"The Mars Underground" Updated Edition/Director's CutLeading aerospace engineer and Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin has a dream. He wants to get humans to the planet Mars in the next ten, with the advent of a revolutionary plan, Mars Direct, Zubrin shows how we can use present day technology and natural resources on Mars to make human settlement possible. But can he win over the skeptics at NASA and the wider world?The Mars Underground is a landmark documentary that follows Zubrin and his team as they try to bring this incredible dream to life. Through spellbinding animation, the film takes us on a daring first journey to the Red Planet and envisions a future Mars teeming with life and terraformed into a blue must-see experience for anyone concerned for our global future and the triumph of the human spirit."This film captures the spirit of Mars pioneers who refuse to let their dreams be put on hold by a slumbering space program. Their passionate urge to walk the soil of an alien world is infectious and inspirational. This film is the manifesto of the new space revolution." James Cameron - Director of "Avatar"The Original Soundtrack is available on iTunes: DVD of "The Mars Underground" Updated Editon/Director's Cut is available on DVD at Amazon: +mars+undergroundSubscribe to Blue Mars Channel and new Mars Videos will be coming soon. Transcription 1st ACT:ASTRONAUT:Accessing disconnect. Enable on. Copy that Com. All systems are go for entry, decent, and landing. Stand by. Stand :We are looking fine, flight. Data is :At the dawn of the 21st Century, space agencies in Europe andAmerica began making plans to land the first humans on manned missions to the red planet have been proposed some, Mars holds the answers to mankinds future in say Mars is too far, too dangerous and too expensive forhumans to in a world torn by troubles, some say there is no need or willfor mankind to reach into space than 30 years after the last Apollo astronaut walked on themoon, the American-manned space program seems to have lost itsway, unable to reach beyond even low-earth ROBERT ZUBRIN:Weve got a problem, NASA has been literally going around incircles with the space program for the past 30 :Astronautically engineer, Dr. Robert Zubrin, has been arguing foryears that sending humans to Mars is the mission the spaceprogram :Its time that we set goals for NASA that were worthy of the risksof the human space flight. Mars is the next logical step in our spaceprogram image. Its the challenge thats been staring us in the facefor the past 30 years. Its the planet thats most like the earth, itsthe planet that has on it the resources needed to support life andtherefore some day technological civilization. Its the planet thatwill provide us with the answer as to whether life is prevalent inthe universe or exclusive to the its the planet that will give us the critical tests as to whetherhumanity, can breakout out of the planet of our birth and become aspace-faring :In the early 1990s, Zubrin was the head of the Mars Directprogram at Martin Marietta Astronautics. His team developed amission to Mars that could be done at the fraction of Nasasprojected only existing technology Zubrin argues that the first steps onMartian soil could be made within 10 :There is absolutely nothing in this that is beyond our EDWARD WEILER:We are not ready to send humans to Mars right now. We dontknow how to keep them alive. There are people out there who saywe can go to Mars tomorrow. One of my requirements, one ofNASAs requirements is that if we send humans to Mars we bringthem back :For the past 15-years Zubrin and his colleagues have waged acampaign to convince society and the political class that humanson Mars should be the goal for NASA is the story of our cold neighboring planet and the debate overwhether mans fate it tied to the red world. Its the story of anengineers journey - and the battle of ideas over which direction inspace will truly benefit :Were at a crossroads today. We either muster the courage to go orwe risk the possibility of stagnation and :The victor in this debate could determine the fate of mankind. Willwe become a space-faring species? Will we live on more than oneplanet?
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