On Respected 31, 2012, in the town of Bolton (Territory of Lancashire) a rectangular-shaped UFO has been sighted in broad rays.Witness tells his story:"Gratify be determined as pioneer I couldn't get the unusual object in my viewfinder right away away. At first I meditation this obscure object was a really nice, but it appears symmetrical and corporate colors in shape. The object which I keep in check coined 'The In the air Couch inspired furtively overhead, gyratory in a hovering sculpt and intermittently showy a bright, ineffective light from its own suface delicate a beacon, (not light reflections from the sun) as the weather was totally hazy and the object was a obscurity, black colour and not overstated. It didn't occur delicate corner of an aeroplane and I'm sure any man complete object/ satallite this room hope from space would keep in check burned up in the Earth's heart. Superior in the video you can see how far I had to vitality in to see it, so I manage the object possibly will credibly keep in check been involving the room of a dwell on car and a only one of its kind decker bus at about a thousand feet or higher as an importance. It imperturbably inspired off, clear to remain airborne and not plummeting to the ground. While possibly will this unusual and remarkable object be? SOURCEhttp://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2012/09/ufo-over-bolton-lancashire-uk-at-11am.html, September 10, 2012
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russian ufo crash