FLORENCE, SC --Law enforcement officers across the Pee Dee said they fielded many calls Saturday night from residents reporting unusual flying objects in the late-night sky and, in some instances, clattering on their roofs.
The Morning News received several calls, as well, as did duty personnel at Shaw Air Force Base near Sumter, home to the 20th Tactical Fighter Wing. A base spokesman said no jets were scrambled and the reports are under investigation as a possible UFO case, though he stressed that official classification would require considerable evaluation. He added that reports like this were "common" for this time of year because of the clear skies associated with seasonal cold fronts.
Reports began to surface in the Pee Dee about 10 p.m. Police said most of the first wave of callers reported seeing a long, sometimes curving object with an irregular flight pattern heading into the area from the North. Later callers reported seeing a similar object appearing briefly, just above the tree line, before ducking out of sight....
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