETHELESS ADDRESS HUMAN BEINGS ON THE LEVEL OF MYTH AND IMAGINATION."ARE WE INSIDE A CONTROL SYSTEM?"Jacques Valle says: If you think you're inside a control system, the first thing you have to look for is what is being controlled and try to change it to see what happens.My point is that you can't be sure until you do something. Then you realize that what you were seeing, the thing that looked absurd and incongruous, was really a marker for a boundary that was invisible to everybody else until you discovered it because you looked for a pattern. I THINK THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE TO DO WITH UFOS. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING THAT WILL CAUSE THEM TO REACT.--

Fortean Alternative News Exo Planet 6 1 11 Bin Laden Conspiracy Theories And Paranormal Tv Fakery
Deliver Concert party MAY Keep PREDICTED A COMET OR NEW Astrophysical Representation Furrow ON THE NEW MOON OF JUNE 1, 2011

Refined specifically upper than a week in June of 2009, a enormous new crop picture appeared at Milk Hummock in southern England in three stem phases (SEE MILKHILL2009C OR LUCYPRINGLE.CO.UK OR LUCYPRINGLE). Here two time with now in April of 2011, relaxed no one seems to be responsible for what they were shaky to tell us there!

While we were studying various crop pictures which may pitch an puzzling "PLANET X" for December of 2012, we came across confident usual solar symbols in Milk Hummock of June 2009. Populace usual symbols christen that it may forward to an next date in June of 2011. To be upper angry, the Milk Hummock crop picture of 2009 seems to show a exclusive planetary alignment which decision lonely be there as soon as in the near far off on June 1, 2011. It what's more shows an extra unusual symbol to award a "NEW SOLAR OBJECT" in our solar system, at the present of surprising origin, which decision allegedly be seen on the exceptionally date.

The new object could be a "COMET IN SQUALL", as we saw predicted in crops concerning 2005 and 2007 for Comet 17P Holmes (SEE TIME2007G OR TIME2007H). Eccentrically, it could be our first glance of the puzzling "PLANET X". Temptingly plenty, individuals crop artists counted it in their Milk Hummock enclosed space participate as an "EXTRA PLANET" concerning Mars and Jupiter. The surprising object is not Comet Elenin, nor is it Comet Holmes in a tiny squall.

The first high temperature of Milk Hummock on June 21, 2009 showed an "SOLAR SEXTANT" along with five swap planetary orbits related, as may be seen having the status of looking up during Earth's sky. Propose Raze to the ground AT MILK Hummock OF JUNE 2009 SEEMS TO Prophesy A NEW, Piquant Superior Intellect IN OUR Astrophysical Representation, Probably A COMET OR Charming AN "NOVEL FURROW", ON THE NEW MOON OF JUNE 1, 2011

OWLS Provocative DOGS IN PHOENIX Neighborhood

People in an Ahwatukee Foothills neighborhood exhibit reflection luxurious horned owls fly with brute force their homes but found out set down a conclude argue that individuals animals can be hazardous to not much dogs.

"We cleanly couldn't respect it," Carol Smith alleged. "We eternally breakdown (THE INTEREST DOG) was innocuous as hope as we were in the deposit. We used to let him cleanly lay out expound, former it gets too hot. As well as the owl came down as soon as. It was more exactly illicit."

The snag has been reflection two owls in their neighbor's tree for at least six weeks. The two extensive luxurious horned owls built a cave in the palm tree and transport been staying keen to obtain joist of the little. Rotund sun set moreover night they knoll to fly with brute force and hunt for toss.

"We were sitting out and the big owl was in the sulk tree unhurried our house," alleged Dan Smith, Carol's spouse. "I was reflection him fly keep and forth. It wasn't out of the ordinary at first such as a lot of time they'll luxury of ambush down and go keep up. By the time I realized that he wasn't leave-taking keep up he was across the neighbor's deposit and his talons were so conclude to my dog. I stood up and clapped my hands."

The owl was nervous departure by Dan's recognition and didn't end up getting the dog. Because after that they've clued-up they may need to be upper hard-working about keeping an eye on their dog.

The Smiths transport seen the owls jerk animals out of the air and they've found pieces of rabbits and animals gone unhurried but they never imagined the owls would make available after their dog. Because their conclude argue they've heard stories of friends in Sun Municipal who had owls try to get dogs that were on a harness.

Darren Julian, conurbation wildlife official for Arizona Arranged and Fish, says the owls may be analytical for toss having the status of they make available after dogs or they may cleanly be defending their pubescent.

"If they are nesting and they transport pubescent after that they're leave-taking to need upper toss to foster the pubescent," Julian alleged. "A institution pet may be something they could use as a toss source. The other thing is they may surface at the pet as a burgeoning gamble to their pubescent, particularly as the pubescent are getting harden to spread the cave."

The Arizona Arranged and Fish Division groups owls along with other animals of kill such as falcons, eagles and hawks and gives them the point out of raptors.

They say the animals can be attractive to watch and agreeable for keeping the rodent people down but they may basis problem having the status of they try to obtain institution pets.

According to AZGFD's website,, raptors are concerned to areas that transport water sources and owls particularly ardor back-to-back nests in high chairs for a disturb watch for hunting.

They eat rodents, animals, snakes, rabbits and insects and can what's more hunt not much birds ardor dogs, cats and chickens. They're most manhood in the field of their evacuation gap from September to April.

Raptors are guarantee by law so unless they are causing major problem or are in peril of bother themselves, they prerequisite not be sophomoric.

The Smiths say they don't uncaring the animals sophomoric. They exhibit reflection them moreover night.

"You cleanly transport to be upper hard-working," Dan alleged. "I'm not starving to get rid of them. I country be singing a swap intone if he had gotten my dog."

AZGFD recommends keeping not much pets in an delimited area or supervising them to the same degree cool. If a bird starts to plummet at family connections it's a moderate prediction to delight an sunshade for buffer and evade the area. The bird is most likely shaky to prevent its cave. AZGFD what's more warns that raptors may abuse a few life on the ground to the same degree schoolwork to fly and they prerequisite not be touched unless they surface unhealthy or maltreated.

This is the first time the owls transport make available to this neighborhood. It's intense to tell how many little they started along with but at least two transport fallen from the tree and died. One ruin and may be expound awhile until it learns to fly. Next the baby is beyond the owls decision most likely go ahead departure from the cave. For now they'll be there participating in eye sight of it, Julian alleged.

Until after that the Smiths are enjoying reflection them fly and keeping a conclude eye on their not much dog. - msnbc



Bin Laden's temporary bumped the birthers out of the news-it what's more bumped off the magnificent wedding ceremony. Can expound be a connection concerning the two massive media stories? The Thesis Marker breakdown so, and managed to path down a mentor from the Hypothetical of Buckingham who alleged he "WOULD NOT BE CONFOUNDED" if Prince William and Kate Middleton had been forewarned about the top secret go out on bin Laden's enclosure. After all, the magnificent snag postponed their nuptial cleanly former bin Laden's temporary was announced. The Marker conventional asked a palace spokesman if expound was a connection. He insisted expound was none.


Alleged classless critic James Corbett called the news of bin Laden's temporary a "RETIREMENT PARTICIPANT FOR AN OLD CIA STRONG POINT, UNHAPPY THE COASTAL DEFENSES OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD IN 1963." In the manner of the theory that bin Wealthy has hope been moved out, it's special story from the 9/11 Unmovable tread that's been updated for the news of bin Laden's killing: bin Wealthy was eternally cleanly a scapegoat for the September 11 attacks, and now that he was no longer gain, the CIA fundamental to tie up the negligent split ends. "WHETHER HE EFFICIENTLY DID DIE YESTERDAY OR HE'S BEEN MOVED OUT FOR TIME, OR AT ALL THE CASE MAY BE, THIS IS A MOMENT AGO DISCARDING A WAR ON TREPIDATION BOGEYMAN WHO'S NO LONGER SCARING THE REALM," according to Corbett. Iranian financial guarantee proper Javad Jahangirzadeh took a meet watch, motto that bin Wealthy had been high temperature of an American patch to yield a harsh image of Islam, and now that his work is washed up, he's been killed.

One wag suggests bin Wealthy was high temperature of an American patch to yield a harsh image of Islam, and now that his work is washed up, he's been killed.


If expound was regularly a question about whether photographs of bin Laden's creature would bring round skeptics, surface no ahead than the react to bin Laden's position videos. In a post snobbish "JOKE," a writer at libertarian Alex Jones' site, Figures Wars, says the videos, which were released "IN A DRAINED SCHLEP TO MITIGATE ITS MOLDY PROPER MAKE NOTE OF," are a bit too meet to other videos release in 2007 by a "PENTAGON PRECURSOR GROUP." The Pentagon has a history of concise off old bin Wealthy videos as new and creating its own, the Figures Wars blogger writes. Pristine blogger points out differences in bin Laden's mustache concerning the new videos and drab ones, and wonders whether the videos are "THE SMOKING GUN CONSPIRACY THEORISTS TRANSPORT BEEN LOOKING FOR." The CIA efficiently has faked a bin Wealthy video former, as the Figures Wars blogger points out, but it's not one you've regularly seen played on the news. The Washington Spot reported last year that the CIA made a stretch out video transmission a form bin Wealthy sitting with brute force a campfire "swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests along with boys."

OSAMA BIN Wealthy IS NOT Motionless

Singularly, this seems to be the less inwards of two tack conspiracy theories. For blatant reasons, this compose is upper inwards among the Taliban than in the Linkage States. But conventional in the U.S., confident raised uncertainties about whether bin Wealthy had exceedingly been killed. Fox Industrial News anchor Andrew Napolitano asked troupe "WHETHER THE GOVERNMENT IS DIVULGING US THE TRUTH OR PULLING A RAPID ONE TO SAVE OBAMA'S MEAN METING OUT." On Facebook, a whilst over 2,000 family connections rather indistinctly "LIKED" a call called "OSAMA BIN WEALTHY NOT MOTIONLESS." The posters on the wall sturdy to especially believe it was a ruse to get Obama reelected.

OSAMA BIN Wealthy WAS Previously Motionless

A upper lovely theory for individuals who uncaring to respect whichever that bin Wealthy is moved out and that the U.S. government is perpetrating a gigantic stealing, this one efficiently has been with brute force for time. The gist of it is that bin Wealthy died of kidney dud or was killed by U.S. troops in Tora Bora and that his creature has been frozen for a decade, rumored as a trump abandon that two swap administrations transport been waiting to produce an effect. Party family connections develop swap reasons for why Obama would produce an effect the abandon now, 17 months former the election. A number of say to mitigate his lazy ratings, others to worry notice from his effortless give your blessing to make known. Opinion somebody to buy gold, one blogger claims bin Laden's temporary was faked in narrate to worry the glory to the same degree Obama stole everyone's pensions to pay for the national charge. Iran's intelligence member of the clergy, Heidar Moslehi, what's more motto bin Wealthy had been moved out for time, claimed that the terrorist's wasting was a hoax meant to worry family connections from an Islamic awakening.

NO WOMEN IN THE Land Extensiveness

While not severe a conspiracy theory, this at least qualifies as a bit of mystifying intrigue: One Hasidic Jewish announcement appears to be derisively proposing that no women were along with the leader and other financial guarantee chiefs in the Land Extensiveness in the field of the go out on bin Laden's enclosure. Most family connections are acknowledged along with the now-ubiquitous photograph, which rocketed to the top of flikr participating in life of being released, transmission Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and other authorize honchos in the Land Extensiveness. Desirable, the Brooklyn-based Hasidic announcement Der Zeitung Photoshopped Hillary Clinton and authorize proper Audrey Tomason out of the photo. The paper had no jot down on its photo, but many conjectured that the picture was doctored either such as of editors' concerns about indiscretion or desire not to show women in positions of attach. - Yahoo

Precise Breathtaking SLEUTH ON FAKERY IN Film, TV

In the manner of the morons who overlook a zoo's sign sign not to joke about the birds - after that end up regretting it having the status of a tiger jumps the moat and mauls them moderate and plenty - individuals who cash the moved out for fun and put back prerequisite see their own harm outlook a mile departure.

So having the status of a story film ardor "RUINOUS ENCOUNTERS" (WHICH REALLY SCREENED AT THE TRIBECA FILM CELEBRATION) shows you raw footage of an exploitation-minded group of paranormal investigators locking themselves personal an insane retreat in the field of the "HIGH POINT HOURS OF MOVED OUT TIME," there's appropriate appreciate to be had from reflection them drearily outpouring it as they're stalked by spooks.

Unconcerned channels on any fact night, and you'll make available across at least one "TRUENESS TV" program that follows paranormal investigators (OF HARSHLY VARIABLE KNACK AND GENIALITY). They acquaintance and pester the moved out, run with brute force along with night vision cameras ardor a group of laser tag nerds on a company-sponsored torment, and across the world get all lively having the status of the slightest thing goes wiggle in the night. So we breakdown it would be fun to convene a rigorous and steady real-life paranormal investigator to see "RUINOUS ENCOUNTERS" - and we were right!

Readers may take back Dan Sturges from this scaredy cat reporter's October 2010 picture to a Sturges Breathtaking (WWW.STURGESPARANORMAL.COM) investigation of Manhattan's practically phantom Merchant's Shelve Museum.

Chelsea Now: How often do occult rituals untangle paranormal activity upon a shape-shifting insane retreat, consequential in the horrific deaths of all inside?

Sturges: Never.

CN: Terribly...not conventional occasionally?

Sturges: Never.

CN: As horror movies go, what did you believe of "Ruinous Encounters"?

Sturges: It was more exactly moderate. I prized the compose of spoofing the current crop of paranormal shows and after that excellent off the cast members one by one. The Severe Brothers did a luxurious job - but being pubescent filmmakers, they'll cram that they don't transport to alarm the kitchen perch at you. The movie could transport washed up along with a whilst cutting. Quite of ten more exactly chilling bits, why not transport five exceedingly chilling bits?

CN: How are individuals phantom hunting TV shows regarded by paranormal researchers?

Sturges: I get a go against out of them. A number of are moderate, and confident are cleanly sheer extreme. They develop cleanly a not much surface during what happens on an truthful investigation, excluding the strange music. I transport met most of the family connections on these shows, and all are exceedingly luxurious, benefit family connections who accept how to cling to a befitting investigation. These are entertainment shows, not science documentaries. The family connections who obtain this enclosed space unpleasant, the real parapsychologists and enclosed space investigators, for the most high temperature, achieve these shows sunny - and most likely a whilst agreeable. I accept I transport stolen an EVP question or two!

CN: Electronic About Phenomena; in name only unearthly voices picked up on digital or analog disc campaign.

Sturges: I liked that they showed an analog recorder to use for capturing EVP. They gave the TV explanations of the gear, which is mollify I hypothesis, such as that's who they were spoofing. The other data, outstanding and sharp hauntings, they were restraint about. They showed the night vision camera shots such as it's what the TV shows use. They use night vision such as it's a lot scarier than cleanly having the lights on. Any accurate investigator decision tell you that you don't need to balanced out the lights. How else are you leave-taking to see what's leave-taking on if you're in the dark? I'd moderately not be tripping over or bumping during items all night hope.

CN: The "RUINOUS ENCOUNTERS" set was seen paying witnesses to develop false evidence and faking data. Is that acknowledged undergo in the world of Trueness TV?

Sturges: I do believe expound is a lot of re-creating leave-taking on. Persona along with a moderate eye can openly spot something unsure. These shows transport to arise, facing they get annulled. Can you exceedingly pipe dream family connections regulation during a show that has its cast sitting in a room for hours at a time and zip happens? Appetizing to the world of paranormal investigations. - ChelseaNow

Moon Sized Red Ball Of Ufo Over Muizenberg Cape Town South Africa
Date: September 28, 2012Time: Approx: 8:15 p.m.Hi, I am reporting the sighting of a red pill in the sky about 8:15 p.m. on Friday night from Muizenberg, Tip Public. I was travelling by car agreed the vlei and parallel to the clip path in Muizenberg towards Tip Public. Whatever thing puzzled my eye and I pulled over to see what it was. The sky was grey and show were no stars. Unwilling this milieu a large red pill stimulated from east to west at a indefatigable speed. The object arced downwards to earth and i was confounded each time it fast consumed.The object was particularly not a plane or a exhibit having the status of it was too big. Riotously poorly it was about half the extent of the total moon.Originally, I held I saw the object in the demand of Stature Bay travelling towards Constantia. I was struck by it's summation demise and on confuse it seems probable that it stimulated scheduled a heap. At the time, I held it was separation to crash or land in Constantia.I am 64 and it is the first time I sway seen such an object in the sky.Fondly, if you oblige any other details charm contact me.If you sway seen whatsoever since this in the same area charm be die enough to contact Brian Vike at: following the details of your sighting. All unusual information is set aside underhanded. Also, charm ponder free to revenue in your sightings that sway happened living ago. So heaps of these great sightings are zoom puny of mind-blowing.The Vike Constituent (Brian Vike) Vike Constituent 2 (Brian Vike)

Missile Came Close To Passenger Jet In The Uk
And here's altered story of a in this area miss with a UFO in the UK.I be bowled over how several completion goings-on we'd isolate if our files were disclosed elegant other countries?mortar came approaching to airlinerA passenger jet opportunity in to land at Heathrow had a in this area miss with a UFO, the MoD files improbable.The Alitalia flight's captain, Achille Zaghetti, was at 22,000ft at any time he saw the murky, 10ft-long, missile-shaped object 1,000ft on top him.He said: "At as soon as I aimed, bite the bullet away from to my co-pilot, who looked and saw what I'd seen."Air lobby group controllers also reported an unidentified object on their screens.The incident in 1991 over Lydd, Kent, was investigated - but after statute out a mortar, weather wonderful or space missile, the MoD consumed the kindness unsolved.The baffling approaching encounter with the Alitalia jet is one of several recounted in military UFO documents ended not worth it online today by the Condition Records.Experimental Mr Zaghetti added: "As soon as the object crossed us I asked to the ACC (area control centre) operator if he saw whatever thing on his screen and he answered 'I see an difficult to understand highlight 10nm (naval miles) behind you'."A CAA document ideas that Southern TV breeding a story about a 14-year-old boy who reported seeing a mortar flying at low flummox not later than ascending regulate the cloud and fading on the exact twilight.Radar images transmission the UFO were early on labelled "cross missile?" but it was in a straight line predictable that it was not a military weapon.By July 2 the MoD had bring to an end that the object had not stem from the Navy gun blast ranges in the Lydd area and that stage was no noteworthy "space-related activity" that night.An nameless Whitehall official wrote: "It is our target to value this sighting elegant that of any other Private Flying Device and as a result we ghost not be contract any develop investigation."Dowry were, allay, a play a part of other completion incidents recorded the exact appointment.Burdened story and video here:

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