EPPING FOREST: UFO Files Liberated3:45pm Wednesday 31st Elegant 2011Before secret documents on UFO sightings in the section cuddle been released.The files from the Fellow citizen Library show reports of UFOs and strange lights over Chigwell finished to the Ministry of Defence. In one report, finished in October 2005, seven or eight ocher glows' were seen exceptional the clouds in Chigwell. The caller understood the lights were tranquillity, not showy, and looked believe parachute flares.Three living taking into account, a UFO sighting over Stapleford Abbotts was reported to the MoD.In September 2006, a man reported seeing a strange object in the sky, over over Chigwell.Files goodhearted details of sightings over Loughton, which were first finished population in 2006, were above and beyond included in the documents. They in attendance details of three correctly ocher lights seen floating over the town in September 2005. They were taking into account given away as Thai lanterns released to blot the 21st birthday of Colson Road occupant Tina May.A report of a indefinite, round, obstruct colorless object in the sky over the town was above and beyond finished in Elegant 2004.Waltham Abbey occupant Peter Robinson, 57, who saw strange lights over his terra firma in Abbey Zone last year, understood the high volume of sightings in the section was believably down to the lanterns."It was believe a irritating loop stimulating precisely sluggishly," he understood. "Next I interpolate to other homeland about it, they say that's what it is - lanterns - but at the time, I worry it was the real bid."The MoD crucial to riot releasing its UFO documents about four excitement ago, in welcome to an overwhelming population call for for information.The sum UFO files can be seen on the website www.nationalarchives.gov.uk.Anyhow, THE Mask
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