The Paul Freeman Bigfoot Footage Another Look
On Wednesday, Thom Powell posted an informative article on the Paul Freeman video (Click for raw video) which was ended particular Obtain Put up with, WA in 1992.

However business as a watershed patroller for the U.S. Timber Assistance in 1982, Freeman claimed to embrace encountered a sasquatch particular Walla Walla, WA. His invoice brought him a strong agreement of fault and disrupted his family's life, causing him to set out his job and prod. He returned to the area in 1984 and really eager the rest of his life to a search for sasquatch evidence. He at the same time suspected sasquatch spine, photographs, and kind of casts of footprints and other subject parts. In 1992 Freeman followed a series of tracks particular Obtain Put up with and obtained the close-up video. This clip was included in the DVD extras touch of the 2003 Traveling around Waterfall documentary Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science- DVD set at BFRO Micheal Dennett wrote a commentary/obit disputing Freeman's claims, though he did add an update that noteworthy ape clever Jimmy Chilcutt confirmed that one of the Freeman trace casts inherent dermal ridges.

In isolation, I inspiration that the Freeman video, timetabled like the Patterson-Gimlim film, is realistic. May possibly it embrace been hoaxed...moderately, but I embrace severe reservations that it was faked. The Freeman video does promulgate an divide that is not reveal in the Patterson-Gimlim film...the risk that these creatures are paranormal. I settle on like Thom Powell in his difference that this Bigfoot was not definite at points in the video everywhere it prerequisite embrace been seen. This coincides like other reports I embrace taken as well as my line encounter in 1981. To the same extent that monster was walking unacceptable from me it no more than consumed in a cleared area former reaching the afforest. Into is a long-gone post like the readers shrewdness on this theory...with my own - Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Yeti.

I embrace included bottom a few friends to unknown renditions of the Freeman video.

Freeman Bigfoot Record

Paul Freeman Bigfoot Record

The Bigfoot Game reserve Guide-The Freeman Record

Thom Powell is the writer of - The Locals: A Portray Examination of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Device


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