19:45... Went out back on deck to let dogs in...extremely bright road flare like glowing red object caught my eye directly overhead...heading south south east at airplane like speed...seemed like very low altitude,beneath lighty scattered clouds...strangely,no sound at all for the percieved proximity...had an aura like glow about it,like a road flare..without the flickering...disappeared behind builing at about 15 deg azmith on a sraight line course, south south east horizon...duration... about 10 seconds. This WAS NOT a flair on a balloon or parachute...it transited to quickly 90 deg to a very light prevaing breeze...no rocking or swinging motion...and the glow was bright and steady..no flickering at all. If this was a very low flying aircraft...directly overhead...I would have seen the aircraft itself,it's running and anti collision lights as well... and certainly heard it loud and clear...it seemed that close!
Credit: MUFON
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