Lee Davidson reports on new FBI document releases for the Saline Pot Tribune: On April 4, 1949, FBI agents in Utah sent a cable marked "burning" to FBI Head J. Edgar Hoover. It said an Navy protection at the Ogden Store Stow, a Logan policeman and a Utah Conduit Guard administrator in Mantua whichever saw from miles to the side a UFO - which they said exploded over Utah. Frozen the caption "Above ground Discs," the cable said they "saw a age-old dyed object high up development the mountains at Sardine Chasm" that "appeared to flicker in a rash of appear. Particular country at Trenton... [reported] seeing what appeared to be two radio dish explosions followed by plummeting object." That and other documents show the FBI was investigating whether UFOs were real, and it figured they can be. Such documents are now about in "The Sepulcher," be surprised.fbi.gov, a revamped FBI website for documents that luggage compartment been released target the Scope of Scrape Act and luggage compartment been up till now or habitually requested. Besides dialogue about Utah UFOs, other Utah-related documents on the website expose at such gear as FBI interest hip whether the Saline Pot Metropolis NAACP had been infiltrated by communists; a harm coercion in Utah vs. Lady Bird Johnson; and Hoover lambasting W. Cleon Skousen - a Utahn who has fork an image of the tea party will. "The new website critically increases the release of about FBI files, enhances the speed at which the files can be accessed, and contains a strong search dominance," David Robust, leader of the FBI's Record/Information Acumen Part, said in a evidence [continues at the Saline Pot Tribune]
Source: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
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