For the first time, after years of silence, Area 51 insiders spill their secrets and reveal what's really been going on inside the most secretive place on Earth.It's the most famous military installation in the world, yet it doesn't officially exist. Area 51-- a site for covert Cold War operations-- has long been a magnet for crackpots, conspiracy theorists, and the overly curious. While there may not be truth to the rumours that Area 51 is a haven for UFO's and extraterrestrials, it's clear that the US government has been up to something in Area 51 for decades, and it turns out there is a kernel of truth to even some of the wildest speculation. Underground tunnels... Hidden enemy aircraft... Secret government UFO files... Now, after years of silence, for the first time Area 51 insiders spill their secrets and reveal what's really been going on inside the most secretive place on earth.AREA 51 FACTS * The name 'Area 51' derives from its marking on 1950's Nevada Test Site maps. Today, the official name of Area 51 is "Air Force Flight Test Center, Detachment 3", or "AFFTC Det. 3 "for short. * Area 51 was also referred to as Groom Lake (the name of the dry lake Area 51 was built around), Paradise Ranch (a half-serious way to entice employees to accept positions at the remote, rustic base), Watertown (the official name of the test site, given in 1956), and Dreamland (after an Edgar Allan Poe poem). * Area 51's nickname DREAMLAND was allegedly derived from an Edgar Allan Poe poem by the same name. It admonishes that "the traveler, traveling through it, may not-dare not openly view it; Never its mysteries are exposed, to the weak human eye unclosed." * Flying at 2,200 mph, it took OXCART pilot 186 miles just to make a U-turn. To accommodate the plane, an additional 38,400 acres of land around the base had to be withdrawn from public access and the restricted airspace expanded to create a 440-square mile box. * Early on, the only entertainment at Area 51consisted of a single cement tennis court and a small bowling alley. There was no television, and radio signals only made it through the surrounding mountains in the evening. * The Area 51 mess hall sometimes served lobsters and oysters. Once a week it was steak night. * There is a sliver of truth to the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was staged at Area 51. Various space equipment - including land rovers and life support systems - were tested by the astronauts at the adjoining nuclear testing grounds. * After an increase in UFO sightings in 1952, the CIA concluded that "there is a remote possibility that they may be interplanetary aircraft," and that it was necessary to investigate each sighting. * 90% of reported UFO sightings could be easily debunked, while the other 10% were "a number of incredible reports from credible observers." * Over half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s through the 1960s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights (namely the U-2) over the United States. * The A-12 OXCART required special fuel in order to fly at such extreme speeds and heights. The fuel was made to withstand extremely high temperatures and would not ignite even if someone threw a match into a barrel full of it * The OXCART cruised at 2200 miles per hour, but because the plane was secret it was kept out of official speed competitions. * The A-12 OXCART consisted of more than 90% titanium. It was the world's first titanium plane. * An A-12 spy plane was used when the USS Pueblo was captured by North Korea to photograph the area and determine the ship's location. * The OXCART's engines acted as vacuum cleaners, sucking up any debris left on the runway. So personnel would vacuum the runway before each test flight.THE WOMEN OF AREA 51Back in the day, Area 51 was clearly a man's world. There weren't any women at the base. Having a family, including a husband, I was curious how the wives of our men at Area 51 fared. From today's perspective it is hard to imagine what it must have been like to be married to somebody who worked at a site that was so secret that not even the closest of kin were supposed to know what their husbands and fathers were up to. Wouldn't you just die to know or be worried sick not knowing?Most of the remarkable men we met who had worked on either Project AQUATONE or Project OXCART are over 80 now and seem to have or have had happy marriages. More than one pointed out that the CIA had done a very good job of selecting men who were in stable relationships. In at least a couple of instances men had gone through the CIA's vetting process and on the verge of being hired were dropped again when it turned out that they had to ask their wives for permission. A wife who would not accept that her husband was away for that much time to work on a secret project was likely a security risk. Her discontent could draw attention to the fact that something secret was going on at Area 51. But what about the ones who accepted?When we asked the wives of Area 51 what they thought of their husbands' disappearances the answers were almost always the same: "I wasn't that interested" or "I didn't want to know." By their own account they were busy raising kids. What about the worry? There was an emergency phone line for family members. It was called the 'Hello Phone.' They dialed the number and someone on the other end said, "Hello," without identifying himself or the location. When Ken Collins had to bail out of the A-12 spy plane which was able to fly at 90,000 feet at three times the speed of sound his wife got a call from one of his colleagues telling her that Ken was okay. When she asked where he was, his colleague said, "We don't know but he is okay." She had no clue what had happened other than that her husband was still alive. At one instance one of our interviewees welled up and said that he was thinking about all the men who gave their lives and families that broke up because the strain was too much. It did happen. But the ones who made it through are proud of their achievement, of their dedication. Women now work at Area 51. What do their husbands know? And how do they cope? Times have changed, but the secrecy at Area 51 lives on and with it the sacrifices it requires.
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