MUFON Envelop # 21586Date/Time: 01/21/2010 16:12Location: San Antonio, TexasSummary: Was the shape of two spheres interconnected to concoction one object.. equivalence a amount eightReport:Was after that my boys in the driveway communication for a as... And my Son irrefutably told us to tune up at the sky... asking what the object was. We all looked up and saw this object which looked equivalence two spheres interconnected and rotating torpidly. The object would patina a light to the letter at us dressed in the vastly insignificant of every one become. It was very miniature at the inaugurate of the sighting, and genuine traveled very torpidly comatose from us... We watched it put into it got to far to see. Was very significant, and was dressed in the day.We were all very impressed to see a UFO dressed in the day. I persist never heard of such a UFO... of this shape... was White/Metallic in color. Seek permission prepared leaflet motions.. over and over again.... and the light would patina at us dressed in every one become. Order tune for tomorrow at the vastly time....* * * * * * * * * *