For one, the Nazis understood that the Aryans were decended from the Atlantians, and whichever Atlanologists and Ufologists cogitate that the Atlantians may restrain been star private, as homely in their advandced technologies.
Two, the Nazis were sporting to develop a firm Tempo newly as the Greys emerge to be feat among abductions and hybrid breeding expirements. It is a fact that 7 million Americans are well-known to restrain been abducted, by newly a few miles south, their restrain been no abductions reported Mexico, level as that turmoil is a hotspot for UFO activity. UFOs are moreover seen over Europe, and abductions are reported present-day as well. The fact that abductions totally take place in locations that are predominatly caucasion is alarming. Laid-back, this dosen't mean all abductees are pasty (Barney Hill wasn't) so the aliens requirement be looking for something.
Three, Foo Fighters, the precurser to flying saucers were seen over Europe and the Comforting arrived Ground War II. Could they be linked to the Axis powers?
The most alarming plan of evidene is that arrived the end of the war the German scientists began develop real carried by the wind Tableware. They requirement restrain had in the least kindhearted of alien technology to develop them (it's engaged other scientists decades to get prototypes newly to get off the ground). German firework scientist Werner Von Braun who moved to the US after the war was named in Col. Philip J. Corso's book 'THE DAY Overdue ROSWELL' as being one of the scientists that were 'in the deduce of the Roswell incident and other alien technology.
So if the Greys were allocate the Nazis, who are they allocate today? North Korea? Their restrain been UFOs seen over the Korean Pennisula. Iran? How else may possibly piece together nukes. China? China is complementary hot spot for UFO activity. This is distressing.