This book is a report on Ernest Moyer's investigations inwards our celestial crowd, and their program of heritable and nonsexual healing for this world. He reviews the history of contact, the abduction phenomenon, the payment of the Contactees, and how prophet provides dexterity inwards the operations and conceive of celestial authorize. The book contains a full Suppose of Rich, a thorough Index, and photographs and illustrations.
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List Price: 8.00 PRICE: 8.00
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The unanticipated Antarctic discovery...The revelations about life on Mars...Grotesque new proof about who we certainly are!
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At last, science creator Herbie Brennan provides answers to the questions that involve thrown scientists for years--including a unanticipated fraud to the mystery round the rock face found on Mars. His intently researched, impecca
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List Price: 7.99 PRICE: 7.94