Solid Spanish researcherVicente-Juan Ballester Olmos has created an elder universal simplification of the state of UFO "disclosure" actions worlwide, i.e. the area and chronology of the release and arrive at to government, military and intelligence files on UFOs from particular the world.Quoting from Vicente-Juan's November 1 2009 release notice:"Classic IN UFO Catch unawares Global". "This exposition is described and prefaced in:" "The full paper can be found at:""I envisage you resource thrilling this research consolidating a universal picture of all the certified UFO release and declassification programs in the world."I worked without delay with Vicente-Juan to care for a picture of the Australian test. Spell the universal picture precludes "the imp in the detail" aspects I accept included beneath slightly of the material which on the ball the fixed print of the Australian sector of the document.I permit any corrections or clarifications. I had to work on the base of unarguable details which excluded information of a indescribable or unverifed person from unknown parties and from groups and folks who accept not provided detail or evidence of information which may accept been referred to in fragmented or fractional ways.(depart) from my UFOS SUB ROSA Sad Numb document (on line like 1999)THE BLOG SEEMS TO Fend for COMPACTING THE Suppose The whole story SET OUT In, SO THESE ARE Top SEEN AT THE When Dead bolt TOWARDS THE END OF Part 4: subrosa4.htmlTHE RAAF UFO The whole storyOwing to 1,612 reports accept been conventional by the RAAF from among 1950 and until June, 1984. The instinctive motif is pretty excellent due to unfinished statistics and verbose omissions from the Drawn from the tap reports intermittently created by the RAAF among 1965 and 1980. Properly report for the time 1950 and 1954 are not probable, due to the disappearance of the newly picked files. It is probable to have enough money a fuzzy mathematical problem of the RAAF's"collection" investigations from 1950 to June, 1984. This desires to be finished upinto 4 periods, due to level sources of information and lack of certified"darken" percentages outdoor the time from 1960 to 1980 ample.Move 1 (1950 - 1954):No. %Appointment No. "darken darken"1950 3 0 01951 4 2 50%1952 5 0 01953 13 2 15.4%1954 38 8 20.0%Documentation for this time are unfinished with the minimally present statistics beingthe formerly secret "1954 Enlighten on "On high Saucers" ready for the Directorate of Air Baton Gossip (DAFI) at their attract by nuclearphysicist, Annoy Turner, as a "industrial identification" of their reports. Confident of reports from this time live in the old Offshoot of Civil Aviation (DCA) UFO files which were examined by me all through November, 1982, at the Melbourne offices of the Group of Air Self-assurance Examination. The collection for 1954 is complete up 35 from the "1954 Enlighten" twitch 3 further reports, namely 2 from the Ballarat Instruct in of Roads and the archetypal radar drawn perform over Goulburn, NSW, sandwiched between a Marine Sea Rage aircraft. Solo the later is included as an "darken" in insert to persons cited in the "1954 Enlighten".Move 2 (1955 - 1959)No %Appointment No "darken darken"1955 3 0 01956 9 1 11.1%1957 14 2 14.2%1958 7 1 14.3%1959 24 2 8.3%Documentation for minimally the later partition of 1955 are draft in the surviving DAFI filesI examined. Gossip for 1956 to 1959 get up to be pretty unfinished. The"darken" report are my own estimates and hence must not be regardedas certified report.Move 3 (1960 - 1980)This is the minimally time in which certified "darken" report can be full up,as based on the Weird Aerial Finding Summaries, nos. 1 to 12. Summariesnos. 10, 11 and 12 were not commonly released but were full up to me, all through my file rushed in 1982, by the RAAF.Examination OF RAAF UFO INVESTIGATIONSTotal no. no. %Appointment of reports "Unknowns"* "Unknowns" Important of Details1960 20 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11961 14 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11962 25 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11963 17 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11964 17 1 5.9 Drawn from the tap No. 11965 52 2 3.9 Drawn from the tap No. 11966 74 1 1.4 Drawn from the tap No. 11967 95 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11968 101 0 0.0 Drawn from the tap No. 11969 94 2 2.1 Drawn from the tap No. 21970 37 4 10.8 Drawn from the tap No. 31971 52 6 11.5 Drawn from the tap No. 31972 87 11 12.6 Drawn from the tap No. 41973 193 4 2.1 Drawn from the tap No. 51974 67 2 3.0 Drawn from the tap No. 61975 39 4 10.2 Drawn from the tap No. 71976 39 4 10.2 Drawn from the tap No. 81977 25 6 24.0 Drawn from the tap No. 91978 118 30 25.4 Drawn from the tap No.101979 45 15 33.3 Drawn from the tap No.111980 47 10 21.3 Drawn from the tap No.12TOTAL: 1258 102 8.1% (normal)Confident "unknowns" are not included due to low volume imperial, i.e. insufficientinformation or probable explanation provided was aptitude.Move 4 (1981-1984)Solo instinctive chuck out of reports on file with the RAAF can be full up based onpersonal file inspections and DAFI advice:Appointment Total No. of reports1981 441982 561983 1171984* 15 (* up cultivate June 1984)THE Resident UFO The whole storyTo civilly put the RAAF data voguish aim, examine the taking sides.From 1950 to 1984, the RAAF dealt with higher than 1,612 reports, and 1,258from 1960 to 1980. One of the best resident groups in Australia, the Tasmanian UFO InvestigationCentre (TUFOIC), has been arrest darling facts on their investigationsfor days. For one indiscernible Australian state helper, they accept dealt with 2,131reports up to and through 1980.The time 1960 to 1980 has been in as it is the minimally time for which the RAAF accept published data. The taking sides table compares the data.Organisation Total Reckon Total level % "unknowns"of reports of "unknowns"RAAF 1,258 102 8.1%TUFOIC 1,681 390 23.2%It is flattering noticeable that compared to resident UFO research groups the RAAF has far under right to having officially and fully examined the UFO conglomerate.In terms of instinctive "disclosure" or arrive at pains the taking sides information details slightly of these actions. Original flying saucer party worker Edgar Jarrold (from Sydney) had a assignation with DAFI (Directorate of Air Baton Gossip) Sqd. Ldr. Peter Birch in Melbourne all through 1954. This was a inform come into being assignation. Jarrold did not get any arrive at to files. Equally from Fred Granite a party worker from South Australia. The CAPIO (Commonwealth Aerial Phenomena Examination Organisation) formed in 1965 as a united resident be winning besides minimally conventional fractional information.YEAR: 1965-1977Move caked 1960 to 1977 Records released: Finding summaries 1-9 released: 1,048 reports summarised.Comments: The first of the summaries appeared in 1965 rock endeavors from 1960 to 1965. This format continued up to 1968. 1969 discolored the first of the annual report outline formats, which largely continued up to 1977. These summaries became the form of "get-together disclosure". A few researchers and groups got slightly instinctive case reports such as VUFORS and in person, but the not getting any younger did not detail any of the material they allegedly conventional.YEAR: 1982-1984 Move covered: 1950 to 1984 Records released: 63 files examined by Do its stuff Chalker which included higher than 1,610 reports mainly from RAAF DOD files and fractional select from DoA (Dept. of Aviation) files. Finding outline No. 9 (1977 reports) was the last publically released. Summaries 10 to 12 shell 1978, 1979 and 1980 (a collection of 210 summarised reports) were released to Do its stuff Chalker in 1982. Do its stuff Chalker published for a long time on this arrive at and complete a set of file papers helpful to the UFO Scrabble Australia Bond (in lieu of the reduce of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies).Comments: 18 RAAF files were examined in my first 1982 lodge. The collection examined in to 1984 were the 63 files mentioned.YEAR: 1999 Move covered: 1953-1955 (the "adrift" first DAFI file 114/1/197), 1952-1955 (The Casey UFO papers), 1954 (Sea Rage case file), 1952-1957 (CSIRO file), 1952 - 1960 NSW DoA UFO files. Records released: Do its stuff Chalker examined 114/1/197 file and CSIRO file in Canberra NAA office. Jason Cowland, along with a Victorian based party worker, facilitated my arrive at to the Casey papers and the Sea Rage case file, the later duplicated RAN (Ceremonial Australian Services) file released to me in 1982.[Clothed in this time Keith Basterfield started by way of the Records Act under the 30 day teaching to get full copies of early DOD file series.]YEAR: 2000 Move covered: 1968 - 1973 (JIB/JIO DOD UFO files) Records released: Formal intelligence files copies given to Do its stuff Chalker from interior files of Annoy Turner, retired Defence scientist.YEAR: 2001 Move covered: 1952, 1969 Records released: 1952 file re NSW sightings which precipitated Formal member of the clergy Richard Casey's vestibule voguish the UFO contend.By 2003 the first of the digitised government UFO files began to get up on the NAA web site.YEAR: 2003 TO 2008 Move covered: 1950 to 1991 Records released: 151 files examined by the AUFORN auspiced Catch unawares Australia project undertaked by Circle of light group co-ordinated by Keith Basterfield. In doubt furnish of reports beyond 1,610, mainly RAAF files, but besides through CSIRO, Offshoot of Lay up, DoA, JIB/JIO (now DIO - Defence Gossip Organisation), ASIO and other agencies. The whole story in the AUFORN website in the Catch unawares Australia archive: for details re the "UFO Sub Rosa" standard and other material I accept in black and white on this expression.
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