and the seemingly sudden sinkholes that have been taking place all over the globe. Are they related? I give here only the first part of this story. Please see below to follow the rest of her report.
- Mark
Linda Moulton Howe
"Since 2011, many geologists have noticed "almost a 1000% increase in soil liquefaction."
- Geophysicist subcontractor for U. S. Air Force
"Officials believe water that has bubbled to the surface in Lakeport, CA,"is playing a role in the destruction. But nobody can explain why "suddenly there is plentiful water atop the hill in a "county with groundwater shortages."
- Associated Press, May 12, 2013
May 13, 2013 Albuquerque, New Mexico -
On Monday, May 6, 2013, Robin and Scott Spivey, a former building inspector, were stunned after their home dropped 10 feet below the street in Lakeport, California. Eight other homes have also sunk, breaking up and are now abandoned, while ten other homeowners have been given "notice of imminent evacuation" because the unexpected and unexplained ground sinking jeopardizes them as well.
Lakeport, California, marked by Google pointer, is 100 miles north
of San Francisco and the largest fresh water lake in the state.
Monday, May 6, 2013, Robin and Scott Spivey, a former building inspector,
were stunned after their home dropped 10 feet below the street in Lakeport, California.
Eight other homes have also sunk, breaking up and are now abandoned, while ten
other homeowners have been given "notice of imminent evacuation" because
the unexpected and unexplained ground sinking jeopardizes
them as well. Image (c) 2013 by Rich Pedroncelli/AP.
On May 12, 2013, Associated Press reported: "The Lake County Board of Supervisors asked Gov. Jerry Brown to declare an emergency so funding might be available to stabilize utilities and determine the cause of the collapse. On May 6, state Sen. Noreen Evans, D-Santa Rosa, wrote a letter of support asking Brown for immediate action. The California Emergency Management Agency said Brown was still assessing the situation. On Wednesday, May 8, the state sent a water resources engineer and a geologist to look at the problem. Sen. Dianne Feinstein sent a representative the next day on May 9.
"Officials believe water that has bubbled to the surface is playing a role in the destruction. But nobody can explain why suddenly there is plentiful water atop the hill in a county with groundwater shortages.
"'That's the big question,' said Scott De Leon, county public works director. 'We have a dormant volcano, and I'm certain a lot of things that happen here (in Lake County) are a result of that, but we don't know about this.'
"Damaged houses in the subdivision have been tagged for mandatory removal, but the hillside is so unstable it can't support the heavy equipment necessary to perform the job. So far insurance companies have left the owners of the homes - valued between 200,000 and 250,000, or twice the median price in the county - dangling too. Subsidence is not covered, homeowners said. So until someone figures out whether something else is going on, they'll be in limbo."
One geophysicist says that hard bedrock 25 feet down might be shifting, but reasons are unknown.
Sinkholes have been happening in many parts of the United States and other parts of the world more frequently. For example, on April 18, 2013, a sinkhole opened up in the middle of a street on Chicago's South Side and swallowed three cars. Two cars were inside the hole when fire crews arrived. A third parked car slid into the hole. One of the drivers was hospitalized.
9600 South Houston Avenue near the Chicago Skyway suddenly opened in a large
sinkhole on Thursday, April 18, 2013, and the two cars inside were followed soon by a
third parked car that slid in as well. Image (c) 2013 by Nancy Loo, WGN-TV.
Recently I received an email from a retired communications and electronics expert for several contractors that have done work for Hill AFB in Utah. He has also worked for the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Strategic Planning Office between 1993 to 2005. In his work, he came to know a geophysicist also working on military contracts for the U. S. Air Force. When the Air Force builds, the ground structure needs to be solid, so geophysicists will do ground surveys. If the Air Force building is going to have underground facilities - perhaps for computer servers and/or missile silos - the geophysicists will do ground readings. The electronics expert who contacted me said he told his geophysicist friend that for some time he has been hearing booms at a distance almost daily, but his windows rattle. So he asked the geophysicist if there was hard bedrock between his house and the great Salt Lake and over into the Hill AFB bombing range?
The geophysicist surprised his electronics friend when he said that the booms have been becoming more frequent around the world, not just the U. S. He said there have been reports from the Soviet Union, Europe, Africa, China, Guatemala and that the first report in 1998 was from a deep mine on the Alaska/Yukon border. At that time, miners reported hearing sounds like rocks or sand falling down a metallic tube.
60-foot mammoth sinkhole in Guatemala City, Guatemala, on May 31, 2010,
swallowed a three-story building, according to National Geographic. It opened
up during Hurricane Agatha, which spewed more than four inches of rain
in just 12 hours. Image (c) 2010 by National Geographic.
"Story continues here... "
Source: Coast to Coast
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