Ufo Sighting In San Diego California On October 17Th 2013 Bright Light Brighter And Larger Than Any Star
Just a few hours ago at 5:37am on 17 October, 2013, I went out for a smoke. I immediately noticed a bright stationary light in the dark sky. This light was brighter and larger than any star in the sky and I knew it wasn't a star. For comparison, it was at least twice the size and brightness of any star. It was just hovering there for 5 to 10 seconds. Then it slowly winked-out or dimmed to almost nothing over a 2 second period of time. I could barely see the light after it dimmed so much; but, I could still make out a light. This dim light went from a stationary position to out of site in less than an additional 10 seconds. I looked around for a bit longer, but was getting cold. I went in the house and got a jacket and a quick bite to eat. As soon as I came back out, directly above me, were 2 fast moving lights. I only saw these last 2 lights for 5 seconds before they also winked-out or dimmed away to being not visible straight up overhead. I could not see anything after they dimmed; but the sun was coming up and it was not dark enough to see a dim light. These last 2 lights were at 6:14am. These lights were not planes or satellites. There was no sound for any of the lights.
Credit: MUFON
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