The author, Stace Tussel Colligan, is a comrade of mine.
We've repeatedly tossed ideas back and forth between each other and she's helped me widen my view of reality. She posted a video on a a very curious crop circle synchronicity, and that was the genesis of my very strange set of map posts from March of last year.
Those posts (and my use of google-maps) played a role in her recent post on her blog, Inter-Intelligence-Communications. She's come up with some very odd synchronistic lines concerning her North American crop circle research.
This post is absolutely fascinating, but I don't know what it means, all I know for sure is that I am going to pay very close attention.
One thing I do notice is that one line passes through the Pryor Mountains in Montana. I have just barely hinted at this location as important in my own blog, but this location has been a sort of synchro-beacon as I proceed down this path.
"The dark area is The Pryor Mountains, the home of the "little people" in the lore of the Crow Nation. "