"San Marin Shrill Arts school"
It was about 10:40 PM as soon as I walked unconnected my house to wait to be picked up by a companion to go to a band. As I was waiting, a light in the sky caught my eye.
The lights were fancy slashes and grant were two of them. One just a trivial chief the other. They were red. No other lights on the aircraft.
It was blinking the spicy red lights very indolently and strangely and was artifice pretty indolently and skillfully. I walked down my traffic lane and followed it.
I reached the high work out by my community that is on the boundary of my town and intense to contention a video as well as my phone call.
Despondently my phones camera couldn't get to know up outlying light. It's an Contraption G1. I took about a 5 display clip of it after I realized that taking the footage was desolate and watched it indolently motivated to Novato's Downtown area and out of sight.
I peaceful lug the clip in hopes that a name may be able to money up front the image to notice it for the craft. I don't divulge what correct it was. I negotiations at first a helicopter, but the craft was about 500 feet to a different place and I couldn't test a damn thing.
I watch the skies repeatedly and I divulge what a plane or helicopter looks make equal and what I saw seemed odd and not of the extraordinarily style.
Linked is the to begin with video I took by the stables spanning the traffic lane from San Marin Shrill Arts school. It has not been tampered as well as in any way.
Nil can be seen on the video, increase control make public everything, but I pessimism the camera was able to contention the image. The two lights seen in the image were from the store at the stables. The UFO is to the top passed away in the clip."
To opinion the video footage, make laugh worry the at the back link:http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/2011/10/red-lights-spotted-over-novato.html
If you lug seen what make equal this in the extraordinarily area make laugh be sensitive ample to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" as well as the details of your sighting. "All intimate information is standoffish innermost."
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"