"BLACK TRIANGLE Sighting IN DECATUR, ILLINOIS ON JULY 12TH 2013 - BLACK TRIANGLEStepped out on to the leader marquee to get a eyesight of all the stars that night, very clear night, the stars looked wonderful, as I looked up I noticed a jet flying over going east, as I twist to strain to see towards the south at the stars an object was yet to come in my union from the southwest in the sky, as it got faster I can see it was triangle in shape, black, also round lively silver lights on all three corners about the vastness of a eraser tip on a pencil also a round red one in the center of the triangle, the red light was a niggling bit slighter than the silver ones, all on the lower of the triangle, the lights did not flash or tear, just poised, state was no quarrel. The object traveled from the southwest to the northeast in a truthful line guide, the triangle object intersected also the jet also the jet being disdainful it, looking at this, the triangle object was 3X more with the jet, can be that the jet was future superior up with the object, watched it fruit farm it was out of sight, told my companion about it one time he came rank from work, he thought it was probably a stealth fighter, so I looked up "STEALTH FIGHTER AT NIGHT" on the internet and looked at more than a few video clips, I can say NO it was not a stealth fighter.2013 Sighting Pass on(via MUFON.com)Learn about: an wonderful NASA UFO Sighting Entry and Aggregate Concealment.Any lettering, in company or in echo, is restriction without leave of copyright casing. Email Instant Running for inquiries, annotations or questions.
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black triangle ufo,