Appearing in the 1990s, Martyn Stubbs recorded over 2.500 hours of live video transmissions from STS-48 to STS-80 NASA missions. In this footage that was captured, give are regular phenomena observed. In this 3+ hour documentary, David Sereda analyzes the footage, and provides a very in-depth frank headed mechanical investigation inwards these phenomena. It is grand to monitor that David Sereda does not instinctively attack suddenly to the intimate that whatever thing seen in this footage is permanently an alien or put-on spacecraft, but that give are selected very droll phenomena taking place in the videos. He keeps a logical mechanical fissure treatment as to what is observed. In his investigation he contacted several officials at NASA about the footage, fair to be told it was filth and debris, or may well just virtuously not be explained. In the summarize deficient of this documentary David Sereda presents his new Postulation of physics, called "Gravity Past Spare Tear Postulation", in which he presents how to move on more rapidly than the speed of light. This is the most extensive feel about of the NASA footage obtained by Matryn Stubbs. In the start Dan Akroyd gives a rapid rushed of what you are about to see. Defense, Arrange, Asset, and scenery for yourself. Considerably and author: freedomorfascism UFOs
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