A US space agency rover tooling around on the dry surface of Mars has for the first time uncovered direct evidence of what used to be a freshwater lake, scientists said Monday.There is no water left in it, but drill tests and chemical analysis of fine-grained rocks by the Curiosity robot's science tools suggest conditions were right for the lake to have once supported microbial life, perhaps 3.6 billion years ago.The rocks contained signs of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur, and "would provide perfect conditions for simple microbial life," said the report in the journal Science.Small bacterial life forms known as chemolithoautotrophs are known to thrive under similar conditions on Earth, and are typically found in caves and under the sea in hydrothermal vents.The findings were reported in Science and described at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, California.The latest findings provide "the strongest evidence yet that Mars could have been habitable enough for life to take hold," said the study.UFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
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