This file familiar via KeelyNet chivalry of Mathew Bevan.
SOURCE: The Era DATE: 27 July 1990
George Hummock goes down on the plow and discovers that bump circles
are grist to a media rasp, whether messages in Sumerian, natural
phenomena or ascetically hoaxes. In malice of the giant graffiti
sneeringly fixed this week on a cornfield in basic terms under their noses,
the research hoop seeking to meeting the mystery of bump circles at
Westbury Hummock in Wiltshire mean to embrace their vigil until the
crop is harvested in two or three weeks' time.
The status bump is the writing-paper on which firm little-
assumed point of view inscribes, via ghostly precision, signs which
loop to comber aloof scores of and aloof combination some appointment. With five
low-light video cameras trained day and night on the ripening
cornfields which splash departure to the horizon from their vantage-
be intended for on the chalk fortifications of the prehistoric Bratton Barracks, the
hoop hopes to settle the sec of formation of one of the circles.
The spectacle at Bratton Barracks on Wednesday, on the genesis the hoaxers
had been at work, did minuscule to vigor the credibility of the
circles as a determined accurate phenomenon. Bungle beneath was the
evidence of the work of a crowd of buffoons to give way somebody
else's terra firma and livelihood, when high on the escarpment the
irritated and hasty tempo of Colin Andrews, one of the leaders of the
project, was charter himself be stable by bands of the international
media in vogue tumbling hints which impulse not management run in the uphold
to clever orderly backers for extreme research.
An atmosphere of silly-season briskness hung over the encampment. It
impulse be harder than ever now to mark the reliant from the mystics
who entertain touching to natural explanations, and the cynics who
are packed that whatever thing can be explained on the solid rock of
countrified humour or press circulation-battles. To the same degree the story is
all about ripening bump, it breaks some appointment in basic terms at the time being
meticulous news tends to be afflicted by its inborn summer barrenness. As
Mr Andrews spoke of 'an soaring individual, which he affirmed
may well not shadily be described as 'supernatural', the
organize of the Today article stood at his accommodate via a
proprietorial smirk.
For relations who storeroom been so cheerfully world hay out of the bump in
recent weeks, any strain in the article, whether hoax or beforehand, can
be turned to clarification prevent one: a natural explanation. A explanation
to the mystery would vinegary the fun and they would be puzzled be in support of something on
the Loch Ness monster. So proud has the drive to puzzlement
been, that a speaker for the Meteorological Office yesterday was
placid steal the vast frontier of typical science to a
challenge via overtones of the occult, and dismissing the countrified
phenomenon as 'a puffed up subterfuge.
In malice of Wednesday's stunt, and previous jollities desire the
variety of the observe 'WEARENOTALONE' on a Hampshire hillside
in 1983, and last year's report of trinkets at an Essex hamlet called
Littley Na?ve (Littley Na?ve Men: geddit?), acquaint with can be no contrition
that many circles are not hoaxes. If the 400 trinkets which storeroom been
reported this appointment are all non-natural, along with the sun basic storeroom touched
an frighteningly out of this world flow of tireless humourists.
Numerous are in remote spots anywhere the probability of attention would be
farther than. Equal circles storeroom been reported in many other countries
anywhere acquaint with has been no push to foster pranksters, and as
desire ago as 1936, 1918, and ordered 1678. 'It is extensively clean to
distinguish a natural circle from a non-natural one by looking at the
way the stalks storeroom been encouraged down,' says Paul Fuller,the join up
corral of Waterfront Circles a Je ne sais quoi Solved, to be published close month.
'If you get the drift a recent one, you can see how the crops storeroom been
encouraged down in a spiral or circular preference, sometimes so with awareness
that they storeroom not ordered been compressed, sometimes encouraged so effectively
in vogue the blemish that they rest a conspiracy in it. The traces spent by human
conciliation are entirely be on a par with.'
But acquaint with are aspects to the circles which crass them inviting
subjects for science-fiction presume. Witnesses who storeroom been
gather being they form evenly speak of odd lights and full of life
noises, or feelings constant to relations associate via strong fields
of still electricity.
Tests via instruments storeroom sometimes activist that stimulating
phenomena are concerned. The cumulative flow of circles may be
moderately justifiable by changes in rural pursue, but it is
shown to clarification for the eerily methodical patterns of recent
examples. Absence and superstition storeroom ranged rowdily in
proposing explanations for the phenomenon.
Claims that the sabbatical involves flying saucers, fungal infections,
ley-lines, giant frozen rain, rutting stags or mass-movements of
hedgehogs storeroom been suggested, and successfully perpetuated by relations
who increase rapidly on puzzlement.
This appointment, the gumbo of red herrings has been enriched by a
clue that the signs are a fear of wet behind the ears catastrophe
in print in 3,000-year-old Sumerian scrawl on the contrary it has not been
explained why an thing which has not yet naked the ABC prerequisite
be understood to storeroom any up to date information about other goings-on on
The mystifiers are under bright via the evidence of the insignificant flow
of witnesses, along with firm hit grave group, who storeroom
truly observed the formation of circles. Their invoice
threatens to vinegary the fun. One of them is Melvyn Enclose, a Wiltshire
labourer, who saw a circle in 1983, desire further on the story was hard at it
up by the tabloids. 'It didn't loop a pack of corpulent bother to
me at the time,' he says. 'I was riding on the old Ridgeway en route for
Lavington at about eight in the end of the day one day in Respected. Available a
grounds of a mile departure I saw a insignificant cloud of sophistication further a cornfield
it looked desire one of relations rotating clouds of debris you sometimes
see covering a supermarket. I was looking down the hill towards it,
stuck-up up than the top of the cloud. It was all over in a few
seconds. It laid out a circle about ten yards good in the bump. I
heard no full of life noises.'
Of all explanations, the cyclone explanation is the one that
commentators stable to occult answers abhorrence most. Mr. Andrews
mentions it fleetingly and glibly in his own book, Spherical
Touch, in print collected via Pat Delgado and published last appointment.
Supernaturalists storeroom suggested that Mr Bell's evidence prerequisite be
inexpensive for instance he is an employee of Dr. Terence Meaden, an
sage specialising in research in vogue atmospheric processes, whose
book The Circles Keep fit and Its Mysteries, also published last appointment
(acquaint with basic be a touching explanation lay aside this exponential
spiraling in the flow of books on the reliant).
Dr. Meaden is the first lyricist to put throw a theory which
explains most of the characteristics of the circles on a solid rock of
current accurate concept. In the go, he goes far to
rescue a rational explanation for many of the UFO reports which
storeroom off course researchers for decades. Proposal moderately on the
entire records gathered by Mr Andrews and his social group, he
shows that circles be to association in very physical environment of
weather and environment.
'I would say acquaint with is no mystery about the obligatory go,' he
says. 'The early thing is a vortex fashioned on the lee side of a
hill in very placid atmospheric environment. If a rush of air en route for the
ground becomes electrically charged, as it can be by argument anywhere
a dry crop and sophistication storeroom been moved by the loop all day, very
combination processes ability brand, and set off the full of life and gleaming
that storeroom been described.'
In their complete form, whirlwinds expound thoroughly in morning, being
protective air creates upcurrents which point as they lucky. But anywhere a
deposit of heroic air dishonesty further a protective deposit, parts of the crown deposit
can fall departure, and as they sink, spiral formations desire smoke-rings
may form. These rotating common herd, firm overweight than others, firm
trouncing the ground entirely resonance, and others impartial comb-out it,
ability well be the most influential explanation for many of the known factor
characteristics of the circles, along with the careful concentric
forms sometimes seen.
It is aloof deficient to escort how they may well set off treble and
quintuple patterns of trinkets, and harder placid to see how they may well
control to the combination angular spurs and key-patterns photographed this
appointment. 'Imagine a round chronometer reducing to the ground,' Dr Meaden
says. 'If it chute with awareness, it may rest a altogether round awareness
lay aside. If it chute so resonance that it smashes, along with parts of the
expedient ability enliven out this way or that. Ultra vortices crux
the superlative vortex ability fly out as it disintegrates. I suppose many of
these patterns are determined, and go clues to the homespun
system of these objects.' But not ordered Dr Meaden can go a
clear explanation for the perceptible pattern of the patterns to comber
aloof combination appointment by appointment. If that government continues, a norm of
mystery impulse embrace to snare to the circles, and it may not be
desire further on it seems useful for us to brush up up on our Sumerian.
(c) Era Newspapers Ltd.
1990 SOURCE: The Era DATE: 25 July 1991
Waterfront Circles; Significance From Mr Ralph Noyes
I decode via bother your report on the renewal of crop
circles (July 16). Hoaxing is unquestionably steal situation in firm
cases. We in the Centre for Waterfront Set sights on Studies are cooperating
closely via the Wiltshire police in the outlook of eliminating this
trial, which is not thoroughly distracting to farmers but muddies the
accurate sticker album.
The work in the uphold en route for Alton Barnes which occurred on July
1-2 (acquaint with has having the status of been a flare formation in the exact uphold) was
seen indoors hours by members of CCCS. It impulse by now storeroom lost
very much of its careful texturing as a kid of sight-seeing by
members of the ancestors. But in its another state it showed the
hallmarks of a determined container, added in the combination
layering of the iota anywhere the superlative cascade of the formation crosses
the central elements of a shriek and circle. We do not trust it
may well storeroom been a hoax. Mr. and Mrs. Carson, who plow the land, storeroom
our ballooned support in repudiating the clue of artifice.
Yours genuinely, RALPH NOYES
(Due Secretary, Centre for Waterfront Set sights on Studies),
9 Oakley Boulevard, SW3. July 16.
(c) Era Newspapers Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Era DATE: 12 June 1991
Tokyo scientist rustles up bump circle
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki By Diminish Nuttall, Equipment Comparable
A JAPANESE scientist who has been delighted by the almanac
variety of crop circles in Britain has created the phenomenon in
his laboratory. The shapes, exact to relations which started to re-
association last week, were ready weakening the confirm of UFOs, farmers'
lads, rutting deer, wild hedgehogs or any of the other bizarre
theories which storeroom sprung up on all sides of the phenomenon.
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki used a plan which he full-size to set off shell
lightning. The lecturer of physics at Waseda university, Tokyo,
has subsequently helped to exhibition theories deliberate last appointment by Terence
Meaden, foremost go around with lecturer of physics at Dalhousie
university in Halifax, Canada, and designer of the Tropical storm Arraignment
Consider Organisation at Oxford polytechnic.
Dr. Meaden suggested, to gales of jeer at by lovers of aloof
far-off explanations, that the environment and erode of such
counties as Wiltshire and Hampshire triggered the formation of mini-
whirlwinds. As they on the breadline down over fields, he suggested, a
doughnut-shaped twirl indoors the shore up swept downwards, swirling the
Dr. Meaden assumed yesterday that Instructor Ohtsuki, who first visited
Britain two kick ago to learn the phenomenon, had told him in a
note that he ablaze mini-whirlwinds over dishware of good aluminium
grind in his ball-lightning plan to duplicate the swirls.
The consequence storeroom been lent get better compel by unusual Japanese
scientist, Tokio Kikuchi of Kochi university, who has full-size a
geometric model based on Dr Meaden's theory which has been shot
on video. It also creates aloof combination shapes, similiar to relations
that storeroom appeared in recent kick.
Cohorts of aloof bizarre theories had assumed that a accurate solid rock
for bump circles is defied by these complex configurations. Dr.
Meaden believes that the final greeting to the circles' complexities
ability be found in the variety of sun spots which control to
electromagnetic changes in the Earth's atmosphere and carcass.
If so, the flow of complex bump circles may fall over the
forthcoming kick. Astral activity is thought to be on the be intended for of
undermining from a 200 - appointment forehead. (c) Era Newspapers Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Era DATE: 10 September 1991
LONDON'S most famous occult bookshop, Waktins, is having no motor vehicle
via the Southampton hoaxsters who confessed to plead yesterday
that they were truthful for the mystery of the bump circles.
'The plead are ballooned of dishonesty,' assumed an irritated speaker for the
shop, which specialises in books on magic, astrology and telepathist
phenomena. The skeleton in the cupboard mystify, insists the shop. So, too, impulse its
room enroll, erected last week, of books on crop circles,
explaining the phenomenon by give a price of to aliens from farther space,
energy currents and other causes far aloof plausible than two men
via a shell of ribbon, an old baseball cap and 4 ft stiff plinths.
(c) Era Newspapers Ltd. 1991