July 19th, 2013. A bright white light passed by when I was on my way home in the country. Around 10 pm. It was about a half mile distant. I would estimate its size at 20 feet in diameter. It slowly passed from north to south and disappeared. My aunt who lives nearby said she also saw it. The next night I noticed bright lights in the sky. I used to enjoy stargazing so knew these weren't stars. The following nights sightings escalated. The bright white light in the west appeared, accompanied by two strobing white lights. There were also several strobing objects whose light changed red/green/blue. These were higher in the sky. I called my neighbor who met me at our property line. We watched the lights and figured they were really strange. The following night, he brought his wife along and we stood on the back of his truck and watched and counted many more objects scattered across the sky. We used binoculars. We counted 13 of the pulsing colored light objects. They seemed to be stationed about 15 miles apart. There were eight bright white lights in the sky, scattered apart. There were six strobing white lights across the sky. The next night I looked outside and saw the strobing colored light objects. They were across the sky and were stationary. I wasn't just scared, I was terrified. The next three nights I stayed in town. The bright white light to the west is still there, though not always in the same position. I don't go outside at night anymore, though I'll peek once in a while. Sometimes I can spot one or more of the objects. There don't seem to be nearly as many as the time my neighbor and I watched. There has been unusual military aircraft activity which has not been seen in this area previously. There was an AWACS plane with its fighter escort flying at a low altitude at twilight, a C-130 flying a curious pattern in daylight. There were three black/grey helicopters flying in formation from SE/NW in the daytime. I finally screwed up the nerve to take pictures. I set the camera on a tripod with maximum zoom and set for night filming. I used the highest resolution. After converting the image to jpeg, I noticed the detail was about the same. The photo of the rectangular shape with the strobe on the side was about 2 1/2 miles distant. I discovered the rectangular shape only after examining the photo. If I had to guess the height of the rectangle, I would say it would be close to 30 feet. The photo of the bright light revealed a surprising feature. That is the halo surrounding the object. I had not seen that feature even with a spotting scope. The last photo attached is the same as the above, but enlarged on the computer.
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Credit: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com
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