I was sitting on my terrace at 450 am est and saw what I assumed was a shooting star but I noticed it turned, I looked in the posture for a few seconds and saw it anew it looked affection a shooting star but it was zig zagging and going up and down, I assumed it was excessively up for grabs but Im all over definite it was going after everything else one clouds, I reticent thought and realized there were two lights or objects, and it looked affection they were playing beside eachother they would pursue eachother and one circled rudely the other all whilst zig zagging countersign and forth, Im sure they weren't bugs or stars while of how they stimulated and they were up in the sky, I watched for about 5 to 10 account they would intensification and result in going after everything else the cloud cover next didn't see them anymore.
Fresh 2014 UFO Detection
Credit: MUFON
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