It didn't take long: fall out from my last two articles co-published by American Chronicle arrived shortly after I received the "approved for publication" message on my Blackberry.Of course I wasn't really surprised, since I had taken a few loose ends and bundled them together with a handful of words.It was my choice of one word in particular that appears to have generated the most controversy. "UFO"Yep, that's UFO, formerly known as Unidentified Flying Object, once a quasi-politically correct way of saying "Flying Saucer," which, curiously, is how Director of Central Intelligence W.B. Smith referred to them in 1952. Or how an earlier USG Office Memorandum, also from CIA archives, referred to them in 1949.(Click on the images for a better view.)Over the years "flying saucer," a term apparently reserved for disc-shaped flying planforms of unknown origin, evolved into "UFO," a politically correct acronym which today I believe is synonymous with "reverse engineered alien technology" thanks to the viral explosion of science fiction.Today's mainstream pop culture understands "UFO" to mean "it came from outer space" or any of a host of other references to "making STAR TREK real" by reverse engineering the alleged technology of an intelligence far more advanced than the human race.I believe that definition stands whether or not the "extraterrestrial alien UFO" inspiration was derived from black-world pieces of a crashed "flying disc" or watching a late night re-run of "The Day the Earth Stood Still."The reason is clear: For the aliens to get here, they must be far more advanced than our imagination of the deepest black government research. "UFO" represents Clarke's third law of a technology indistinguishable from magic.For the majority of humans on this planet, with little to no technical knowledge, existing 21st century technology appears as magic, without a doubt.Meanwhile, back on our home world, we find TIGER (Technology Insight Gauge-Evaluate-Review) -- a DIA National Academies' standing committee -- tasked as a futurist think tank to provide early warning of emerging threats from rapidly accelerating knowledge.It was physicist Jack Sarfatti who first responded concerning his role in what I will now call "The UFO-TIGER affair."Basically there are two issues of concern to Sarfatti, who wrote to me:"My point is that you have misrepresented my role in all this in that article and you need to correct it. You make it appear that I told you that JASON had a UFO team. Also you pulled out of context my inquiry to you about NAS members of TIGER to try to get the info for Mark because it was you who had already written about it or I thought you had at the time (2006)."The connection of TIGER to "UFO" technology began with an on-line widely distributed discussion of Jack Sarfatti's evaluation of Hal Puthoff's "UFO" energy and propulsion research. When the pros and cons heated up on line, it was a member of TIGER who replied that Puthoff's recent papers had been a topic of discussion at one of the meetings. I later confirmed with this source that the topic had indeed been discussed although it was not part of the formal agenda. Let's be clear about one thing: "Zero point energy" pulled from empty space and "metric engineering" of the spacetime continuum IS reverse engineered "UFO" technology. It certainly isn't mainstream science.It was not Sarfatti's message, but a message from ODNI MASINT Mark Pesses to Sarfatti, which Sarfatti forwarded to me asking for the "names of all the members of the National Academy of Science "UFO" tiger team" because "I have come up with something [Ron P] wants briefed to them." This is strange for two reasons.The first is the use of "UFO" before tiger team; I would have added "alleged" personally, but in any case we already know ZPE/Metric Engineering was discussed by some of the participants. The second reason, one that suggests elicitation, is why would Pesses at MASINT (claiming to be tasked by Ron P.) need to inquire about TIGER membership in the first place, since the TIGER has an open membership and Pandolfi is a friend of one of the members.The only logical reason to do so would be to determine how much was actually known about the committee or to track the message as it was passed on.Finally, the core of this story revolves around the "spies, lies, and polygraph tape" affair which erupted when John Gannon of the TIGER committee, a highly respected and influential member of the American Intelligence Community both in and out of government, was implicated in the sordid SERPO alien exchange program release on the Internet. We'll come back to that topic in future "episodes" of KNOWING THE FUTURE.(See my book "Knowing the Future The UFO Spy Games: CIA, 9/11, UFOs, and the Extraterrestrial Presence" for more information.)For now just keep in mind that Gannon was the Deputy Director for Intelligence when Ron was at CIA. Oh, and I should add Gannon's name has recently been tossed out by the mainstream media as a candidate for Director of Central Intelligence and according to one source in the TIGER, as a possible Secretary of Defense.(Meanwhile, President Barack Hussein Obama's nominee for DHS has backed down over the CIA torture controversy.)Final point before we move on to JASON: Protecting Gannon should be strictly viewed under an umbrella of intelligence politics and not simply viewed as innocent "Internet UFO antics."JASON: what have I done? I have tarnished the elite by splattering "UFO" on their good and respected name. On the other hand, it was Ron who brought them a plate loaded with obvious "UFO junk science" right? And what about academic research into HFGW, notably Dr. Raymond Chiao's solidly argued "conceptual tension" between Einstein's General Relativity and Quantum Theory? If Chiao's work is of interest to DARPA, omission of Chiao's work in the JASON study suggests other agendas are at play. (It should be added here that a "classified portion" of the MITRE JASON HFGW study may provide details on the Chinese connection.)Is HFGW "UFO" technology, regardless of how it is labeled by JASON?High Frequency Gravity Wave research qualifies as "UFO" inspired based upon the incredible claims made by the proponents of the work debunked by JASON. This is clearly in contrast to mainstream gravity wave research programs like LIGO and LISA.You will find the claims of HFGW in any episode of STAR TREK where the Captain orders ship's sensors to scan an alien world."UFO" has come to represent any "science fiction" inspired technology, some of which we now take for granted, like my Blackberry Storm "communicator."The proposed HFGW sensor is no exception.Regardless of my personal opinion, it was Pandolfi who made the UFO/HFGW connection when he directed the issue to alien conspiracy author Bob Collins, who then promptly shared Ron's inquiry by email. When I asked Ron about this, he explained to me that his data indicated a connection between UFOs and HFGW among American researchers but had discovered that was not the case for foreign HFGW researchers.This suggests Ron is using network analysis software to track researchers involved in "exotic" research topics."Exotic" as in UFOs, extraterrestrial derived technology, reverse engineering, and so on.Presenting the BAKER / CHINESE HFGW to JASON (who then thoroughly debunked the research) is an example of due diligence concerning emerging "UFO" inspired technology risks.If Ray Chiao's HFGW experiment succeeds, the implications for the long term would be far reaching, as well as clarify one potential new UFO "threat from beyond."It is not surprising that DARPA appears to be interested."UFO" remains a stigmata impressed upon the careers of serious researchers for absolutely no reason other than popular and academic misperception and bias.The release of small bits of the U.S. government archive now proves the topic was taken seriously right from the beginning.
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