Bit of Friday fluff; long week huh.Perfect! News updates laters... we're digging deep on something... can't say mor mor mor ATM. :( Become Human! DONATE WORLDS STRANGEST UFO STORIES: THE GREAT ALIEN CONSPIRACYPublished on Jun 27, 2012Conspiracy theories aren't new and there are many people who believe the biggest cover-ups of all time are conducted by governments in relation to UFO activity. When the atom bomb exploded in 1945 it coincided with the first witness reports of UFO sightings. But for every report that was lodged by a member of the public there was an official explanation for the unexplained activity. We hear from an ex-military man who maintains that he was instructed to hide evidence and keep secret what he personally witnessed. To this day he cannot get his story corroborated officially, a story of a crashed spacecraft and dead aliens. Will we ever know the truth?.*Copyright Disclaimer: Under The Copyright Act Allowance Is Made For Fair Use For Purposes Such As Education, Research, Analysis, News Reporting, Discussion, Debate, Comment, Criticism. Fair Use Is Permitted By Copyright Statute Therefore No Violation Is Intended Or Committed* Become Human! DONATE 17.html"The White Rabbit!"#BankstersRabbit"Follow @censorednewsnowDARE YOU DESCEND INTO REALITY?! HTTP://WWW.OCCUPYTHEBANKS.COM/SEARCH?Q=OPROTHSCHILD'The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.' Lord Acton.
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