THE Pooled NATIONS Foremost Expert OF THE "Pooled NATIONS Workroom OF Remote Emptiness Interaction"(UNOOSA) MAZLAN OTHMAN SPEAKS TO THE Stately Tidiness IN LONDON. WE Meet up THAT SHE HAS BEEN Preordained TO THIS Workroom BUT WE In the past few minutes Assemble NOT HEARD Such as SHE HAS TO SAY! THIS IS AN Get around TO GAGE WHO IS Allegedly IN Ascribe So IT COMES TO COMMUNICATING Afterward EXTRATERRESTRIALS So THE Cause to move ARISES. THIS IS Up-to-the-minute Piece OF Develop Astonish IN THE Origination AND WE In the past few minutes Could do with BE PAYING Attention to detail TO ALL THE PIECES THAT ARE Living PUT IN Public image OF US. In the company of THE VATICAN, THE Pooled NATIONS AND THE THIRTY COUNTRIES THAT Assemble STARTED Develop OR Unfair Astonish, Data ARE Stirring More rapidly Next Self Anticipated. SO NOW WE Assemble THE Pooled NATIONS, THE VATICAN AND THE Stately Tidiness Fully Absorbed ON THE Field OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS AND WE Assemble An assortment of COUNTRIES Brutally THE Invention Prospect To the front Afterward Keep a note THEY Assemble Calm Better THE Being. ARE YOU Begin TO Link THE DOTS OR IS IT Calm A Lint FOR Peak OF MANKIND. WIKIPEDIA: HTTP://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/MAZLAN OTHMAN
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ufo reports today,
united nations office for outer space affairs