It's been a busy week in the world of the weird. Not a good one for those who hope to see the dawn of new worldviews or a shift in the paradigm. In one week, three stories topped the abnormal news headlines -- all three hyped stories fell apart.
While the stories are still unfolding, it's clear that they turned out to be nothing as promised.
Click image to view the faked monster hump video.
First, there was this video of a lake creature swimming among boaters supposedly in Lough Foyle in Ireland. The video, taken by students one of which has the suggestive name Conall Melarkey, shows a hump moving rapidly through the water. The story gained widespread attention. The problem is that no animal can swim this way, no animal looks like this and, in consideration of the circumstances, the best explanation is that someone is towing a hump through the water. In all respects, this video is unbelievable. That is, it appears to be faked.
This second story is a bit more "inside baseball." Many people will remember the Georgia Bigfoot Hoax of 2008 when two men, including Rick Dyer, teamed up with Bigfoot tracker Tom Biscardi to announce to the world they had a Bigfoot body in a freezer. There was even a press conference where Tom was adamant this was not a hoax, it was "the real deal." Well, it was a hoax. Hard to fathom how a rubber suit with animal entrails would fool anyone for very long.
Rick has been telling anyone who will listen yet again that he has another Bigfoot body. This beast he supposedly shot during filming of a documentary called "Shooting Bigfoot". The majority of Bigfoot enthusiasts did not buy it -- once bitten, twice shy -- and berated Dyer for his claims and his pay-per-view antics. The movie has come out and there's no body. But ever the profiteer, Dyer is still looking for money even though he says he is quitting the 'footer world.' Bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
This week was the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, an unofficial governmental hearing that provided a forum for testimony from believers in the reality of UFOs and alien visitation. It was nothing we haven't heard before (and been unimpressed by). But, one very interesting aspect of this tale was about a six-inch, strange-looking mummified body, human-like but not quite right. The ribs, the head, the bone growth was strange. DNA testing showed it was human and of local Chilean origin where it was said to have been found in the Atacama desert. The Atacama humanoid was featured in the new movie "Sirius," also about extraterrestrial visitation to Earth.
Study of the specimen's bones by one expert delivered a shocking conclusion: the being was six to eight-years-old. Either the bone conclusions are wrong or we have a very bizarre find here.
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