SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1949 Project Grudge replaces Project Sign. Government conference on rash of large, brilliant green fireballs leads to 1950's Project Twinkle, which allegedly failed to track and photograph any. True Magazine publication of Donald Keyhoe's article is first in major magazine to claim UFOs are alien craft, and that the U.S. Government is withholding confirming information. ]ALIEN TECHNOLOGY SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1966 was landed UFO in Dexter, Michigan, is explained by Project Blue Book as "SWAMP GAS", producing long-term public ridicule. House Armed Services Committee hears USAF suggest university study of UFOs, which is accepted by University of Colorado, under Dr. E. U. Condon. Story of "ALIEN ABDUCTION" of New England couple published as first convincing case of "FACE-TO-FACE" meetings with aliens. Phillip Klass, of Aviation Week magazine, proposes (THEN QUIETLY WITHDRAWS) ball lightning as explanation for many UFO reports. ]THANK GOD FOR FOXNEWS UFOS ON VIDEO HIGH QUALITY NASA VIDIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
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