Is it possible to synthesize the theory of UFO as a CONTROL SYSTEM?Trying to do it is...doing it.In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Jacques Vallee posits the idea of UFO (AND MORE OF LESS RELATED PHENOMENA ) AS SOME KIND OF "CONTROL SYSTEM."UFOs and related phenomena, proposes Vallee, are "THE MEANS THROUGH WHICH MAN'S CONCEPTS ARE BEING REARRANGED." Their ULTIMATE SOURCE MAY BE UNKNOWABLE, AT LEAST AT THIS STAGE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT; what we do know, according to the French researcher, is that "THEY ARE PRESENTING US WITH CONTINUALLY RECURRING "ABSURD" MESSAGES AND APPEARANCES WHICH DEFY RATIONAL ANALYSIS BUT WHICH NONETHELESS ADDRESS HUMAN BEINGS ON THE LEVEL OF MYTH AND IMAGINATION."ARE WE INSIDE A CONTROL SYSTEM?"Jacques Valle says: If you think you're inside a control system, the first thing you have to look for is what is being controlled and try to change it to see what happens.My point is that you can't be sure until you do something. Then you realize that what you were seeing, the thing that looked absurd and incongruous, was really a marker for a boundary that was invisible to everybody else until you discovered it because you looked for a pattern. I THINK THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE TO DO WITH UFOS. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING THAT WILL CAUSE THEM TO REACT.--
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