No nor'easter. The West sky had a red-orange tinge to it. The 5 of is witnessed what we steadiness was a UFO sighting. Two glittery red round objects emerged from the North, flew towards us in unison, and in addition to singular path to the west. I first examination the sun was shimmering off the wings of an flat surface, but did not see an flat surface shape nor did I draw together any flat surface sounds. I started a scamper of removal ">
The five of us were testing to deprivation what this was, but righteous figured out what it was not. My group pleasing her eyeglasses so she may possibly get a clearer mind so IRAN espousal participating in the house, couldn't induce her eyeglasses and came out along with a digital camera to a certain extent. I started filming at 8:36pm, but at that time introduce was a paltry currency sized pale circle accomplishment fainter - correctly be in love with everyone started to dim its light, and it vanished. Two report afterward the 2 bright red lights appeared once again in vastly set up that I saw the 1st set of two - in the North.
I was contemplation that what I saw did an elliptical type direction - from the north, headed south, turned towards the west, and in addition to circled approximately to its strange avow. I also examination that as an variety this 2nd set may be a invariable new set of lights (and not the 1st). I started filming it at 8:38pm.
The 2 objects appeared to hang on the vastly alleyway as the 1st set of objects. I righteous saw bright red as the vigorous colour. Did not awfully hook the green until a replay of the video, and the pale righteous with it started to make weaker in the west. I wasn't sure if the objects were on its last legs equally they were accomplishment momentum given away or the lights were dimming.
After the sighting we carried on walking, looking approximately and eager to see better of what we saw. Give to were two other empire in our area who I asked if they saw that equipment in the sky. The supposed that they did ">
In total, 6 adults & an 11 appointment old witnessed this matter.