Have you been following the story of the Puerto Rican Gargoyle? If not, here's the latest news - STORY 1 and STORY 2. Notably, on a couple of my expeditions to Puerto Rico in search of the Chupacabras, I have come across a few stories of winged-beasts that sound far "more" like Gargoyles, and far "less" like the Chupacabras.One such case, that I investigated in 2004, came from a woman named Norka, who me and Jon Downes interviewed while we were on the island. Here's what I wrote about Norka's sighting in my book "MEMOIRS OF A MONSTER HUNTER":"...Although the exact date escaped her, Norka told us that she was driving home one night in 1975 or 1976, when she was both startled and horrified by the shocking sight of a bizarre creature shambling across the road. She described the animal as being approximately four feet in height, and having a monkey-like body that was covered in dark brown hair or fur, wings that were a cross between those of a bat and a bird, and glowing eyes that bulged alarmingly from a bat-style visage. Elongated fingers, with sharp, claw-like appendages, that looked like they could inflict serious damage, flicked ominously in Norka's direction. She could only sit and stare as the beast then turned its back on her and rose slowly into the sky..."Did Norka not actually see a Chupacabras - as she had assumed when me and Jon spoke with her - but, instead, a Gargoyle-style entity? I really don't know, but I do know for sure that there is distinct high-strangeness afoot on Puerto Rico...
Credit: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
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