"I was at the veranda of the restaurant with my friends, enjoying the city lights below, when suddenly there was a bright blue light (like it was caused by lightning) that lit up the whole of the city. It was like daylight. As this happened, I looked up thinking that i might see a lightning bolt only to see a great ball of fire (blue in color) with a trail of blue streak behind it and a hissing sound. It was so intense that the streak didn't disappear for a while. I didn't see where the object landed because there was a building blocking my sight. The day after, I bought all local newspapers to see if there was an article regarding the phenomenon, but there was none. But, the newspaperman saw it and when I went back here in Dumaguete City, my friends saw it too. If there's anything that you know about this incident, please tell me. I'd really appreciate it. Thank You." Posted by IanSource:http://www.mysticaluniverse.com/ufos aliens/ufosightings/australia/scotland/malaysia/philippines.html#FU1rce:
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black triangle ufo,
wtc ufo