Searching for structures on Mars, Mr. Scott Waring from UFOSightingsDaily found this head in the Move on Pancam "Everest" look over image. (SOL 620, 621 and 622).According to Mr. Waring the way it is standing up it prerequisite be a stuffed statue, but covert from the shoulders down.Also, he shame that this is water rock, but more willingly is possibly a 3D imprinted thoughtfulness with tech imprinted average. He wonders if the statuette is an ancient humanoid mark.Now, by concentrate on the image in a software program, Attraction Crucible exposed that this vestige has an peculiar equivalent to the Shared States head of the company, Barack Obama.Afterward the likeness of Mr. Obama we remembrance a secret government project, called shield Pegasus' (Travelling to Mars - Teleportation and "Begin Quarters) and statements of Mr. Andrew Basiago and Mr. Stillings.Andrew Basiago and Stillings, onwards participants in the CIA's Mars visitation program of the hurried 1980's stand ingrained that U.S. Regulate Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Mars foundation class in 1980 and was among the pubescent Americans from the program who they similar to encountered on the Martian part after reaching Mars via "inevitable room."By the way, 3D printing technology is manufacturing in the hurried 1980's!According to Basiago and Stillings, two of the eight youth that they can see today were Barack Obama, who was after that passing through the call "Barry Soetoro," and Regina Dugan, who Mr. Obama as it should be the 19th person in charge and first female person in charge of the Assignment Supercilious Labor Projects Assign (DARPA) in 2009.Nonetheless the fact that there's no normal evidence (Empty now?) that corroborates the claims of Andrew Basiago, Stillings and Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, Laura M. Eisenhower that US military has manufacturing a secret programs on space-time flight.
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