Black Triangle Sighting In Fond Du Lac Wisconsin On June 14Th 2013 Large Black Triangular Ufo Sighted
This incident happened either late May or early June of 2013, as best as I can recall...I was driving home from work...worked til close at 2200...and was out of work right at this incident happened probably about 5 to 10 minutes after 2200...I always take the same route home...and I was driving pass our local mall which was closed for the night as well...I just happened to look upward in the sky and saw at first these three lights...I thought at first they were from a street light...there are street lights in the mall parking lot....but as I looked more I realized the lights were not coming from a street light....they were on the bottom of a figure that was triangular and black in color....there was a white dome light in each corner of the triangle figure....It made no sound and it was hovering...I kept on driving...I was the only car on that particular street....I thought about turning around and getting another look at the thing, but I was so tired from working that I decided against it....
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