1.00 keg beverages and you get to keep the tiki cup? Yep. Did I mention free refills? Yep.photos from here on out (going forward) will be originals (i.e. not movie stills). Being out in the middle of nowhere, made me really realize a lot about the world around me. For example; everything I ever need to know I learned in Kindergarden. WRONG! There's more! If it weren't for District 9 and Die Antwoord, what would I know about South Africa? Nothing except some 1980's U2 song? Bono makes me wanna eat fried chicken, and that can't be good, can it? The world is a big place and UFO's are here, not because they want to probe our rectal cavity, no. But, because we need them. Like Dog's need a healthy diet (despite what Bob and Doug taught me on Stange Brew) or a flea collar. We need UFOs in that same way.
Origin: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com