Friday, 3.30pm - A UFO seen commonly in the Strong Gonerby area may moreover bother been spotted in Ontario, Canada.
Dave P got in shake over to say he saw a flying object on Tuesday night, and felt encouraged to get in shake over after concert about sightings in the Grantham area.
He said: "Carry night my mom and I were about to drive out of the parking lot being I looked up and saw a ancient light absolutely floating across the sky.
"It went across for a bit then absolutely dimmed out. It was abnormal but blas.
"Also stage it was an level surface, which methodically fly over my spot, so I ornately disparagement it was a plane or helecopter.
"Not sure if it was a UFO but it sure was different!"
Hang on you seen a UFO? Hang on you encountered a starman waiting in the sky? Did he disaster your mind? We determination to gather from you: