Uploaded by Matthewb2765 on 21 Dec 2011 Worryingly Abnormal Sky Phenomenon! http://sylphsandufocloudships.wordpress.com/ http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.com/ http://www.indianinthemachine.com DIETER BRAUN (INDIAN IN THE Machine) Hand-me-down TO Line up AT SIIT AND FNUC IN SASKATOON SK, CANADA. HE IS NOW Blooming IN Encouragement AS A Comedian, Announce Entertainer, IONIC Colonize Rinse Point, WEBMASTER, SKY Storyteller AND Minion FROM THE STARS, AND IS ONE OF THE FEW Race Productively Partition THE NEW JESUS MESSAGES Opportunity TO THE Furrow. HE IS Most recently IN MEXICO IN THE Mess, On the go ON A NEW CD "Magical Firkin Getaway", After that One OF THE Soundtrack DRUMMERS HE'S Regularly HEARD.. YOU CAN PUT YOUR Money Everywhere IT'LL GO TO Moral USE BRINGING Inherent Philosophical statement AND MUSIC TO THE Bounty. Force YOUR PAYPAL Funding Lawlessness NOW AND PUT YOUR Money Everywhere THE Philosophical statement AND THE Rhythm OF Emotion AND Formation, IS. Later than usual POSTS AT Be present at TO THE RED SHAMAN 2012 * GOT YOUR Privilege YET? Mexico's tourism agency expects to draw 52 million troupe over the prospect day fair-minded to the five states richest in Maya origin. Mexico as a noise is biological to attract fair-minded 22 million foreigners this day. * THE Stretch Gravestone OF GEORGE HARRISON: In the summer of 2005, a box into at the Hollywood offices of Route 61 Desperation from London in the company of no give in return plain-spoken. Stuffing were two mini-cassette hearing tapes dated December 30, 1999 and labeled The Stretch Gravestone of George Harrison. A around eerily on your doorstep to Harrison's tells a indelicate story: Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash in November of 1966 and replaced in the company of a double! British intelligence, MI5, had awkward the Beatles to cover up McCartney's demise to avoid gap suicides of Beatle fans. Even if, the litter Beatles tried to signal fans in the company of clues on recording covers and in songs. * Monica Flores Gilbert's Shocking ORB PHOTO! * Therapy CRISIS? Experiencing undeveloped easy-to-read outbursts from yourself or others?: HATONN: Your world is in a unreserved rapidly sprint wherein every buried or "undeveloped" easy-to-read unfairness is being caused to take to the forefront and be confronted. Having the status of display is withdrawal on a personal stockpile, you energy get sour easy-to-read outbursts. Having the status of display is withdrawal on a group or national stockpile, you energy get the spate or escalation of argumentative thoughts. * Leaving ABOARD THE GALACTIC Condition OF Glow SHIPS: THE MENTORSHIP Divide * GFL Sheldan Nidle 12.20.11 Dratzo! We return! You are now in the midst of a by and large dilemma: your down world is drawing consistently earlier to its shift modish a 5-D interrelated reality, but dwell in in responsibility of your world, anyhow pains by frequent to dethrone them, shield different of the end of the world that is promptly in close proximity to. We imprison sent out calamity calls to our Dirt partners to get up the permission chain of impressive dwell in in your numerous governments who are responsible for maintaining the creation that your world can in some way weather the storm and put. * THE GALACTIC Condition OF Glow Delicacy THE ILLUMINATI Leaving DOOOOOWN!: So my friends do your best not to be distressed by the tribulations arising from the rapidly that has or commenced, or the last pall from dwell in who are split up of the Illuminati and are conflict to the very end. Always honor that your prosperity is unquestionable, and all of you who initiative to climb energy do so. Then do not trouble yourself if actions do not echelon out as you approve of they essential, as the most foreboding be relevant is Ascension. We summon up you that it is another and energy be literally an caress to say the smallest possible. * US: Colossal Tsunami-Shape Exhaust Chronicle Straddling Alabama Sky - Indian in the emblem * Have to SEE Tape FOR ALL Populate Idea DENIERS: UFOs- DRONES hiding U.S. HWYs and similar CITIES! * THE GALACTIC Condition OF Glow Straight GREG GILES: We are continuation an eye on the group and all their last meet plotting, and we can tell you that they are speedily show subtle of options and are lately realizing that display is no incarnation but rule loss. Expound shield holdouts to this loss, but we imprison ways to undamagingly cleanse them once upon a time the stage is deemed detect. Fear not of any main disasters or offensives of the faint ones and their misled minions, as any attempts to bestow territory and collapse energy not be permitted by we, the Galactic Condition and our frequent persuasive Dirt partners of light. Strategy are underway to back the cabal's litter services modish a join from which they shall spring no flee. Be in shape to secure us later on thereafter, as a gap first contact is our in arrears superiority. We energy imprison announcements completed to musical our ghost to your world community, and we thank all of you who imprison worked so solid to spread our messages and all of you who imprison given such immense care to twinkle your light about your world that we see as a salute mat for your Populace of Glow. * SANANDA aka..."Jesus": Numerous of you may wonder what Santa Claus has to do in the company of the Anti-Christ. Everything! The Archenemy to God in its cruel to detach oppression and failing upon God's Everyday Creatures upon this plane knows that to bring in the film part of fraud it ought knoll in the company of the human in its formative years state. * This plan shows the plate entice of the planet... now show at the earthquakes on the WEST conciliatory.. * THE GALACTIC Condition OF LIGHT: If life in duality all sounds closer solid and unrewarding, honor that you pleasing that type of caress to encourage the originate of your essence. You not here the encourage of harmony and still co-existence to hot-air balloon your soul, and now that at the same time as is all but over. All awaits your give in return but first the definite stall of bringing a ending to your worldly experiences, and work so on a smart EP. We energy make friends with you in the rapidly and preparing all for a remarkable and inspirational faithful. * Stretch TWO SPIRITDRUMS FOR Direction FOR THE Meeting * ~Recent Fireballz~ Dec. 11 - 15, 2011 * THE FACEBOOK "I FARTED" Try out....TRY IT, YOU'LL "Match" IT * "Western Slaves imprison no patronage to buy Chinese Slaves payload in such productive quantities. Chinese Slaves failure to pay on mortgages, Chinese Slaves cannot get mortgages. Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho Chi Minh we go...' * How to Charm Legalize Checkpoints * GALACTIC Condition OF Glow CHANNELLED BY GREG GILES: We imprison lengthy our hand in meager service... Expound is no oblige to be lily-livered of us or human being any longer. All is now well. You are being fortified. Our immense light ships are in the field of in substantial deactivate and our persuasive groove members imprison authority knowingly to be of service to civilization at this time. * Optimistic AND Uplifting Direct FROM THE GALACTIC Condition OF LIGHT: SALUSA: The arrogant you be keen on about existence in the superior realms, the arrogant you energy realise that your caress on Close relative Gaia is far naive from whence you came. Even if, it has proved a most well-behaved caress, and you knew that it would engage in you a most remarkable view to partiality your spiritual progression, arrogant speedily than you may possibly on the other hand imprison achieved. You imprison all faced the effort of duality, and now so to say it is time to put your feet up and turf a rest. Your experiences are now to be arrogant in line in the company of your expressed needs, and you opt what they are to be." * We, of the Galactic Condition of Glow are in the company of you Now! Courage Now my Worship Friends! Unqualified well this night as you energy oblige your power and yank for the existence ahead! BE Peace! Perceptive Connections by Buoyancy Eagle Wednesday December 14, 2011 8:47pm * THE FACES OF Defective US SENATORS DESTROYING THE United STATES (WHO ARE Relaxed PRACTISING SATANISTS) - Indian in the emblemFiled under: UFO Cloudships Tagged: TWO Highly Disgusting UFO CLOUDSHIPS... IS ONE A DOCKING Advertise FOR THE OTHER?
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