Blue Mist UFO Florida August 7, 2013
A glance at the last 20 UFO SIGHTINGS on the MUFON website this morning and I quickly saw a few UFO descriptions that were almost identical. They described a glowing blue mist in the night sky. One of the descriptions not only mentions the blue mist or cloud but also submitted a picture of two UFO that apparently emitted this Blue Mist.
MUFON submitter description:
"I was outside my house when i saw this star-like object that caught my attention because it was emitting a bow wave in front of it, there was another ship behind it following the main bigger one, and then the bigger one did this HUGE "spray" like bow wave in mid air (looked just like the china sighting in 2010) as soon as this happened the other ship behind it divided into two smaller ships and continued to follow the bigger one....after a while they were out of our sight...but there was an electric bright blue cloud in the sky much more different than the rest that disappeared a little bit after the ships were gone."
UFOs that created the Blue Mist
Another witness describes the mist as glowing blue cloud like, that didn't move or make sound
"saw this very glowing blue cloud like,,, wasn't a cloud cause it didn't move as the rest of the clouds around, didn't make any sound, it just fade in 5 min.... I manage to take a few pics and use my telescope to get a better view but only a blue gas was observed BTW the pictures do not make justice to how big, glow and even beautiful was this"
Blue Mist UFO Florida August 7, 2013
And yet another witness an airplane mechanic working at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport describes this blue mist as a "luminous cloud" and was emitted by some type of UFO.
"Working on an aircraft, I looked up and saw a ball of light near the airport, the object seemed to emanate triangular shape smoke trails from time to time, the object was followed by two lights that at first seemed like an aircraft but after some observation seemed impossible to be an aircraft, the three objects disappeared in the distance, but then I noticed a "luminous cloud" in a position where the craft possibly had travel, the cloud was small and it was as if it was made out of some luminescent dust or vapor, at this time I took my phone out and took pictures of the cloud, the cloud at the time was partiality covered by other dark (normal) clouds and the light emanating from it was of a cool white like an LED white color, I was able to see the cloud fade in brightness until it disappeared completely, I can assure you there was no light shining at the cloud."
UFO seen form Fort Lauderdale International
Airport in Florida
We know that this Blue cloud or mist was not just someone's imagination because clearly it was seen by many witnesses. I did some searching to see if I could find some other occurrence of the freakishly blue mist and to my surprise I actually found a picture that looks very similar. The picture below of a blue cloud or mist was captured on May 8, 2013 in Philadelphia. Unfortunately I could not find any more information for this particular picture.
Blue Cloud seen in Philadelphia May 8, 2013
So what the hell was it? Well some chatter around the internet seems to suggest that this could possibly be an entrance or an exit to a portal in the earth's magnetic field. The Blue mist you are seeing is a result of a craft or UFO passing through this portal.
Are these portals real? Well according NASA they are real, in an article titled "Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field" dated July 2, 2012 they describe how these portals work and how they are able to find them. They call them X-points or electron diffusion regions and this is how they describe them.
"They're places where the magnetic field of Earth connectsto the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading fromour own planet to the sun's atmosphere 93 million miles away"
You can read the article about these portals from the NASA website by clicking on the quote above.
Could these Blue clouds really be portals? Are UFO traveling through these pathways to earth from other places in our solar system? I could only guess that if NASA has this knowledge our military and possibly black project programs may have found a way to take advantage of these portals.