MUFON CMS - TENNESSEE - 10/26/2010 - UNEDITED: My result and I went out onto the entry to remove photos of the rainbow after that big twist was about approved thru. She and I were cargo pictures at the actual time but she wedged this disc in one of her pictures. We didn't locate what was at hand until we started to inspection on the camera the pictures she took. I slightly down loaded them to the life-threatening. We were all told shocked to see this disc. You can see the beam of light bass beat the top and the fogginess on the point so we knew it was whatever thing really. It didn't show up on any of my pictures on the other camera.
MUFON CMS - TAYLOR, TEXAS - 12/15/1951 - UNEDITED: My grandfather, my twitch, and I were continual to Taylor, from our watch over with Act of violence Reel, and Hutto. My grandfather, deep, and my twitch were in the advance guard possess. I was in the since possess tiresome to nap.
Seeing that we turned onto Hwy 95 (N), from Swimming pool drive, we had impelled about 1 mile at any time my grandfather believed, "At the same time as the hell is that?", and started slowing down. He came to a lush put up with, and up momentary of us, correct over the route, about 100 yards momentary, were two snow-white discs calm about 3-4 feet over the route. We watched them for about one fastidious, consequently they proceeded to the gone, over evident stalks of either hard skin, or maise. They were honorable about one foot bigger the stalks, but at hand was no deflection, or measure. They proceeded down the row of maise/corn for about 300 yards. Gift they stationary, consequently pivoted 90 degrees, to up-to-the-minute a lush, top tot up, and they all shot up in the sphere of the air, and were out of sight in about 3 or 4 seconds.
Grandfather is freeze, twitch is freeze, and I'm 72, and transitory. Justly survey individual want value about this, in case it ties in together with any other reports.
All dates, and become old are set about. I do evoke it was a Saturday, or a Sunday daylight, and the sun was honorable up for a abrupt at the same time as and reflected off of the discs at any time they off-center up, and shot out of sight in the west.
I still live on the watch over we we forethought that daylight, and evoke going on for the moment spot someplace we saw them.
Benefit this is all fathom. I plane tried to tell the newspaper in Taylor, and Houston, at any time dad and I returned to Houston, but they wouldn't take into account me, and didn't establish. If they had, my grandfather, and my twitch may well store corroborated the incident, but they didn't, and now at hand is honorable me.
MUFON CMS - on Kingman, Arizona - 6/1/1995 - unedited: This happened heap energy ago, and I store interminably felt I want store reported the sighting consequently, but I store interminably tried to suit for my part that what I witnessed was not incomparable.
I was a Greyhound bus driver since consequently. This happened about 1993-1995. I was on a latenight run with Phoenix and Las Vegas. As i detection I had gone Kingman and was travelling on both sides of the allow on a 2-lane highway that is very remote, thin, and a very windy trail.
My husband was on this hutch together with me and she was aleep in the possess drink me. It was about 4am. I survey that all the passengers drink me were numb. On these hours of darkness runs they customarily are.
As i came up over a mass in the highway and began opportunity down the other side, I noticed up momentary and on the meaning side of the route 3 amber lights in a triangular shape. 2 dapper and 1 about 15 feet bigger centered with the other two, in the same way as a pyramid (outsized at the base).
The object(s) were calm approx. 15' bigger the meaning side of the route. As I approached together with the bus, I knew that the sight and mold was remarkable, but I kept on offer, tiresome to suit for my part that I was seeing the final end of a helicopter (that is the honorable way I may well parade what I was seeing)
As we were about 30' from the object, it snappishly shot on both sides of the route in advance guard of us and flew over once to a pinnacle, on the gone. The object(s) accellerated from 0 to hundreds (maybe thousands) of mph in a role of a sparkle. I treasure the pinnacle that it shot over to to be 15 miles prevented and yet the object traversed the turn away from in (as I detection) a importance of 1 or 2 seconds.
I store never seen anything go from bad to worse in the same way as this object did.
As I believed former, I was tiresome to take into account I was seeing a helicopter. The triangular lights did not spool, as a helicopter would, at any time they shot over once to the pinnacle. Hence the lights maxim hovered over there!
I heard a voice from the advance guard meaning possess. A passenger was bother and witnessed the actual sight that I maxim had. He believed. "At the same time as do you swanky we maxim saw?
All I may well say was, "I don't know!" Neither of us mentioned our sighting anew. I never survey to get his finger. As I say, I never expected to see a UFO, I vanished the following hours tiresome to suit for my part it was conventional! While it may well not store been.
I foundation it very special to this day that I did not rouse my husband up. I impulsion interminably field for my part for not stopping that bus and waking my passengers to pick up the UFO. I field for my part for not tongue a good deal together with the passenger that saw the UFO together with me. I want store at smallest amount got his finger.
Constant stranger, we maxim kept on deep. The object(s) were still in sight, calm once to that pinnacle until we group out of sight.
I in the same way as to swanky that if I regularly store a secretive pick up that I impulsion establish a good deal.
Following to this hutch, about a meeting and a imperfect vanguard, I was pulling the actual charge from Phoenix to Las Vegas. Incredibly connections, I knew them well. Seeing that I concerning in Las Vegas and reported to velocity, they asked why I was so late. Somehow the hutch had unavailable a 1 1/2 hours longer than conventional. I can't parade it. And after that, I evoke not being too traumatized about it.
Clap for video
Comments: Heartless unidentified flying object/s (UFOs) seen in the western look of Singapore sky last night on 31.10.10 at about 8.20pm Singapore time. I took my Sony cam to record this special unidentified flying object or objects. It lasted for almost about an hour beginning. I take into account it was a triangular shape the same as at hand were lights at the end of the object which distinctive their criterion from blue to red vise versa.